Hey all! So, I play with a friend pretty regularly who...isnt that good. The older SC games used to have a built in HP handicap option, but alas SC6 does not. Im not great at using CE, and don't have a lot of time to invest into learning the program sadly. What I need to find is a way to provide player 2 some kind of handicap. I dont know if there's a way to double the starting health value, increase some defense stat, or what the options are, but if any savvy person could help me make that a thing it would be super helpful. Im sure that there's some way to do it, but I can't seem to isolate the health bar while doing the reduced value search, and though I've found infinite HP and one hit kill options I have no idea how to set a higher starting value rather than setting it at either locked at 'x' or set to 1.
Thanks in advance if someone can work that out!
Soul Calibur 6 Handicap
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