^ first: get used to NOT "lither" topics by re-quoting other posts (either edit or just refer with a 1-liner). I understand why this happens because it is simple to do, but to get a good impression of what this causes check the "discussion" of the AC Inventory Editors (such as the Valhalla one) and you'll understand why i make a point of it...
anywho: check out the table attached; i've added an additional script to list all items in the game.
(i had already done some research way back on this subject, so could pick this up quickly)
prenote: you should only use this one for testing purposes
1. load main table, and make sure 'antidebug' thread has been killed
(no further need of other scripts)
2. load this Test table, and enable 'Full Item List...'
(while ingame, press ESC to collect pointer)
3. enable 'Build Item List...' to collect all items_info
some notes:
a. see ptrscrns for some detail: [
b. base struct + item_struct_ptr are shown at top of the list (in case you'd like to check the structs)
c. Cost1/2: not really sure if these are actually valid
d. flags: should indicate whether an item is active/crafted/andwhatnot (no research done here)
(~ might just as well be other offset(s) in play here)
e. category: AC titles categorize their items in 2 (main + sub) category: chances are these are those 2
=> sort the list (in Excel f.e.) per those 2 values, and you might get a list category_sorted... ?!
f. i've added the inversed value of the 'uniqueId', as this is the value used by #translu in his table...
(note that the initial 8-digit hex '80000001' occassionally ends with '2'. no idea what these items represent, and these are also not treated by #translu)
1. when searching 8-bytes on UniqueId, you - most likely - find 2 entries: list_struct (array ?) and item_struct
(expanding that offset+0 pointer leads to 2nd entry)
2. #translu's table: as example, i've taken the 1st kukri (Ruby) and searched for the ID (without 0's) and found that one in the list...
=> it shows categories '2 ~ 1": could be: 2 = weapon - 1 = kukri (or something in those lines, IF those values are actually representing them categories ~ fyi: you'll find similar values in other AC titles too, so...)
ps: you've mentioned that you already found the 'obsidian kukri'; mind telling/giving us its ID ?
ps2: there is also another item_DLC list (containing about 80 items), found a bit lower in the main struct. IF you do not find the obsidian kukri in the "main" list, then it will probably be in this one... (not printed by this script... yet)