Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by SunBeam »

Quick update: ethanol seems to be buried deep in the Reward processing functions (which, of course, were marked for Denuvo virtualization). Sorry folks. Just spent 15 minutes doing a single outpost 3 times (to the highest level) and got quite enough ethanol out of 3 runs :D


Do that :P I think it would work even faster if you have a 1 hit kill option, to quickly finish the outpost run.


How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by SunBeam »

I stand corrected. I just did this:


What I did was to track down the crypto function used for Perk Points and check out where is it called from when I bring an Ethanol truck to main base. Upon exiting the vehicle, this spot is triggered:

Code: Select all

00007FFE9B213A59 | 4C:8B00          | MOV R8,QWORD PTR DS:[RAX]  |
00007FFE9B213A5C | 44:89EA          | MOV EDX,R13D               | here; R13D->EDX contains the x75 Ethanol amount
00007FFE9B213A5F | 48:89C1          | MOV RCX,RAX                | changed value before this CALL
00007FFE9B213A62 | 41:FF90 48010000 | CALL QWORD PTR DS:[R8+148] |
Then this:

Code: Select all

00007FFE9B2B315D | 89CB             | MOV EBX,ECX                        | here; ECX->EBX
00007FFE9B2B315F | 4C:8D4D 38       | LEA R9,QWORD PTR SS:[RBP+38]       |
00007FFE9B2B3163 | 895D 38          | MOV DWORD PTR SS:[RBP+38],EBX      |
00007FFE9B2B3166 | 4C:8D05 73230AF2 | LEA R8,QWORD PTR DS:[7FFE8D3554E0] |
00007FFE9B2B316D | 48:89F9          | MOV RCX,RDI                        |
00007FFE9B2B3170 | 48:8D55 30       | LEA RDX,QWORD PTR SS:[RBP+30]      |
00007FFE9B2B3174 | E8 570076F4      | CALL fc_m64.7FFE8FA131D0           | call to crypto function
Note that you will still see Ethanol x75 on-screen, but the amount given will be that you change it to. Also.. the first spot above, at least from my testing, will break a lot (seems to be used intensively). Not sure about the second, but will test some more. Will see if I can do the same with liberating an outpost ;)

Time to check if I can use that amount at mother base or it's just visual fake.

Be back with more ;)


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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by SunBeam »

Yep, seems to work ;)


Ubi.. busted! Again!

This is what you get when you buy all maps (of level 1). Still haven't saved that guy to move Prosperity to level 2...



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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by TimFun13 »

Was anyone else as excited as I was when finding out you can pick a female character and still have a sweet mustache.

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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by xXRandyXx »

can we get that in a table for the ethanol not sure what to do with that script or how to change the value in it.

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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by SunBeam »

Will post in a bit. Waiting to see if CH does it before I do :) /sarcasm

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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by xXRandyXx »

lol ok

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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by JessieKazama »

xXRandyXx wrote:
Sat Feb 16, 2019 11:44 pm
any eta on the updated table ethanol? sorry don't mean to rush you just checking.
Don't go reposting just to ask for progress, wait patiently please.

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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by swizzledizzle »

Some people are so impatient. In that time of writing and waiting, they could have just played the missions to gain ethanol xD

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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by xXRandyXx »

wasn't impatient, he just said he would post it in a bit.. it's now over 8hrs later. I was just curious how it was coming. and didn't mean to double post.

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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by TimFun13 »

Here's no turret heat.

Code: Select all

	Process			: FarCryNewDawn.exe  -  (x64)
	Module			: FC_m64.dll
	Game Title		: Far Cry: New Dawn
	Game Version	:
	CE Version		: 6.7
	Script Version	: 0.0.1
	Date			: 02/17/19
	Author			: ShyTwig16
	Name			: TurretHeatIncHook

	Turret Heat Inc Hook


define(address, FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB1D)
define(oldBytes, F3 0F 58 33) // addss xmm6,[rbx]
define(newBytes, 0F 57 F6 90) // xorps xmm6,xmm6
							  // nop

//// ------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
aobScanModule(aobTurretHeatIncHook, FC_m64.dll, F3xxxxxx0F2FxxxxxxxxxxF3xxxxxx72xx8B)
define(injTurretHeatIncHook, aobTurretHeatIncHook)
assert(injTurretHeatIncHook, oldBytes)

//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	db newBytes

//// ------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	db oldBytes


//// Injection Point: FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB1D  -  000007FEC8E21CCD
//// AOB address: 000007FEC8E21CCD  -  FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB1D
//// Process: FarCryNewDawn.exe  -  000000013F040000
//// Module: FC_m64.dll  -  000007FEBA030000
//// Module Size: 000000001AD0E000
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AAC0:  48 8D 93 A8010000           -  lea rdx,[rbx+000001A8]             
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AAC7:  48 89 C1                    -  mov rcx,rax                        
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AACA:  4C 8B 00                    -  mov r8,[rax]                       
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AACD:  41 FF 90 60030000           -  call qword ptr [r8+00000360]       
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AAD4:  84 C0                       -  test al,al                         
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AAD6:  75 40                       -  jne 7FEC8E21CC8                    
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AAD8:  E8 C30997F1                 -  call 7FEBA792650                   
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AADD:  48 8B 93 B8010000           -  mov rdx,[rbx+000001B8]             
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AAE4:  48 8D 4B 10                 -  lea rcx,[rbx+10]                   
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AAE8:  48 C7 44 24 28 00000000     -  mov [rsp+28],00000000              
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AAF1:  48 89 4C 24 20              -  mov [rsp+20],rcx                   
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AAF6:  48 89 C1                    -  mov rcx,rax                        
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AAF9:  4C 8B 10                    -  mov r10,[rax]                      
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AAFC:  44 8B 4A 18                 -  mov r9d,[rdx+18]                   
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB00:  44 8B 42 10                 -  mov r8d,[rdx+10]                   
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB04:  48 8D 54 24 50              -  lea rdx,[rsp+50]                   
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB09:  41 FF 92 80020000           -  call qword ptr [r10+00000280]      
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB10:  8B 08                       -  mov ecx,[rax]                      
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB12:  89 8B A8010000              -  mov [rbx+000001A8],ecx             
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB18:  48 8B 7C 24 58              -  mov rdi,[rsp+58]                   
////  INJECTING START  ----------------------------------------------------------
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB1D:  F3 0F58 33                  -  addss xmm6,[rbx]                   <<<--- AOB Starts Here
////  INJECTING END  ----------------------------------------------------------
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB21:  0F2F 35 685038F5            -  comiss xmm6,[7FEBE1A6D40]          [(float)100.0000]
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB28:  F3 0F11 33                  -  movss [rbx],xmm6                   
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB2C:  72 0D                       -  jb 7FEC8E21CEB                     
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB2E:  8B 53 08                    -  mov edx,[rbx+08]                   
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB31:  48 89 D9                    -  mov rcx,rbx                        
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB34:  FF C2                       -  inc edx                            
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB36:  E8 65FBFBF2                 -  call 7FEBBDE1850                   
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB3B:  48 63 43 08                 -  movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rbx+08]     
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB3F:  48 6B D0 70                 -  imul rdx,rax,70                    
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB43:  48 8B 83 B8010000           -  mov rax,[rbx+000001B8]             
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB4A:  48 8B 48 20                 -  mov rcx,[rax+20]                   
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB4E:  8B 44 0A 08                 -  mov eax,[rdx+rcx+08]               
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB52:  89 43 04                    -  mov [rbx+04],eax                   
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB55:  0F28 74 24 30               -  movaps xmm6,[rsp+30]               
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB5A:  48 83 C4 40                 -  add rsp,40                         
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB5E:  5B                          -  pop rbx                            
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB5F:  C3                          -  ret                                
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB60:  CC                          -  int 3                              
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB61:  56                          -  push rsi                           
FC_m64.AK::MemoryMgr::SetPoolName+84AB62:  81 34 24  B8B8FE67          -  xor [rsp],67FEB8B8                 [64ED2E40]
//// Template: I2CEA_AOBInjection
//// Generated with: I2 Cheat Engine Auto Assembler Script Template Generator
//// Code Happy, Code Freely, Be Awesome.

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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by JessieKazama »

xXRandyXx wrote:
Sun Feb 17, 2019 5:40 am
wasn't impatient, he just said he would post it in a bit.. it's now over 8hrs later. I was just curious how it was coming. and didn't mean to double post.
If there's no update from the creator then assume that it's not done yet.

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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by TimFun13 »

Here's one for instant lock cutting (open safe with torch).

Code: Select all

	Process			: FarCryNewDawn.exe  -  (x64)
	Module			: FC_m64.dll
	Game Title		: Far Cry: New Dawn
	Game Version	:
	CE Version		: 6.7
	Script Version	: 0.0.1
	Date			: 02/17/19
	Author			: ShyTwig16
	Name			: LockCutDecHook

	Lock Cut Dec Hook



define(address, FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF7A)
define(oldBytes, F3 0F 5C C6) // subss xmm0,xmm6
define(newBytes, 0F 57 C0 90) // xorps xmm0,xmm0
							  // nop

//// ------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
aobScanModule(aobLockCutDecHook, FC_m64.dll, 84xx0F85xxxxxxxxF30F10xxxxxxxxxxF30F5CC60F57xx0F2FxxF30F11)
define(injLockCutDecHook, aobLockCutDecHook+10)
assert(injLockCutDecHook, oldBytes)

//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	db newBytes

//// ------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	db oldBytes


//// Injection Point: FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF7A  -  000007FEC7E24FFA
//// AOB address: 000007FEC7E24FEA  -  FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF6A
//// Process: FarCryNewDawn.exe  -  000000013F920000
//// Module: FC_m64.dll  -  000007FEBA030000
//// Module Size: 000000001AD0E000
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF2A:  41 5F                       -  pop r15                            
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF2C:  5F                          -  pop rdi                            
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF2D:  0F1F 00                     -  nop [rax]                          
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF30:  48 89 5C 24 08              -  mov [rsp+08],rbx                   
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF35:  57                          -  push rdi                           
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF36:  48 83 EC 30                 -  sub rsp,30                         
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF3A:  0F29 74 24 20               -  movaps [rsp+20],xmm6               
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF3F:  4C 89 C7                    -  mov rdi,r8                         
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF42:  0F28 F1                     -  movaps xmm6,xmm1                   
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF45:  48 89 CB                    -  mov rbx,rcx                        
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF48:  E8 6366A6F3                 -  call 7FEBB88B630                   
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF4D:  84 C0                       -  test al,al                         
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF4F:  0F84 D1000000               -  je 7FEC7E250A6                     
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF55:  83 BB FC000000 01           -  cmp dword ptr [rbx+000000FC],01    
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF5C:  0F85 C4000000               -  jne 7FEC7E250A6                    
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF62:  48 89 D9                    -  mov rcx,rbx                        
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF65:  E8 D666A6F3                 -  call 7FEBB88B6C0                   
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF6A:  84 C0                       -  test al,al                         <<<--- AOB Starts Here
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF6C:  0F85 B4000000               -  jne 7FEC7E250A6                    
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF72:  F3 0F10 83 14030000         -  movss xmm0,[rbx+00000314]          
////  INJECTING START  ----------------------------------------------------------
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF7A:  F3 0F5C C6                  -  subss xmm0,xmm6                    
////  INJECTING END  ----------------------------------------------------------
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF7E:  0F57 F6                     -  xorps xmm6,xmm6                    
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF81:  0F2F C6                     -  comiss xmm0,xmm6                   
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF84:  F3 0F11 83 14030000         -  movss [rbx+00000314],xmm0          
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF8C:  77 10                       -  ja 7FEC7E2501E                     
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF8E:  49 89 F8                    -  mov r8,rdi                         
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF91:  BA 05000000                 -  mov edx,00000005                   
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF96:  48 89 D9                    -  mov rcx,rbx                        
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF99:  E8 C2BB1BF3                 -  call 7FEBAFE0BE0                   
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DF9E:  48 8D 8B 30030000           -  lea rcx,[rbx+00000330]             
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DFA5:  E8 660C46F2                 -  call 7FEBA285C90                   
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DFAA:  84 C0                       -  test al,al                         
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DFAC:  74 49                       -  je 7FEC7E25077                     
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DFAE:  48 83 BB 38030000 00        -  cmp qword ptr [rbx+00000338],00    
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DFB6:  74 3F                       -  je 7FEC7E25077                     
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DFB8:  48 8B 83 38030000           -  mov rax,[rbx+00000338]             
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DFBF:  F3 0F10 8B 14030000         -  movss xmm1,[rbx+00000314]          
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DFC7:  F3 0F10 40 08               -  movss xmm0,[rax+08]                
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DFCC:  F3 0F5C C1                  -  subss xmm0,xmm1                    
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DFD0:  0F54 05 B98937F6            -  andps xmm0,[7FEBE19DA10]           [7FFFFFFF]
FC_m64.FCE_BudgetManager_GetNumCategories+E6DFD7:  0F2F 05 528937F6            -  comiss xmm0,[7FEBE19D9B0]          [360637BD]
//// Template: I2CEA_AOBInjection
//// Generated with: I2 Cheat Engine Auto Assembler Script Template Generator
//// Code Happy, Code Freely, Be Awesome.

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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by SunBeam »

Tim's in da house! Awesome, let me know if you want those scripts merged in. Cheers!

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Re: Far Cry: New Dawn [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Post by TimFun13 »

SunBeam wrote:
Sun Feb 17, 2019 9:19 am
Tim's in da house! Awesome, let me know if you want those scripts merged in. Cheers!
Yeah, that's why I'm just posting them here. I'm making a table but wanted to share what I found that hasn't been covered already.

Question, is the encryption moving the addresses around?
I can't find anything but display values for the ammo. Even with just changed and unchanged, I get down to 3 addresses and their all display only. And I haven't had any luck tracing from the display values.

And here is one for instant action hold, strait from FC5.
EDIT: Well instant with a dely, set with "fltActionHoldHook".

Code: Select all

	Process			: FarCry5.exe  -  (x64)
	Module			: FC_m64.dll
	Game Title		: FarCry5
	Game Version	:
	CE Version		: 6.7
	Script Version	: 0.0.1
	Date			: 01/11/19
	Author			: ShyTwig16
	Name			: ActionHoldHook

	Action Hold Hook


define(address, FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F6C0)
define(bytes, F3 0F 11 44 9F 08)

//// ------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
aobScanModule(aobActionHoldHook, FC_m64.dll, 0F2Fxx73xxF3xxxxxxxxF3xxxxxxxxxxEBxx41)
define(injActionHoldHook, aobActionHoldHook+A)
assert(injActionHoldHook, bytes)

alloc(memActionHoldHook, 0x400, injActionHoldHook)




		dd (float)0.075
	align 10
		dq 0
	align 10 CC
		cmp r10,400
		jne o_code
			comiss xmm0,[fltActionHoldHook]
			jb o_code
				push rax
				lea rax,[rdi+rbx*4+08]
				mov [ptrActionHoldHook],rax
				pop rax
				movss [rdi+rbx*4+08],xmm1
				jmp exit
		movss [rdi+rbx*4+08],xmm0
		jmp return

//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	jmp n_code

//// ------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	db bytes





//// Injection Point: FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F6C0  -  000007FEB8D41B90
//// AOB address: 000007FEB8D41B86  -  FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F6B6
//// Process: FarCry5.exe  -  000000013F0C0000
//// Module: FC_m64.dll  -  000007FEB7FB0000
//// Module Size: 000000000EE32000
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F666:  E8 354253FF                 -  call 7FEB8275D70                   
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F66B:  45 33 C9                    -  xor r9d,r9d                        
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F66E:  84 C0                       -  test al,al                         
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F670:  0F84 1D010000               -  je 7FEB8D41C63                     
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F676:  41 8B F1                    -  mov esi,r9d                        
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F679:  45 39 4D 70                 -  cmp [r13+70],r9d                   
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F67D:  0F86 DEF9FFFF               -  jbe 7FEB8D41531                    
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F683:  0F1F 40 00                  -  nop [rax+00]                       
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F687:  66 0F1F 84 00 00000000      -  nop [rax+rax+00000000]             
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F690:  F3 41 0F10 4D 10            -  movss xmm1,[r13+10]                
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F696:  41 0F2F C9                  -  comiss xmm1,xmm9                   
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F69A:  49 8B 7D 60                 -  mov rdi,[r13+60]                   
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F69E:  8B C6                       -  mov eax,esi                        
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F6A0:  48 8D 1C C0                 -  lea rbx,[rax+rax*8]                
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F6A4:  77 0A                       -  ja 7FEB8D41B80                     
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F6A6:  F3 41 0F10 8C 24 40160000   -  movss xmm1,[r12+00001640]          
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F6B0:  F3 0F10 44 9F 08            -  movss xmm0,[rdi+rbx*4+08]          
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F6B6:  0F2F C1                     -  comiss xmm0,xmm1                   <<<--- AOB Starts Here
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F6B9:  73 0D                       -  jae 7FEB8D41B98                    
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F6BB:  F3 41 0F58 C4               -  addss xmm0,xmm12                   
////  INJECTING START  ----------------------------------------------------------
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F6C0:  F3 0F11 44 9F 08            -  movss [rdi+rbx*4+08],xmm0          
////  INJECTING END  ----------------------------------------------------------
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F6C6:  EB 17                       -  jmp 7FEB8D41BAF                    
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F6C8:  41 83 7D 00 03              -  cmp dword ptr [r13+00],03          
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F6CD:  75 10                       -  jne 7FEB8D41BAF                    
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F6CF:  41 0F28 C4                  -  movaps xmm0,xmm12                  
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F6D3:  F3 0F58 44 9F 0C            -  addss xmm0,[rdi+rbx*4+0C]          
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F6D9:  F3 0F11 44 9F 0C            -  movss [rdi+rbx*4+0C],xmm0          
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F6DF:  F3 41 0F10 45 10            -  movss xmm0,[r13+10]                
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F6E5:  41 0F2F C1                  -  comiss xmm0,xmm9                   
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F6E9:  77 0A                       -  ja 7FEB8D41BC5                     
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F6EB:  F3 41 0F10 84 24 40160000   -  movss xmm0,[r12+00001640]          
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F6F5:  0F2F 44 9F 08               -  comiss xmm0,[rdi+rbx*4+08]         
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F6FA:  41 8B 4D 00                 -  mov ecx,[r13+00]                   
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F6FE:  0F96 C0                     -  setbe al                           
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F701:  83 F9 02                    -  cmp ecx,02                         
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F704:  75 08                       -  jne 7FEB8D41BDE                    
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F706:  84 C0                       -  test al,al                         
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F708:  74 04                       -  je 7FEB8D41BDE                     
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F70A:  B2 01                       -  mov dl,01                          
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F70C:  EB 02                       -  jmp 7FEB8D41BE0                    
FC_m64.FCE_Editor_Plugins_Import+11F70E:  32 D2                       -  xor dl,dl                          
//// Template: I2CEA_AOBFullInjection
//// Generated with: I2 Cheat Engine Auto Assembler Script Template Generator
//// Code Happy, Code Freely, Be Awesome.

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