Assassin’s Creed® Odyssey - InventoryEditor

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Re: Assassin’s Creed® Odyssey - InventoryEditor

Post by dancon »

Well aren't I special. :P Will do, thanks kindly!

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Assassin’s Creed® Odyssey - InventoryEditor

Post by WAV387 »

Does anyone know of a way to edit the quantity of how many Ancient Fragments you have?
i have tried multiple searches after collecting a load from cultists but then once i have narrowed it down to a couple of addresses and updated the value the quantity does not change :(

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Re: Assassin’s Creed® Odyssey - InventoryEditor

Post by leseho »

WAV387 wrote:
Mon Dec 31, 2018 10:30 am
Does anyone know of a way to edit the quantity of how many Ancient Fragments you have?
i have tried multiple searches after collecting a load from cultists but then once i have narrowed it down to a couple of addresses and updated the value the quantity does not change :(

I'm really curious, too.
But I don't say it because there is a problem.
However, paid trainers have this feature.
Now I think we need to reveal how.

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Re: Assassin’s Creed® Odyssey - InventoryEditor

Post by Jabbl »

budabum wrote:
Mon Dec 31, 2018 3:05 am
Jabbl wrote:
Sun Dec 30, 2018 3:09 pm
I somehow, when editing by myself, managed to create 8000 copies of my equipped legendary item. Is there some way to edit the inventory such that every one of these is turned into a dismantleable item?
you can use Inventory enumerator to bulk delete duplicates. a few pages up I wrote step by step instruction how to do this.

Code: Select all

if not syntaxcheck then
  erase = "no"  -- "yes" or "no"
  hash_to_wipe = 0x00000151B972C5CF   <<<< 1. you put hashid of item being erased
Thanks for this, it seems to have worked flawlessly.

I looked some pages back, but obviously not far enough...

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Re: Assassin’s Creed® Odyssey - InventoryEditor

Post by shood »

budabum wrote:
Sat Dec 29, 2018 7:45 pm
Dear all. Publishing the latest table update with a few new features.

---===DamageBuffs ===---
Allows you to buff specific engravings.
Activate Inventory Editor under section "[Enable] Inventory", go to ACOD inventory and equip a gear.
On each gear change, CE table will dynamically create/delete children under each pPerk item. Work with pPerk/DamageXXX items to buff engravings.
IMPORTANT: for buff changes to take affect you need to save/load the game.

---===InventoryList Enumerator {lua}===---
Self descriptive, this cheat enumerates all inventory slots, a few of the slots are added into the table, rest are posted into lua window,
Enable cheat, go to ACOD Inventory to populate pInventoryStart/End pointers, then toggle child script to enum elements.

For hamsters, you are free to remove Ship and Inventory storage limit. Default value is 350.
As note: when you hit 350 Inventory Limit, you character slows down and can't run any more until you dismantle a few items. When you hit 350 Ship Storage limit, the game blocks you to store more items on the ship.

An example of funny buff "100% Health Restored on Death (0 minutes cooldown)"
DamageBuff example
This is a temporary change, as I understand it?
If you quit the game and load it again, all values return to normal.

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Re: Assassin’s Creed® Odyssey - InventoryEditor

Post by budabum »

WAV387 wrote:
Mon Dec 31, 2018 10:30 am
Does anyone know of a way to edit the quantity of how many Ancient Fragments you have?
i have tried multiple searches after collecting a load from cultists but then once i have narrowed it down to a couple of addresses and updated the value the quantity does not change :(
copy/paste this code into CE window, I added artifacts, maybe will release this with next update

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"[Enable] InventoryList Enumerator {lua}"</Description>
      <Options moHideChildren="1" moDeactivateChildrenAsWell="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
aobscanmodule(INJECT_getinv,ACOdyssey.exe,41 C1 EF 11 41 C1 E7 05 4C 03 FB 49 3B DF 0F)



    shr r15d,11
    shl r15d,05
    add r15,rbx
    cmp rbx,r15
    je @f
      mov [InvStart], rbx
      mov [InvEnd], r15
//10 20 8 10
//000001506FB5C137 Ancient Tablets
//00000150408F900F Iron Metal
//00000150408F9013 Obsidian Glass
//00000150408F7320 Olive Wood
//000001994CED835F ??? (multiple objects)
//000001506FB5C133 Precious Gems
//000001506FB5C135 Soft Leather
//0000001BFDB9F655 Drachmae

      jmp return_getinv
      align 10 CC

 dq baadf00d
 align 10 CC

 dq baadf00d
 align 10 CC

  jmp far newmem_getinv //#14 bytes

if not syntaxcheck then
  memrec.color = 0x008000;
  tablets    = nil; metal = nil;
  glass      = nil; wood = nil;
  gems       = nil; leather = nil;
  money      = nil; bearfur = nil;
  spartanseal= nil; athenianseal=nil;

  db 41 C1 EF 11 41 C1 E7 05 4C 03 FB 49 3B DF



memrec.color = 0x0000ff


"ACOdyssey.exe"+24AC2FF: CC                          -  int 3 
"ACOdyssey.exe"+24AC300: 40 53                       -  push rbx
"ACOdyssey.exe"+24AC302: 41 54                       -  push r12
"ACOdyssey.exe"+24AC304: 41 55                       -  push r13
"ACOdyssey.exe"+24AC306: 41 57                       -  push r15
"ACOdyssey.exe"+24AC308: 48 83 EC 28                 -  sub rsp,28
"ACOdyssey.exe"+24AC30C: 44 8B 79 08                 -  mov r15d,[rcx+08]
"ACOdyssey.exe"+24AC310: 4D 8B E0                    -  mov r12,r8
"ACOdyssey.exe"+24AC313: 48 8B 19                    -  mov rbx,[rcx]
"ACOdyssey.exe"+24AC316: 4C 8B EA                    -  mov r13,rdx
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"ACOdyssey.exe"+24AC319: 41 C1 EF 11                 -  shr r15d,11
"ACOdyssey.exe"+24AC31D: 41 C1 E7 05                 -  shl r15d,05
"ACOdyssey.exe"+24AC321: 4C 03 FB                    -  add r15,rbx
"ACOdyssey.exe"+24AC324: 49 3B DF                    -  cmp rbx,r15
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"ACOdyssey.exe"+24AC327: 0F 84 0C 01 00 00           -  je ACOdyssey.exe+24AC439
"ACOdyssey.exe"+24AC32D: 65 48 8B 04 25 58 00 00 00  -  mov rax,gs:[00000058]
"ACOdyssey.exe"+24AC336: 8B 0D 0C 7E A8 03           -  mov ecx,[ACOdyssey.exe+5F34148]
"ACOdyssey.exe"+24AC33C: 48 89 74 24 58              -  mov [rsp+58],rsi
"ACOdyssey.exe"+24AC341: 48 89 7C 24 60              -  mov [rsp+60],rdi
"ACOdyssey.exe"+24AC346: 4C 89 74 24 20              -  mov [rsp+20],r14
"ACOdyssey.exe"+24AC34B: 4C 8B 34 C8                 -  mov r14,[rax+rcx*8]
"ACOdyssey.exe"+24AC34F: B8 E0 2C 00 00              -  mov eax,00002CE0
          <Description>"==Re-open ACOD Inventory to refresh values"</Description>
          <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
          <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
          <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
          <Description>"[Enable] toggle to refresh the list"</Description>
          <Options moHideChildren="1" moDeactivateChildrenAsWell="1"/>
          <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
if not syntaxcheck then
  erase = "no"  -- "yes" or "no"
  hash_to_wipe = 0x00000151B972C5CF
  tablets    = nil; metal = nil;
  glass      = nil; wood = nil;
  gems       = nil; leather = nil;
  money      = nil; bearfur = nil;
  spartanseal= nil; athenianseal=nil;
  artfragment= nil

  local s, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6
  local cReplaced, cFound;
  local startaddr = readQword( GetAddress("InvStart") )
  local endaddr = readQword( GetAddress("InvEnd") )

  cReplaced = 0; cFound = 0;

  for p = startaddr, endaddr-0x20, 0x20 do

    s1 = readQword(p+0x10) or 0;
    s2 = readQword(s1+0x38) or 0; --TODO: fix
    s3 = readQword(s2+0x10) or 0; --hash
    s4 = readInteger(p) or -1;    --count

    t1 = readQword(s2) or 0 ;  t2 = readQword(t1+0x28) or 0;
    t3 = readQword(t2) or 0;  t4 = readQword(t3+0x10) or 0;
    s5 = readString(t4) or "0";  --CategoryStr  --0 28 0 10 0
    s5 = s5:gsub("\n", ""); s5 = s5:gsub("\r", ""); s5 = s5:gsub("\t", "")

    t1 = readQword(s2) or 0 ;  t2 = readQword(t1+0x30) or 0;
    t3 = readQword(t2) or 0;  t4 = readQword(t3+0x00) or 0;
    t5 = readQword(t4+0x10) or 0;
    s6 = readString(t5) or "0";  -- SubCategoryStr 0 30 0 0 10 0
    s6 = s6:gsub("\n", ""); s6 = s6:gsub("\r", ""); s6 = s6:gsub("\t", "");

    if s3 == hash_to_wipe then
      cFound = cFound + 1;
      if erase == "yes" then
        writeInteger(p, 0);
        cReplaced = cReplaced + 1;

    if s3 == 0x000001506FB5C137 then  --Ancient Tablets
      tablets = p;
      elseif s3==0x00000150408F900F then --Iron Metal
        metal = p;
      elseif s3==0x00000150408F9013 then --Obsidian Glass
        glass = p;
      elseif s3==0x00000150408F7320 then --Olive Wood
        wood = p;
      elseif s3==0x000001506FB5C133 then --Precious Gems
        gems = p;
      elseif s3==0x000001506FB5C135 then --Soft Leather
        leather = p;
      elseif s3==0x0000001BFDB9F655 then --Drachmae
        money = p;
      elseif s3==0x00000169714164EF then --Chios Bear Skin
        bearfur = p;
      elseif s3==0x00000181110363A6 then -- Athenian Polemarch Military Seal
        athenianseal = p;
      elseif s3==0x00000180E5F4A238 then --Fort Polemarch Spartan Seal
        spartanseal = p;
      elseif s3==0x0000015BD3E6413B then -- Artifact Fragment
        artfragment = p;

    s = string.format("%016X\t%016X\t%016X\t%016X\t%4d\t%s\t%s",p,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6)

 print("deleted:",cReplaced, "found:",cFound)

 for i=1, memrec.Count,1 do

 memrec.color = 0x008000;

  if not syntaxcheck then
    memrec.color = 0x0000ff;
    tablets    = nil; metal = nil;
    glass      = nil; wood = nil;
    gems       = nil; leather = nil;
    money      = nil; bearfur = nil;
    spartanseal= nil; athenianseal=nil;
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Soft Leather"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Iron Metal"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Olive Wood"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Ancient Tablets"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Obsidian Glass"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Precious Gems"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Quest: Chios Bear Skin"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Quest: Athenian Polemarch Military Seal"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Quest: Fort Polemarch Spartan Seal"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <Description>"Quest: Artefact Fragment"</Description>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>

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Re: Assassin’s Creed® Odyssey - InventoryEditor

Post by budabum »

budabum wrote:
Mon Dec 10, 2018 2:01 pm
shood wrote:
Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:30 pm
budabum wrote:
Tue Dec 04, 2018 5:10 pm
here is a set of new Helix items came with DLC1, however not yet released into eStore
go be first to install it :D
And do you have any clue about "abomination gear set"? Or is it not yet in the game? :mrgreen:
this took me a bit time to search what it is. this gear set is tied up with coming creature battles, not yet implemented. ubi is teasing us mentioning this set on screen tooltips. i.e. I do not know for now IDs of this set.
how about this? "Mythical Creature Set". Perks are empty. Visually armor is identical to Mercenary Epic set.

Code: Select all

00000186B3609D8F Arms of Abomination	Arms	Legendary	
00000186B3609DA2 Helm of Abomination	Head	Legendary	
00000186B3609D56 Boots of Abomination	Legs	Legendary	
00000186B3609D7C Armor of Abomination	Torso	Legendary	
00000186B3609D69 Belt of Abomination	Waist	Legendary

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Re: Assassin’s Creed® Odyssey - InventoryEditor

Post by leseho »

Thank you.
This is the best gift for the New Year.
I made my wish come true.
You are the best.
Thank you for your present.

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Re: Assassin’s Creed® Odyssey - InventoryEditor

Post by kiking15 »

woaaahh!! thank you @budabum!! you start this New Year with a bang!!

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Re: Assassin’s Creed® Odyssey - InventoryEditor

Post by ampalaea »

Many many thanks for this table! Is the reason I am enjoying the game so much! I would like to ask something. I downloaded the excel file with all the hash codes. On the epic gear there are no preset perks. 1) Does that mean that I can add whichever perks I want? 2) Can I not add any per and just the item? (For visual unlock).


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Re: Assassin’s Creed® Odyssey - InventoryEditor

Post by ArcElite »

dancon wrote:
Mon Dec 31, 2018 6:04 am
Well aren't I special. :P Will do, thanks kindly!
Disconnect the internet then search for the values as "Exact Value" "4 bytes". Continue to do so until you have 3 or 1 results. edit them (change value) make it as much as you like then spend them. You shall have your ancient tablets.

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Re: Assassin’s Creed® Odyssey - InventoryEditor

Post by ampalaea »

According to a calculator for perks, I can engrave these 2 perks on the legs/feet.

+20% Movement Speed while Crouching
-All Arrows Pierce Shields

But the hash for these is not on the excel file :p Is there anywhere I can find it?

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Re: Assassin’s Creed® Odyssey - InventoryEditor

Post by budabum »

if that's standard perks for the item, then copy them from "Ref Settings Group" section.

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Re: Assassin’s Creed® Odyssey - InventoryEditor

Post by titangaming »

how to update perk leve max 35% dmg Special Lieutenants ?

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Re: Assassin’s Creed® Odyssey - InventoryEditor

Post by cosminuk2011 »

Hey guys .. anyone can provide hashid's for "The Black Wind" and "The Tyrant" ship design ?

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