Forza Horizon 4

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Re: Forza Horizon 4

Post by minomx »

ZoDDeL wrote:
Wed Aug 14, 2019 5:29 am
L3T wrote:
Wed Aug 14, 2019 1:37 am
pigeon wrote:
Mon Aug 12, 2019 1:26 pm
For CR there is enough just to change AOB in STN script from the first page from
48 8D 4C 24 50 38 07 75 31 48 8D 57 16 E8 6A to
48 8D 4C 24 50 38 07 75 31 48 8D 57 16 E8 E9

If script doesn't activating, than the whole string should be:
aobscanmodule(monies,Microsoft.SunriseBaseGame_1.332.904.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.exe,48 8D 4C 24 50 38 07 75 31 48 8D 57 16 E8 E9)
The updated cheat table using pigeons suggested modification to STNs original CT. Works with the cracked Lootbox edition. Load the process "Microsoft.SunriseBaseGame_1.332.904.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.exe". (Only gets you 9m)

the problem is that this still does some damages(wrong/impossible values) to the savegame because the RDI is fluctuating between a minimum of 4 different addresses. so you will get something like 50million/300 influence boards crushed and other wrong crap.

"ForzaHorizon4.exe"+9CAAE0: 0F B6 47 15 - movzx eax,byte ptr [rdi+15]
"ForzaHorizon4.exe"+9CAAE4: 41 B8 04 00 00 00 - mov r8d,00000004
"ForzaHorizon4.exe"+9CAAEA: 48 8D 4C 24 50 - lea rcx,[rsp+50] //-- STN injection
"ForzaHorizon4.exe"+9CAAEF: 38 07 - cmp [rdi],al
"ForzaHorizon4.exe"+9CAAF1: 75 31 - jne ForzaHorizon4.exe+9CAB24
"ForzaHorizon4.exe"+9CAAF3: 48 8D 57 16 - lea rdx,[rdi+16] //-- Original injection
"ForzaHorizon4.exe"+9CAAF7: E8 6A 29 79 07 - call ForzaHorizon4.exe+815D466

as long there is no bypass for the anti-debug i would backup my savegame before trying any scripts!
and i would absolute dont use the STN/Original script. 9million creds arent worth to damage the save.

better do the wheelspin price editing method.
i'll try to explain my optimized strat.

normal or super wheelspins at least 10 in total (more is better)
one of the castles are still for sale! (the city one for 15million or the beach one for 10million)
cheat engine
if you are not on the cracked version you should pull your internet connection after starting the game but before you do anything with cheatengine to prevent an online ban! (and dont overdoe with the money! try to add only a value that could be aquired in the age of your savegame. so like 100-200million should be safe for a savegame thats 2-3 month+ old)

step 1:
drive to the castle location and open the buying screen (DONT BUY IT !!!!!!!)
while the buying screen is open alt+tab to cheat engine.
grab the "microsoft sunrise basegame" process.

step 2:
search for the castle price in 4byte decimal (10000000 for the beach castle)
you should get between 50 and 200 adresses.
if some adresses change their value just rescan and filter out all that wont be at 10million.
now hit control+A to select all adresses and rightclick and select "change value of selected adresses" and set it to 100

step 3:
go back into the game.
exit the buying screen of the castle ( STILL DONT BUY IT !!!!)
re-open the buying screen.
you should see the price is down to 100 creds.
recheck the adresss list and rescan at value 100

okay the was just the setup!
we just need it to get the adress range of the castle price which is pretty close to the adresse range of the wheelspin price adresses.

step 4:
take a look at the adress list and figure out the lowest and highest adress.
example: 23195847121 and 231D3421241
add them to the table as a reminder.

add another scan tab (click on file "add another scan tab" or hit control+T.
in the new scan tab you will modify the range of adresses that will be scanned.

take a look to your reminder and round them.
example: (lowest=down)23190000000 and (highest=up)2319FFFFFFF
now put these into adresses range (below memory scan options.
START: 23190000000
so you minimized the memory range to scan.

open a wheelspin and turn until you get a money price ( dont grab that money !!!)

now scan for the value of the wheelspin price you got. (prices with 150000cr and 200000cr works pretty well.)
you should get 10-50 results.
select them all and change them to something like 800million

step 5:
if everything went right you should be able to pick up the price and get 800million.
if you are very unlucky the game crashes (but my prefilter method should minimize the risk of a crash)
if it really crashed then you could just redo the whole procedure from the beginning.

step 6:
if all went good and you got your BIG price money, then you should go and save (quick journey to horzion festival square)
and exit the game for security reason because we changed some value of adresses we dont know what the are for and the game randomly generate them each time the game is startet.

p.s. this method wont have any persitend sideeffects! except as you are fkn rich now.
p.p.s i hope you understand my lil guide.
is this number good to go ?

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Forza Horizon 4

Post by minomx »

ZoDDeL wrote:
Wed Aug 14, 2019 5:29 am
L3T wrote:
Wed Aug 14, 2019 1:37 am
pigeon wrote:
Mon Aug 12, 2019 1:26 pm
For CR there is enough just to change AOB in STN script from the first page from
48 8D 4C 24 50 38 07 75 31 48 8D 57 16 E8 6A to
48 8D 4C 24 50 38 07 75 31 48 8D 57 16 E8 E9

If script doesn't activating, than the whole string should be:
aobscanmodule(monies,Microsoft.SunriseBaseGame_1.332.904.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.exe,48 8D 4C 24 50 38 07 75 31 48 8D 57 16 E8 E9)
The updated cheat table using pigeons suggested modification to STNs original CT. Works with the cracked Lootbox edition. Load the process "Microsoft.SunriseBaseGame_1.332.904.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.exe". (Only gets you 9m)

the problem is that this still does some damages(wrong/impossible values) to the savegame because the RDI is fluctuating between a minimum of 4 different addresses. so you will get something like 50million/300 influence boards crushed and other wrong crap.

"ForzaHorizon4.exe"+9CAAE0: 0F B6 47 15 - movzx eax,byte ptr [rdi+15]
"ForzaHorizon4.exe"+9CAAE4: 41 B8 04 00 00 00 - mov r8d,00000004
"ForzaHorizon4.exe"+9CAAEA: 48 8D 4C 24 50 - lea rcx,[rsp+50] //-- STN injection
"ForzaHorizon4.exe"+9CAAEF: 38 07 - cmp [rdi],al
"ForzaHorizon4.exe"+9CAAF1: 75 31 - jne ForzaHorizon4.exe+9CAB24
"ForzaHorizon4.exe"+9CAAF3: 48 8D 57 16 - lea rdx,[rdi+16] //-- Original injection
"ForzaHorizon4.exe"+9CAAF7: E8 6A 29 79 07 - call ForzaHorizon4.exe+815D466

as long there is no bypass for the anti-debug i would backup my savegame before trying any scripts!
and i would absolute dont use the STN/Original script. 9million creds arent worth to damage the save.

better do the wheelspin price editing method.
i'll try to explain my optimized strat.

normal or super wheelspins at least 10 in total (more is better)
one of the castles are still for sale! (the city one for 15million or the beach one for 10million)
cheat engine
if you are not on the cracked version you should pull your internet connection after starting the game but before you do anything with cheatengine to prevent an online ban! (and dont overdoe with the money! try to add only a value that could be aquired in the age of your savegame. so like 100-200million should be safe for a savegame thats 2-3 month+ old)

step 1:
drive to the castle location and open the buying screen (DONT BUY IT !!!!!!!)
while the buying screen is open alt+tab to cheat engine.
grab the "microsoft sunrise basegame" process.

step 2:
search for the castle price in 4byte decimal (10000000 for the beach castle)
you should get between 50 and 200 adresses.
if some adresses change their value just rescan and filter out all that wont be at 10million.
now hit control+A to select all adresses and rightclick and select "change value of selected adresses" and set it to 100

step 3:
go back into the game.
exit the buying screen of the castle ( STILL DONT BUY IT !!!!)
re-open the buying screen.
you should see the price is down to 100 creds.
recheck the adresss list and rescan at value 100

okay the was just the setup!
we just need it to get the adress range of the castle price which is pretty close to the adresse range of the wheelspin price adresses.

step 4:
take a look at the adress list and figure out the lowest and highest adress.
example: 23195847121 and 231D3421241
add them to the table as a reminder.

add another scan tab (click on file "add another scan tab" or hit control+T.
in the new scan tab you will modify the range of adresses that will be scanned.

take a look to your reminder and round them.
example: (lowest=down)23190000000 and (highest=up)2319FFFFFFF
now put these into adresses range (below memory scan options.
START: 23190000000
so you minimized the memory range to scan.

open a wheelspin and turn until you get a money price ( dont grab that money !!!)

now scan for the value of the wheelspin price you got. (prices with 150000cr and 200000cr works pretty well.)
you should get 10-50 results.
select them all and change them to something like 800million

step 5:
if everything went right you should be able to pick up the price and get 800million.
if you are very unlucky the game crashes (but my prefilter method should minimize the risk of a crash)
if it really crashed then you could just redo the whole procedure from the beginning.

step 6:
if all went good and you got your BIG price money, then you should go and save (quick journey to horzion festival square)
and exit the game for security reason because we changed some value of adresses we dont know what the are for and the game randomly generate them each time the game is startet.

p.s. this method wont have any persitend sideeffects! except as you are fkn rich now.
p.p.s i hope you understand my lil guide.
thank you very very much man, this is the only solution that worked for me :wub: :wub:
it worked guys here is the proof 8-) :D

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Re: Forza Horizon 4

Post by L3T »

ZoDDels method is much better and much better return without breaking your game. This was because I originally couldn't get the wheelspin method working and kept crashing. Following his procedure it works perfectly.

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Re: Forza Horizon 4

Post by chrisreddot3 »

Pls make it possible cheats like
edit your money
edit your influence
edit your car skills

In the cracked version(lootbox)

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Re: Forza Horizon 4

Post by S0ME0NE »

minomx wrote:
Wed Aug 14, 2019 10:26 pm
is this number good to go ?
LOL, how did you change the amount of SUPER WHEELSPIN??

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Re: Forza Horizon 4

Post by Vainslayers »

minomx wrote:
Wed Aug 14, 2019 10:26 pm

is this number good to go ?
Can you teach me how to hack the wheelspin number?

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Re: Forza Horizon 4

Post by minomx »

S0ME0NE wrote:
Sun Aug 18, 2019 2:37 am
LOL, how did you change the amount of SUPER WHEELSPIN??
Vainslayers wrote:
Sun Aug 18, 2019 10:35 am

Can you teach me how to hack the wheelspin number?

i don't really know how its happend but i think the cuz is the trainer in this thread:


i used the XP boosters and then i noticed the WHEELSPINs have been changed.
so try it and see by ur self.

note: i dont know if the trainer is safe or not (contains malware or anything else) so scan it before u use it.

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Re: Forza Horizon 4

Post by Vainslayers »

minomx wrote:
Sun Aug 18, 2019 10:49 am
i don't really know how its happend but i think the cuz is the trainer in this thread:


i used the XP boosters and then i noticed the WHEELSPINs have been changed.
so try it and see by ur self.

note: i dont know if the trainer is safe or not (contains malware or anything else) so scan it before u use it.
Okay then, thanks very much

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Re: Forza Horizon 4

Post by gongkouben »

非常感谢! :D

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Re: Forza Horizon 4

Post by S0ME0NE »

minomx wrote:
Sun Aug 18, 2019 10:49 am
S0ME0NE wrote:
Sun Aug 18, 2019 2:37 am
LOL, how did you change the amount of SUPER WHEELSPIN??
Vainslayers wrote:
Sun Aug 18, 2019 10:35 am

Can you teach me how to hack the wheelspin number?

i don't really know how its happend but i think the cuz is the trainer in this thread:


i used the XP boosters and then i noticed the WHEELSPINs have been changed.
so try it and see by ur self.

note: i dont know if the trainer is safe or not (contains malware or anything else) so scan it before u use it.
note 2: This trainer worked for level and spins, but After I close the game my saved game no longer loads, after loading almost the entire game my game closes without any explanation. So it's not worth it. At least that's what happened here :/

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Re: Forza Horizon 4

Post by anonnymousLA »

ZoDDeL wrote:
Wed Aug 14, 2019 5:29 am
L3T wrote:
Wed Aug 14, 2019 1:37 am
pigeon wrote:
Mon Aug 12, 2019 1:26 pm
For CR there is enough just to change AOB in STN script from the first page from
48 8D 4C 24 50 38 07 75 31 48 8D 57 16 E8 6A to
48 8D 4C 24 50 38 07 75 31 48 8D 57 16 E8 E9

If script doesn't activating, than the whole string should be:
aobscanmodule(monies,Microsoft.SunriseBaseGame_1.332.904.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.exe,48 8D 4C 24 50 38 07 75 31 48 8D 57 16 E8 E9)
The updated cheat table using pigeons suggested modification to STNs original CT. Works with the cracked Lootbox edition. Load the process "Microsoft.SunriseBaseGame_1.332.904.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.exe". (Only gets you 9m)

the problem is that this still does some damages(wrong/impossible values) to the savegame because the RDI is fluctuating between a minimum of 4 different addresses. so you will get something like 50million/300 influence boards crushed and other wrong crap.

"ForzaHorizon4.exe"+9CAAE0: 0F B6 47 15 - movzx eax,byte ptr [rdi+15]
"ForzaHorizon4.exe"+9CAAE4: 41 B8 04 00 00 00 - mov r8d,00000004
"ForzaHorizon4.exe"+9CAAEA: 48 8D 4C 24 50 - lea rcx,[rsp+50] //-- STN injection
"ForzaHorizon4.exe"+9CAAEF: 38 07 - cmp [rdi],al
"ForzaHorizon4.exe"+9CAAF1: 75 31 - jne ForzaHorizon4.exe+9CAB24
"ForzaHorizon4.exe"+9CAAF3: 48 8D 57 16 - lea rdx,[rdi+16] //-- Original injection
"ForzaHorizon4.exe"+9CAAF7: E8 6A 29 79 07 - call ForzaHorizon4.exe+815D466

as long there is no bypass for the anti-debug i would backup my savegame before trying any scripts!
and i would absolute dont use the STN/Original script. 9million creds arent worth to damage the save.

better do the wheelspin price editing method.
i'll try to explain my optimized strat.

normal or super wheelspins at least 10 in total (more is better)
one of the castles are still for sale! (the city one for 15million or the beach one for 10million)
cheat engine
if you are not on the cracked version you should pull your internet connection after starting the game but before you do anything with cheatengine to prevent an online ban! (and dont overdoe with the money! try to add only a value that could be aquired in the age of your savegame. so like 100-200million should be safe for a savegame thats 2-3 month+ old)

step 1:
drive to the castle location and open the buying screen (DONT BUY IT !!!!!!!)
while the buying screen is open alt+tab to cheat engine.
grab the "microsoft sunrise basegame" process.

step 2:
search for the castle price in 4byte decimal (10000000 for the beach castle)
you should get between 50 and 200 adresses.
if some adresses change their value just rescan and filter out all that wont be at 10million.
now hit control+A to select all adresses and rightclick and select "change value of selected adresses" and set it to 100

step 3:
go back into the game.
exit the buying screen of the castle ( STILL DONT BUY IT !!!!)
re-open the buying screen.
you should see the price is down to 100 creds.
recheck the adresss list and rescan at value 100

okay the was just the setup!
we just need it to get the adress range of the castle price which is pretty close to the adresse range of the wheelspin price adresses.

step 4:
take a look at the adress list and figure out the lowest and highest adress.
example: 23195847121 and 231D3421241
add them to the table as a reminder.

add another scan tab (click on file "add another scan tab" or hit control+T.
in the new scan tab you will modify the range of adresses that will be scanned.

take a look to your reminder and round them.
example: (lowest=down)23190000000 and (highest=up)2319FFFFFFF
now put these into adresses range (below memory scan options.
START: 23190000000
so you minimized the memory range to scan.

open a wheelspin and turn until you get a money price ( dont grab that money !!!)

now scan for the value of the wheelspin price you got. (prices with 150000cr and 200000cr works pretty well.)
you should get 10-50 results.
select them all and change them to something like 800million

step 5:
if everything went right you should be able to pick up the price and get 800million.
if you are very unlucky the game crashes (but my prefilter method should minimize the risk of a crash)
if it really crashed then you could just redo the whole procedure from the beginning.

step 6:
if all went good and you got your BIG price money, then you should go and save (quick journey to horzion festival square)
and exit the game for security reason because we changed some value of adresses we dont know what the are for and the game randomly generate them each time the game is startet.

p.s. this method wont have any persitend sideeffects! except as you are fkn rich now.
p.p.s i hope you understand my lil guide.
I created this account just to ask a question..

I have the original FH4 (standart version) from Microsoft Store. Anyway, I know I have to be offline in order to do the script, but will I be able to play again connected to internet even if I never race anyone online? Thanks!!

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Re: Forza Horizon 4

Post by ZoDDeL »

anonnymousLA wrote:
Thu Aug 22, 2019 3:49 am

I created this account just to ask a question..

I have the original FH4 (standart version) from Microsoft Store. Anyway, I know I have to be offline in order to do the script, but will I be able to play again connected to internet even if I never race anyone online? Thanks!!
if you use any of the tables here you will get banned from all online features (tunes, paints, races, forzathon, koop, auctionhouse etc.) in forza horizon 4. it doesnt matter if you being online or offline while doing it. you will get banned anyway.

thats why i posted a guide to get money without a script that modify random adresses in your savegame to hilarious values who turn into a ban.

"if you are not on the cracked version you should pull your internet connection after starting the game but before you do anything with cheatengine to prevent an online ban! (and dont overdoe with the money! try to add only a value that could be aquired in the age of your savegame. so like 100-200million should be safe for a savegame thats 2-3 month+ old)"

btw. if you just add yourself 100million while true offline (cord or lan adapter pulled) with my method, you should be safe after a restart online. (if you get asked to sync you savegame choose the local one!)

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Re: Forza Horizon 4

Post by anonnymousLA »

ZoDDeL wrote:
Thu Aug 22, 2019 3:26 pm
anonnymousLA wrote:
Thu Aug 22, 2019 3:49 am

I created this account just to ask a question..

I have the original FH4 (standart version) from Microsoft Store. Anyway, I know I have to be offline in order to do the script, but will I be able to play again connected to internet even if I never race anyone online? Thanks!!
if you use any of the tables here you will get banned from all online features (tunes, paints, races, forzathon, koop, auctionhouse etc.) in forza horizon 4. it doesnt matter if you being online or offline while doing it. you will get banned anyway.

thats why i posted a guide to get money without a script that modify random adresses in your savegame to hilarious values who turn into a ban.

"if you are not on the cracked version you should pull your internet connection after starting the game but before you do anything with cheatengine to prevent an online ban! (and dont overdoe with the money! try to add only a value that could be aquired in the age of your savegame. so like 100-200million should be safe for a savegame thats 2-3 month+ old)"

btw. if you just add yourself 100million while true offline (cord or lan adapter pulled) with my method, you should be safe after a restart online. (if you get asked to sync you savegame choose the local one!)
It worked perfectly fine even for the original game. Online, offline, everything works. Thanks dude!!

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Re: Forza Horizon 4

Post by Snake_eyes »

About ZoDDeL method. I believe is not necessary to go to the castle nor change their price. I simply loaded my save game and search for 15000000, I had only 2 results with gives a good idea where is the spin prize address (just follow step 4~).

Probably was already said but you must backup your save before trying anything, the location may vary so you have to goggle it. Some versions even provide a savegame.lnk, make sure to backup entire saves directory.

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Re: Forza Horizon 4

Post by ZoDDeL »

Snake_eyes wrote:
Thu Aug 22, 2019 11:55 pm
About ZoDDeL method. I believe is not necessary to go to the castle nor change their price. I simply loaded my save game and search for 15000000, I had only 2 results with gives a good idea where is the spin prize address (just follow step 4~).

Probably was already said but you must backup your save before trying anything, the location may vary so you have to goggle it. Some versions even provide a savegame.lnk, make sure to backup entire saves directory.
changing the price of this castle (and recheck that the price really got down) is to make sure you have the right adress(range) for filtering the weelspin addresses later. in my cases i got much more adresses on the 10million castle. but yeah maybe the city castle for 15million is the best option because there will be much fewer results to handle. i will recheck as soon a found a way around the hardware id ban without reinstalling windows (online play is locked on my pc across all windows/xbox profiles for forza because of scripting experiments)

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