CHronological statement of work:
- 15 Feb 15:55 - posted the start of the Perk Points analysis
- 15 Feb 16:01 - changed analysis logic
- 15 Feb 16:10 - said the values are encrypted
- 15 Feb 16:19 - Perk Points tests
- 15 Feb 16:54 - more info & tests
- 15 Feb 17:05 - conclusion; said "happy stealing"
So that's the run-down of my posts on the previous page (all timestamps above are GMT+3).
Today (the 16th) I woke up and got told "hey, fearlessrevolution has a new option now"
So I started doing some digging of my own:
- all CH times are -10 from my current timezone
- so his post(s) and the trainer appeared like what.. 8h AFTER my last post on FRF?
(16:58 = ~17:00 is 2 AM on the 16th on my end)
So, from just this perspective alone, would it be nice of me to say "hey, you know I came up with this first and you just stole that information and put it in your trainer"? At which point, he'll go like "I was working on it long before you even started". Well.. this shit really doesn't matter now, because of PRECEDENCE. See how easy it is to use the "I was first" statement to bash at your competition,
Caliber? It's not humane or nice, but you do it anyway. And when I say "you", I really mean you.
Just to pour more water over the fire, here:
- Caliber was active on FRF sometime after my posts were created
- Caliber was active on FRF sometime before his release post with the new option on CH forums
Now please tell us how there was 0 INSPIRATION in your new option release.. I'd really like to hear.
P.S.: Don't really want to go digging into the trainer as well...