It seems the forbidden word is "Select" with some combination with other word in the same line.
Arranged it then allowed to post.
Sorry the trouble caused.
previous post:
Sorry, was try to pm DarkByte using CE Forum facility, but also blocked, seems block for every sub forum (tried also Guest forum) .
May some kind person forward the following to DB.
Thank you.
The following is content want to send to DB:
For some reason, I can't post at Lua forum (logged-in), but I can access my own account/inbox.
Can I be unbanned/unblock without email (trying pm now) you?
I hope it is not regional problem :/
My id : panraven
My content to post:
You may make an autorun lua script to replace print function:
Code: Select all
if not ori_print then
crlf, ori_print, print = "\r\n", print, function(...)
local r = {}
for i=1,select("#",...)do r[i]=tostring(select(i,...)) end
return ori_print( (table.concat(r,"\t"):gsub("[\r]*[\n]",crlf)) )
--- test
local ss = "a test\n\n\r\r\n\n2test"
-- output on console look like (being edited)
1 2 3 4 a test
1 nil 2 3 4 a test
(have try to attach a small picture to show output above)
for this thread [Link]
where OP Kamd had already solve his own problem.
Thank you~