God works, as you can see. It toggles a flag checked in damage calculation, as well as stamina processing. You might've noticed no effects occurring when this is
on I've already mentioned
Fly and
Ghost don't (yet) do anything. I might investigate into this, as if I recall correctly, there was some bool that enabled/disabled flying (bAllowFlying or something) in UE3.
You may use
ToggleDebugCamera to roam around; I think you can also combine it (while enabled) with
Teleport. Try it and report. Enable debug camera, move camera behind the fence in first mission (or somewhere outside the map or atop a building you normally can't climb on), then do Teleport in the console. See if your Pawn gets moved there. Or if anything happens for that matter (Pawn might move but not past the map boundaries).
What I forgot to tell you is I also patched another function in my EXE release:
SBZGameBase::AllowCheats set to return 0 (TRUE). Thing is when you're not in-game, at map or menu, there is no client-server activity. Once you start a map, you become a
client. An UObject to those properties is instantiated and filled in the UWorld UObject. Engine checks for its existence and determines you're the client I mentioned. Well, while you're a client, AllowCheats returns FALSE. Thus you cannot use cheats in-game. And that is because AllowCheats doesn't instantiate the UCheatManager object when you go in-game
I think you might beat this without patching by running some command I saw here, for Ark (
EnableCheats <Password> // however, I don't recall seeing any password option for a private game you'd run
But no need to do that anymore; it's been patched by yours truly
P.S.: Working on a Names/Objects dumper (along with their in-memory structure addresses). Also on a symbols list you would be able to apply in either x64dbg/CE. I think It's much easier, for example, to Ctrl+G > UCheatManager::God than having to figure out where it is by string references
Dumping the UObjectsArray list will allow you to do mods like our Chinese friend does in his encoded table
Yes, you still have to know WTF you're doing/looking at
Can't escape that.