Made my own balance tweaks to csharp for 2.0.7D:
On every ship: Cargo x2 passangers +2.
Player: Difficulty increased: enemies have more hp, armor and damage,
skillpoints x2 per level and experience x0.2, and get 100 skill reset points.
Crewmembers get x4 experience, quests reward more of the level than blindy shooting.
You will have a max of 100 of 123 skill points at level 50 but getting there will take longer and be more in line with grinding gear.
Leadership changed from +10 to +50 fleet points to make 100 fleet points in total before other bonuses.
I reasoned that any extra weapon or equipment space is overkill for the game since crafting weapons is the best way to fight as even a shuttle can kill everything with big weapons or more equipment.
I removed cooling x2 too again makes the game too easy.
Is any of the Table Wizards able to check and update attached table to the current game Version ?
I was quite enjoying it as you could edit the crews with it.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Any chance someone could take a look at the quoted comment's table and update it please? Thanks!
Soon™ the Star Valor 2.0.8 will be live (currently in beta) and it will be a sizable update, and I guess 1 month (4-5 weeks) after the patch updates will stop, and we can safely update the C.E.Table? Please?
Version 2.0.8 modify in 2023/07/09
On player ship:
Cargo x3
passangers +2
weapon cooling x2.
weapon space x2
equipment space x2
Skill point x3
Exp earn x 2
Leadership bouns + 50
// CargoSpace modify
//Method : SpaceShip.CalculateShipStats, line 2690
//Change 1f->3f
this.cs.cargoSpace = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)this.cs.cargoSpace * (3f + PChar.SKMod(33)));
//You can modify line 2694 for easy play as well
// Passanger modify
//Method: SpaceShip.CalculateShipStats, line 2684
this.cs.passengerSpace =;
this.cs.passengerSpace = + 2;
// Weapon modify
// Method: ShipStats.ApplyCharacter , line 407
weaponCooling *= 1f + PChar.SKMod(20);
weaponCooling *= 2f + PChar.SKMod(20);
// Weapon space x2 and equipment space x2
// Method: SpaceShip.CalculateShipStats , line 2708, Add this line
this.shipData.weaponSpace *= 2f;
this.shipData.equipmentSpace *= 2;
// Player modify
// Method: PlayerCharacter
// Starting skillpoints , Line 943, from 3 to 10
public int skillPoints = 10;
// Line 958, from 1 to 100
public int resetSkillsPoints = 100;
//Method: PlayerCharacter.ResetSkills , line 341, set when reset skill
this.skillPoints = this.level;
this.skillPoints = this.level*3;
// this.skillPoints++; , line 369
// to
// EXP modify
// Method: PChar.EarnXP , line 279, crew exp
float num = amount * 1.2f;
// to
float num = amount * 2.4f;
//Line 254 , play exp multi
PChar.Char.currXP += amount;
// add
PChar.Char.currXP += amount;
// For Leadership skill line 72 in Pchar:
num += 10;
// to
num += 50;
Made my own balance tweaks to csharp for 2.0.6n:
On every ship: Cargo x2 passangers +2, weapon cooling x2.
Player: Difficulty increased: enemies have more hp, armor and damage, skillpoints x3 per level and experience x0.2 Crewmembers get x2 experience,quests give about 20% of level.
You will max skills at level 41 but getting there will take longer and be more in line with grinding gear.
Leadership changed from +10 to +50 fleet points to make 100 fleet points in total before other bonuses.
I reasoned that any extra weapon on equipment space is overkill for the game since crafting weapons is the best way to fight as even a shuttle can kill everything with big weapons or more equipment.
To edit the game In dnSpy edit Assembly-CSharp from Star Valor_Data\Managed then open {} and scroll to subject:
Made my own balance tweaks to csharp for 2.0.8:
On every ship: Cargo x2 passangers +2.
Player: Difficulty increased: enemies have more hp, armor and damage,
skillpoints x2 per level and experience x0.2, and get 1000 skill reset points.
Crewmembers get x4 experience, quests reward more of the level than blindy shooting.
You will have a max of 100 of 123 skill points at level 50 but getting there will take longer and be more in line with grinding gear.
Leadership changed from +10 to +50 fleet points to make 100 fleet points in total before other bonuses.
I reasoned that any extra weapon, equipment space, cooling or other extras is overkill for the game since crafting weapons is the best way to fight as even a shuttle can kill everything with big weapons or more equipment.
For cargospace on every ship:
In spaceship line 2682:
this.cs.cargoSpace =;
change to
this.cs.cargoSpace = * 2;
Made my own balance tweaks to csharp for 2.1:
On every ship: Cargo x2 passangers +2.
Player: Difficulty increased: enemies have more hp, armor and damage,
skillpoints x2 per level and experience x0.2, and get 1000 skill reset points.
A lower experience gain is actually very helpfull in this game in terms of achieving difficult perks,
other bonuses and overall experience.
Leveling too fast with work against you in this game and will spike the difficulty very quickly.
Crewmembers get x4 experience, quests reward more of the level than blindy shooting.
You will have a max of 100 of 123 skill points at level 50 but getting there will take longer and be more in line with grinding gear.
Leadership changed from +10 to +50 fleet points to make 100 fleet points in total before other bonuses.
Fiddled with sector size generation a bit for an increase on the lower end,
and increased graveyard chances and tehno shop chances when generating sectors.
Icreased the chanches of finding bosses in certain sectors.
I did other similar edits but can't remenber now, will edit when I do.
I skipped the ship blueprint drop edit because it will totally debalance the game.
I reasoned that any extra weapon, equipment space, cooling or other extras is overkill for the game since crafting weapons is the best way to fight as even a shuttle can kill everything with big weapons or more equipment.
For cargospace on every ship:
In spaceship about line 2682:
this.cs.cargoSpace =;
change to
this.cs.cargoSpace = * 2;
Is there a particular setting in dnSpy you got to use or is there a mode that makes browsing Assembly-CSharp.dll easier?
I tried using the search function to find lines but it's all so segmented and without anything I can recognize.
Picture for how it looks to me, I'm probably doing something completely wrong. [Link]
Though i do like the *.dll
A cheat table has settings i can turn on or off .. Any chance we are getting an updated one or has this become a mod thread?
... just saying... It does say "Tables" in the board category index (if you're smart enough to edit a .dll, you're smart enough to start a thread . Maybe bring the *.dll discussion there? )
Made my own balanced tweaks to Csharp for v2.1.1b and the next one with every ship tweaked in css.
But you can do It yourself from now on since you complain you can check out other mods that totally ruin the game for you.