Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by SunBeam »

^ :D -> "Game Title: FarCry5"?

Fun fact: it's been almost 1 day since I mentioned the future "Easy Ethanol" (let me call it like that for now, just so it doesn't give any clues to what I'm about to do) option/script and I see no movement on the CH front. I'd say it's weekend and people have lives.. but then again..


So yeah, he's lurking. One more time, Q.E.D.


P.S.: Come out, come out, lil' Cal...

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by bigbang20061 »

SunBeam wrote:
Sun Feb 17, 2019 10:46 am
^ :D -> "Game Title: FarCry5"?

Fun fact: it's been almost 1 day since I mentioned the future "Easy Ethanol" (let me call it like that for now, just so it doesn't give any clues to what I'm about to do) option/script and I see no movement on the CH front. I'd say it's weekend and people have lives.. but then again..


So yeah, he's lurking. One more time, Q.E.D.


P.S.: Come out, come out, lil' Cal...
Thank you for your script, but I don't think it's necessary to add this "Easy Ethanol" feature. Sometimes, it needs a little power.

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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by swizzledizzle »

It seems like there is a limit for UnitQuantity. Tested with 10000 works fine. Tested with 100000 and it will not write it into the savefile.

Also, is there any use for stackQuantity except for plants?

Edit: It seems like the display value doesn't show properly when its over 100k
Last edited by swizzledizzle on Sun Feb 17, 2019 12:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by Impala »

Another cool thing to find is an easier way to get circuit boards

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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by SunBeam »

^ No need. You'll see :)

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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by TimFun13 »

Here's a coordinate hook, same as FC5.

Code: Select all

	Process			: FarCry5.exe  -  (x64)
	Module			: FC_m64.dll
	Game Title		: FarCry5
	Game Version	:
	CE Version		: 6.7
	Script Version	: 0.0.1
	Date			: 01/04/19
	Author			: ShyTwig16
	Name			: CoordHook

	Coord Hook

	x +120
	z +124
	y +128


define(address, FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E80)
define(bytes, 0F 28 88 20 01 00 00)

//// ------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
aobScanModule(aobCoordHook, FC_m64.dll, 0F28xxxxxxxxxx0F29xxxx0F28xxxxxxxxxx0F29xxxx4D)
define(injCoordHook, aobCoordHook+B)
assert(injCoordHook, bytes)

alloc(memCoordHook, 0x400, injCoordHook)



		dq 0
	align 10 CC
		mov [ptrCoordHook],rax
		movaps xmm1,[rax+00000120]
		jmp return

//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	jmp n_code

//// ------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	db bytes




//// Injection Point: FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E80  -  000007FEBA654828
//// AOB address: 000007FEBA65481D  -  FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E75
//// Process: FarCry5.exe  -  000000013F820000
//// Module: FC_m64.dll  -  000007FEB6EE0000
//// Module Size: 000000000EE32000
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E17:  89 41 08                    -  mov [rcx+08],eax                   
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E1A:  48 8D 41 18                 -  lea rax,[rcx+18]                   
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E1E:  49 89 42 08                 -  mov [r10+08],rax                   
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E22:  48 8B 86 80000000           -  mov rax,[rsi+00000080]             
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E29:  4D 85 ED                    -  test r13,r13                       
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E2C:  F3 0F10 86 AC000000         -  movss xmm0,[rsi+000000AC]          
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E34:  F3 0F58 86 A8000000         -  addss xmm0,[rsi+000000A8]          
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E3C:  0F95 85 50010000            -  setne byte ptr [rbp+00000150]      
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E43:  45 33 FF                    -  xor r15d,r15d                      
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E46:  4C 89 7D C0                 -  mov [rbp-40],r15                   
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E4A:  45 8B F7                    -  mov r14d,r15d                      
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E4D:  F3 0F11 45 E4               -  movss [rbp-1C],xmm0                
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E52:  F3 0F10 05 2218A100         -  movss xmm0,[7FEBB066024]           [(float)0.0100]
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E5A:  F3 0F11 45 E0               -  movss [rbp-20],xmm0                
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E5F:  0F28 80 F0000000            -  movaps xmm0,[rax+000000F0]         
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E66:  0F29 45 F0                  -  movaps [rbp-10],xmm0               
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E6A:  0F28 88 00010000            -  movaps xmm1,[rax+00000100]         
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E71:  0F29 4D 00                  -  movaps [rbp+00],xmm1               
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E75:  0F28 80 10010000            -  movaps xmm0,[rax+00000110]         <<<--- AOB Starts Here
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E7C:  0F29 45 10                  -  movaps [rbp+10],xmm0               
////  INJECTING START  ----------------------------------------------------------
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E80:  0F28 88 20010000            -  movaps xmm1,[rax+00000120]         
////  INJECTING END  ----------------------------------------------------------
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E87:  0F29 4D 20                  -  movaps [rbp+20],xmm1               
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E8B:  4D 85 ED                    -  test r13,r13                       
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E8E:  0F84 AB000000               -  je 7FEBA6548E7                     
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E94:  49 8B 45 18                 -  mov rax,[r13+18]                   
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E98:  4C 89 78 20                 -  mov [rax+20],r15                   
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250E9C:  8B 0D 5A3FA901              -  mov ecx,[7FEBC0E87A4]              [00000021]
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250EA2:  FF 15 D0EB9D00              -  call qword ptr [7FEBB033420]       [kernel32.TlsGetValue]
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250EA8:  41 8D 57 70                 -  lea edx,[r15+70]                   
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250EAC:  48 8B 48 58                 -  mov rcx,[rax+58]                   
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250EB0:  48 8B 01                    -  mov rax,[rcx]                      
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250EB3:  FF 50 08                    -  call qword ptr [rax+08]            
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250EB6:  48 89 45 C0                 -  mov [rbp-40],rax                   
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250EBA:  4C 8B F0                    -  mov r14,rax                        
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250EBD:  48 85 C0                    -  test rax,rax                       
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250EC0:  74 68                       -  je 7FEBA6548D2                     
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250EC2:  48 8B 86 80000000           -  mov rax,[rsi+00000080]             
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250EC9:  49 8D 5E 24                 -  lea rbx,[r14+24]                   
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250ECD:  48 8B 48 20                 -  mov rcx,[rax+20]                   
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250ED1:  48 8D 45 F0                 -  lea rax,[rbp-10]                   
FC_m64.G4_RestoreNonVolatileRegisters+250ED5:  49 89 0E                    -  mov [r14],rcx                      
//// Template: I2CEA_AOBFullInjection
//// Generated with: I2 Cheat Engine Auto Assembler Script Template Generator
//// Code Happy, Code Freely, Be Awesome.

And a waypoint hook.

Code: Select all

	Process			: FarCryNewDawn.exe  -  (x64)
	Module			: FC_m64.dll
	Game Title		: Far Cry: New Dawn
	Game Version	:
	CE Version		: 6.7
	Script Version	: 0.0.1
	Date			: 02/17/19
	Author			: ShyTwig16
	Name			: WaypointHook

	Waypoint Hook


	x +0
	z +4
	y +8


define(address, FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F82)
define(bytes, F2 0F 10 41 F4)

//// ------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
aobScanModule(aobWaypointHook, FC_m64.dll, 8B51F0418910F20F1041F4F2410F1140048B)
define(injWaypointHook, aobWaypointHook+6)
assert(injWaypointHook, bytes)

alloc(memWaypointHook, 0x400, injWaypointHook)



		dq 0
	align 10 CC
		mov [ptrWaypointHook],rcx
		movsd xmm0,[rcx-0C]
		jmp return

//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	jmp n_code

//// ------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	db bytes




//// Injection Point: FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F82  -  000007FEAC08B0F2
//// AOB address: 000007FEAC08B0EC  -  FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F7C
//// Process: FarCryNewDawn.exe  -  000000013F4D0000
//// Module: FC_m64.dll  -  000007FE9F320000
//// Module Size: 000000001AD0E000
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F40:  4C 89 CB                    -  mov rbx,r9                         
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F43:  49 F7 EA                    -  imul r10                           
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F46:  48 C1 FA 04                 -  sar rdx,04                         
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F4A:  49 89 D0                    -  mov r8,rdx                         
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F4D:  49 C1 E8 3F                 -  shr r8,3F                          
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F51:  49 01 D0                    -  add r8,rdx                         
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F54:  4C 89 DA                    -  mov rdx,r11                        
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F57:  E8 B41AA2F4                 -  call 7FEA0AACB80                   
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F5C:  49 89 C2                    -  mov r10,rax                        
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F5F:  49 89 C1                    -  mov r9,rax                         
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F62:  48 39 DF                    -  cmp rdi,rbx                        
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F65:  74 53                       -  je 7FEAC08B12A                     
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F67:  48 8D 4F 10                 -  lea rcx,[rdi+10]                   
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F6B:  0F1F 44 00 00               -  nop [rax+rax+00]                   
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F70:  4D 89 C8                    -  mov r8,r9                          
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F73:  49 83 C1 28                 -  add r9,28                          
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F77:  4D 85 C0                    -  test r8,r8                         
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F7A:  74 32                       -  je 7FEAC08B11E                     
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F7C:  8B 51 F0                    -  mov edx,[rcx-10]                   <<<--- AOB Starts Here
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F7F:  41 89 10                    -  mov [r8],edx                       
////  INJECTING START  ----------------------------------------------------------
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F82:  F2 0F10 41 F4               -  movsd xmm0,[rcx-0C]                
////  INJECTING END  ----------------------------------------------------------
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F87:  F2 41 0F11 40 04            -  movsd [r8+04],xmm0                 
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F8D:  8B 41 FC                    -  mov eax,[rcx-04]                   
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F90:  41 89 40 0C                 -  mov [r8+0C],eax                    
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F94:  8B 01                       -  mov eax,[rcx]                      
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F96:  41 89 40 10                 -  mov [r8+10],eax                    
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F9A:  48 8B 41 08                 -  mov rax,[rcx+08]                   
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656F9E:  49 89 40 18                 -  mov [r8+18],rax                    
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656FA2:  0FB6 41 10                  -  movzx eax,byte ptr [rcx+10]        
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656FA6:  48 83 C1 28                 -  add rcx,28                         
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656FAA:  41 88 40 20                 -  mov [r8+20],al                     
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656FAE:  48 8D 41 F0                 -  lea rax,[rcx-10]                   
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656FB2:  48 39 D8                    -  cmp rax,rbx                        
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656FB5:  75 B9                       -  jne 7FEAC08B0E0                    
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656FB7:  4C 89 D0                    -  mov rax,r10                        
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656FBA:  48 8B 5C 24 30              -  mov rbx,[rsp+30]                   
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656FBF:  48 83 C4 20                 -  add rsp,20                         
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656FC3:  5F                          -  pop rdi                            
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656FC4:  C3                          -  ret                                
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656FC5:  CC                          -  int 3                              
FC_m64.FCE_Spline_GetNumPoints+656FC6:  4D 29 C9                    -  sub r9,r9                          
//// Template: I2CEA_AOBFullInjection
//// Generated with: I2 Cheat Engine Auto Assembler Script Template Generator
//// Code Happy, Code Freely, Be Awesome.

Random vehicle coordinates.

Code: Select all

	Process			: FarCryNewDawn.exe  -  (x64)
	Module			: FC_m64.dll
	Game Title		: Far Cry: New Dawn
	Game Version	:
	CE Version		: 6.7
	Script Version	: 0.0.1
	Date			: 02/17/19
	Author			: ShyTwig16
	Name			: VehicleCoordHook

	Vehicle Coord Hook


	x +30
	z +34
	y +38


define(address, FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA29D)
define(bytes, F3 41 0F 5C 50 34)

//// ------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
aobScanModule(aobVehicleCoordHook, FC_m64.dll, F30F10xxxxF30F10xxxxF3410F5C5034F3410F5C4830F30F104238F3410F5C4038F30F59)
define(injVehicleCoordHook, aobVehicleCoordHook+A)
assert(injVehicleCoordHook, bytes)

alloc(memVehicleCoordHook, 0x400, injVehicleCoordHook)



		dq 0
	align 10 CC
		mov [ptrVehicleCoordHook],r8
		subss xmm2,[r8+34]
		jmp return

//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	jmp n_code

//// ------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	db bytes




//// Injection Point: FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA29D  -  000007FEB2FBBB5D
//// AOB address: 000007FEB2FBBB53  -  FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA293
//// Process: FarCryNewDawn.exe  -  000000013F4D0000
//// Module: FC_m64.dll  -  000007FE9F320000
//// Module Size: 000000001AD0E000
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA241:  48 8D 52 08                 -  lea rdx,[rdx+08]                   
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA245:  E9 B07B7AF4                 -  jmp 7FEA77636BA                    
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA24A:  01 52 41                    -  add [rdx+41],edx                   
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA24D:  D1 E1                       -  shl ecx,1                          
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA24F:  48 8D 15 851C2BFE           -  lea rdx,[7FEB126D79B]              [240C8B4C]
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA256:  E9 7652C0F2                 -  jmp 7FEA5BC0D91                    
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA25B:  E8 0F1F4000                 -  call 7FEB33BDA2F                   
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA260:  8B 05 DE3D2DF1              -  mov eax,[7FEA428F904]              [00000001]
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA266:  4D 89 C1                    -  mov r9,r8                          
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA269:  49 89 D2                    -  mov r10,rdx                        
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA26C:  A8 01                       -  test al,01                         
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA26E:  75 1B                       -  jne 7FEB2FBBB4B                    
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA270:  F3 0F10 1D 40829DF0         -  movss xmm3,[7FEA3993D78]           [(float)0.0225]
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA278:  83 C8 01                    -  or eax,01                          
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA27B:  F3 0F11 1D BD3D2DF1         -  movss [7FEA428F900],xmm3           
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA283:  89 05 BB3D2DF1              -  mov [7FEA428F904],eax              
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA289:  EB 08                       -  jmp 7FEB2FBBB53                    
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA28B:  F3 0F10 1D AD3D2DF1         -  movss xmm3,[7FEA428F900]           [3CB851EC]
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA293:  F3 0F10 4A 30               -  movss xmm1,[rdx+30]                <<<--- AOB Starts Here
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA298:  F3 0F10 52 34               -  movss xmm2,[rdx+34]                
////  INJECTING START  ----------------------------------------------------------
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA29D:  F3 41 0F5C 50 34            -  subss xmm2,[r8+34]                 
////  INJECTING END  ----------------------------------------------------------
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA2A3:  F3 41 0F5C 48 30            -  subss xmm1,[r8+30]                 
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA2A9:  F3 0F10 42 38               -  movss xmm0,[rdx+38]                
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA2AE:  F3 41 0F5C 40 38            -  subss xmm0,[r8+38]                 
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA2B4:  F3 0F59 D2                  -  mulss xmm2,xmm2                    
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA2B8:  F3 0F59 C9                  -  mulss xmm1,xmm1                    
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA2BC:  F3 0F59 C0                  -  mulss xmm0,xmm0                    
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA2C0:  F3 0F58 D1                  -  addss xmm2,xmm1                    
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA2C4:  F3 0F58 D0                  -  addss xmm2,xmm0                    
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA2C8:  0F2F D3                     -  comiss xmm2,xmm3                   
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA2CB:  77 62                       -  ja 7FEB2FBBBEF                     
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA2CD:  F3 0F10 1D 0F829DF0         -  movss xmm3,[7FEA3993DA4]           [3F7746EA]
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA2D5:  41 B8 02000000              -  mov r8d,00000002                   
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA2DB:  0F1F 44 00 00               -  nop [rax+rax+00]                   
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA2E0:  41 8D 40 FE                 -  lea eax,[r8-02]                    
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA2E4:  48 63 D0                    -  movsxd  rdx,eax                    
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA2E7:  41 8D 40 FF                 -  lea eax,[r8-01]                    
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA2EB:  48 63 C8                    -  movsxd  rcx,eax                    
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA2EE:  49 63 C0                    -  movsxd  rax,r8d                    
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA2F1:  F3 41 0F10 04 91            -  movss xmm0,[r9+rdx*4]              
FC_m64.WaitForActivation+4EA2F7:  F3 41 0F10 14 89            -  movss xmm2,[r9+rcx*4]              
//// Template: I2CEA_AOBFullInjection
//// Generated with: I2 Cheat Engine Auto Assembler Script Template Generator
//// Code Happy, Code Freely, Be Awesome.

Expert Cheater
Expert Cheater
Posts: 1353
Joined: Fri Mar 03, 2017 12:31 am
Reputation: 7

Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by TimFun13 »

Time is the same too.

Code: Select all

	Process			: FarCry5.exe  -  (x64)
	Module			: FC_m64.dll
	Game Title		: FarCry5
	Game Version	:
	CE Version		: 6.7
	Script Version	: 0.0.1
	Date			: 01/05/19
	Author			: ShyTwig16
	Name			: TimeHook

	Time Hook



define(address, FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+4097412)
define(bytes, F3 0F 10 00 F3 0F 11 45 00)

//// ------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
aobScanModule(aobTimeHook, FC_m64.dll, FFxxxxF30F1000F3xxxxxxxx4Cxxxx74)
define(injTimeHook, aobTimeHook+3)
assert(injTimeHook, bytes)

alloc(memTimeHook, 0x400, injTimeHook)



		dq 0
	align 10 CC
		mov [ptrTimeHook],rax
		movss xmm0,[rax]
		movss [rbp+00],xmm0
		jmp return

//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	jmp n_code

//// ------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	db bytes




//// Injection Point: FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+4097412  -  000007FEC3E87432
//// AOB address: 000007FEC3E8742F  -  FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+409740F
//// Process: FarCry5.exe  -  000000013FA50000
//// Module: FC_m64.dll  -  000007FEB65B0000
//// Module Size: 000000000EE32000
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+40973C7:  4C 39 F0                    -  cmp rax,r14                        
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+40973CA:  74 1D                       -  je 7FEC3E87409                     
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+40973CC:  89 F9                       -  mov ecx,edi                        
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+40973CE:  F0 0FC1 48 08               -  lock xadd [rax+08],ecx             
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+40973D3:  83 F9 01                    -  cmp ecx,01                         
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+40973D6:  75 0A                       -  jne 7FEC3E87402                    
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+40973D8:  48 8B 4C 24 48              -  mov rcx,[rsp+48]                   
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+40973DD:  E8 1E429EF2                 -  call 7FEB686B620                   
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+40973E2:  48 8B 1D BFAC46F7           -  mov rbx,[7FEBB2F20C8]              [F4B16DE0]
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+40973E9:  48 85 F6                    -  test rsi,rsi                       
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+40973EC:  74 46                       -  je 7FEC3E87454                     
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+40973EE:  48 89 5C 24 50              -  mov [rsp+50],rbx                   
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+40973F3:  4C 39 F3                    -  cmp rbx,r14                        
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+40973F6:  74 09                       -  je 7FEC3E87421                     
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+40973F8:  F0 FF 43 08                 -  lock inc [rbx+08]                  
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+40973FC:  48 8B 5C 24 50              -  mov rbx,[rsp+50]                   
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+4097401:  48 8B 4B 10                 -  mov rcx,[rbx+10]                   
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+4097405:  48 81 C1 30010000           -  add rcx,00000130                   
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+409740C:  48 8B 01                    -  mov rax,[rcx]                      
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+409740F:  FF 50 28                    -  call qword ptr [rax+28]            <<<--- AOB Starts Here
////  INJECTING START  ----------------------------------------------------------
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+4097412:  F3 0F10 00                  -  movss xmm0,[rax]                   
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+4097416:  F3 0F11 45 00               -  movss [rbp+00],xmm0                
////  INJECTING END  ----------------------------------------------------------
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+409741B:  4C 39 F3                    -  cmp rbx,r14                        
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+409741E:  74 14                       -  je 7FEC3E87454                     
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+4097420:  F0 0FC1 7B 08               -  lock xadd [rbx+08],edi             
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+4097425:  83 FF 01                    -  cmp edi,01                         
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+4097428:  75 0A                       -  jne 7FEC3E87454                    
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+409742A:  48 8B 4C 24 50              -  mov rcx,[rsp+50]                   
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+409742F:  E8 CC419EF2                 -  call 7FEB686B620                   
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+4097434:  48 8B 5C 24 40              -  mov rbx,[rsp+40]                   
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+4097439:  48 8B 6C 24 58              -  mov rbp,[rsp+58]                   
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+409743E:  48 83 C4 20                 -  add rsp,20                         
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+4097442:  41 5E                       -  pop r14                            
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+4097444:  5F                          -  pop rdi                            
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+4097445:  5E                          -  pop rsi                            
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+4097446:  C3                          -  ret                                
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+4097447:  CC                          -  int 3                              
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+4097448:  4D 31 D2                    -  xor r10,r10                        
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+409744B:  4C 0B 14 24                 -  or r10,[rsp]                       
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+409744F:  48 8D 64 24 08              -  lea rsp,[rsp+08]                   
FC_m64.FCE_Object_IsObjectSpawnByScript+4097454:  E9 8BAB50FA                 -  jmp 7FEBE392004                    
//// Template: I2CEA_AOBFullInjection
//// Generated with: I2 Cheat Engine Auto Assembler Script Template Generator
//// Code Happy, Code Freely, Be Awesome.

And so the time scale hook stayed the same, this one requires the time hook to work.

Code: Select all

	Process			: FarCry5.exe  -  (x64)
	Module			: FC_m64.dll
	Game Title		: FarCry5
	Game Version	:
	CE Version		: 6.7
	Script Version	: 0.0.1
	Date			: 01/05/19
	Author			: ShyTwig16
	Name			: TimeIncHook

	Time Inc Hook


define(address, FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CBA0)
define(bytes, F3 41 0F 10 08)

//// ------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
aobScanModule(aobTimeIncHook, FC_m64.dll, F3410F1008F30F58090F28C1F3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxF3xxxxxx0F57)
define(injTimeIncHook, aobTimeIncHook)
assert(injTimeIncHook, bytes)

alloc(memTimeIncHook, 0x400, injTimeIncHook)




		dd (float)1
	align 10
		dq 0
		dq 0
	align 10 CC
		cmp [ptrTimeHook],rcx
		jne o_code
			mov [ptrTimeIncHook],r8
			mov [ptrTimeIncHook+8],rcx
			movss xmm1,[r8]
			mulss xmm1,[fltTimeIncHook]
			jmp exit
		movss xmm1,[r8]
		jmp return

//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	jmp n_code

//// ------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	db bytes





//// Injection Point: FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CBA0  -  000007FEBCB90320
//// AOB address: 000007FEBCB90320  -  FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CBA0
//// Process: FarCry5.exe  -  000000013FA50000
//// Module: FC_m64.dll  -  000007FEB65B0000
//// Module Size: 000000000EE32000
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CB56:  41 D3 C6                    -  rol r14d,cl                        
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CB59:  C1 FB 1D                    -  sar ebx,1D                         
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CB5C:  C3                          -  ret                                
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CB5D:  01 4D 89                    -  add [rbp-77],ecx                   
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CB60:  CF                          -  iretd                              
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CB61:  49 8B 99 580A0000           -  mov rbx,[r9+00000A58]              
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CB68:  48 89 F3                    -  mov rbx,rsi                        
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CB6B:  49 81 C7 C3F430A8           -  add r15,A830F4C3                   
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CB72:  49 89 9F 9515CF57           -  mov [r15+57CF1595],rbx             
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CB79:  41 0FBA F4 06               -  btr r12d,06                        
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CB7E:  50                          -  push rax                           
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CB7F:  48 89 2C 24                 -  mov [rsp],rbp                      
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CB83:  66 C1 CF 0F                 -  ror di,0F                          
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CB87:  FF C8                       -  dec eax                            
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CB89:  48 8D 2D FD075E02           -  lea rbp,[7FEBF170B0D]              [3A8B4166]
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CB90:  C1 CF 0B                    -  ror edi,0B                         
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CB93:  48 87 2C 24                 -  xchg [rsp],rbp                     
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CB97:  C3                          -  ret                                
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CB98:  0F                          -                                     
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CB99:  0F1F 80 00000000            -  nop [rax+00000000]                 
////  INJECTING START  ----------------------------------------------------------
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CBA0:  F3 41 0F10 08               -  movss xmm1,[r8]                    <<<--- AOB Starts Here
////  INJECTING END  ----------------------------------------------------------
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CBA5:  F3 0F58 09                  -  addss xmm1,[rcx]                   
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CBA9:  0F28 C1                     -  movaps xmm0,xmm1                   
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CBAC:  F3 0F59 05 6029BDFD         -  mulss xmm0,[7FEBA762C94]
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CBB4:  F3 0F2C C0                  -  cvttss2si eax,xmm0                 
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CBB8:  0F57 C0                     -  xorps xmm0,xmm0                    
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CBBB:  0F2F C8                     -  comiss xmm1,xmm0                   
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CBBE:  73 02                       -  jae 7FEBCB90342                    
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CBC0:  FF C8                       -  dec eax                            
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CBC2:  66 0F6E C0                  -  movd xmm0,eax                      
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CBC6:  48 89 D0                    -  mov rax,rdx                        
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CBC9:  0F5B C0                     -  cvtdq2ps xmm0,xmm0                 
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CBCC:  F3 0F59 05 E82CBDFD         -  mulss xmm0,[7FEBA76303C]           [(float)86400.0000]
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CBD4:  F3 0F5C C8                  -  subss xmm1,xmm0                    
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CBD8:  F3 0F11 0A                  -  movss [rdx],xmm1                   
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CBDC:  C3                          -  ret                                
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CBDD:  0F1F 00                     -  nop [rax]                          
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CBE0:  0F28 D9                     -  movaps xmm3,xmm1                   
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CBE3:  0FC6 DB 00                  -  shufps xmm3,xmm3,00                
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CBE7:  0F28 C3                     -  movaps xmm0,xmm3                   
FC_m64.FCE_NomadDbIdVector_GetCount+90CBEA:  0F28 D3                     -  movaps xmm2,xmm3                   
//// Template: I2CEA_AOBFullInjectionWithValues
//// Generated with: I2 Cheat Engine Auto Assembler Script Template Generator
//// Code Happy, Code Freely, Be Awesome.

But the time write bypass changed.

Code: Select all

	Process			: FarCryNewDawn.exe  -  (x64)
	Module			: FC_m64.dll
	Game Title		: Far Cry: New Dawn
	Game Version	:
	CE Version		: 6.7
	Script Version	: 0.0.1
	Date			: 02/17/19
	Author			: ShyTwig16
	Name			: TimeIncBypassHook

	Time Inc Bypass Hook


define(address, FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E56)
define(bytes1, 0F 85 E2 00 00 00)
define(bytes2, 0F 84 D6 00 00 00)
define(bytes3, 74 4B)

//// ------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
aobScanModule(aobTimeIncBypassHook, FC_m64.dll, F3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0F85xxxxxxxx84xx0F85xxxxxxxx38xxxxxxxxxx0F84xxxxxxxx44xxxxxx44xxxxxxxxxx38)
define(injTimeIncBypassHook1, aobTimeIncBypassHook+11)
assert(injTimeIncBypassHook1, bytes1)

define(injTimeIncBypassHook2, aobTimeIncBypassHook+1D)
assert(injTimeIncBypassHook2, bytes2)

define(injTimeIncBypassHook3, aobTimeIncBypassHook+33)
assert(injTimeIncBypassHook3, bytes3)

//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	db 90 90 90 90 90 90
	db 90 90 90 90 90 90
	db 90 90

//// ------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	db bytes1
	db bytes2
	db bytes3


//// Injection Point: FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E56  -  000007FEA9EF1986
//// AOB address: 000007FEA9EF1975  -  FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E45
//// Process: FarCryNewDawn.exe  -  000000013FF50000
//// Module: FC_m64.dll  -  000007FE9F320000
//// Module Size: 000000001AD0E000
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41DFC:  0F85 FEFEFFFF               -  jne 7FEA9EF1830                    
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E02:  44 38 8F 7C100000           -  cmp [rdi+0000107C],r9l             
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E09:  75 0C                       -  jne 7FEA9EF1947                    
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E0B:  48 89 F9                    -  mov rcx,rdi                        
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E0E:  E8 CDEC4FF6                 -  call 7FEA03F0610                   
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E13:  84 C0                       -  test al,al                         
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E15:  74 02                       -  je 7FEA9EF1949                     
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E17:  B0 01                       -  mov al,01                          
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E19:  F3 0F10 8F AC100000         -  movss xmm1,[rdi+000010AC]          
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E21:  0F2F CE                     -  comiss xmm1,xmm6                   
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E24:  76 14                       -  jna 7FEA9EF196A                    
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E26:  0F28 C1                     -  movaps xmm0,xmm1                   
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E29:  F3 41 0F5D C0               -  minss xmm0,xmm8                    
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E2E:  F3 0F5C C8                  -  subss xmm1,xmm0                    
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E32:  F3 0F11 8F AC100000         -  movss [rdi+000010AC],xmm1          
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E3A:  80 BF 90060000 00           -  cmp byte ptr [rdi+00000690],00     
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E41:  45 0F28 D8                  -  movaps xmm11,xmm8                  
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E45:  F3 44 0F59 9F 6C0E0000      -  mulss xmm11,[rdi+00000E6C]         <<<--- AOB Starts Here
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E4E:  0F85 EA000000               -  jne 7FEA9EF1A6E                    
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E54:  84 C0                       -  test al,al                         
////  INJECTING START  ----------------------------------------------------------
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E56:  0F85 E2000000               -  jne 7FEA9EF1A6E                    
////  INJECTING END  ----------------------------------------------------------
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E5C:  38 87 7C0E0000              -  cmp [rdi+00000E7C],al              
////  INJECTING START  ----------------------------------------------------------
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E62:  0F84 D6000000               -  je 7FEA9EF1A6E                     
////  INJECTING END  ----------------------------------------------------------
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E68:  44 0F28 CF                  -  movaps xmm9,xmm7                   
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E6C:  44 0F29 54 24 50            -  movaps [rsp+50],xmm10              
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E72:  38 87 680E0000              -  cmp [rdi+00000E68],al              
////  INJECTING START  ----------------------------------------------------------
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E78:  74 4B                       -  je 7FEA9EF19F5                     
////  INJECTING END  ----------------------------------------------------------
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E7A:  48 83 BF 600E0000 00        -  cmp qword ptr [rdi+00000E60],00    
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E82:  74 41                       -  je 7FEA9EF19F5                     
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E84:  48 8D 8F 700E0000           -  lea rcx,[rdi+00000E70]             
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E8B:  E8 D02282F5                 -  call 7FE9F713C90                   
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E90:  F3 0F5E 05 90CD5CF9         -  divss xmm0,[7FEA34BE758]           [(float)86400.0000]
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E98:  48 8B 8F 600E0000           -  mov rcx,[rdi+00000E60]             
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41E9F:  48 83 C1 08                 -  add rcx,08                         
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41EA3:  F3 0F59 05 79235DF9         -  mulss xmm0,[7FEA34C3D54]           [(float)24.0000]
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41EAB:  0F28 C8                     -  movaps xmm1,xmm0                   
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41EAE:  E8 7D856CF5                 -  call 7FE9F5B9F60                   
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41EB3:  44 0F28 C8                  -  movaps xmm9,xmm0                   
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41EB7:  F3 44 0F5F CE               -  maxss xmm9,xmm6                    
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41EBC:  F3 44 0F5D 0D 93235DF9      -  minss xmm9,[7FEA34C3D88]           [(float)10000.0000]
FC_m64.FCE_Inventory_Object_GetFactionNum+3F41EC5:  48 89 F9                    -  mov rcx,rdi                        
//// Template: I2CEA_AOBInjection
//// Generated with: I2 Cheat Engine Auto Assembler Script Template Generator
//// Code Happy, Code Freely, Be Awesome.

And here is a time sync script, is also requires the time hook to work.

Code: Select all

local address = '[ptrTimeHook]'
------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
local function syncTime(thread)
	while RunSyncTime do
		local now = os.time()
		local d = os.date('*t', now)
		local sec = (d.hour * (60 * 60)) + (d.min * 60) + d.sec
		writeFloat(address, sec)
if syntaxcheck then return end
RunSyncTime = true
------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
if syntaxcheck then return end
RunSyncTime = false

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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by Impala »

CaliberCH wrote:
Sun Feb 17, 2019 3:41 pm
Fighting aside, both you and sunbeam are great.

Posts like these, minus the fighting, showing what you did on AAA titles really helps newcomers.

Cheating in triple A games is much harder than other games, and I learn a lot from sunbeam and this post.

So thank you.

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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by SunBeam »

Exactly my aim at drawing him out ;) Knew in his drive to demonstrate his work, logic, analysis, etc. - he will finally post something; which is more than the default bragging he does. Again, QED ;) Good work, Cal.

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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by STN »

CaliberCH wrote:
Sun Feb 17, 2019 3:41 pm
BTW 'lil Cal' can probably whip your ass in 'real life', but enjoy your keyboard warrior comments, such as they are. Any time you want to fly to the US and set up a 4K camera so we can all watch how people throw down in person, rather than these stupid childish ramblings, let me know when you are around.
Cal you're scaring me man. Also i don't know if you know but Sunbeam is pretty well built and he can give you a good challenge physically too :lol:

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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by eTheBlack »

Even admins are offtopic :ph34r:

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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by SunBeam »

^ Speak sarcasm? No? I could ask what are you doing in this topic if you don't play the game :) Just so we're back on topic.

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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by TimFun13 »

STN wrote:
Sun Feb 17, 2019 8:07 pm
CaliberCH wrote:
Sun Feb 17, 2019 3:41 pm
BTW 'lil Cal' can probably whip your ass in 'real life', but enjoy your keyboard warrior comments, such as they are. Any time you want to fly to the US and set up a 4K camera so we can all watch how people throw down in person, rather than these stupid childish ramblings, let me know when you are around.
Cal you're scaring me man. Also i don't know if you know but Sunbeam is pretty well built and he can give you a good challenge physically too :lol:
Army Airborne, and i wouldn't mess with him; they say he can kill you with just a SATA cable.

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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by SunBeam »

Let's just hope I don't overload. It'd be a `shocker` to see him go :D

Alright, since he said he doesn't care about this, I'm going to post it here and be done with it. But if I see one new option in the CH trainer after this, I'm gonna fuck someone up.. with or without the SATA cable. Especially when I read this (which is something you bragged with, as replacing the job of what I just posted):


Peace out.

EDIT: Main post updated.

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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by bigbang20061 »

Hello SunBeam, how to modify perk level? I searched many times without finding the corresponding data.

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