Ashen [Engine:UE4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

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Ashen [Engine:UE4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

[ 20 Dec 2018 - Update #2 ]

Users reported the DLL not working for the official build. Find the fixed DLL below (I've not included the injector this time). Same password: sunbeam.
(41.87 KiB) Downloaded 701 times


[ 18 Dec 2018 - Update #1 ]

Starter table, containing the below:


(29.64 KiB) Downloaded 584 times

Big thanks to Cielos for the no-clip script; adjusted from Darksiders 3.

  • head to your game folder (e.g.: D:\Games\Ashen\Ashen\Binaries\Win64) and rename Ashen-Win64-Shipping.pdb file to Ashen-Win64-Shipping.pdb.BAK
  • the reason for this is once you open the process in CE, due to enumerating debug symbols (the .pdb is 400+MB), CE will most likely freeze

[ 17 Dec 2018 - First Release ]

Hello everyone.

Been part of a topic discussion - here - which led to questioning the game's engine. Learning it runs on UE4, I've decided to give it a go :P If you've not tracked down my UE4 topics so far, continue reading.

Attached below is a DLL that will do the following:
  • Run threaded UE4 code to create the UConsole UObject; you may then use Tilde (~) key to open up the console. I don't wanna hear any bitching as to what you can or can't do with the console. I'm not the game developer and you most certainly couldn't have enabled it without this DLL. Appreciate what you have.
  • Will dump the UE4 FNameArray and UObjectArray, along with their addresses. What this means is you can then know what the fuck you're looking at in memory, when debugging or tracing, and devise your own correspondences.
(1.33 MiB) Downloaded 374 times
( password: sunbeam )

Usage instructions:

1) Run game.
2) Download above archive; extract to a folder of your choice.
3) Open the injector (don't care if your AV screams; your choice if you want to use my "virus") and target Ashen-Win64-Shipping.exe.
4) Add Ashen.dll to the list.
5) Hit Inject.

You may close the injector after that, if you want.

This will happen:


  • The console key is Tilde (~); if you have another kind of keyboard, find out where your Tilde equivalent is.
  • The dump location is your game folder (e.g.: D:\Games\Ashen\Ashen\Binaries\Win64).
  • The .txt files are generated at "run-time". What this means is if you transition in-game from one map to another or from main menu to game world and backwards, you need to re-dump them. Why? UE4 destroys and recreates UObjects; re-initialization. To re-dump the .txt files press Numpad /.
Here's a sample of extracted "cheat" functions. They can be run in the console (just the part after the last dot - - e.g.: AshenGodMode):

Code: Select all

[006734] Function Engine.Character.ClientCheatFly                                                             0x000001DC3E880580
[006735] Function Engine.Character.ClientCheatGhost                                                           0x000001DC3E880640
[006736] Function Engine.Character.ClientCheatWalk                                                            0x000001DC3E880700
[008069] Function Engine.PlayerController.EnableCheats                                                        0x000001DC3E88EF80
[021153] Function Engine.CheatManager.BugIt                                                                   0x000001DC3ED34240
[021155] Function Engine.CheatManager.BugItGo                                                                 0x000001DC3ED34300
[021162] Function Engine.CheatManager.BugItStringCreator                                                      0x000001DC3ED343C0
[021167] Function Engine.CheatManager.ChangeSize                                                              0x000001DC3ED34480
[021169] Function Engine.CheatManager.CheatScript                                                             0x000001DC3ED34540
[021169] Function Engine.CheatManager.CheatScript                                                             0x000001DC3ED34540
[021171] Function Engine.CheatManager.DamageTarget                                                            0x000001DC3ED34600
[021173] Function Engine.CheatManager.DebugCapsuleSweep                                                       0x000001DC3ED346C0
[021174] Function Engine.CheatManager.DebugCapsuleSweepCapture                                                0x000001DC3ED34780
[021175] Function Engine.CheatManager.DebugCapsuleSweepChannel                                                0x000001DC3ED34840
[021177] Function Engine.CheatManager.DebugCapsuleSweepClear                                                  0x000001DC3ED34900
[021178] Function Engine.CheatManager.DebugCapsuleSweepComplex                                                0x000001DC3ED349C0
[021180] Function Engine.CheatManager.DebugCapsuleSweepPawn                                                   0x000001DC3ED34A80
[021181] Function Engine.CheatManager.DebugCapsuleSweepSize                                                   0x000001DC3ED34B40
[021184] Function Engine.CheatManager.DestroyAll                                                              0x000001DC3ED34C00
[021186] Function Engine.CheatManager.DestroyAllPawnsExceptTarget                                             0x000001DC3ED34CC0
[021187] Function Engine.CheatManager.DestroyPawns                                                            0x000001DC3ED34D80
[021189] Function Engine.CheatManager.DestroyServerStatReplicator                                             0x000001DC3ED34E40
[021190] Function Engine.CheatManager.DestroyTarget                                                           0x000001DC3ED34F00
[021191] Function Engine.CheatManager.DisableDebugCamera                                                      0x000001DC3ED34FC0
[021192] Function Engine.CheatManager.DumpChatState                                                           0x000001DC3ED35080
[021193] Function Engine.CheatManager.DumpOnlineSessionState                                                  0x000001DC3ED35140
[021194] Function Engine.CheatManager.DumpPartyState                                                          0x000001DC3ED35200
[021195] Function Engine.CheatManager.DumpVoiceMutingState                                                    0x000001DC3ED352C0
[021196] Function Engine.CheatManager.EnableDebugCamera                                                       0x000001DC3ED35380
[021197] Function Engine.CheatManager.FlushLog                                                                0x000001DC3ED35440
[021198] Function Engine.CheatManager.Fly                                                                     0x000001DC3ED35500
[021199] Function Engine.CheatManager.FreezeFrame                                                             0x000001DC3ED355C0
[021201] Function Engine.CheatManager.Ghost                                                                   0x000001DC3ED35680
[021202] Function Engine.CheatManager.God                                                                     0x000001DC3ED35740
[021203] Function Engine.CheatManager.InvertMouse                                                             0x000001DC3ED35800
[021204] Function Engine.CheatManager.LogLoc                                                                  0x000001DC3ED358C0
[021205] Function Engine.CheatManager.OnlyLoadLevel                                                           0x000001DC3ED35980
[021207] Function Engine.CheatManager.PlayersOnly                                                             0x000001DC3ED35A40
[021208] Function Engine.CheatManager.RebuildNavigation                                                       0x000001DC3ED35B00
[021209] Function Engine.CheatManager.ReceiveEndPlay                                                          0x000001DC3ED35BC0
[021210] Function Engine.CheatManager.ReceiveInitCheatManager                                                 0x000001DC3ED35C80
[021210] Function Engine.CheatManager.ReceiveInitCheatManager                                                 0x000001DC3ED35C80
[021211] Function Engine.CheatManager.ServerToggleAILogging                                                   0x000001DC3ED35D40
[021212] Function Engine.CheatManager.SetMouseSensitivityToDefault                                            0x000001DC3ED35E00
[021213] Function Engine.CheatManager.SetNavDrawDistance                                                      0x000001DC3ED35EC0
[021215] Function Engine.CheatManager.SetWorldOrigin                                                          0x000001DC3ED35F80
[021216] Function Engine.CheatManager.Slomo                                                                   0x000001DC3ED36040
[021218] Function Engine.CheatManager.SpawnServerStatReplicator                                               0x000001DC3ED36100
[021219] Function Engine.CheatManager.StreamLevelIn                                                           0x000001DC3ED361C0
[021221] Function Engine.CheatManager.StreamLevelOut                                                          0x000001DC3ED36280
[021223] Function Engine.CheatManager.Summon                                                                  0x000001DC3ED36340
[021225] Function Engine.CheatManager.Teleport                                                                0x000001DC3ED36400
[021226] Function Engine.CheatManager.TestCollisionDistance                                                   0x000001DC3ED364C0
[021227] Function Engine.CheatManager.ToggleAILogging                                                         0x000001DC3ED36580
[021228] Function Engine.CheatManager.ToggleDebugCamera                                                       0x000001DC3ED36640
[021229] Function Engine.CheatManager.ToggleServerStatReplicatorClientOverwrite                               0x000001DC3ED36700
[021230] Function Engine.CheatManager.ToggleServerStatReplicatorUpdateStatNet                                 0x000001DC3ED367C0
[021231] Function Engine.CheatManager.ViewActor                                                               0x000001DC3ED36880
[021233] Function Engine.CheatManager.ViewClass                                                               0x000001DC3ED36940
[021235] Function Engine.CheatManager.ViewPlayer                                                              0x000001DC3ED36A00
[021237] Function Engine.CheatManager.ViewSelf                                                                0x000001DC3ED36AC0
[021238] Function Engine.CheatManager.Walk                                                                    0x000001DC3ED36B80
[021241] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenAcquireNpc                                                     0x000001DC3ED36C40
[021245] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenActorCount                                                     0x000001DC3ED36D00
[021246] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenAddItem                                                        0x000001DC3ED36DC0
[021248] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenBlockAIFollowerSpawn                                           0x000001DC3ED36E80
[021250] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenBloodForTheBloodGod                                            0x000001DC3ED36F40
[021251] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenCacheHeroTransform                                             0x000001DC3ED37000
[021252] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenCharacterType                                                  0x000001DC3ED370C0
[021258] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenComponentCount                                                 0x000001DC3ED37180
[021259] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenDamageAIFollower                                               0x000001DC3ED37240
[021262] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenDamageAll                                                      0x000001DC3ED37300
[021265] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenDamageAllButTarget                                             0x000001DC3ED373C0
[021268] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenDamageHero                                                     0x000001DC3ED37480
[021271] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenDamageTarget                                                   0x000001DC3ED37540
[021276] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenDebugSlopeScan                                                 0x000001DC3ED37600
[021278] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenDebugSlopeScanEX                                               0x000001DC3ED376C0
[021286] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenDebugSlopeScanRange                                            0x000001DC3ED37780
[021290] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenDestroyAllSpawners                                             0x000001DC3ED37840
[021291] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenDestroyAllTransientNavLinks                                    0x000001DC3ED37900
[021295] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenDestroyNearestSpawner                                          0x000001DC3ED379C0
[021296] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenDisableActorTicks                                              0x000001DC3ED37A80
[021297] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenDisableComponentTicks                                          0x000001DC3ED37B40
[021298] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenDisableNonVitalTicks                                           0x000001DC3ED37C00
[021299] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenDropAllElderDarkPillars                                        0x000001DC3ED37CC0
[021300] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenEnableAllFootIK                                                0x000001DC3ED37D80
[021302] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenEnableDebugNetPingPong                                         0x000001DC3ED37E40
[021305] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenEnableDeferCreatureUnload                                      0x000001DC3ED37F00
[021308] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenEnableHeroFootIK                                               0x000001DC3ED37FC0
[021310] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenEnableRemoteHeroCameraBlockFade                                0x000001DC3ED38080
[021312] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenEnableTargetFootIK                                             0x000001DC3ED38140
[021314] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenEnableWeaponHandIK                                             0x000001DC3ED38200
[021318] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenFollowPlayer                                                   0x000001DC3ED382C0
[021319] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenForceRegisterNearestSpawner                                    0x000001DC3ED38380
[021320] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenForceWakeAll                                                   0x000001DC3ED38440
[021322] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenForgetMeNot                                                    0x000001DC3ED38500
[021325] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenGetQuestStates                                                 0x000001DC3ED385C0
[021327] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenGodMode                                                        0x000001DC3ED38680
[021328] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenKillAIFollower                                                 0x000001DC3ED38740
[021329] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenLockAISpawnManager                                             0x000001DC3ED38800
[021331] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenNetworkDebug                                                   0x000001DC3ED388C0
[021332] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenPlaySogHexCharge                                               0x000001DC3ED38980
[021333] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenPlaySogHexExplode                                              0x000001DC3ED38A40
[021334] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenPrintSaveData                                                  0x000001DC3ED38B00
[021335] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenRefreshVitals                                                  0x000001DC3ED38BC0
[021336] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenResetAllSpawners                                               0x000001DC3ED38C80
[021337] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenScaleHeroWeapon                                                0x000001DC3ED38D40
[021339] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenSetAllAllowNavWalk                                             0x000001DC3ED38E00
[021342] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenSetAllAnimUpdateRate                                           0x000001DC3ED38EC0
[021344] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenSetAllForceNavWalk                                             0x000001DC3ED38F80
[021347] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenSetBottleCapacity                                              0x000001DC3ED39040
[021349] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenSetElderDarkLight                                              0x000001DC3ED39100
[021351] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenSetSleepAll                                                    0x000001DC3ED391C0
[021353] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenSetSleepAllButNearest                                          0x000001DC3ED39280
[021355] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenSetSleepAllButTarget                                           0x000001DC3ED39340
[021357] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenSetTargetAllowNavWalk                                          0x000001DC3ED39400
[021360] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenSetTargetAnimUpdateRate                                        0x000001DC3ED394C0
[021362] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenSetTargetForceNavWalk                                          0x000001DC3ED39580
[021365] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenShowAIActivity                                                 0x000001DC3ED39640
[021367] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenShowAIFollowerBossThreat                                       0x000001DC3ED39700
[021369] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenShowAIFootIK                                                   0x000001DC3ED397C0
[021371] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenShowAIHealthScale                                              0x000001DC3ED39880
[021373] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenShowAINetState                                                 0x000001DC3ED39940
[021376] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenShowAIOwnership                                                0x000001DC3ED39A00
[021378] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenShowAvoidence                                                  0x000001DC3ED39AC0
[021380] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenShowDebug                                                      0x000001DC3ED39B80
[021381] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenShowDynamicFlightPaths                                         0x000001DC3ED39C40
[021383] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenShowNavLinks                                                   0x000001DC3ED39D00
[021387] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenShowNavWalk                                                    0x000001DC3ED39DC0
[021389] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenShowTargetAttackRange                                          0x000001DC3ED39E80
[021391] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenShowTargetAttacksDebug                                         0x000001DC3ED39F40
[021393] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenShowTargetDamageCollision                                      0x000001DC3ED3A000
[021395] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenShowTargetPerception                                           0x000001DC3ED3A0C0
[021397] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenShowTargetShieldDebug                                          0x000001DC3ED3A180
[021399] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenSoloCoopClimb                                                  0x000001DC3ED3A240
[021401] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenSpawnAIFollower                                                0x000001DC3ED3A300
[021406] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenStaminaKing                                                    0x000001DC3ED3A3C0
[021407] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenSuicideKing                                                    0x000001DC3ED3A480
[021408] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenTeleportFollowerToCachedTransform                              0x000001DC3ED3A540
[021410] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenTeleportFollowerToHero                                         0x000001DC3ED3A600
[021411] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenTeleportTarget                                                 0x000001DC3ED3A6C0
[021416] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenToggleCinematicSubtitles                                       0x000001DC3ED3A780
[021417] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenTravel                                                         0x000001DC3ED3A840
[021419] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.TeleportToDebugCamera                                               0x000001DC3ED3A900
[021420] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.TestAshenCheatManager                                               0x000001DC3ED3A9C0
[021420] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.TestAshenCheatManager                                               0x000001DC3ED3A9C0
[021421] Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.txt                                                                 0x000001DC3ED3AA80
[067284] Function Debug_PlayerStats.Debug_PlayerStats_C.SetCheatStats                                         0x000001DC658F5F80
Some may work, some may not; it's your job from here on to find out :P I suggest focusing on the "AshenCheatManager" ones.

Will post more as I find good stuff to use.


How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Ashen [Engine:UE4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by zachillios »

Awesome! Thanks so much.

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Re: Ashen [Engine:UE4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

Here's some useful things I tried:
  • AshenGodMode - - toggles god on; you get damaged, not HP drain though
  • AshenStaminaKing - - toggle no stamina depletion on
  • ToggleDebugCamera - - enables debug camera to roam around; use same command to turn off
  • TeleportToDebugCamera - - drops your character at camera's position; useful for reaching those high-up places with loot in the beginning of the game
Then we have these:

Code: Select all

Function Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenAddItem
StrProperty Ashen.AshenCheatManager.AshenAddItem.ItemClass
And the items.. hmmpf :P Time to unpack Ashen-WindowsNoEditor.pak.

Also.. for example:

Code: Select all

Summon BP_MatriarchSpawn.BP_MatriarchSpawn_C
More, later :P


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Re: Ashen [Engine:UE4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by agsluz »

with me here I do everything right but the console does not open, I already tried all buttons on the keyboard, and neither did the ~ nor think, any suggestions

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Re: Ashen [Engine:UE4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

Did the DLL injection work? Do you see the two text files where I said they would appear? If yes, then please also check your clock time vs. the files timestamps; were they created when you hit Inject just now or are they from another past run?

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Re: Ashen [Engine:UE4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by STN »

ConsoleBeam :lol:

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Re: Ashen [Engine:UE4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by agsluz »

SunBeam wrote:
Mon Dec 17, 2018 8:16 am
Did the DLL injection work? Do you see the two text files where I said they would appear? If yes, then please also check your clock time vs. the files timestamps; were they created when you hit Inject just now or are they from another past run?
yes I see the two texts with a date but the console does not open I know that I did everything right to talk to injection tea but in the game itself it does not enter the console in any way

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Re: Ashen [Engine:UE4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

@agsluz: Try this for a change:
  • copy this > %localappdata%\Ashen\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor
  • WinKey + R > paste it in [Enter]
See that Input.ini file? Open it and paste this in (you can remove anything else):

Code: Select all


Then save it, open game, inject DLL and see if Tilde works now.

P.S.: You can use any key you want.

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Re: Ashen [Engine:UE4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by NumberXer0 »

Ok, moving over to this thread instead. I was wondering if anyone would be able to look into making it so items don't decrease instead of setting them to a specific amount. I know it depends on the game, but maybe simply just noping the item usage?

With the way this game handles items, almost all consumables have a max quantity of 9. Anything over goes into a new stack. So with the cheat from the other post on, every item you pick up makes a new stack and fills your inventory in a few minutes. The inventory space in this game is very limited. For now, I've just changed the value from his script from 777777 to 8, but it also sets your scoria (money) to 8 and all of the crafting materials that stack higher than 9, so you can't buy anything or craft. It just sets every item with a quantity to a set value and doesn't differentiate between them. Strangely, the number of spears don't change though. That seems to be missing from the script.

The way to make the script work is to set everything to a very high number, buy and craft whatever you need, then drop it all on the ground, change them to 8 or lower, then pick them all back up. The issue with this method is time and the fact that it still creates extra stacks on the ground. So even if you have 1 stack of each item in your inventory, you have other stacks sitting on the ground that seemingly don't disappear. My town is littered with them and I haven't seen a sell function at any merchants yet. Maybe that comes later, or not at all. It took two bosses just to unlock the item box, which is also very limited in space.

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Re: Ashen [Engine:UE4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

I'll post this evening the player-inventory relationship. Hopefully the slot positions aren't randomized.

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Re: Ashen [Engine:UE4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by agsluz »

already concludes the game thanks, the trainer that I got here left some invincible enemies and others not, killed some and temporarily disabled to kill the others, it was worth the help, and guys the below game is top, someone can get a trainer or table for him, I tried everything here and nothing, nice game, but very difficult excuse for my English I am Brazilian rsrsr

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Re: Ashen [Engine:UE4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

^ The trainer you got is from another person's post. Using what I posted up top doesn't lead to mishaps like those :P As in you don't die; enemies die.

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Re: Ashen [Engine:UE4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by STN »

SunBeam wrote:
Tue Dec 18, 2018 12:51 pm
^ The trainer you got is from another person's post. Using what I posted up top doesn't lead to mishaps like those :P As in you don't die; enemies die.

I am amazed you understood all that :shock:

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Re: Ashen [Engine:UE4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by nattydread011 »

Thanks so much for doing this game Sun.

Sadly I have issues. Console dumper keeps crashing the game when I hit inject (latest epic store game ver and the table keeps crashing the cheat engine. :(
Do we need any specific settings in the extreme injector maybe?

I want to see if any of the camera and timestop commands work.

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Re: Ashen [Engine:UE4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

ToogleDebugCamera works and so does Slomo :P PlayersOnly would freeze/pause the entire game :P You can however move with no-clip ;) No idea about the crashes, tested just the CODEX release.

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