Just dropping this in since it's something I find handy in all Atelier games. Actually used the same code in a *different* atelier game and just repurposed it here.
local al = getAddressList()
local base = al.createMemoryRecord()
base.Description = "Basket Quality Codes"
base.IsGroupHeader = true
base.options = "[moActivateChildrenAsWell, moDeactivateChildrenAsWell, moRecursiveSetValue, moManualExpandCollapse]"
local addr = "A11R_x64_Release_en.exe+0113B928"
local offsetQuality = 0x8
local slotnum = 1
for i = 1, 60 do
local recQuality = al.createMemoryRecord()
local headertxt = string.format("Basket Quality Slot %d", slotnum)
recQuality.Description = headertxt
recQuality.Address = addr
recQuality.OffsetCount = 1
recQuality.Offset[0] = offsetQuality
recQuality.type = vtSingle
offsetQuality = offsetQuality + 0x30
slotnum = slotnum + 1
Above code will create a head for "Basket Quality" codes, creating 60 codes underneath inside it to manipulate Quality in the basket. You can safely set them all to 120 by setting the headers value to 120, then freeze them all by freezing the header. Every item in your basket will be set to quality 120 (in this game, the max obtainable without cheating). I haven't gotten far enough in to know if/how many more basket slots you gain later, so just edit the "for i = 1, 60" part to "for i = 1, 23842398" for 23842398 basket slots, or however many you want.
I have a similar one for Quantity, but I'm not sure if setting quantity for things that don't normally have it breaks things yet so I'll not share it for now. If I don't remember to come back after testing it, just set the "local offsetQuality = 0x8" line to "local offsetQuality = 0x2C", and the line "recQuality.type = vtSingle" to "recQuality.type=vtByte" and the codes will work for editing the Quantity in any basket slot of your choosing.
This can likely be done much better with a script or injection code, but I don't know how to make those, just how to mass populate codes via LUA, so... here we are. If anyone wants to just make a single entry "All basket quality 120" code by all means please do.