Football Manager 2019 | 19.1.1 | 4.2 | 28-Apr-2019

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Re: Football Manager 2019 | 19.1.1 | 4.2 | 28-Apr-2019

Post by yiguanyu1997 »

Maybe you can have a try the Version 19.35 please

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Football Manager 2019 | 19.1.1 | 4.2 | 28-Apr-2019

Post by SilverFlash »

Xratedgamer247 wrote:
Thu Jun 20, 2019 12:18 am
Thanks! Figured it out. Super team also doesn't work, i've tried everything but still doesn't work., So i manually updated each player condition, morale and sharpness to 32500 and 20 respectively, but later on during the match they begin to get tired and start conceding tremendiously, i later checked thier condition after the match and whoalla! Less than 2000. So how do i activate the superteam feature for good or freeze player stats condition, morale for only my team? Thanks for your effort, your cheat engine rocks.
Been trying to mess around the scripts and pointers with this, but still no dice. Haven't been able to pinpoint the reason why some or at times the entire team isn't affected by the script, although, from what little I gathered the pointer only works on a set amount of player addresses, so there's a limit to how many players on your team it works on, and there's also a restriction on how the player address is included to your squad's pointer(have been able to work around this by completing all my signings in the first summer window, as all subsequent signings wont be affected by the code unless, either a specific amount of time goes by or you release some of the other players which the script has worked on).Either way, your best chance to make this work is start a new game and find a team in which the code works. Hope this helps. Good luck.

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Re: Football Manager 2019 | 19.1.1 | 4.2 | 28-Apr-2019

Post by tfigment »

Here is my table for 19.3.6 (updated 20-Sep-2019). I did not fix any code or cheat scripts for super squads.

NOTICE: Newer experimental version is posted here . That will likely be the version updated going forward.

Didn't keep track of everything I did but this is what I can remember
  • Updated "My Profile" for Coach Non-Player values with new pointers
  • Added a new datatype (Mask 0x3FFF) which is used with Training Values
  • Found some code injection points for training, fitness, morale
  • Might be some partial structures in "Dissect structure" area for [basPlayer]
  • Added Training Happiness (v2)
  • Added Personal Reputation with Players (v2)
  • Added pointers to player for Relationships (v2) . Made dynamic in (v3) and moved to Person.
  • Added code location for disabling rejection of work visas (v2)
First, what I use this table most for is to "fix" morale, sharpness, jadeness and training for all Squad players after a match.

To get the current happiness, match condition, match shape and jadedness for everyone on the team and change all at once instead of player by player do the following:
Bulk Happiness, Match Condition Change procedure
  1. Attach CE. Take out of "Full View Mode". Select "Advanced Options". Put back in "Compact View Mode" if you like.
  2. Go to Squad selection
  3. (Optional) Select Players > All Players
  4. Sub Select Fitness (something other than "Selection Info")
  5. Switch to CE. Focus the Advanced Options window.
    • Happiness
      • Right click Select "ReadPlayerHappiness"
      • "Find out what addresses this code reads from"
      • Attach debugger if asked.
      • Set data type to "Byte" at bottom
    • Condition
      • Right click Select "match condition"
      • "Find out what addresses this code reads from"
      • Set data type to "2 Bytes" at bottom
    • Match Shape
      • Right click Select "match shape"
      • "Find out what addresses this code reads from"
      • Set data type to "2 Bytes" at bottom
    • Jadedness
      • Right click Select "jadedness"
      • "Find out what addresses this code reads from"
      • Set data type to "2 Bytes" at bottom
    • You should have 4 windows open from CE that are empty.
  6. Switch to FM. Sub Select "Selection Info". (The game may freeze for a few seconds as the values are read.)
  7. Switch to CE. The 4 windows should have values. Press "Stop" on all 4 windows. This is important for performance reasons also we only want this squad to show up.
  8. For each window. Select all values and change Happiness to 20, Match Condition/Shape to 10000, jadedness to 65036.
    (Key commands for faster entry: Home, Shift+End, Enter, <Type Value>, Enter)

These values are good until you reload the game or something like that.
To mess with Individual Training:
Bulk Individual Tactical Training Values
  1. Attach CE. Take out of "Full View Mode". Select "Advanced Options". Put back in "Compact View Mode" if you like.
  2. Goto Training > Individual
  3. Put Filter in "Detailed" mode
  4. Select Single Player
  5. Switch to CE. Focus the Advanced Options window.
  6. Right click Select "Read Training Param on Individual"
  7. Change filter to "Mask 0x3FFF"
  8. Switch to FM. Change "Tactical Familiarity" to "No tactics selected" (any option works really)
  9. Switch to CE. The window should have a number of values now.
  10. Press "Stop". This is important for performance reasons since we don't want debugger always running.
  11. Select all values and change to 10000 or whatever.

I'm not actually sure how useful this really is but seems to help overall. This does not impact Position/Role/Duty. And some values like Marking, Tempo seem to be team wide values covered elsewhere.
3/Aug/2019: Updates for version 2 of my edits since it seems like some people downloaded the table.
Relationships (v2)

Table shows the first 30 relationships (Thus greatly increased size). This might slow down this table as I can see it struggle to update when switching between players . Note that exact count is not easy since its tracked by start and end pointers not count. The table could be scripted to do something more correct here but its tricky and I'm probably not interested right now.

What I've seen in relationships is that these hold your manager and player relationships as expected but also hold strange things like Fitness Training Happiness and number of days left before work permit can be reapplied for. I used this to locate the pointer for Bulk Training Happiness code so players stop complaining about so much quickness training or whatever and improve relationships so I don't have to keep praising players for good game or training.

Anyway, if you go to Home > Relationships and use the "Home > Relationships: Relationships Values" to "Find out what address this code references" you can update how your players like or don't like you (does not work on other coaches).

If you go to "Dynamics > Training" and use the "Dynamics: Training Happiness" code to find addresses then you can change the first team training happiness. You can also create a custom view on the squad page to get training happiness columns and update players not in the first teams as well.
Work Permit (v2)

So work permit rejection can be annoying so I figured out how that works. There is a Relationship Record Type 117 which tracks work permit denied. The Info field is number of days until the permit is reevaluated. Set to zero to allow immediate retry.

Next you can use the "Force Work Permit (replace with nothing)" code in the Advanced Options table to "Replace with code that does nothing" before the day that the permit is evaluated. This will automatically allow permit to be issued. Note that its not good to leave this code commented out all the time unless you want all teams to get permits issued I suppose. "Restore with original code" when done using.

Update: I tried this today and it did not trigger on a transfer from another team. I will continue to investigate it. Perhaps the condition triggers only if you actually have hired the player and they are in your team and unable to play but still needs work permit.

Confirmed. For this to work the player must fail twice to get permit but still hire then get the 120 day reapply wait msg. Then use relationships pointer for the 117 Record Type code to change Info to 0 from the 119 or so value. If you then reapply and have this code set to do nothing then the player will be accepted next time this is evaluated.

31/Aug/2019: Uploaded v3 which moves relationships to Person Data since its valid for Non-Players too. Also made the list semi dynamic so it will create the entries dynamically based on actual number of relationships.

1/Sep/2019: There was issue with table script which I overlooked causing it to not load. Removed offending functions. (removed broken v3).

4/Sep/2019: Realized I removed too many functions when fixing v3 which lead to "Update Relationships" to not work. Minor update.

9/Sep/2019: Realized that the ID in relationships are actually pointers to objects. So changed to hex and extract name so you can see who relationship is with and put in description.

20/Sep/2019: Updated to 19.3.6. Mostly just the code pointers I believe.
Update 20/Sep/2019: Update Code Pointers
(584.41 KiB) Downloaded 151 times
Update 9/Sep/2019. Add names to relationships when known.
(584.73 KiB) Downloaded 93 times
Update 4/Sep/2019. Fix issue with table script. (remove v3,v4). Dynamically calc relationships. Fix table issues pointed out by BimBop.
(582.84 KiB) Downloaded 95 times
Updated 3/Aug/2019. Add relationships
(3.22 MiB) Downloaded 109 times
Figment's minor updates for bulk happiness, condition changes
(728.19 KiB) Downloaded 102 times
Last edited by tfigment on Sun Sep 29, 2019 11:42 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: Football Manager 2019 | 19.1.1 | 4.2 | 28-Apr-2019

Post by MOHAMD455 »

HOW cheat injury PLS

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Re: Football Manager 2019 | 19.1.1 | 4.2 | 28-Apr-2019

Post by BipBop »

tfigment wrote:
Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:32 pm
Here is my table for 19.3.5 (updated 3-Aug-2019). I did not fix any code or cheat scripts for super squads.

Didn't keep track of everything I did but this is what I can remember
  • Updated "My Profile" for Coach Non-Player values with new pointers
  • Added a new datatype (Mask 0x3FFF) which is used with Training Values
  • Found some code injection points for training, fitness, morale
  • Might be some partial structures in "Dissect structure" area for [basPlayer]
  • Added Training Happiness (v2)
  • Added Personal Reputation with Players (v2)
  • Added pointers to player for Relationships (v2)
  • Added code location for disabling rejection of work visas (v2)
First, what I use this table most for is to "fix" morale, sharpness, jadeness and training for all Squad players after a match.

To get the current happiness, match condition, match shape and jadedness for everyone on the team and change all at once instead of player by player do the following:
Bulk Happiness, Match Condition Change procedure
  1. Attach CE. Take out of "Full View Mode". Select "Advanced Options". Put back in "Compact View Mode" if you like.
  2. Go to Squad selection
  3. (Optional) Select Players > All Players
  4. Sub Select Fitness (something other than "Selection Info")
  5. Switch to CE. Focus the Advanced Options window.
    • Happiness
      • Right click Select "ReadPlayerHappiness"
      • "Find out what addresses this code reads from"
      • Attach debugger if asked.
      • Set data type to "Byte" at bottom
    • Condition
      • Right click Select "match condition"
      • "Find out what addresses this code reads from"
      • Set data type to "2 Bytes" at bottom
    • Match Shape
      • Right click Select "match shape"
      • "Find out what addresses this code reads from"
      • Set data type to "2 Bytes" at bottom
    • Jadedness
      • Right click Select "jadedness"
      • "Find out what addresses this code reads from"
      • Set data type to "2 Bytes" at bottom
    • You should have 4 windows open from CE that are empty.
  6. Switch to FM. Sub Select "Selection Info". (The game may freeze for a few seconds as the values are read.)
  7. Switch to CE. The 4 windows should have values. Press "Stop" on all 4 windows. This is important for performance reasons also we only want this squad to show up.
  8. For each window. Select all values and change Happiness to 20, Match Condition/Shape to 10000, jadedness to 65036.
    (Key commands for faster entry: Home, Shift+End, Enter, <Type Value>, Enter)

These values are good until you reload the game or something like that.
To mess with Individual Training:
Bulk Individual Tactical Training Values
  1. Attach CE. Take out of "Full View Mode". Select "Advanced Options". Put back in "Compact View Mode" if you like.
  2. Goto Training > Individual
  3. Put Filter in "Detailed" mode
  4. Select Single Player
  5. Switch to CE. Focus the Advanced Options window.
  6. Right click Select "Read Training Param on Individual"
  7. Change filter to "Mask 0x3FFF"
  8. Switch to FM. Change "Tactical Familiarity" to "No tactics selected" (any option works really)
  9. Switch to CE. The window should have a number of values now.
  10. Press "Stop". This is important for performance reasons since we don't want debugger always running.
  11. Select all values and change to 10000 or whatever.

I'm not actually sure how useful this really is but seems to help overall. This does not impact Position/Role/Duty. And some values like Marking, Tempo seem to be team wide values covered elsewhere.
3/Aug/2019: Updates for version 2 of my edits since it seems like some people downloaded the table.
Relationships (v2)

Table shows the first 30 relationships (Thus greatly increased size). This might slow down this table as I can see it struggle to update when switching between players . Note that exact count is not easy since its tracked by start and end pointers not count. The table could be scripted to do something more correct here but its tricky and I'm probably not interested right now.

What I've seen in relationships is that these hold your manager and player relationships as expected but also hold strange things like Fitness Training Happiness and number of days left before work permit can be reapplied for. I used this to locate the pointer for Bulk Training Happiness code so players stop complaining about so much quickness training or whatever and improve relationships so I don't have to keep praising players for good game or training.

Anyway, if you go to Home > Relationships and use the "Home > Relationships: Relationships Values" to "Find out what address this code references" you can update how your players like or don't like you (does not work on other coaches).

If you go to "Dynamics > Training" and use the "Dynamics: Training Happiness" code to find addresses then you can change the first team training happiness. You can also create a custom view on the squad page to get training happiness columns and update players not in the first teams as well.
Work Permit (v2)

So work permit rejection can be annoying so I figured out how that works. There is a Relationship Record Type 117 which tracks work permit denied. The Info field is number of days until the permit is reevaluated. Set to zero to allow immediate retry.

Next you can use the "Force Work Permit (replace with nothing)" code in the Advanced Options table to "Replace with code that does nothing" before the day that the permit is evaluated. This will automatically allow permit to be issued. Note that its not good to leave this code commented out all the time unless you want all teams to get permits issued I suppose. "Restore with original code" when done using.

Update: I tried this today and it did not trigger on a transfer from another team. I will continue to investigate it. Perhaps the condition triggers only if you actually have hired the player and they are in your team and unable to play but still needs work permit.

Confirmed. For this to work the player must fail twice to get permit but still hire then get the 120 day reapply wait msg. Then use relationships pointer for the 117 Record Type code to change Info to 0 from the 119 or so value. If you then reapply and have this code set to do nothing then the player will be accepted next time this is evaluated.

Non playing attributes seem not to work. Players attributes are fine. Club too. Thanks for the tool. For example, Mental Attributes are awol. 77,89, etc. The name shows right.

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Re: Football Manager 2019 | 19.1.1 | 4.2 | 28-Apr-2019

Post by tfigment »

BipBop wrote:
Thu Aug 29, 2019 2:03 pm
Non playing attributes seem not to work. Players attributes are fine. Club too. Thanks for the tool. For example, Mental Attributes are awol. 77,89, etc. The name shows right.
Regarding Non-playing Mental Attributes, those got moved somewhere else by accident under Person Data I think. I'll post a new version with those moved back.

Also NP Attrs dont work for the main Manager and you have to use "My Profile" and they also do not work for normal Players (there is an offset that can be used to find this but its tricky). This is issue with original table. Also something I learned about this is that sometimes basPlayer and basPerson do not align and can be inconsistent so you have to be careful about its updates. Final note "Working w/ Youngsers, Adaptability, Discipline are out of 20 max while others in Coaching and Mental are out of 100)

The most reliable way that I have found to get basPerson and basPlayer pointers updated is to use the (i) tooltip on the squad or coaches staff tables. Going into player pages themselves usually ends up with problems of other coaches or players being loaded in the background

I did try to fix those but since its possible to get basPerson pointer from basPlayer but not vice versa so it would break non-players. It would be nice if pointer for NP offset was invalid when looking at a player

Anyway I will post my current table (where NP mental attrs are moved back to correct place. Also it will calculate Relationships dynamically in a way I find more useful).

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Re: Football Manager 2019 | 19.1.1 | 4.2 | 28-Apr-2019

Post by BipBop »

Thanks mate, you are pure gold.

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Re: Football Manager 2019 | 19.1.1 | 4.2 | 28-Apr-2019

Post by BipBop »

Just a small note, is it possible to edit with this table the maximum number of coaches allowed by the board?
Thanks again

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Re: Football Manager 2019 | 19.1.1 | 4.2 | 28-Apr-2019

Post by chax »

tfigment wrote:
Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:32 pm
Here is my table for 19.3.5 (updated 9-Sep-2019). I did not fix any code or cheat scripts for super squads.

Didn't keep track of everything I did but this is what I can remember
  • Updated "My Profile" for Coach Non-Player values with new pointers
  • Added a new datatype (Mask 0x3FFF) which is used with Training Values
  • Found some code injection points for training, fitness, morale
  • Might be some partial structures in "Dissect structure" area for [basPlayer]
  • Added Training Happiness (v2)
  • Added Personal Reputation with Players (v2)
  • Added pointers to player for Relationships (v2) . Made dynamic in (v3) and moved to Person.
  • Added code location for disabling rejection of work visas (v2)
First, what I use this table most for is to "fix" morale, sharpness, jadeness and training for all Squad players after a match.

To get the current happiness, match condition, match shape and jadedness for everyone on the team and change all at once instead of player by player do the following:
Bulk Happiness, Match Condition Change procedure
  1. Attach CE. Take out of "Full View Mode". Select "Advanced Options". Put back in "Compact View Mode" if you like.
  2. Go to Squad selection
  3. (Optional) Select Players > All Players
  4. Sub Select Fitness (something other than "Selection Info")
  5. Switch to CE. Focus the Advanced Options window.
    • Happiness
      • Right click Select "ReadPlayerHappiness"
      • "Find out what addresses this code reads from"
      • Attach debugger if asked.
      • Set data type to "Byte" at bottom
    • Condition
      • Right click Select "match condition"
      • "Find out what addresses this code reads from"
      • Set data type to "2 Bytes" at bottom
    • Match Shape
      • Right click Select "match shape"
      • "Find out what addresses this code reads from"
      • Set data type to "2 Bytes" at bottom
    • Jadedness
      • Right click Select "jadedness"
      • "Find out what addresses this code reads from"
      • Set data type to "2 Bytes" at bottom
    • You should have 4 windows open from CE that are empty.
  6. Switch to FM. Sub Select "Selection Info". (The game may freeze for a few seconds as the values are read.)
  7. Switch to CE. The 4 windows should have values. Press "Stop" on all 4 windows. This is important for performance reasons also we only want this squad to show up.
  8. For each window. Select all values and change Happiness to 20, Match Condition/Shape to 10000, jadedness to 65036.
    (Key commands for faster entry: Home, Shift+End, Enter, <Type Value>, Enter)

These values are good until you reload the game or something like that.
To mess with Individual Training:
Bulk Individual Tactical Training Values
  1. Attach CE. Take out of "Full View Mode". Select "Advanced Options". Put back in "Compact View Mode" if you like.
  2. Goto Training > Individual
  3. Put Filter in "Detailed" mode
  4. Select Single Player
  5. Switch to CE. Focus the Advanced Options window.
  6. Right click Select "Read Training Param on Individual"
  7. Change filter to "Mask 0x3FFF"
  8. Switch to FM. Change "Tactical Familiarity" to "No tactics selected" (any option works really)
  9. Switch to CE. The window should have a number of values now.
  10. Press "Stop". This is important for performance reasons since we don't want debugger always running.
  11. Select all values and change to 10000 or whatever.

I'm not actually sure how useful this really is but seems to help overall. This does not impact Position/Role/Duty. And some values like Marking, Tempo seem to be team wide values covered elsewhere.
3/Aug/2019: Updates for version 2 of my edits since it seems like some people downloaded the table.
Relationships (v2)

Table shows the first 30 relationships (Thus greatly increased size). This might slow down this table as I can see it struggle to update when switching between players . Note that exact count is not easy since its tracked by start and end pointers not count. The table could be scripted to do something more correct here but its tricky and I'm probably not interested right now.

What I've seen in relationships is that these hold your manager and player relationships as expected but also hold strange things like Fitness Training Happiness and number of days left before work permit can be reapplied for. I used this to locate the pointer for Bulk Training Happiness code so players stop complaining about so much quickness training or whatever and improve relationships so I don't have to keep praising players for good game or training.

Anyway, if you go to Home > Relationships and use the "Home > Relationships: Relationships Values" to "Find out what address this code references" you can update how your players like or don't like you (does not work on other coaches).

If you go to "Dynamics > Training" and use the "Dynamics: Training Happiness" code to find addresses then you can change the first team training happiness. You can also create a custom view on the squad page to get training happiness columns and update players not in the first teams as well.
Work Permit (v2)

So work permit rejection can be annoying so I figured out how that works. There is a Relationship Record Type 117 which tracks work permit denied. The Info field is number of days until the permit is reevaluated. Set to zero to allow immediate retry.

Next you can use the "Force Work Permit (replace with nothing)" code in the Advanced Options table to "Replace with code that does nothing" before the day that the permit is evaluated. This will automatically allow permit to be issued. Note that its not good to leave this code commented out all the time unless you want all teams to get permits issued I suppose. "Restore with original code" when done using.

Update: I tried this today and it did not trigger on a transfer from another team. I will continue to investigate it. Perhaps the condition triggers only if you actually have hired the player and they are in your team and unable to play but still needs work permit.

Confirmed. For this to work the player must fail twice to get permit but still hire then get the 120 day reapply wait msg. Then use relationships pointer for the 117 Record Type code to change Info to 0 from the 119 or so value. If you then reapply and have this code set to do nothing then the player will be accepted next time this is evaluated.

31/Aug/2019: Uploaded v3 which moves relationships to Person Data since its valid for Non-Players too. Also made the list semi dynamic so it will create the entries dynamically based on actual number of relationships.

1/Sep/2019: There was issue with table script which I overlooked causing it to not load. Removed offending functions. (removed broken v3).

4/Sep/2019: Realized I removed too many functions when fixing v3 which lead to "Update Relationships" to not work. Minor update.

9/Sep/2019: Realized that the ID in relationships are actually pointers to objects. So changed to hex and extract name so you can see who relationship is with and put in description.
hi man, i like the tables and really thanks for that xD

for work permit, here are stuff i've noticed so far :

less annoying way :
if you sign youngster, application is more likely to be accepted if he has decent CA ( preferably above average of your current prospects ) and high PA (150+). better yet if he's in the current u19/u21 international. save before applying, reload when fail.

if you sign first team, the guy should have decent rep (you can copy the rep of your best key player in club overview). if he's current international then it's a bonus. high wage also works, save before appying, reload when fail.

slighly more annoying way : (mainly because i don't like dual nationality, lol, i like colorful flags)

you can try to locate "days in current country" and change it to 1824, he'll play tomorrow.
or you can change the club join date (in contract) to 5 years ago (-1 day). he'll also play tomorrow.
or heck, just give the guy 2nd nationality in relationship.

anyway, i gave up playing in england, brexit is a mistake.

also another thing, your "super team" sharpness/condition value is overkill. set them both to 12500. the game still read those as 100%.
and from my experience, 0 jadeness is better, 65036 is a bit buggy and more likely to injure players outside match.

post note : i like cheating small stuff, and slightly disappointed that i couldn't get your finance cheat to work. (trying to change matchday / season ticket prices) any advice?

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Re: Football Manager 2019 | 19.1.1 | 4.2 | 28-Apr-2019

Post by tfigment »

Not original author of table so most criticisms are to original table (that author has not posted for a while). I don't recall issues with changing ticket prices in the Club > Stadium but wonder if that takes hold only near beginning of season. There are a few that seem to be like that. Regarding brexit I just reload to older version if I see it cause it looks bad thankfully its random so does not always trigger.

My issue with youngsters was that they did not have enough international games and changing that value didn't seem to help much. The nop hack seems to have solved most of my issues if I can get it there. I'll look at the days in country next time it comes up for me. Interesting if jadedness impacts injury but noted and agree that 0 is usually enough. I wonder if its that it allows you to play player more so workload is high without player complaining and that is what will actually cause injury and not jadedness value per se.

Unrelated tip I noticed that if club popularity is less than ~1500 more than player it seems like they might get ansy if they are any good so lowering their popularity or raising clubs help retain them. Also you can change the start time of the contract to within 2 months of current time to avoid getting unwanted transfer requests since contract is new (I've never set to the future to see if that does anything).

Anyway now that I think I understand the game much better I find cheating to be less required (Played first time in July) and the game is more fun as a result.

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Re: Football Manager 2019 | 19.1.1 | 4.2 | 28-Apr-2019

Post by danielyee »

Hi ..all n adm..
For this game..I will hand out.. hopeful today or nxt day..full version update..2019..fball manager..ok..tq

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Re: Football Manager 2019 | 19.1.1 | 4.2 | 28-Apr-2019

Post by chax »

from what i know, in-match injuries can't be prevented, but day to day injuries are mostly related to jadeness (also games per week)

there's " total games played " flag in relationship, but i have no idea how to get around with that, might be able (i think) to solve "not enough first team play" problem and/or injury risk.

and about the ticket thing, i don't like cheating too much, kinda kills overall enjoyment, so i mostly cheat slow stuff, (like changing transfer installment instead of giving my team cold hard cash directly)

but i did see my ticket price changed somewhat, then again, not sure what caused it xD

edit : for youngster work permit, i think changing world rep helps a lot. you can try maxing it, aplly then return the value to normal after it getting accepted.

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Re: Football Manager 2019 | 19.1.1 | 4.2 | 28-Apr-2019

Post by tfigment »

I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out where that first team games happiness code is but haven't yet found that yet. (Might and found it but dont understand it so not toying with it fully right now). I don't think the total games played in relationships impacts that but hard to tell.

I've ultimately given up to just setting up rotations that give everyone time and to actually using backups mid-game which is the way it is expected and that has fixed most of my issues but it takes a lot of work since interface doesn't quite show enough without going into charts.

My rule of thumb is Key Player/First Team need to play 2/3 games, Rotate every other game and backup about every third game and remaining whenever I can but 1/5 games tends to be ok. Its a little on the high side so its been ok when I cannot generally meet that frequency and trading/dropping players that are unhappy that are not quite good enough. But still trying to find that code/value when I can.

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Re: Football Manager 2019 | 19.1.1 | 4.2 | 28-Apr-2019

Post by MrLentes »

can anyone help me. i make one of my players 250 CA/PA, nothing wrong here, now this player is wanted for a lot of big money clubs and his release clause is fairly low for that CA 26.5M so i want increase his clause but as he has bonus fees i cant change the release clause cause the bonus fees take the whole 8 clauses spaces in the CE table for clauses/bonus

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Re: Football Manager 2019 | 19.1.1 | 4.2 | 28-Apr-2019

Post by BipBop »

If anyone is interested, there is a nulled FMRTE for the latest version of FM19 on youtube. Just search FMRTE and order by date.

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