Darksiders 3 [Engine:UE4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

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Darksiders 3 [Engine:UE4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

[ 1 Dec 2018 - Update #5 ]

Added the Hijack Speed Tick script to the table.

(13.47 KiB) Downloaded 849 times

How to use:

1) Enable Hijack Speed Tick script.
2) I've set 3 hotkeys setting this:


To 3 values:

Numpad 1 -> 0.05
Numpad 2 -> 0.02
Numpad 3 -> 0

While playing use Numpad 1 or Numpad 2 to speed around and kill foes faster; use Numpad 3 to reset speed so you can jump or do various actions that can't really happen in a fraction of a second. You can change the hotkeys by right-clicking the fAddSpeed line shown above, "Set/Change hotkeys" and setting your own; same goes for the values.


a) You need to have [ Enable ] script active.
b) You may need to re-press the key to set speed back to your value after cut-scenes (no need to set it to 0 while cut-scenes play).

[ 30 Nov 2018 - Update #4 ]

Added more to the Excel:

updated list of summons + details
(23.44 KiB) Downloaded 464 times

[ 30 Nov 2018 - Update #3 ]

Added an Excel file containing all the blueprints I could summon mainly in the first map and some sometime further in the game:


list of summons + details
(22.67 KiB) Downloaded 269 times

Please keep in mind the UObjects are spawned per the map list; as such, some characters/items won't work summoning in maps they were not designed to be spawned in. If you want to keep adding to it, please create a separate sheet and continue there. And when I say "add to it", I mean with each map you play, re-dump the .txt files and look for "] Blueprint" UObjects that aren't already in the table I posted above.

Once you have an update, do let me know and I'll consolidate your finds into the big table in main sheet :P

How to use: copy content of any cell on A column and paste it in the in-game console; make sure you're in a map, not at main menu.


[ 29 Nov 2018 - Update #2 ]

Updated with God Mode v2 script. Better than the first one :P (no knock-back). Haven't seen this in any trainers or demo videos. So, yeah, you know what this means if you find a trainer with it after this post ;)

(9.55 KiB) Downloaded 221 times

Will add more as I progress through the game. Haven't quite gotten far :P Might as well start from scratch to learn of the story and play attentively.

[ 29 Nov 2018 - Update #1 ]

Posted the table for this game :P


(8.79 KiB) Downloaded 203 times

1) Run game.
2) Target game process with CE (Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe).
3) Open table.
4) Activate [ Enable ] script. Doesn't matter when you do it (just keep in mind you can't do shit with it at main menu).
5) Check [ Stats ] and [ Scripts ] sections.

Keep adding to it as you please.


P.S.: "OR 0x2" means add 0x2 to the value you see and check its effect. To restore, subtract 0x2. Example for Flight: change 0x80 to 0x82; switch back in-game and you will see player high-jump; if you freeze this to 0x82, you'll see what happens :P

[ 28 Nov 2018 - First Release ]

Hello folks.

First things first. What I noticed happening with most UE4 games is the first time you start the game everything's set to minimal graphically. So buff up your Graphics settings: I've set all to Epic and 1920x1080. Once set, exit game for good. On restart you'll see no more blurry GUI crap. You may then adjust the graphics settings to the values you want.

Now.. Attached below is a DLL that will do the following:
  • Run threaded UE4 code to create the UConsole UObject; you may then use Tilde (~) key to open up the console. I don't wanna hear any bitching as to what you can or can't do with the console. I'm not the game developer and you most certainly couldn't have enabled it without this DLL. Appreciate what you have.
  • Will dump the UE4 FNameArray and UObjectArray, along with their addresses. What this means is you can then know what the fuck you're looking at in memory, when debugging or tracing, and devise your own correspondences.

(1.33 MiB) Downloaded 345 times
( password: sunbeam )

Usage instructions:

1) Run game.
2) Download above archive; extract to a folder of your choice.
3) Open the injector (don't care if your AV says shit; your choice if you want to use my "virus") and target Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe.
4) Add Darksiders3.dll to the list.
5) Inject.

You may close the injector after that, if you want.

This will happen:


  • The dump location is your game folder (e.g.: G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Darksiders 3\Darksiders3\Binaries\Win64).
  • The .txt files are generated at "run-time". What this means is if you transition in-game from one map to another or from main menu to game world and backwards, you need to re-dump them. Why? UE4 destroys and recreates UObjects; re-initialization. To re-dump the .txt files press Numpad /.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Darksiders 3 - Unreal Engine 4 Console, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

If you want the console commands to work, do the following, just so you don't say I'm making you download a virus (yes, you need to patch some bytes in the game .exe):

1) Download Hex Workshop 6.8.0 ([Link]). Install it.


2) Open Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe in Hex Workshop (right-click the .exe, "Hex Edit with Hex Workshop v6.8")
3) Ctrl+F > select Hex Values from top drop-down > tick Find All Instances > FF905007000084C0 > OK.

This is what you will see:



4) Press Insert key to enable overwriting.
5) Click on that FF byte and start typing > 30 C0 FE C0 90 90.


5) Save. Yes, let it make a backup.


What you just did was to patch AGameModeBase::AllowCheats from 0 to 1 :P Sort of..

Now run game, inject the console/dumper DLL and enter game. Open console and type "slomo 0.5". You'll see you now move slower. Reset it with "slomo 1". Yes, "god" has no effect, even if it says "God mode on". Same goes for "fly" or "ghost". Like I said, am not the developer :P


P.S.: No, you cannot patch that in real-time as the piece of code is run on game initialization. That means you patching it AFTER the game has started won't do anything. The alternative is to learn some UE4 code interpretation and manually generate the UCheatManager UObject yourself :P Might do that later on. For now, this works.

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Re: Darksiders 3 - Unreal Engine 4 Console, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

Note that you can now share your analysis in the form of searchable UObjects. For example, after defeating Envy, I'm here:


Inject DLL, open ObjectsDump.txt and search for this -> "Character_Fury_C World.World.PersistentLevel.Character_Fury_C_1" (without the ""):

Code: Select all

[375525] Character_Fury_C World.World.PersistentLevel.Character_Fury_C_1                                      0x0000011B55D90040
Note your address: mine's 11B55D90040; yes, it will be different for everyone; and it will change when you exit game, load another map and so on. Like I said, re-initialization. So.. add that to your list, then offset it by 0x814. As Float:


This is your HP :D

Why 0x814? Remember this?

Code: Select all

Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32BCA0 - 40 53                 - push rbx
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32BCA2 - 48 83 EC 30           - sub rsp,30 { 48 }
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32BCA6 - 48 8B D9              - mov rbx,rcx
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32BCA9 - 0F29 74 24 20         - movaps [rsp+20],xmm6
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32BCAE - 48 81 C1 20070000     - add rcx,00000720 { 1824 }
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32BCB5 - 0F28 F1               - movaps xmm6,xmm1
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32BCB8 - 48 8B 01              - mov rax,[rcx]
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32BCBB - FF 50 38              - call qword ptr [rax+38]
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32BCBE - 0F57 D2               - xorps xmm2,xmm2
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32BCC1 - 0F2F C2               - comiss xmm0,xmm2
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32BCC4 - 76 16                 - jna Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32BCDC
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32BCC6 - F3 0F59 35 6EF8BD01   - mulss xmm6,[Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+1F0B53C] { [1000.00] }
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32BCCE - F3 0F5E F0            - divss xmm6,xmm0
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32BCD2 - F3 0F11 B3 14080000   - movss [rbx+00000814],xmm6 // HP_write
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32BCDA - EB 0A                 - jmp Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32BCE6
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32BCDC - C7 83 14080000 00000000 - mov [rbx+00000814],00000000 { 0 }
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32BCE6 - 48 8D 8B 58080000     - lea rcx,[rbx+00000858]
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32BCED - 48 89 5C 24 40        - mov [rsp+40],rbx
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32BCF2 - 48 8D 54 24 40        - lea rdx,[rsp+40]
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32BCF7 - E8 44B0EBFF           - call Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+1E6D40
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32BCFC - 0F28 74 24 20         - movaps xmm6,[rsp+20]
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32BD01 - 48 83 C4 30           - add rsp,30 { 48 }
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32BD05 - 5B                    - pop rbx
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32BD06 - C3                    - ret 
That's why :P

I'll post a player-sided god mode table later on ;)


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Re: Darksiders 3 - Unreal Engine 4 Console, Dumper and more..

Post by hummus »

SunBeam wrote:
Wed Nov 28, 2018 3:26 pm
As always great work, thanks.

I found that rbx+7F8 is 0 for the player and 2 for monsters, played for about 30 minutes after Envy with a simple compare and jump without any problems.

Code: Select all


aobscanmodule(INJECT,Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe,F3 0F 11 B3 14 08 00 00) // should be unique


  cmp [rbx+7F8],0
  jne code
  jmp return

  movss [rbx+00000814],xmm6
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db F3 0F 11 B3 14 08 00 00


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Re: Darksiders 3 - Unreal Engine 4 Console, Dumper and more..

Post by BooBoo »

Awesome job @SunBeam, I'll try this later on to give you my humble opinion about it ;).

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Re: Darksiders 3 - Unreal Engine 4 Console, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

@hummus: See if that byte gets accessed. You can then tell for sure if the engine uses it or not. Else you might hit issues when allies occur or some AI also has that byte set to 0. Just make sure the Engine uses that offset ;)

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Re: Darksiders 3 - Unreal Engine 4 Console, Dumper and more..

Post by hummus »

SunBeam wrote:
Wed Nov 28, 2018 5:48 pm
@hummus: See if that byte gets accessed. You can then tell for sure if the engine uses it or not. Else you might hit issues when allies occur or some AI also has that byte set to 0. Just make sure the Engine uses that offset ;)
It gets accessed every time I hit someone.

Code: Select all

Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+322545 - 48 8B D7              - mov rdx,rdi
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+322548 - 48 8D 4C 24 5C        - lea rcx,[rsp+5C]
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32254D - E8 7E5D3F00           - call Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+7182D0
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+322552 - 48 8D 93 D8F8FFFF     - lea rdx,[rbx-00000728]
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+322559 - 48 8D 4C 24 64        - lea rcx,[rsp+64]
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32255E - E8 6D5D3F00           - call Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+7182D0
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+322563 - 48 8D 54 24 30        - lea rdx,[rsp+30]
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+322568 - 48 8B CF              - mov rcx,rdi
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32256B - E8 60CB0F00           - call Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+41F0D0
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+322570 - EB 6F                 - jmp Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+3225E1
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+322572 - 80 BB D1000000 00     - cmp byte ptr [rbx+000000D1],00 { 0 }   // this one
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+322579 - 74 66                 - je Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+3225E1
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32257B - 48 8D BB D8F8FFFF     - lea rdi,[rbx-00000728]
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+322582 - 48 8B CF              - mov rcx,rdi
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+322585 - E8 66EDDD00           - call Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+11012F0
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32258A - 83 F8 03              - cmp eax,03 { 3 }
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32258D - 7D 52                 - jnl Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+3225E1
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32258F - 48 8B 07              - mov rax,[rdi]
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+322592 - 48 8B CF              - mov rcx,rdi
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+322595 - FF 90 68060000        - call qword ptr [rax+00000668]
Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+32259B - 84 C0                 - test al,al
I found another one at 830, player is 0 and AI 1 and this one isn't accessed by anything.

You can still die when getting hit by something that lower all your HP, I tested it with the flame golem when you kill it'll explode.
The only way I found is to set the HP higher than 1000 but the health bar will grow too.

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Re: Darksiders 3 - Unreal Engine 4 Console, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

Who is RBX there? PlayerController?

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Re: Darksiders 3 - Unreal Engine 4 Console, Dumper and more..

Post by Eric »

As in my previous script, you can hook "movss [rbx+00000814],xmm6"
[rbx] will be the vtable of the object being affected, and fury has her own class (Character_Fury_Class) so it's vtable is unique as well. (and a static, so if you just check the first 2 bytes it deals with aslr as well)

As long as there are no protection missions, or Fury changes the class she is (haven't played that much, only just got to avarice ) it will be fine

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Re: Darksiders 3 - Unreal Engine 4 Console, Dumper and more..

Post by Empress_Ravenna »

omg Nice work Sunbeam! and I can see why this took awhile to Complete.. Lol impressive! and for GodMode, Eric's Script works fine for that..

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Re: Darksiders 3 - Unreal Engine 4 Console, Dumper and more..

Post by hummus »

SunBeam wrote:
Wed Nov 28, 2018 7:32 pm
Who is RBX there? PlayerController?
Don't think so.
Correct me if I'm wrong, this is the what I got from the ObjectsDump [000097] Class Engine.PlayerController 0x00000233E68CB000

This is when I hit the AI.

Code: Select all

And this is when I get hit.

Code: Select all

Sorry I'm kind of new to working with scripts.

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Re: Darksiders 3 - Unreal Engine 4 Console, Dumper and more..

Post by Jevnaker »

based on my personal search and change for ingame crafting mats it seems that several of them have several adresses for the stuff.

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Re: Darksiders 3 - Unreal Engine 4 Console, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

@Eric: I know who RBX is in the HP processing sequence. I was asking hummus :) I'll check myself. LOL at the coincidence/misunderstanding.

In the meantime, I found there's 3 offsets in Character structure which control camera (1st/3rd) and movement (locked/unlocked). I can find a hook to mass stop all enemy Characters (aside from us) in their place :D

Meanwhile.. FLY :D


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Re: Darksiders 3 - Unreal Engine 4 Console, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

@hummus: I was asking who RBX here is:

Code: Select all

Darksiders3-Win64-Shipping.exe+322572 - 80 BB D1000000 00     - cmp byte ptr [rbx+000000D1],00 // this one
Can you link it to Character structure so we can get to it much simpler? Much simpler than a hook there, I mean.

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Re: Darksiders 3 - Unreal Engine 4 Console, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

Alright.. so I checked the default location I know PlayerController is written to LocalPlayer and I guess THQ thought this in a very simpler manner; they create the LocalPlayer one time, at game start-up, then they never re-initialize it. Having said that, we can rely on this UObject to get our PlayerController. Why? Because after that we can easily map the Character within. Gimme a bit to write-up a quick script :)

Code: Select all

[047308] LocalPlayer Transient.GameEngine_1.LocalPlayer_1                                                     0x00000265CEEE5F00
"LocalPlayer" structure

+0010 -> Class Engine.LocalPlayer (the Class is always @ +0x10)
+0020 -> GameEngine Transient.GameEngine_1
+0030 -> Player_Controller_C World.World.PersistentLevel.Player_Controller_C_1
+0058 -> GameViewportClientGunfire Transient.GameEngine_1.GameViewportClientGunfire_1
+0080 -> Class Engine.PlayerController

"PlayerController" structure

+0010 -> BlueprintGeneratedClass Player_Controller.Player_Controller_C
+0020 -> Level World.World.PersistentLevel
+0120 -> InputComponent World.World.PersistentLevel.Player_Controller_C_1.PC_InputComponent0
+0158 -> SceneComponent World.World.PersistentLevel.Player_Controller_C_1.TransformComponent0
+0320 -> PlayerState World.World.PersistentLevel.PlayerState_1
+0348 -> Character_Fury_C World.World.PersistentLevel.Character_Fury_C_1
+0358 -> Character_Fury_C World.World.PersistentLevel.Character_Fury_C_1
+0380 -> LocalPlayer Transient.GameEngine_1.LocalPlayer_1
+0388 -> Character_Fury_C World.World.PersistentLevel.Character_Fury_C_1
+0398 -> DS3HUD_C World.World.PersistentLevel.DS3HUD_C_1
+03A0 -> DS3CameraManager_C World.World.PersistentLevel.DS3CameraManager_C_1
+03A8 -> BlueprintGeneratedClass DS3CameraManager.DS3CameraManager_C
+0420 -> CheatManagerGunfire World.World.PersistentLevel.Player_Controller_C_1.CheatManagerGunfire_1
+0428 -> Class GunfireRuntime.CheatManagerGunfire
+0430 -> PlayerInput World.World.PersistentLevel.Player_Controller_C_1.PlayerInput_1

"Character" structure

+0010 -> BlueprintGeneratedClass Character_Fury.Character_Fury_C
+0020 -> Level World.World.PersistentLevel
+0120 -> InputComponent World.World.PersistentLevel.Character_Fury_C_1.PawnInputComponent0
+0158 -> CapsuleComponent World.World.PersistentLevel.Character_Fury_C_1.CollisionCylinder
+0330 -> Class AIModule.AIController
+0338 -> PlayerState World.World.PersistentLevel.PlayerState_1
+0350 -> Player_Controller_C World.World.PersistentLevel.Player_Controller_C_1
+0380 -> CharacterMovementComponentGunfire World.World.PersistentLevel.Character_Fury_C_1.CharMoveComp
+0388 -> CapsuleComponent World.World.PersistentLevel.Character_Fury_C_1.CollisionCylinder
+0390 -> StaticMeshComponent Global.Global.PersistentLevel.BP_Interactive_VulgrimWormHole_HavenT03.Plinth
+0738 -> StatsComponent World.World.PersistentLevel.Character_Fury_C_1.StatsComp
+0740 -> ActionComponent World.World.PersistentLevel.Character_Fury_C_1.ActionComp
+0748 -> HitLogComponent World.World.PersistentLevel.Character_Fury_C_1.HitLogComp
+0750 -> ReplicatedMovementComponent World.World.PersistentLevel.Character_Fury_C_1.ReplicatedMovement
+0758 -> DataTable CharacterStats.CharacterStats
+0780 -> BlueprintGeneratedClass Faction_Player.Faction_Player_C
+0788 -> BlueprintGeneratedClass DamageType_Whip_Default.DamageType_Whip_Default_C
+0790 -> BlueprintGeneratedClass ImpactEffect_Player_Weapon_Whip.ImpactEffect_Player_Weapon_Whip_C
+0798 -> BlueprintGeneratedClass ImpactEffect_Player_Block.ImpactEffect_Player_Block_C
+07A0 -> BlueprintGeneratedClass ImpactEffect_Player_Footfall.ImpactEffect_Player_Footfall_C
+07B0 -> BlueprintGeneratedClass ImpactEffect_Player_Handfall.ImpactEffect_Player_Handfall_C
+07C0 -> BlueprintGeneratedClass ImpactEffect_Player_Land.ImpactEffect_Player_Land_C
+07C8 -> BlueprintGeneratedClass ImpactEffect_Player_Slam.ImpactEffect_Player_Slam_C
+07D0 -> BlueprintGeneratedClass ImpactEffect_Player_Bodyfall.ImpactEffect_Player_Bodyfall_C
+09B0 -> CharacterManager World.World.PersistentLevel.DS3GameMode_C_1.CharacterManager
+09C8 -> InventoryComponent World.World.PersistentLevel.Character_Fury_C_1.Inventory
+0A10 -> Item_Weapon_Whip_C World.World.PersistentLevel.Item_Weapon_Whip_C_1
+0A58 -> BlueprintGeneratedClass Item_Hollow_Earth.Item_Hollow_Earth_C
+0A88 -> BlueprintGeneratedClass Item_Hollow_Air.Item_Hollow_Air_C
+0AB8 -> BlueprintGeneratedClass Item_Hollow_Ice.Item_Hollow_Ice_C
+0AE8 -> BlueprintGeneratedClass Item_Hollow_Fire.Item_Hollow_Fire_C
+0B38 -> TargetAlignComponent World.World.PersistentLevel.Character_Fury_C_1.TargetAlign
+0B48 -> BlueprintGeneratedClass Item_Health.Item_Health_C
+0B50 -> BlueprintGeneratedClass BP_UseableItem.BP_UseableItem_C
+0B58 -> BlueprintGeneratedClass Item_HealingPotionSmall.Item_HealingPotionSmall_C
+0B60 -> BlueprintGeneratedClass Item_HealingPotion.Item_HealingPotion_C
+0BB0 -> BlueprintGeneratedClass BP_BombBug_Pickup.BP_BombBug_Pickup_C

"Character" structure is 0x4000 big :P

Notice 0x780 in Character? I found this:

Code: Select all

[043567] Package Faction_Player                                                                               0x00000265BB764760
[043568] BlueprintGeneratedClass Faction_Player.Faction_Player_C                                              0x00000265BB764800
[043569] Faction_Player_C Faction_Player.Default__Faction_Player_C                                            0x00000265BB764AE0
[043570] Package Faction_Enemy                                                                                0x00000265BB764B10
[043571] BlueprintGeneratedClass Faction_Enemy.Faction_Enemy_C                                                0x00000265BB764BB0
[043572] Faction_Enemy_C Faction_Enemy.Default__Faction_Enemy_C                                               0x00000265BB764E90

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