I've tested and made a large list of AttackStatus IDs that will allow the player to edit the attack properties of individual hits of every attack and arte in the game through the AttackStatus option under Notes in Sora3100's updated Vesperia Cheat Table, including party members, bosses, gigantos, and enemies. Every hit of an individual attack possesses its own ID from which the hit type, status ailment, knockback, launch height, and ability to hit allies or downed enemies can be edited.
Below are some of the AttackStatus IDs I've gathered below. Copy and paste the 3 to 4 digit ID to the value of AttackStatus to edit it. To prevent this post from being longer, I've included a text document that includes more AttackStatus IDs than this post with more details as well as recommended attack edits to try out, such as setting the knockback to some of Estelle's melee and artes to 0 since they tend to move the enemy out of range.
Please note that the party member's attack IDs included below are for the upgraded, high usage version of the artes only. More details are included in the text document. Also, editing support spells won't do anything, but you can edit spells that inflict ailments, debuffs, or FS on enemies or allies.
282-3 means 282 to 283.
:: Estelle - 248 Reg Attack N; 262-3 Extra Combo; 267 Star Stroke; 275-6,273 Pierce Cluster; 277-8 Ray Sting; 281 Divide Edge; 282-3 Air Divide; 293-4 Delight Roll; 295-6 Tri Slash; 297-8 Blazing Pillar; 299 Sylphie Roll; 301-303 Phantom Blade; 304-306 Extreme Stars; 1763 Photon; 1772-3 Angel Ring; 1778-9 Holy Lance; 1780 Holy Rain
:: Rita - 526,543-4 Reg Attack N; 554,558,556 Rudolf; 566-7,569-570 Phi; 572,574 Descartes; 584 Wallis; 585-587 Ideal; 591 Laplace; 601-603 PhiAlt; 604-5 DescartesAlt; 595-597,599 IdealAlt; 1843 Stone Blast; 1844 Champagne; 1871 Spread Zero; 1874-1876 Tractor Beam; 1883-4 Gold Cat; 1889 Negative Gate; 1858-9 Stalagmite; 1794-1796 Ivy Rush; 1870 Riot Horn; 1873 Demon's Lance; 1892-3 Meteor Swarm
:: Raven - 695-6 Serpent; 755-6 Firefly; 774-776 Blast Heart; Inverno 1797-8; 1839-1842 Havoc Gale; 1844-1848 Tempest; 1887-8 Arrivederci; 1886 Vanji Lost
:: Patty (Critical) - 1371-1373 Up Reg Atk Gun; 1375, 1382 L/R Reg Atk Gun; 1376,1378 Reg Atk Dn Binoc; 1383 Free Run Spin; 1397 Free Run Jump; 1405 Dn Binoc Shot; 1406-1410 Form Up; 1415-6 Clunky Bomb; 1431-2 Variable Trigger; 1440 Trigger Tune; 1442,1444 Trick Trick; 1451,1453,1457 Trick or Treat bombs; 1474-5 Gald Steal; 1478,1486 Welcome Dish Flip; 1557-1587 Dangerous Ladder; 1588(N),1589(A),1592(C) Little Big Chef; 1511-1513 Severed Fate; 1531-1533 Dream Star; 1903 Happy Light; 1906(HR)-1924(FS) Critical Moment; 1936 Summon Friends (Angel)
:: Flynn - 1297,1299 Shining Falcon; 1307,1309 Dazzling Spin; 1323-4 Shining Falcon Disp; 1354-1357 Radiant Dragon Fang; 1899 Divine Streak; 1900 Luminant Scythe; 1901-2 Mistral Soul
:: Barbos - 2011 Raging Snake Eyes; :: Schwann - 2130-1 Reg Attack; 2144 III Wind; 2138, 2298 Apocalypse Toll; :: Estellise - 217 Reg Atk Up; 226 Reg Atk Dn; 227 Free Run Atk; 267 Star Stroke;279 Divide Edge;271-273 Pierce Cluster; 282-3 Air Divide; 292 Delight Roll; :: Yeager - 2082 Strike Dn; 2085 Arrow; 2086 Human Launch; 2087-8 Thousand Cruise; 2089 Coward Shot; 2090 Core Triple Shot; 2091 Aer Light; 2098-9 Pierce Berret; 2100 Illness Shot; 2101 Trans Wakening; 2104-2107 Caress of Death; :: Alexei - 2290 Sword Melee; 2292 Orb Shot; 2294 Aer Light; 2295-6 Radiant Dragon; 2299-2300 Guardian Frost; 2297 Apocalypse Toll; 2301 Graveworm; 2303-4 Raging Ice Fang; 2310-2312 Brilliant Cataclysm; :: Gauche - 2109 Reg Atk; 2115 Aer Light; 2121 Piercing Shot; 2122 Sleepy Thrust; 2113-4 Tiny Stamp; 2119,2120 Heaven Erase; :: Droite - 2108 Reg Atk; 2112 Multishot; 2129 Charm Thrust; 2124-2128 Dancing Gale; :: Zagi (Tarq) - 1669,1966 Reg Attack; 1975-6 Charging Shockwave; 1977 Punishing Fog/Fury; 1986 Blastia Blast; 1987 Blastia Blaze; 1989 Shining Blastia Strike; 1990 Shining Blastia Massacre; 1993-4 Shining Blastia Field; Duke F1 - 2313 Reg Atk; 2328 Dragon Ascent; 2319-2320 Shining Chaos; 2322-3 Razor Fang; 2325-2327 Death Blade; :: Duke F2 - 2335 Punishing Decend; 2338 Punishing Divine Flash; 1894 Zero Dissolver
:: Gattuso - 2160 Scratch; 2161 Tail Thrust; 2162,2164 Bite Toss; 2167, 2168 Roar; 2170 Poison Claw; 2255 Stun Flowers; :: Daybreaker - 2216 Laser Blast; 2217-8 Star Vomit; :: Kroma Dragon - 1839-1842 Merciless Gale; 2368 Homing Bolts; 2369 Rock Fall; :: Gusios - 1878 Ground Shaker; 1879 Raging River; 2175 Tailwhip; 2177-8 Arm Stomp; 2179-2180 Roar; 2182 Green Breath; 2184 Arc Beam; :: Cursed Wanderer - 2479 Purple Spin; 2480-1 Glittery Storm; 2482-3 Glittery Cross; 2485 Volcanic Stomp; :: Pteropus - 2200-1 Tail Knockdown; 2202 Fog Spin; 2203 Fog Rush; 2204 Charming Sonar; 2206-7 Orb Drop; :: Medusa Butterfly - 2375 Pincher Swipe; 2376 Pincher Launch; 2377 Arm Swipe; 2378 V Slash; 2379 Tail Thrust; 2245 Stone Powder; :: Chimera Butterfly - 2381 Fly Through; 2382 Rainbow Mist; :: Hermit Drill - 2187 Swipe; 2192 Shell Rush; 2194 Spike Spray; 2195 Sleepy Bubbles; :: Poseidon - 2150 Volt Riot; 2151 Volt Crash; 2152 Volt 3 Crush; 2157 X Buster; 2158 Bolt Straight; 2159 Bolt Upper; :: Fenrir - Scratch 2160; 2162,2164 Bite Toss; 2170 Poison Claw; 2169 Paralyzing Breath; :: Anubis - 2490 Spin; 2491 Rapid Fire; 2496 Aura Burst; 2497 X Buster Ki
:: Most Enemies - 1937 Regular Attack; 1928 Bite; 2264 Sleep; :: Rose Camellia - 1962 Weakening Pollen; :: Basilisk - 1952 Poison Fang; :: Death Mantis - 1953 Poison Slash; :: Agaric - 1958 Sing; :: Thunder Bat - 1960 Sealed Wave; :: Green Spider - 1954 Paralyzing Thorns; :: Rasslebit - 1929 Tongue Launch; 1952 Poison Drops; :: Insect Plant - 1961 Sleepy Dandelions; :: Uniceros - 1940 Horn Beam; :: Cockatrice/Sworpion - 1956 Petrifying Scratch/Sting; :: Crystal Spirit - 1959 Sealing Spit; :: Quadra - 2464-2466 Gulp And Chew; :: Flora Mantis - 1939 Jump Slash; 1957 Stone Slash
Sora3100's table from which the IDs must be used through can be downloaded on page 56 of this board.
Password with no caps: vesperia