OVERKILL's The Walking Dead - Enable Console & Cheats

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Re: OVERKILL's The Walking Dead - Enable Console & Cheats

Post by cungkringg »

p1tbull wrote:
Tue Nov 20, 2018 12:37 pm

however Ghost as I saw, it works in some way, for example, walkers wont grab you after being "ethereal" as the game says.
that was the God command that did the work not the Ghost I think. Ghost was supposed to make you clip through walls and stuffs. but its not working at the moment

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Re: OVERKILL's The Walking Dead - Enable Console & Cheats

Post by SunBeam »

You then have this bit:

Code: Select all

00007FF66378BEEB | 48:8B0D 3EB1BD02              | MOV RCX,QWORD PTR DS:[7FF666367030]                                                 |
00007FF66378BEF2 | E8 F9243500                   | CALL otwd-win64-shipping.7FF663ADE3F0                                               |
00007FF66378BEF7 | 48:85C0                       | TEST RAX,RAX                                                                        |
If you break above and then feed RAX to the GetFullName function you'll see that..


And then, at 0x30 in this UObject (0000025CED81B200+0x30) there's another pointer:


There you go :)

If google for Unreal Engine C++ helpers you'll find that aside from a GetFullName function (which is available in the UE SDK as well), there's derived custom user-functions, such GetName, GetObject, FindObject.. functions that really help speed up the coding process :)


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Re: OVERKILL's The Walking Dead - Enable Console & Cheats

Post by SunBeam »

Meanwhile, I foresaw this would happen; and it did. Those fuckwads at 3DM turned the whole plot into a racist one :)


Yeah, google translate sucks, won't do a 1:1 translation (maybe someone wants to help out?) but at least it provides an overview of what's being said. One more time, zths was asked to provide the clean-text code for his encoded table. Why? Because we've had stuff posted in that form in the past and people used it to hide ripped content. His number of posts (new user) didn't indicate his experience, thus credibility wasn't a factor here. He explained himself, yet insisted he wouldn't post and clear-text version of the table. FRF is all about sharing information, not showing off or gathering supporters for another forum. We frown-upon these forms of behavior around here. Simply put, for every wannabe out there, there's a godfather who has to put them back in their place. Thus the decompiled source you've seen. Sure, it isn't the original, but it does offer a lot of insight into what he's doing. Let me be clear: the fact that one writes code in Lua doesn't mean they haven't taken the base analysis from someone else, ripped it in ASM format, then re-coded it in Lua format..

Now.. what I read from that google translation is:

- SunBeam is a racist
- he has something against Chinese people
- however stupid this feud is and I am called names, I still am not allowed to post on 3DM (funny, right?) -> censorship, typically China-style
- then some "fuck off" remark from the next user in the screenshot (yes, google can translate even literal Chinese)

Conclusion.. I won't ever touch 3DM again. For the sole reason people in there are quick to jump to conclusions and always side with their co-nationals, than believing or being interested in the truth. That's why I fucking hate the mentality/behavior of some of the Chinese. Not because I am a racist!


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Re: OVERKILL's The Walking Dead - Enable Console & Cheats

Post by jonaaa »

Thanks for closing the other thread regarding his table, I will remove all the attachments from there (or can you do it?).

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Re: OVERKILL's The Walking Dead - Enable Console & Cheats

Post by SunBeam »

Done. Cheers.

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Re: OVERKILL's The Walking Dead - Enable Console & Cheats

Post by SunBeam »

Man, oh man :D Discovered quite a lot of shit in the meantime. Although ToggleWeaponInfiniteAmmo leads to a RET, I discovered that backtracing from the ammo subtraction function can lead to a "refresh" of the ammo. Simply put, there's a check "CMP EAX,3" (if server or client or something else) and the engine simply refreshes the amount you've fired out. Try this:

Code: Select all

OTWD-Win64-Shipping.exe+1A11436 - 83 F8 03              - cmp eax,03
OTWD-Win64-Shipping.exe+1A11439 - 7D 21                 - jnl OTWD-Win64-Shipping.exe+1A1145C
Change that 7D to EB and fire your weapon :) Then give it 1-2s and see what happens :D

Then here you will find the MaxSpeedMultiplier processing:

Code: Select all

00007FF663DA6070 | 48:895C24 18                  | MOV QWORD PTR SS:[RSP+18],RBX                            |
00007FF663DA6075 | 57                            | PUSH RDI                                                 |
00007FF663DA6076 | 48:83EC 20                    | SUB RSP,20                                               |
00007FF663DA607A | 80B9 14080000 05              | CMP BYTE PTR DS:[RCX+814],5                              |
00007FF663DA6081 | 48:8BD9                       | MOV RBX,RCX                                              |
00007FF663DA6084 | 75 13                         | JNE otwd-win64-shipping.7FF663DA6099                     |
00007FF663DA6086 | 33FF                          | XOR EDI,EDI                                              |
00007FF663DA6088 | 89B9 CC070000                 | MOV DWORD PTR DS:[RCX+7CC],EDI                           |
00007FF663DA608E | 48:8B5C24 40                  | MOV RBX,QWORD PTR SS:[RSP+40]                            |
00007FF663DA6093 | 48:83C4 20                    | ADD RSP,20                                               |
00007FF663DA6097 | 5F                            | POP RDI                                                  |
00007FF663DA6098 | C3                            | RET                                                      |
00007FF663DA6099 | 48:83B9 E0070000 00           | CMP QWORD PTR DS:[RCX+7E0],0                             |
00007FF663DA60A1 | 48:896C24 30                  | MOV QWORD PTR SS:[RSP+30],RBP                            |
00007FF663DA60A6 | 48:897424 38                  | MOV QWORD PTR SS:[RSP+38],RSI                            |
00007FF663DA60AB | 74 1C                         | JE otwd-win64-shipping.7FF663DA60C9                      |
00007FF663DA60AD | E8 6EE90600                   | CALL otwd-win64-shipping.7FF663E14A20                    |
00007FF663DA60B2 | 48:8B8B E0070000              | MOV RCX,QWORD PTR DS:[RBX+7E0]                           |
00007FF663DA60B9 | 48:8BD0                       | MOV RDX,RAX                                              | rax:&L"MaxSpeedMultiplier"
00007FF663DA60BC | E8 9FC77900                   | CALL otwd-win64-shipping.7FF664542860                    |
00007FF663DA60C1 | F3:0F1183 CC070000            | MOVSS DWORD PTR DS:[RBX+7CC],XMM0                        |
00007FF663DA60C9 | 48:8BB3 00080000              | MOV RSI,QWORD PTR DS:[RBX+800]                           |
00007FF663DA60D0 | 33FF                          | XOR EDI,EDI                                              |
00007FF663DA60D2 | 48:6383 08080000              | MOVSXD RAX,DWORD PTR DS:[RBX+808]                        | rax:&L"MaxSpeedMultiplier"
00007FF663DA60D9 | 48:8D0CC6                     | LEA RCX,QWORD PTR DS:[RSI+RAX*8]                         |
00007FF663DA60DD | 48:8BE9                       | MOV RBP,RCX                                              |
00007FF663DA60E0 | 48:2BEE                       | SUB RBP,RSI                                              |
00007FF663DA60E3 | 48:83C5 07                    | ADD RBP,7                                                |
00007FF663DA60E7 | 48:C1ED 03                    | SHR RBP,3                                                |
00007FF663DA60EB | 48:3BF1                       | CMP RSI,RCX                                              |
00007FF663DA60EE | 48:0F47EF                     | CMOVA RBP,RDI                                            |
00007FF663DA60F2 | 48:85ED                       | TEST RBP,RBP                                             |
00007FF663DA60F5 | 74 2D                         | JE otwd-win64-shipping.7FF663DA6124                      |
00007FF663DA60F7 | 66:0F1F8400 00000000          | NOP WORD PTR DS:[RAX+RAX],AX                             |
00007FF663DA6100 | F3:0F108B CC070000            | MOVSS XMM1,DWORD PTR DS:[RBX+7CC]                        |
00007FF663DA6108 | 48:8B0E                       | MOV RCX,QWORD PTR DS:[RSI]                               |
00007FF663DA610B | E8 50760000                   | CALL otwd-win64-shipping.7FF663DAD760                    |
00007FF663DA6110 | 48:FFC7                       | INC RDI                                                  |
00007FF663DA6113 | F3:0F1183 CC070000            | MOVSS DWORD PTR DS:[RBX+7CC],XMM0                        |
00007FF663DA611B | 48:8D76 08                    | LEA RSI,QWORD PTR DS:[RSI+8]                             |
00007FF663DA611F | 48:3BFD                       | CMP RDI,RBP                                              |
00007FF663DA6122 | 75 DC                         | JNE otwd-win64-shipping.7FF663DA6100                     |
00007FF663DA6124 | 48:8B6C24 30                  | MOV RBP,QWORD PTR SS:[RSP+30]                            |
00007FF663DA6129 | 48:8B7424 38                  | MOV RSI,QWORD PTR SS:[RSP+38]                            |
00007FF663DA612E | 48:8B5C24 40                  | MOV RBX,QWORD PTR SS:[RSP+40]                            |
00007FF663DA6133 | 48:83C4 20                    | ADD RSP,20                                               |
00007FF663DA6137 | 5F                            | POP RDI                                                  |
00007FF663DA6138 | C3                            | RET                                                      |
Mainly here, where the property is read:

Code: Select all

OTWD-Win64-Shipping.exe+1FB3FDA - 48 63 57 44           - movsxd  rdx,dword ptr [rdi+44]
OTWD-Win64-Shipping.exe+1FB3FDE - 48 8B CF              - mov rcx,rdi
OTWD-Win64-Shipping.exe+1FB3FE1 - 48 8B 07              - mov rax,[rdi]
OTWD-Win64-Shipping.exe+1FB3FE4 - 48 03 D6              - add rdx,rsi
OTWD-Win64-Shipping.exe+1FB3FE7 - FF 90 60030000        - call qword ptr [rax+00000360] <-- enter
OTWD-Win64-Shipping.exe+1FB3FED - F2 0F5A C0            - cvtsd2ss xmm0,xmm0
OTWD-Win64-Shipping.exe+1FB3FF1 - 48 8B 5C 24 30        - mov rbx,[rsp+30]
OTWD-Win64-Shipping.exe+1FB3FF6 - 48 8B 74 24 38        - mov rsi,[rsp+38]
OTWD-Win64-Shipping.exe+1FB3FFB - 48 83 C4 20           - add rsp,20
OTWD-Win64-Shipping.exe+1FB3FFF - 5F                    - pop rdi
OTWD-Win64-Shipping.exe+1FB4000 - C3                    - ret
OTWD-Win64-Shipping.exe+56E940 - F3 0F10 02            - movss xmm0,[rdx]
OTWD-Win64-Shipping.exe+56E944 - 0F5A C0               - vcvtps2pd xmm0,xmm0
OTWD-Win64-Shipping.exe+56E947 - C3                    - ret
Note the above wrapper is used for other float values reading. In simpler terms, the MaxSpeedMultiplier is 1.0. Crank it up to 4-5 and see what happens when you move :P


L.E.: Not working in a public game :P

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Re: OVERKILL's The Walking Dead - Enable Console & Cheats

Post by STN »

I have to comment on this 3DM/Chinese vs Sunbeam situation.

You can twist reality to your liking if you shut down the other side and then present your version of the events.

Here's what i know and really care about

Sunbeam registered and made a post on 3DM forums to ask the guy who copied Sunbeam's work to link to this thread so people can come to the original author and contribute further or get help etc. HIS POST WAS DELETED without any reason given!

Until both sides present their arguments maturely without acting like little kids deleting posts and banning people that they don't agree with, we can't form an objective opinion.

From what we can see with 3DM censorship and not even allowing Sunbeam to defend himself!, they do sound guilty, don't they?

But i am not going to jump to any conclusions. FRF is open to anyone and i would welcome the 3dm people involved in this to come here and present their side OR allow Sunbeam to post on 3DM.

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Re: OVERKILL's The Walking Dead - Enable Console & Cheats

Post by SunBeam »

Yeah! You tell them! Boo-hoo! OMG they killed Kenn.. oh.. never mind!


Mature or not, it's very simple for people on one side to stick to that side's convenient story. From their perspective, there's one user, zths, who has contributed many times and is respected by the 3DM community vs.. who? Some guy who decompiled his work and brought shame to him without a reason? I really wonder why he went overboard and posted that crap of a table here. The "I just wanted to share it with people" record doesn't play for me; sorry.

Let's just stick to the communities we each know and be done with it. Again, don't use FRF to promote your work if you're not willing to accept that, once out on the internet, your shit is and will be beyond your control. Might as well just come clean and get your reputation the normal, decent, way.

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Re: OVERKILL's The Walking Dead - Enable Console & Cheats

Post by lxwjianghu »

STN wrote:
Tue Nov 20, 2018 8:56 pm
I have to comment on this 3DM/Chinese vs Sunbeam situation.

You can twist reality to your liking if you shut down the other side and then present your version of the events.

Here's what i know and really care about

Sunbeam registered and made a post on 3DM forums to ask the guy who copied Sunbeam's work to link to this thread so people can come to the original author and contribute further or get help etc. HIS POST WAS DELETED without any reason given!

Until both sides present their arguments maturely without acting like little kids deleting posts and banning people that they don't agree with, we can't form an objective opinion.

From what we can see with 3DM censorship and not even allowing Sunbeam to defend himself!, they do sound guilty, don't they?

But i am not going to jump to any conclusions. FRF is open to anyone and i would welcome the 3dm people involved in this to come here and present their side OR allow Sunbeam to post on 3DM.
Friends, the censorship of 3DM is not decided by the forum. The state has laws. Chinese citizens should not attack another citizen with "language". You can arouse suspicion. When "words" violate national laws, the establishment mechanism of the forum will delete "sensitive words" which violate the law. The premise of "freedom of speech" is that it does not affect the foundation of social stability. If your friends need to use 3DM to express their opinions or articles, if you need to provide an account, you can find me and give it to you free of charge! The premise is not to engage in verbal "personal attack"!

3DM welcomes players from all over the world to express their opinions, but can not participate in "language attack" or "racial discrimination"!
Last edited by lxwjianghu on Tue Nov 20, 2018 11:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: OVERKILL's The Walking Dead - Enable Console & Cheats

Post by lxwjianghu »

STN wrote:
Tue Nov 20, 2018 8:56 pm
I have to comment on this 3DM/Chinese vs Sunbeam situation.

You can twist reality to your liking if you shut down the other side and then present your version of the events.

Here's what i know and really care about

Sunbeam registered and made a post on 3DM forums to ask the guy who copied Sunbeam's work to link to this thread so people can come to the original author and contribute further or get help etc. HIS POST WAS DELETED without any reason given!

Until both sides present their arguments maturely without acting like little kids deleting posts and banning people that they don't agree with, we can't form an objective opinion.

From what we can see with 3DM censorship and not even allowing Sunbeam to defend himself!, they do sound guilty, don't they?

But i am not going to jump to any conclusions. FRF is open to anyone and i would welcome the 3dm people involved in this to come here and present their side OR allow Sunbeam to post on 3DM.

Finally, your friend's original article, when published in 3DM, has already indicated that the author is SunBeam. Also marked the forum address of FRF!
Last edited by lxwjianghu on Tue Nov 20, 2018 11:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: OVERKILL's The Walking Dead - Enable Console & Cheats

Post by lxwjianghu »

STN wrote:
Tue Nov 20, 2018 8:56 pm
I have to comment on this 3DM/Chinese vs Sunbeam situation.

You can twist reality to your liking if you shut down the other side and then present your version of the events.

Here's what i know and really care about

Sunbeam registered and made a post on 3DM forums to ask the guy who copied Sunbeam's work to link to this thread so people can come to the original author and contribute further or get help etc. HIS POST WAS DELETED without any reason given!

Until both sides present their arguments maturely without acting like little kids deleting posts and banning people that they don't agree with, we can't form an objective opinion.

From what we can see with 3DM censorship and not even allowing Sunbeam to defend himself!, they do sound guilty, don't they?

But i am not going to jump to any conclusions. FRF is open to anyone and i would welcome the 3dm people involved in this to come here and present their side OR allow Sunbeam to post on 3DM.
In addition, the reason your friend can't publish on 3DM is that he only joins the account of 3DM and needs to bind his mobile phone number to publish articles. To delete his articles is not a law or an administrator.

If you have a problem, why does the forum need to bind the phone? Let me answer you: China is too big. There are more than two billion people in China. In order to facilitate the legal management of the people, everyone needs to register in real name on the Internet. Buying mobile phone numbers requires identification. There are so many political factors that I can only answer these questions.

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Re: OVERKILL's The Walking Dead - Enable Console & Cheats

Post by SunBeam »

@lxwjianghu: I did bind my phone number; for fuck's sake, check my profile. Is there or not a number leading back to +40, which is Romania? Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to post. It was meant to lead people to this topic/post rather than having some forum user copy-paste from FRF to 3DM. Were it an automated event, the post would've been removed in minutes (you said you have some automated approval/rejection process in place, taking into account regulations). Well.. it took several hours to be reviewed, thus some moderator verified it and decided it was not fit for posting. If you want to solve this, please find out what happened instead of assuming.



If you don't have any moderation power and are here to just speak in the name of 3DM, then please keep these comments to yourself. Either understand what happened here or simply just don't comment.

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Re: OVERKILL's The Walking Dead - Enable Console & Cheats

Post by Memiomy »

in yer face lxwjianghu lol

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Re: OVERKILL's The Walking Dead - Enable Console & Cheats

Post by lxwjianghu »

SunBeam wrote:
Tue Nov 20, 2018 11:59 pm
@lxwjianghu: I did bind my phone number; for fuck's sake, check my profile. Is there or not a number leading back to +40, which is Romania? Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to post. It was meant to lead people to this topic/post rather than having some forum user copy-paste from FRF to 3DM. Were it an automated event, the post would've been removed in minutes (you said you have some automated approval/rejection process in place, taking into account regulations). Well.. it took several hours to be reviewed, thus some moderator verified it and decided it was not fit for posting. If you want to solve this, please find out what happened instead of assuming.



If you don't have any moderation power and are here to just speak in the name of 3DM, then please keep these comments to yourself. Either understand what happened here or simply just don't comment.
I forgot to tell you that 3DM has a rule that it is subjective not to post external links. Objectively speaking! Because maintaining the cost of a website requires increasing link hits. If all the clicks were earned by external links subjectively, the website might be closed down for this reason! I hope you think more about others. Just like if we Chinese publish your article in 3DM, objectively we will annotate the author's name and the external link of the article!
Every forum has its own rules and regulations, and the FRF forum has its own system. When I come here, I will abide by the FRF system. If some of my remarks violate the FRF system and are punished, I will not "greet" all the parents here!

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Re: OVERKILL's The Walking Dead - Enable Console & Cheats

Post by lxwjianghu »

SunBeam wrote:
Tue Nov 20, 2018 11:59 pm
@lxwjianghu: I did bind my phone number; for fuck's sake, check my profile. Is there or not a number leading back to +40, which is Romania? Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to post. It was meant to lead people to this topic/post rather than having some forum user copy-paste from FRF to 3DM. Were it an automated event, the post would've been removed in minutes (you said you have some automated approval/rejection process in place, taking into account regulations). Well.. it took several hours to be reviewed, thus some moderator verified it and decided it was not fit for posting. If you want to solve this, please find out what happened instead of assuming.



If you don't have any moderation power and are here to just speak in the name of 3DM, then please keep these comments to yourself. Either understand what happened here or simply just don't comment.
Finally, I have to tell you that if you need a 3DM account, you can contact me. You can use the account I sent you to try again to publish your articles and comments normally. If it is deleted again, I have nothing to say!

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