RESIDENT EVIL 2 +19 +1 (table Update15) (2020.7.21)

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Re: RESIDENT EVIL 2 +10 +3 (table Update7.1)

Post by tizzio »

Deathwing Zero wrote:
Thu Jan 31, 2019 4:10 pm
I'll test progression after I've done up to FF. So far 2B to 3F are all invisible. I'll redownload and test the stuff again.

List so far for people who might be interested in what I've found.

Code: Select all

0D - Marvin Branagh
10 - William Birkin (Texture bug)
14 - Katherine Warren
1B - RPD Pilot from crashed helicopter
1D - Truck Driver
1E - Woman that Truck Driver hits
1F - Cop in Gas Station
20 - First zombie in gas station with missing face texture
21 - Emma Kendo (With weird skeleton. Because of Leon base?)
22 - RPD Elliot with Entrails buttflap
24 - Gas Station clerk
25 - Officer in west hallway with cheek torn open. Broken textures
27 - Male Generic Zombie A 
28 - G-infected Zombie torched by Annette
29 - Some guy in a lab coat
2A - Unknown character
I'm going to be re-testing all of these with the updated model swap to make sure nothing changes. A note about "2A". I wanted to call it "Token Black Character" but I'm not interested in offending people, so I'll say this, It's a fat black man in a cap. I'm afraid I don't know of any other way to describe it. Screenshot button should be fixed (hopefully) so I link some pictures as I re-test.

So far no changes. Link to imgur album: [Link]

Edit 2:
No changes. 2B - 4F all invisible. Starting 50-5F block. Removed "invisible" from my above listing. Was unnecessary wasted space.
for now i can't rate so i will thank you in this way :D

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: RESIDENT EVIL 2 +9 +3 (table Update6)

Post by tizzio »

SunBeam wrote:
Mon Jan 28, 2019 12:05 pm
Meanwhile, Super Accuracy:

Code: Select all


  Game    : Resident Evil 2
  Version : Steam
  Date    : 2019-01-28
  Author  : SunBeam

  The script will just make sure any weapon's reticle instantly locks
  on target (following the "market trend" - - > Super Accuracy)



aobscanmodule( SuperAccuracy, re2.exe, F30F1040??0F5AC0EB??0F57C0660F5AC0F30F1187 )
registersymbol( SuperAccuracy )
label( SuperAccuracy_o )
registersymbol( SuperAccuracy_o )
alloc( Hook, 0x1000, re2.exe )
// ^ this allocation is supposed to occur close to the game process; if the game
// crashes when you enable the script, it's possible CE allocated the cave far
// off in memory; meaning the distance between the hook and the cave exceeds the
// calculated length of a 5-bytes JMP (CE will compile a 14-bytes JMP); now you
// know...
label( pReticleParam )
registersymbol( pReticleParam )

mov [pReticleParam],rax // this is called "app.ropeway.ReticleParam"
movss xmm0,[rax+14]     // fetch the maximum reticle value for current weapon
movss [rax+10],xmm0     // update the current reticle value with the maximum one
readmem( SuperAccuracy, 5 ) // read here the original code
jmp SuperAccuracy+5         // JMP back

dq 0

jmp Hook


readmem( SuperAccuracy_o, 5 )

unregistersymbol( pReticleParam )
dealloc( Hook )
unregistersymbol( SuperAccuracy_o )
unregistersymbol( SuperAccuracy )


"re2.exe"+BFD8E10: E8 9B AF FC F4                 -  call re2.exe+FA3DB0
"re2.exe"+BFD8E15: E9 DA FE FF FF                 -  jmp re2.exe+BFD8CF4
"re2.exe"+BFD8E1A: 48 89 FA                       -  mov rdx,rdi
"re2.exe"+BFD8E1D: 48 89 D9                       -  mov rcx,rbx
"re2.exe"+BFD8E20: E8 CB 39 0C F5                 -  call re2.exe+109C7F0
"re2.exe"+BFD8E25: 48 8B 4B 50                    -  mov rcx,[rbx+50]
"re2.exe"+BFD8E29: 48 83 79 18 00                 -  cmp qword ptr [rcx+18],00
"re2.exe"+BFD8E2E: 0F 85 D1 FE FF FF              -  jne re2.exe+BFD8D05
"re2.exe"+BFD8E34: 48 85 C0                       -  test rax,rax
"re2.exe"+BFD8E37: 74 0A                          -  je re2.exe+BFD8E43
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"re2.exe"+BFD8E39: F3 0F 10 40 10                 -  movss xmm0,[rax+10]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"re2.exe"+BFD8E3E: 0F 5A C0                       -  vcvtps2pd xmm0,xmm0
"re2.exe"+BFD8E41: EB 03                          -  jmp re2.exe+BFD8E46
"re2.exe"+BFD8E43: 0F 57 C0                       -  xorps xmm0,xmm0
"re2.exe"+BFD8E46: 66 0F 5A C0                    -  cvtpd2ps xmm0,xmm0
"re2.exe"+BFD8E4A: F3 0F 11 87 20 01 00 00        -  movss [rdi+00000120],xmm0
"re2.exe"+BFD8E52: 48 8B 43 50                    -  mov rax,[rbx+50]
"re2.exe"+BFD8E56: 48 83 78 18 00                 -  cmp qword ptr [rax+18],00
"re2.exe"+BFD8E5B: 0F 85 A4 FE FF FF              -  jne re2.exe+BFD8D05
"re2.exe"+BFD8E61: C6 87 24 01 00 00 00           -  mov byte ptr [rdi+00000124],00
"re2.exe"+BFD8E68: E9 98 FE FF FF                 -  jmp re2.exe+BFD8D05
I'll look for a way to try and enable it in Normal and Hardcore modes :P
thanks , the realism about how weapons react is killing the shoting games , so this script is really precious :O

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Re: RESIDENT EVIL 2 +9 +3 (table Update6.1)

Post by tizzio »

Marcus101RR wrote:
Tue Jan 29, 2019 9:27 pm
Pointer Table (NO Scripts)
Credits to those who found the scripts for the HP Value/Heal Buff Timer.

- Inventory First 8 Slots
- Hip Pouch Slots
- Heal Buff Timer (Less Damage)
- Health Pointer & Max
- Statistic Data (Item Box & Recovery Usage, Steps Taken)

- Added Health Pointer, Steps Taken, Recovery Item Usage, Item Box Usage
Uses same Base Address. It is possible I found a very LONG pointer for Inventory, but maybe there is a valid short one.
thanks :D

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Re: RESIDENT EVIL 2 +10 +3 (table Update7.4)

Post by Exeter »

Mister Modification wrote:
Sat Feb 02, 2019 9:18 am
gir489 wrote:
Fri Feb 01, 2019 11:05 pm
Tyrant goes down in 1 shot and stays down.

Code: Select all

{ Game   : re2.exe
  Version: 1.0
  Date   : 2019-02-01
  Author : gir489

  Tyrant goes down in 1 shot and stays down.

aobscanmodule(TyrantDownTimer,re2.exe,3C 0F 5A C0 F2 0F 5C F0 66 0F 5A CE) // should be unique
aobscanmodule(TyrantDamageFunction,re2.exe,39 71 58 0F 9F D0) // should be unique

mov [rcx+58],esi

db 90 90 90 90


cmp [rcx+58],esi

db F2 0F 5C F0 //subsd xmm6,xmm0


"re2.exe"+D9772CB: 48 8B 48 18              -  mov rcx,[rax+18]
"re2.exe"+D9772CF: 0F 57 D2                 -  xorps xmm2,xmm2
"re2.exe"+D9772D2: 48 85 C9                 -  test rcx,rcx
"re2.exe"+D9772D5: 74 05                    -  je re2.exe+D9772DC
"re2.exe"+D9772D7: 0F 57 C0                 -  xorps xmm0,xmm0
"re2.exe"+D9772DA: EB 04                    -  jmp re2.exe+D9772E0
"re2.exe"+D9772DC: 66 0F 5A C1              -  cvtpd2ps xmm0,xmm1
"re2.exe"+D9772E0: 48 85 C9                 -  test rcx,rcx
"re2.exe"+D9772E3: 75 3C                    -  jne re2.exe+D977321
"re2.exe"+D9772E5: 0F 5A C0                 -  vcvtps2pd xmm0,xmm0
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"re2.exe"+D9772E8: F2 0F 5C F0              -  subsd xmm6,xmm0
"re2.exe"+D9772EC: 66 0F 5A CE              -  cvtpd2ps xmm1,xmm6
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"re2.exe"+D9772F0: F3 0F 11 8F F4 01 00 00  -  movss [rdi+000001F4],xmm1
"re2.exe"+D9772F8: 48 8B 43 50              -  mov rax,[rbx+50]
"re2.exe"+D9772FC: 48 39 48 18              -  cmp [rax+18],rcx
"re2.exe"+D977300: 75 1F                    -  jne re2.exe+D977321
"re2.exe"+D977302: 0F 2F CA                 -  comiss xmm1,xmm2
"re2.exe"+D977305: 77 1A                    -  ja re2.exe+D977321
"re2.exe"+D977307: 48 8B 8F A0 01 00 00     -  mov rcx,[rdi+000001A0]
"re2.exe"+D97730E: 48 85 C9                 -  test rcx,rcx
"re2.exe"+D977311: 75 20                    -  jne re2.exe+D977333
"re2.exe"+D977313: 8D 51 38                 -  lea edx,[rcx+38]


"re2.exe"+C57C961: E8 6A 50 85 F5        -  call re2.exe+1DD19D0
"re2.exe"+C57C966: 30 C0                 -  xor al,al
"re2.exe"+C57C968: 48 8B 5C 24 60        -  mov rbx,[rsp+60]
"re2.exe"+C57C96D: 48 8B 74 24 68        -  mov rsi,[rsp+68]
"re2.exe"+C57C972: 48 83 C4 50           -  add rsp,50
"re2.exe"+C57C976: 5F                    -  pop rdi
"re2.exe"+C57C977: C3                    -  ret
"re2.exe"+C57C978: 48 8B 88 A0 01 00 00  -  mov rcx,[rax+000001A0]
"re2.exe"+C57C97F: 48 85 C9              -  test rcx,rcx
"re2.exe"+C57C982: 74 D3                 -  je re2.exe+C57C957
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"re2.exe"+C57C984: 39 71 58              -  cmp [rcx+58],esi
"re2.exe"+C57C987: 0F 9F D0              -  setg al
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"re2.exe"+C57C98A: 84 C0                 -  test al,al
"re2.exe"+C57C98C: 74 D8                 -  je re2.exe+C57C966
"re2.exe"+C57C98E: 40 38 35 5B 05 B3 FA  -  cmp [re2.exe+70ACEF0],sil
"re2.exe"+C57C995: 74 04                 -  je re2.exe+C57C99B
"re2.exe"+C57C997: B1 01                 -  mov cl,01
"re2.exe"+C57C999: EB 25                 -  jmp re2.exe+C57C9C0
"re2.exe"+C57C99B: 48 8B 87 48 01 00 00  -  mov rax,[rdi+00000148]
"re2.exe"+C57C9A2: 48 85 C0              -  test rax,rax
"re2.exe"+C57C9A5: 75 12                 -  jne re2.exe+C57C9B9
"re2.exe"+C57C9A7: 45 31 C0              -  xor r8d,r8d
What do I have to edit to make him take 1/4 ; 1/8 damage per shoot.
That stays down part is cool but I want achieve his downfall.
My guess is that if you remove anything with the symbol TyrantDamageFunction in it, it should take out the damage portion of the script. No idea why you would want that though.

Deathwing Zero
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Re: RESIDENT EVIL 2 +10 +3 (table Update7.5)

Post by Deathwing Zero »

@Cielos I finished my Claire A run as Hunk and all was fine. No crashes or bugs as of table version 7.4. Might be late and/or useless but unfortunately things got a bit busy yesterday and I was unable to finish.

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Re: RESIDENT EVIL 2 +10 +3 (table Update7.5)

Post by Apache81 »

Hello all !! :-)
I did update my table. Please, take a look at viewtopic.php?p=76067#p76067.
I added:
- 100% Accuracy [or Edit Values]
- Set Saves

I didn't test if the 100% Accuracy [or Edit Values] works for the medals yet.
I just found the amount of shots and also the amount of shots counted when hitting zombies... the rest is history.

Please, let me know if you try for the challenge and it works :-P

@Cielos I don't know why but if I try to use my table with yours, the AOB of mine fails. I think a workaround is to load the game, enable the scripts of my table and then load and apply yours... can you please help me figuring out why? Thanks :)

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Re: RESIDENT EVIL 2 +10 +3 (table Update7.4)

Post by eTheBlack »

Mister Modification wrote:
Sat Feb 02, 2019 9:18 am
What do I have to edit to make him take 1/4 ; 1/8 damage per shoot.
That stays down part is cool but I want achieve his downfall.
Just play the game?
He is last boss.

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Re: RESIDENT EVIL 2 +10 +3 (table Update7.5)

Post by TwinbeeMkII »

I went through and set up the codes for all of Sherry's costumes, infected variants included. Here they are. Hopefully they prove useful:

00000001:default (Infected)
00000002:Jacket (Infected)
00000006:Classic (Infected)
00000007:Classic Jacket (Infected)
00000008:Classic Jacket

By the way, the Unknown Character is the truck driver from the 2nd Run ending, in case anyone needed him identified.

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Re: RESIDENT EVIL 2 +10 +3 (table Update7.5)

Post by Kanelakis »

Is there a way to reset the steps, to make the goal?
14000 steps and frustrating.

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Re: RESIDENT EVIL 2 +10 +3 (table Update7.5)

Post by Archangel73337 »

Guys be careful with WEEKLY CHALLENGE, Capcom is monitoring it and if you will have cheated stats they will just BAN your RE.NET profile, like my.

First i saw this, I had 2 medals, now you can see what I have.
After that I i checked my e-mail and saw this
So be careful if you care about your RE.NET account.

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Re: RESIDENT EVIL 2 +10 +3 (table Update7.5)

Post by Exeter »

Archangel73337 wrote:
Sat Feb 02, 2019 10:04 pm
Guys be careful with WEEKLY CHALLENGE, Capcom is monitoring it and if you will have cheated stats they will just BAN your RE.NET profile, like my.

First i saw this, I had 2 medals, now you can see what I have.
After that I i checked my e-mail and saw this
So be careful if you care about your RE.NET account.
Wow, that's quite surprising and completely unexpected. They never cared that much before. I don't know how many people on RE6 and Revelations have been cheating like crazy ONLINE, and nothing was done about it. Yet they care about a single player game?

It's already too late for any one of us that transmitted data then. Since once it's uploaded it's always going to be there.

I wonder what modified data they're talking about though. Was it even possible to modify the data on those challenges? I'm guessing amount of saves and stuff can be recorded regardless of changing it in your own client, and if you're using damage multiplier for killing bosses fast that could be tracked as well.

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Re: RESIDENT EVIL 2 +10 +3 (table Update7.5)

Post by teinousi »

Exeter wrote:
Sat Feb 02, 2019 11:17 pm
Archangel73337 wrote:
Sat Feb 02, 2019 10:04 pm
Guys be careful with WEEKLY CHALLENGE, Capcom is monitoring it and if you will have cheated stats they will just BAN your RE.NET profile, like my.

So be careful if you care about your RE.NET account.
Wow, that's quite surprising and completely
Waiting for モンハンban , ヒヒヒヒヒヒヒハハハ

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Re: RESIDENT EVIL 2 +10 +3 (table Update7.5)

Post by TroliusMaximus »

- you can change the model to 1 of these 11 characters:
You're a beautiful man / woman / MtF T-girl etc.. You deserve to be made passionate love to you through every page of the karma sutra, for this display of god-like CE greatness...


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Re: RESIDENT EVIL 2 +10 +3 (table Update7.5)

Post by NChabb »

Archangel73337 wrote:
Sat Feb 02, 2019 10:04 pm
Guys be careful with WEEKLY CHALLENGE, Capcom is monitoring it and if you will have cheated stats they will just BAN your RE.NET profile, like my.
What's the point even to I know I have an account, and you can unlock avatars and background but that's... it?

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Re: RESIDENT EVIL 2 +10 +3 (table Update7.5)

Post by Exeter »

Unlock spiffy icons for your profile, and the ability to participate in 'online challenge events'.
Sometimes you can earn unique rewards in games because of it such as guns, etc. (Mostly in Revelations).

I'm still really curious on what set them off for his account though. There's no real obvious way to tell data was modified with the current tables aside from the damage multiplier making you wipe bosses super fast. And if they keep track of the amount of times you submit a save file, that's probably another indicator if you've been using the 'save amount reset' feature of the table. And game time I guess.

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