Yo im kinda new to this but ive got a question, how does the "Health Dec. Hook" digit works? i mean when i have it activated it shows "0.125", how should i modify number to be better or worst?, same doubt with similar options like weapon charge and pickups multipliers
Yo im kinda new to this but ive got a question, how does the "Health Dec. Hook" digit works? i mean when i have it activated it shows "0.125", how should i modify number to be better or worst?, same doubt with similar options like weapon charge and pickups multipliers
It's a damage multiplier, so if the damage was originally 100 then it would be only 12.5 after the multiplier (100 x 0.125 = 12.5).
So, 0 == no damage, 0.25 == quarter damage, 0.5 == half damage, 2 == double damage, etc. As for the rest, they are multipliers and what value is "better or worst" depends on the underlying value. Case in point, the "best" damage multiplier is 1 (unmodified); the "worst" I guess would be a negative number so like -1, seems like that would cause some issues to say the least.
Yo im kinda new to this but ive got a question, how does the "Health Dec. Hook" digit works? i mean when i have it activated it shows "0.125", how should i modify number to be better or worst?, same doubt with similar options like weapon charge and pickups multipliers
It's a damage multiplier, so if the damage was originally 100 then it would be only 12.5 after the multiplier (100 x 0.125 = 12.5).
So, 0 == no damage, 0.25 == quarter damage, 0.5 == half damage, 2 == double damage, etc. As for the rest, they are multipliers and what value is "better or worst" depends on the underlying value. Case in point, the "best" damage multiplier is 1 (unmodified); the "worst" I guess would be a negative number so like -1, seems like that would cause some issues to say the least.
I am using the last version of CE, I have tried using a previous versino of the table, verifying files, adding an exception for my anti virus and opening the table after and bafore the game and both in the main menu and in the already started game. Has anybody else had this problem? Any idea on how to solve it?
Thanks beforehand, can't wait to use the table it looks great!
Hi! I recently found this table and been meaning to use it. Sadly when I open it the game crashes and I get the following error in CE
I2CETLogger :: CETlog - WARN: initMemory:
My table doesn't work anymore, it's the same game version and table version i used a few months ago and everything was working well.
I have the exact same issue with Last Light.