^ this is what you need to do: [
[Link] ]. (I replaced the exe_name by $process)
3 things:
a. when enabled, you'll need to wait 5 secs to collect some pointer_info (see values top_right)
b. once enabled, disabling again does not restore the original aob_sig. iow you need to relaunch the game again
c. it is quite possible that your game_exe does NOT contain that particular AOB_sig; and will fail not matter what...
(i'm referring to that hexstring, following $process)
ps: opcode(location): not even sure if this is the correct technical wording. But to educate a bit
: open any file in any hexeditor, and you'll get a screen with all them hex_values, right ?! Well, you can "find" a string of those hexvalues, which can be unique within that file. CE in particular: a cheat collects its values via the game_exe at a certain memory_location in that file; CE can generate a unique hex_string (= AOB = signature = ...) so that tablemakers hook into that particular location to collect the proper info...
(end education