I'm really dumb so while testing for XP tables i made my second character max level and somehow it didn't occur to me that finding the value for the XP later on would be a B*tch so...yeah. You get save slot 1 and 3 until i decide to rectify this mistake. it's 5am for me and i gotta be up in about 6hrs so and I got pretty much my entire day fleshed out so chances are if someone doesn't steal this from under me and turbos out the answer to everyone's prayers then I'll get back to updating it as of some time tomorrow afternoon. Enjoy~
(The following content is copy pasted from my other thread. It may have different words then above so it wouldn't hurt to read it)
So I have the Level and Money values modifiable for Character's 1 and 3 (But not two cause while figuring out the XP table i idiotically made my character max lv and forgot to undo it so I'll have to restart.)
Levels and Money are modifiable via Drop Down menus to allow for Light to Heavy cheating and less guess work for modding XP. Everything has been tested and works. if the money value seems broken, try either re-attaching CE to SC6 or restarting the game. (Restarting the game fixed it for me)
If something doesn't work then please let me know and I'll try to fix it altho I'm a novice so...I'll do my best.
Change Log:
0.7: Initial Release. Allows modification to 1st and 3rd character slots of LoS (Money and Lv)
0.8: Fixes bad pointer for Slot 3's Money and adds a pointer to Slot 2's Level and Money.
0.85: Increases the options of levels from increments of ten to increments of 1. Adds Level modding to 4th Slot.
0.9: Adds a God Mode feature thanks to Hyperion. Give him a thank you if you use it. -> viewtopic.php?f=4&t=8104
To Do List:
0.9: Implement God Mode (Inf HP) for first 3 characters FAILED. Cheat engine won't pull the address linked to the player's HP. Put on hold temporarily. Hyperion discovered the means to implement this. I'd suggest giving him some love if you actually use god mode. -> viewtopic.php?f=4&t=8104
I do not know if this works for Online. I would imagine it does but do yourself a favour and don't be a colossal wank by going online to find out cause I will pull the feature if that's what it comes to. Be a good sport and find a more legit way of being a twat plz.
1.0: Implement Max Soul Gague for first 3 characters...Not gonna lie. This is probably impossible for me.
You can request more features added but remember, I am a novice so the whackier the request, the likelier I'll say no. Cheers~ More updates on the way~
How to use this cheat table?
- Install Cheat Engine
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1