having issues setting a float

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jelly time
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having issues setting a float

Post by jelly time »

trying to make a script which would set the timer for item restocks so it would be instant, but when I enable the script and buy something the game immediately crashes. This is my first time making a script from scratch but I have a feeling it has to do with the value being a float and me setting it as something wrong.

Code: Select all

{ Game   : Little Inferno.exe
  Date   : 2019-03-14
  Author : Jelly Time

define(address,"Little Inferno.exe"+E326)
define(bytes,D9 1C 01 5B 83 C4 1C)




mov [ecx+eax],#1
  //fstp dword ptr [ecx+eax]
  //pop ebx
  //add esp,1C
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db bytes
  // fstp dword ptr [ecx+eax]
  // pop ebx
  // add esp,1C


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "Little Inferno.exe"+E326

"Little Inferno.exe"+E307: 8B CA                 -  mov ecx,edx
"Little Inferno.exe"+E309: C1 E2 04              -  shl edx,04
"Little Inferno.exe"+E30C: 89 B4 02 64 01 00 00  -  mov [edx+eax+00000164],esi
"Little Inferno.exe"+E313: FF 80 60 01 00 00     -  inc [eax+00000160]
"Little Inferno.exe"+E319: D9 44 24 10           -  fld dword ptr [esp+10]
"Little Inferno.exe"+E31D: 5F                    -  pop edi
"Little Inferno.exe"+E31E: 5E                    -  pop esi
"Little Inferno.exe"+E31F: 83 C1 17              -  add ecx,17
"Little Inferno.exe"+E322: C1 E1 04              -  shl ecx,04
"Little Inferno.exe"+E325: 5D                    -  pop ebp
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"Little Inferno.exe"+E326: D9 1C 01              -  fstp dword ptr [ecx+eax]
"Little Inferno.exe"+E329: 5B                    -  pop ebx
"Little Inferno.exe"+E32A: 83 C4 1C              -  add esp,1C
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"Little Inferno.exe"+E32D: C3                    -  ret 
"Little Inferno.exe"+E32E: CC                    -  int 3 
"Little Inferno.exe"+E32F: CC                    -  int 3 
"Little Inferno.exe"+E330: A1 AC 9E E6 00        -  mov eax,["Little Inferno.exe"+349EAC]
"Little Inferno.exe"+E335: 8B 0D B0 9E E6 00     -  mov ecx,["Little Inferno.exe"+349EB0]
"Little Inferno.exe"+E33B: 8B 15 B4 9E E6 00     -  mov edx,["Little Inferno.exe"+349EB4]
"Little Inferno.exe"+E341: 83 EC 18              -  sub esp,18
"Little Inferno.exe"+E344: 53                    -  push ebx
"Little Inferno.exe"+E345: A3 0C 9F E6 00        -  mov ["Little Inferno.exe"+349F0C],eax
"Little Inferno.exe"+E34A: A1 B8 9E E6 00        -  mov eax,["Little Inferno.exe"+349EB8]

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Re: having issues setting a float

Post by GreenHouse »

Don't comment the entire code, as you're messing it up by not popping the ebx, etc. And If you're setting a float, you can do: mov [ecx+eax],(float)1

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jelly time
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Re: having issues setting a float

Post by jelly time »

it worked! Thanks again lol

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