Scan type for RPG Maker

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Scan type for RPG Maker

Post by CaesarCzech »

So i found some tools and modified it for purpose of some less clean adventures.
Can it be checked that this is universal ?


db 'RPG VX type',0

dd 4

push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push ecx
mov ecx,[ebp+8]

mov eax,[ecx]
shr eax,1

pop ecx
pop ebp
ret 4

push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push edx
push ecx
mov edx,[ebp+0c]
mov ecx,[ebp+08]

push eax
push edx

mov edx,[edx]
and edx,1

mov eax,ecx /
shl eax,1
or eax,edx

pop edx
mov [edx],eax
pop eax



pop ecx
pop edx
pop ebp
ret 8

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Re: Scan type for RPG Maker

Post by JohnFK »

You first have to clarify for which RPG Maker version this should be

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Re: Scan type for RPG Maker

Post by lath »

So the updated 7.0 version of Cheat Engine no longer likes this custom type.
where i got it originally ( [Link] )
alloc(PreferedAlignment, 4)

db 'RPG VX type',0

dd 4

dd 1

//The convert routine should hold a routine that converts the data to an nteger (in eax)
//function declared as: stdcall int ConvertRoutine(unsigned char *input);

//Note: Keep in mind that this routine can be called by multiple threads at the same time.

push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push ecx
mov ecx,[ebp+8]

//at this point ecx contains the address where the bytes are stored

//put the bytes into the eax register
mov eax,[ecx] //second fun fact, addressing with 32-bit registers doesn't work in 64-bit, it becomes a 64-bit automatically (most of the time)
shr eax,1 //shift right by 1 bit (divide by 2)

//and now exit the routine
pop ecx
pop ebp
ret 4

//The convert back routine should hold a routine that converts the given integer back to a row of bytes (e.g when the user wats to write a new value)
//function declared as: stdcall void ConvertBackRoutine(int i, unsigned char *output);
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push edx //save the registers
push ecx
mov edx,[ebp+0c]
mov ecx,[ebp+08]

//at this point edx contains the address to write the value to
//and ecx contains the value

push eax
push edx

mov edx,[edx] //edx now contains the original value
and edx,1 //only save the first bit

mov eax,ecx //eax gets the user input value
shl eax,1 //shift left by 1 bit (multiply by 2)
or eax,edx //add the bits of the original value

pop edx
mov [edx],eax //write the new value into the old value
pop eax

//everything is back to what it was, so exit

//cleanup first
pop ecx
pop edx
pop ebp
ret 8
Error i'm getting is:

[string "alloc(TypeName, 256)
..."]:8: syntax error near ','

As i am clearly uneducated enough to hijack an old thread instead of making a new one, can someone explain how to solve that particular error so i can use the handy type once more instead of 2*x+1?

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Re: Scan type for RPG Maker

Post by panraven »

The error is a Lua Error, it suggest that you paste the custum type script of AA non-LUA type in the Lua Engine.
AA script is not Lua script so the error.

To create a custom type script, one way is via a hidden ui operation.

RIGHT-CLICK [value type] of the scanner ui.
It should then show 2 options:
[define new custom type (auto assembler)]
[define new custom type (Lua)]
Choose auto assembler one as yours are in AA.
Paste your script, [OK]
Then there will be a new type [RPG VX Type] can be usable (seems no error).
When RIGHT-CLICK on this custom type will show 2 more option to Edit or Delete this type.

You can also define new custom type via only Lua scripting with recent version CE, but not detailed here.

Good luck~

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