Help to find resources values in Age Of Empires III

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Help to find resources values in Age Of Empires III

Post by arthuramd »

Hello guys , i'm new here and i have a "medium" knowlodge with CE / Assembly,

I pass 1 week studying CE and the assembly , i started my journey in simples games : CS 1.6,AssaultCube and Plants Vs Zombies . I finded good addresses for what i want , made pointers,scripts AOB and outher things.

Now i decide to start in a game i played years ago (Age of Empires 3) , and on the first contact with the game i see that not gonna be so easy,the resources on the game (food,wood and coin)is impossible to find them like
they are on the game , for example : in the game if i have 100 food and i made the search for this (all types) i cannot find the addresses , so i tryed in a different way with increased value and changed value , in finded some addresses what it look like is this one but , the value of this addresses is something like 87450993 what dont have any sence with the real value in the game,my doubt here is , that is a encrypted value?(if is how i can decrypt) and i see on internet some guys what did it a script (AOB) for made that "resourcers" unlimited , that is another doubt , if some have any information to help me,i'll be very grateful.

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