Hey guys.. So I started learning C++ Jan.24.2019. That was a last Thursday as I write this. Friday I got up early, and at around 7 am I started reading on LearnCPP. At about 3 pm I stopped for the day ( about 8 hours of reading ). On Saturday I was busy so I didn't get any reading in. Today however, I find it even more difficult to continue on, and I'm only on chapter 1.3, out of 21 ( if you include the 3 appendixes. Long reads by the way). I like it, I honestly do, I'm learning things that make me understand and appreciate video games even more, but my brain can't take this none stop reading of what this is, and what that is. I don't learn like that, I learn by doing. My idiotic learning methods are my biggest obstacles at the moment I suppose.
Things I've learned:
A compiler will abort compiling if it doesn't discover an int main() ( Yes I checked the code in my "Hello World" Project to remember the rest of that code )
The <iostream> allows user input through the keyboard iirc.
Statements are lines like this --> X = 5
Variables are things that store values. So in the integer statement X = 5, X is the variable.
L-values are always on the left side of the statement. That's why they are called L-values. X for example, is an L-value. 5 however, cannot be an L-value. 5 is 5, what about it? X = 5 ( in this example ), so X is an L-value.
Much more for me to learn.
That's my progress so far.
My progress so far
Re: My progress so far
My suggestion would be not to learn by heart what others tell you to learn; stop from time to time and apply your own judgment. You really don't have to call a boolean boolean; you can call it bool, byte, 1-byte or a flag. Your choice
Re: My progress so far
I prefer to call boolean the truefalsethingy
Re: My progress so far
My understanding of True/False is 0/1 as byte. However, engines compile information such as UPlayerController->God = True; as something like this "OR BYTE PTR [r32/r64+offset],FE". Am not sure if the 0/1 and your "truefalsethingy" applies at this point, considering there's not an implicit "MOV BYTE PTR [r32/r64+offset],0/1". But maybe that's my interpretation of what True/False means Soooo many choices
Re: My progress so far
What you describe is a 'set'(binary set) ,better known as "truefalsebitarraythingy"
Re: My progress so far
Maaan, really now.. I don't believe Moses was the first tablet user
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