Hey guys, i know how to do the 999 mio.
Here is the tutorial:
1. Download the latest cheat table from alOOshXL
2. Open the cheat table, get money on -
3. Upgrade car and buy the upgrades.
4. Off the cheat, go to esc 2 times.
5. Restart your game and enjoy your 999 mio!
Tried for me and worked. (Sorry for my bad english - Im from Poland)
Mods u can delete that acc, I dont wanna type more on this forum

Waiting for next cheat table after the forza update

EDIT: Tried for the other acc, get money on - and in the same time when the car is buying you need to spam on the on/off button like 2x on and off. Stay with off and u will get - money. Now get out from garage and click esc and see your 999 mio. restart the game for sure.