Devil May Cry 5 (Steam) - Cheat Table

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Re: Devil May Cry 5 (Steam) - Cheat Table

Post by miwagre »

march wrote:
Mon Mar 25, 2019 1:58 am
miwagre wrote:
Mon Mar 25, 2019 1:12 am
can someone make a script for "infinite trickster air dodge with dante" when in the air as dante in trickster style pressing circle will make him do a dodge but it's limited.
there is a trainer of fearlessrevolution that have limitless trickster air step foward and infinite double jump , it is called: "Devil May Cry 5 v1.0 Plus 17 Trainer"
i've looked high and low for the trainer with that option and can't find it. Could you link it?

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Devil May Cry 5 (Steam) - Cheat Table

Post by OleMagne »

Map pause to a hotkey. Jump, do the dodge and hit pause before landing. Search "0". Unpause, land, search "1". Repeat until you see your value. Freeze it at 1 and try to see if you can keep on dodging. You may have to search the reverse numbers as they may store either "hasDodged" or "canDodge". Should take you less than 3 minutes to quickly see if you can just do it yourself.

This is quite a simplified way of doing it. If you want it to stick, right click the correct value you find (IF you find it with this method) and find out what accesses it. Finish the CheatEngine tutorials and you'll know what to do next. Heck, you may find the function that handles skills and be able to toggle perma-stinger, etc etc.

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Re: Devil May Cry 5 (Steam) - Cheat Table

Post by miwagre »

OleMagne wrote:
Mon Mar 25, 2019 2:37 pm
Map pause to a hotkey. Jump, do the dodge and hit pause before landing. Search "0". Unpause, land, search "1". Repeat until you see your value. Freeze it at 1 and try to see if you can keep on dodging. You may have to search the reverse numbers as they may store either "hasDodged" or "canDodge". Should take you less than 3 minutes to quickly see if you can just do it yourself.

This is quite a simplified way of doing it. If you want it to stick, right click the correct value you find (IF you find it with this method) and find out what accesses it. Finish the CheatEngine tutorials and you'll know what to do next. Heck, you may find the function that handles skills and be able to toggle perma-stinger, etc etc.
i've already found the address but it's dynamic and not static

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Re: Devil May Cry 5 (Steam) - Cheat Table

Post by The-Almighty-Zugs »

alset85 wrote:
Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:12 pm
I have a couple of options copied from 3dm forum user "flarejune" but I don't know how to turn them into scripts:

infinite air dodges?:
[0xF9E702] 8B 88 34 18 00 = 8B 88 34 18 00 00
mov ecx, 0

quickly charge moves(like the nero arm super moves):
[0xE8578D] 0F 5A C8 66 0F 2F D1 0F 87 ** ** ** ** 89 = 0F 5A C8 66 0F 2F D1

range double t[0,1,100]=10
cvtps2pd xmm1, xmm0
movsd xmm2,[t]
comisd xmm2, xmm1

[0xE857AB] FF 43 58 48 8B 47 48 8B 43 58 FF = 47 50

mov eax,dword ptr [rbx+0x1C]
cmp eax,7FFFFFFF
je org
mov dword ptr [rbx+0x58],eax
mov rax, qword ptr [rdi+0x50]
jmp return
inc dword ptr [rbx+0x58]
mov rax, qword ptr [rdi+0x50]
Do you know where the listings are for Style Rankings? Like the style ranking after each mission? I want to reset them for DMD mode.

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Re: Devil May Cry 5 (Steam) - Cheat Table

Post by omnidg »

JessieKazama wrote:
Fri Mar 08, 2019 7:59 am

Smokin' Sexy Style!!!

Hey guys Jessie here back with another cheat table! This time around I've done one for the long awaited Devil May Cry 5 on Steam! DMC has been one of my favorite franchises ever since playing the PS2 originals when I was a little girl; and being able to play on PC with max settings is really awesome! I've always enjoyed the games on a casual level though, so if you're like me and want to relax while chopping some demons up then you've come to the right place!

This cheat table is a work in progress, but here are the options currently available for my Devil May Cry 5 cheat table:
Available Options
All Characters
- Invulnerable
- Infinite Health
- One Hit Kill
- Infinite Devil Trigger
- Infinite Double Jump
- Style Won't Decrease
- Style Multiplier
- Freeze Secret Mission Timer
- Orbs Pointers

Nero Cheats
- Infinite Blue Rose Ammo
- Infinite Devil Breaker Uses
- Devil Breaker Override
- Breaker Magazine Editor
- Instant Exceed Charge
- Maxed/infinite Exceed

V Cheats
- Infinite Summon Powerup Duration
- Infinite Summon Health

Dante Cheats
- Infinite Royal Guard
- Infinite Sin Devil Trigger Duration
- Maxed Sin Devil Trigger
Keep in mind that the game just came out so I'm trying my hardest to get a bunch of scripts out for you guys! Make sure to stay tuned whenever I update the table!

Check out OleMagne's character swap script here!

Happy Cheating!!!
- Jessie Kazama

Sup Jessie

I was wondering if it is possible to add a option for dante's devil sword dante always charged. This is the sword he receives at the end after he absorbed the devil sword sparda, I don't know if you have noticed but you also need to charge the devil sword dante by holding down the attack button. Will it be possible to add it as a option?

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Re: Devil May Cry 5 (Steam) - Cheat Table

Post by omnidg »

alset85 wrote:
Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:12 pm
I have a couple of options copied from 3dm forum user "flarejune" but I don't know how to turn them into scripts:

infinite air dodges?:
[0xF9E702] 8B 88 34 18 00 = 8B 88 34 18 00 00
mov ecx, 0

quickly charge moves(like the nero arm super moves):
[0xE8578D] 0F 5A C8 66 0F 2F D1 0F 87 ** ** ** ** 89 = 0F 5A C8 66 0F 2F D1

range double t[0,1,100]=10
cvtps2pd xmm1, xmm0
movsd xmm2,[t]
comisd xmm2, xmm1

[0xE857AB] FF 43 58 48 8B 47 48 8B 43 58 FF = 47 50

mov eax,dword ptr [rbx+0x1C]
cmp eax,7FFFFFFF
je org
mov dword ptr [rbx+0x58],eax
mov rax, qword ptr [rdi+0x50]
jmp return
inc dword ptr [rbx+0x58]
mov rax, qword ptr [rdi+0x50]
Hi alset85

Just want to know, does this also charge the devils word dante sword?
If it does, I will try and focus my attention on this

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Re: Devil May Cry 5 (Steam) - Cheat Table

Post by Centrius07 »

Devil Breaker Override is not toggelable? why is that?

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Re: Devil May Cry 5 (Steam) - Cheat Table

Post by march »

OleMagne wrote:
Mon Mar 11, 2019 7:23 pm
Latest update: V4, 20.03.2019

Pay me a few thousand bucks and I might. :lol:
we aren't a bunch of idiots and i hope that it was only a joke

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Re: Devil May Cry 5 (Steam) - Cheat Table

Post by march »

SunBeam wrote:
Mon Mar 11, 2019 8:52 pm
@OleMagne: This is so freakin' weird, man. I know I posted something about helping find Vergil, about how Nero is id 0x0 and so on.. but can't find the post. So, Vergil is 0x3 after all :D

EDIT: Ah, it was on Discord! :D Phew, I thought I lost my mind..


Just read your breakthrough, LOL :) Would've saved me some debug checking what you did in there, haha.
wow , how "unusual" that someone get fucking greedy and selfish about a craved mod , well sooner or later all the selfish assholes like this akuma or the fucking idiot here that doesn't want to fix virgil even knowing that is essentially unplayable will get what they deserve , in the mean time i suggest all the non-hackers and non-modders here to just ignore this site and let those assholes alone with their patethic attitude

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Re: Devil May Cry 5 (Steam) - Cheat Table

Post by SunBeam »

march wrote:
Wed Mar 27, 2019 11:45 am
If you're talking about us.. then you better reconsider. OleMagne figured out how to get it playable, just like Akuma did. Both got help from other people (Ole from me, Akuma from another). Difference is Ole didn't show off via YT, acting "look how cool I am" and shit. He released it, knowing fuckers like the "non-players" and "non-modders" won't suffice themselves with 1 finger of the hand, but also ask for the other 4 (him to fix Virgil being non-playable). Do you see Ole or me or any others out here being the fucking developers of this game? No? Fucking be happy we even post this shit T_T.

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Re: Devil May Cry 5 (Steam) - Cheat Table

Post by march »

SunBeam wrote:
Wed Mar 27, 2019 11:50 am
march wrote:
Wed Mar 27, 2019 11:45 am
If you're talking about us.. then you better reconsider. OleMagne figured out how to get it playable, just like Akuma did. Both got help from other people (Ole from me, Akuma from another). Difference is Ole didn't show off via YT, acting "look how cool I am" and shit. He released it, knowing fuckers like the "non-players" and "non-modders" won't suffice themselves with 1 finger of the hand, but also ask for the other 4 (him to fix Virgil being non-playable). Do you see Ole or me or any others out here being the fucking developers of this game? No? Fucking be happy we even post this shit T_T.
well fortunately there are modders here who are really kind, but some other sometimes are assholes like you in this case since you seem to agree with that idiot that released it but only at the condition of let him basically unplayable , so no i won't reconsider what i said because it is true for some of you here , so yes we are all glad to have those cheat tables released but this doesn't change how this attitude is a problem , as for those handicapped assholes on youtube that want to celebrate themselves with those idiotic demonstrations , well of course they are even more pathetic and they aren't worthy of a spit over them

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Re: Devil May Cry 5 (Steam) - Cheat Table

Post by SunBeam »

^ Yep; you are fucking retard. Don't bother report this message, as I will shove it down your ass.

You're coming here with a big ass post complaining people who know their shit are rude and don't share it with those who don't know, then get involved in a dispute with me dragging me basically in the same bowl with the "show-offs" (fucking search about me, what I do, how I contribute and so on - then open your mouth), then dare to possibly play the psychology 101 card with the community? -> "he's rude, his comments are offending". Well, fucking measure your nose, Pinocchio.

If you wanna chat or debate, how about this: why aren't you using your FREE time to learn doing what us hackers and modders do? Considering you use that time to play games and nothing else, I'd fucking say you're a fucking hypocrite for being blatantly jealous over people who invest time to develop their skills and produce the shit they brag with. You? What do you brag with, if you wanna be cool and shit? Text?

"I don't know how to do this; I don't have knowledge". Boo-fucking-hoo. I didn't either back in 2003. And look where I am now T_T. You think you get smart and learn shit over night by watching youtube videos showing you where to fucking click? T_T

It's not OleMagne's job as a Capcom developer to fix something that wasn't supposed to be playable to begin with. If you cared to read, he clearly explained the character is half-programmed for just that last fucking fight. He doesn't need a ton shit of abilities and moves to fight your player. Not to mention he moves in a circular path; hence the limited 1-axis ability. So here's the deal: kinda start reading more, learn what things do, how they work, not only what you assume is possible and think it works in the way you imagine it. Again, it's not his responsibility FIXING something BROKEN by design. I, for one, same as many out there, wouldn't know where to begin with. So it's not a matter of "he doesn't want to", it's a matter of TIME over not reaching a decent conclusion. Can you vouch his 1-2 weeks of "repairs" will result in a playable character? And while at it, can you do his dishes, feed his kids and work his job, so he can USE ALL HIS TIME to satisfy your greedy OCD? No? Thought so.

How about this attitude, eh?

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Re: Devil May Cry 5 (Steam) - Cheat Table

Post by march »


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Re: Devil May Cry 5 (Steam) - Cheat Table

Post by SunBeam »

Like I said: text. I win. Tell you what: pay me and I will make him playable. 200 EUR should suffice. I won't release it to the public, you get to be the only one having this unique feature. Let's see if you even get the sarcasm...

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Re: Devil May Cry 5 (Steam) - Cheat Table

Post by march »

no you didn't win anything you fucking idiot, but feel free to believe that you win something , i just explained that you are wrong that's all , "i win" my ass you moron


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