You're right I might look into it once I finish the console and noclip part Thanks for insisting, I never would've spotted those dots (I tried it at main menu, so there were no solid objects/AIs there). But I saw that exact square, with the exact same color.. just no dots. Cool, maybe we can get it to render properly. The more I look at your video, the more I think about a drop-down map-view of where the solid objects - or just entity containers - are in the level. Hell, whole level might be one big square cylinder.
Navigate on this square is not very convenient, but you can learn about the enemies, and that is, they are near or not
And at the expense of stealth, Yes.Turned off the visibility of the enemies and their attack.
That function you *think* you got for No Reload is a 'case' function for (I think) weapon actions.
The thing is a few calls down from where I do the injection, the game crashes when shooting after you picking up a shotgun from enemy. I returned that function prologe aswell. Now the shotgun can rapid fire too. But sometimes you can't shoot with some shotguns. It's not happen all the time. No idea. I'm going to post it later. Before I used the MaxClip size and moved that on the current ammo. But shotguns always have 0 ammo value by default. This made the shotguns some kind of frozen aswell and were not shooting also. Then I found this call which sets your max clip when nopping/Returning it. Anyways I like to have no reload based on the max clip size.
So in the console there is that not be interesting ? I've been thinking about finding stamina. It is not clear how it works in the game It feels like an address is generated every time.
Meanwhile, progress
Soon, in a trainer or tool near you Yes, I know I've kept you waiting
Recording the console showcase for all Metro builds at 5.40 AM... Are you crazy ?!
Time passes quickly when our minds are busy doing something that we like and gives us some fight to achieve success, I understand that!
Good job ; )