i think there was a way with older versions to use cheat codes with the console but have not checked it lately. may be handy for someone to look into if they get stuck
Man, Dead City Crater is awful. Who thought it would be a good idea to fill an area with 100 things that can attack four times a turn for up to 30 damage, and all go hostile the moment you alert one of them?
None of these tables are working for me, any chance for an update? I can't crack this place at all, need infinite HP or AP or something to clean it out. Tried all the tables but none of them work anymore, the most recent just give me a "Failure injecting the MonoDatacollector dll" error. Go figure.
AtomRPG_x64_Version for v.1.112_v5.CT
Item Preview - mouseover the item in inventory to modify weight, number of item, and cost of item
Less weight - Enable by default for consumable, disabled for item
Max AP, Max Ammo on Armed Weapons, No Damage
Added table for conditions
Added Highlight Timer Script
Added Visibility Scale Script
Added Table Character Data (stats, skill bonus)
Added Toggle No Radiation, No Poison, No Hunger
Added No Fog Of War script
Added Player not dying script
Added Lock PIN preview
keypad_plus - add 1 to current preview item keypad minus - toggle on off Fog of war
Minor code update
// replace the script from Nax AP, Ammo, No Damage (also should be max)
// to arm dynamites without crashing
Added Highlight Timer Script Added Visibility Scale Script Added Table Character Data (stats, skill bonus) Added Toggle No Radiation, No Poison, No Hunger
Added Item Preview - mouseover the item in inventory to modify weight, number of item, and cost of item Added Less weight - Enable by default for consumable, disabled for item Added table for conditions