Oh, you meant you tried Summon in this game? o_O WTF. Does it really work? If so, I got a big ass list of spawn-ables
Yes, I used this: [Link]
(UE4PakUnpacker by Haoose; original topic: [Link])
Haven't tried to see if the game loads up with the paks unpacked to disk. Might work If you got the time and space, unpack both (note unpacker will put the extracted information one directory above the one you're into when you run the tool), rename the .pak files and see if game runs like that.
Will give it a try shortly. This dump takes a while.
Yeah, it does. You'll see a "Done." message when it ends (might look frozen from time to time - - guess he didn't use a refresh GUI thread). Thanks, took a bit to figure out the logic. Thank Everspace developers, their .pdb was my source of attack
L.E.: I found something like this in a hex editor in one of the .uassets files -> giveweapon p226 3 3. Try "Summon p226"? Should summon the standard pistol. And post some screenies Also "awm" is another weapon; you'll find them in the Weapons folder in the extracted OTWD folder.
Yeah, it does. You'll see a "Done." message when it ends (might look frozen from time to time - - guess he didn't use a refresh GUI thread). Thanks, took a bit to figure out the logic. Thank Everspace developers, their .pdb was my source of attack
L.E.: I found something like this in a hex editor in one of the .uassets files -> giveweapon p226 3 3. Try "Summon p226"? Should summon the standard pistol. And post some screenies Also "awm" is another weapon; you'll find them in the Weapons folder in the extracted OTWD folder.
Dump almost done then will get to testing. In my experience with Summon command it is usually BPs only like BP_P226 I did find that too in the files though so will try both.
I created an account just to say thank you sun and
Summon Fuse
Summon Battery
Summon C4
Summon C4Bag
Summon Air (Air filter)
Summon Supplies
Summon Ladder
Summon Gear
Summon Key
Summon Chain
Summon Coil
Summon Jumper
Summon Fuel (Fuel can)
Summon Plank (Plank of wood)
Summon Lin / LincolnsHand
*ForkLift Summons
Summon Wheel
Summon Handle
Summon Belt
etc these worked for me
Last edited by ezCrying on Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:54 pm, edited 6 times in total.