go to your save file location (locallow>atomteam>atom>copy your save.as file (make a backup)>use7zip to extract that said save file>Edit it with any program that can edit memory (I used hxd)(tip ctrl+f once you open it and search for strength, you'll likely be place to your character stats(just check it if it's your stats, cuz I used it everytime I edit my file),> open and add archive it on 7zip via gzip> during the naming/saving process, change the filename extension to .as instead of .gz > overwrite your save file on your save location (remember to keep a backup of your save file) open the game load.. DONE!!
Anyone good at making these tables be able to make a feature that can detect "Relationship"? Like make allied (green people) remain green and not become hostile (red) towards you when attacking them..