Assassin's Creed Odyssey v1.3.0/v1.5.1 +21 (table Update18.3)

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.5)

Post by Bowzerpapa »

budabum wrote:
Fri Nov 02, 2018 9:53 pm
stop changing and touching HashId. and please remove this from your instruction.

work only with pItem and pPerk1..4, maybe a day after you'll see the magic
OK Sorry !

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.5)

Post by Mexyn »

For some strange reasons the undead script does not work for me for snakes in temples...tested it several times...they just can kill me. But undead works for every other damage source so far....weird...

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.5)

Post by SunBeam »

Artyriaboy wrote:
Fri Nov 02, 2018 3:40 pm
@SunBeam can you extend your DMG table (Cheat Engine) with this new information?
Will do. Let me also patch in the ship damages multiplier :D

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.5)

Post by (V)(;,,;)(V) »

budabum wrote:
Fri Nov 02, 2018 9:53 pm
stop changing and touching HashId. and please remove this from your instruction.

work only with pItem and pPerk1..4, maybe a day after you'll see the magic
My first attempt (after using ce 6.7 since 6.8 doesnt want to attach to odyssey) i changes the hash first, but noticed when changing the pitem it would instantly update the hash. Now after an hour or so its cake to chage stuff with the item table.

Also have 0 problems changing white gear to estore stuff so idk why in your guide (bowzer) you say it will 100% crash game.

Anyways thanks for the tables and all the crazy work you guys do, not just on this game but across the whole fourm.

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.5)

Post by Bowzerpapa »

(V)(;,,;)(V) wrote:
Sat Nov 03, 2018 1:59 am
budabum wrote:
Fri Nov 02, 2018 9:53 pm
stop changing and touching HashId. and please remove this from your instruction.

work only with pItem and pPerk1..4, maybe a day after you'll see the magic
My first attempt (after using ce 6.7 since 6.8 doesnt want to attach to odyssey) i changes the hash first, but noticed when changing the pitem it would instantly update the hash. Now after an hour or so its cake to chage stuff with the item table.

Also have 0 problems changing white gear to estore stuff so idk why in your guide (bowzer) you say it will 100% crash game.

Anyways thanks for the tables and all the crazy work you guys do, not just on this game but across the whole fourm.
Well I have got the only mine results so it was 100% :D And not every day i create guides to anything :) It's just like my "thank you" guys for your INSANE work.

P.S. I will gladly accept any help and coop in guide creation !

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.5)

Post by (V)(;,,;)(V) »

@sunbeam think it was you who mentioned that fearlessrevolution had an option to unlock all engravings?

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.5)

Post by SunBeam »

Alright; here goes another round: ship damage. Will cut it a bit short this time around, focusing on the important stuff:

Code: Select all

ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B1A0 - 48 89 5C 24 08        - mov [rsp+08],rbx // break here
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B1A5 - 48 89 6C 24 10        - mov [rsp+10],rbp
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B1AA - 48 89 74 24 18        - mov [rsp+18],rsi
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B1AF - 57                    - push rdi
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B1B0 - 48 83 EC 30           - sub rsp,30 { 48 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B1B4 - 48 8B 81 70050000     - mov rax,[rcx+00000570]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B1BB - 49 8B D8              - mov rbx,r8
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B1BE - 0F29 74 24 20         - movaps [rsp+20],xmm6
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B1C3 - 48 8B FA              - mov rdi,rdx
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B1C6 - F3 0F10 35 F653EC00   - movss xmm6,[ACOdyssey.exe+3DD05C4] { [1.00] }
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B1CE - 48 8B F1              - mov rsi,rcx
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B1D1 - 4C 8B 48 08           - mov r9,[rax+08]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B1D5 - 49 C1 E1 20           - shl r9,20 { 32 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B1D9 - 49 C1 F9 3F           - sar r9,3F { 63 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B1DD - 4C 23 08              - and r9,[rax]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B1E0 - 74 40                 - je ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B222
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B1E2 - 8B 92 00010000        - mov edx,[rdx+00000100]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B1E8 - 85 D2                 - test edx,edx
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B1EA - 74 26                 - je ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B212
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B1EC - 41 8B 81 FC010000     - mov eax,[r9+000001FC]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B1F3 - C1 E8 11              - shr eax,11 { 17 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B1F6 - 3B D0                 - cmp edx,eax
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B1F8 - 77 18                 - ja ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B212
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B1FA - 8D 04 D2              - lea eax,[rdx+rdx*8]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B1FD - 8D 0C C5 B8FFFFFF     - lea ecx,[rax*8-00000048]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B204 - 49 03 89 F4010000     - add rcx,[r9+000001F4]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B20B - 74 05                 - je ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B212
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B20D - 8B 49 08              - mov ecx,[rcx+08]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B210 - EB 05                 - jmp ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B217
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B212 - B9 01000000           - mov ecx,00000001 { 1 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B217 - 45 33 C0              - xor r8d,r8d
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B21A - E8 41E0F3FF           - call ACOdyssey.exe+2E49260
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B21F - 0F28 F0               - movaps xmm6,xmm0
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B222 - 48 63 43 08           - movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rbx+08]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B226 - 48 8D 4E 20           - lea rcx,[rsi+20]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B22A - 8B 97 04010000        - mov edx,[rdi+00000104]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B230 - 48 03 C8              - add rcx,rax
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B233 - FF 13                 - call qword ptr [rbx]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B235 - 48 63 43 08           - movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rbx+08]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B239 - 48 8D 8E E0000000     - lea rcx,[rsi+000000E0]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B240 - 8B 97 08010000        - mov edx,[rdi+00000108]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B246 - 48 03 C8              - add rcx,rax
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B249 - FF 13                 - call qword ptr [rbx]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B24B - 66 0F6E 8F 4C010000   - movd xmm1,[rdi+0000014C]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B253 - 48 8D 8E A0010000     - lea rcx,[rsi+000001A0]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B25A - 48 63 43 08           - movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rbx+08]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B25E - 0F5B C9               - cvtdq2ps xmm1,xmm1
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B261 - 48 03 C8              - add rcx,rax
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B264 - F3 0F59 CE            - mulss xmm1,xmm6
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B268 - F3 0F2C D1            - cvttss2si edx,xmm1
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B26C - FF 13                 - call qword ptr [rbx]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B26E - 66 0F6E 87 BC010000   - movd xmm0,[rdi+000001BC]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B276 - 48 8D 8E 20030000     - lea rcx,[rsi+00000320]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B27D - 48 63 43 08           - movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rbx+08]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B281 - 0F5B C0               - cvtdq2ps xmm0,xmm0
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B284 - 48 03 C8              - add rcx,rax
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B287 - F3 0F59 C6            - mulss xmm0,xmm6
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B28B - F3 0F2C D0            - cvttss2si edx,xmm0
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B28F - FF 13                 - call qword ptr [rbx]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B291 - 66 0F6E 87 34020000   - movd xmm0,[rdi+00000234]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B299 - 48 8D 8E 60020000     - lea rcx,[rsi+00000260]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B2A0 - 48 63 43 08           - movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rbx+08]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B2A4 - 0F5B C0               - cvtdq2ps xmm0,xmm0
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B2A7 - 48 03 C8              - add rcx,rax
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B2AA - F3 0F59 C6            - mulss xmm0,xmm6
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B2AE - F3 0F2C D0            - cvttss2si edx,xmm0
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B2B2 - FF 13                 - call qword ptr [rbx]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B2B4 - 33 D2                 - xor edx,edx
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B2B6 - 8B EA                 - mov ebp,edx
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B2B8 - 39 97 6C020000        - cmp [rdi+0000026C],edx
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B2BE - 76 36                 - jna ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B2F6
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B2C0 - 66 0F6E 87 4C010000   - movd xmm0,[rdi+0000014C]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B2C8 - 66 0F6E 8F BC010000   - movd xmm1,[rdi+000001BC]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B2D0 - 0F5B C0               - cvtdq2ps xmm0,xmm0
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B2D3 - 0F5B C9               - cvtdq2ps xmm1,xmm1
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B2D6 - F3 0F59 87 54010000   - mulss xmm0,[rdi+00000154]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B2DE - F3 0F59 8F C4010000   - mulss xmm1,[rdi+000001C4]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B2E6 - F3 0F59 C6            - mulss xmm0,xmm6
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B2EA - F3 0F59 CE            - mulss xmm1,xmm6
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B2EE - F3 0F2C D0            - cvttss2si edx,xmm0
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B2F2 - F3 0F2C E9            - cvttss2si ebp,xmm1
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B2F6 - 48 63 43 08           - movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rbx+08]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B2FA - 48 8D 8E E0030000     - lea rcx,[rsi+000003E0]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B301 - 48 03 C8              - add rcx,rax
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B304 - FF 13                 - call qword ptr [rbx]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B306 - 48 63 43 08           - movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rbx+08]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B30A - 48 8D 8E A0040000     - lea rcx,[rsi+000004A0]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B311 - 48 03 C8              - add rcx,rax
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B314 - 8B D5                 - mov edx,ebp
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B316 - 48 8B 03              - mov rax,[rbx]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B319 - 48 8B 5C 24 40        - mov rbx,[rsp+40]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B31E - 48 8B 6C 24 48        - mov rbp,[rsp+48]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B323 - 48 8B 74 24 50        - mov rsi,[rsp+50]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B328 - 0F28 74 24 20         - movaps xmm6,[rsp+20]
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B32D - 48 83 C4 30           - add rsp,30 { 48 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B331 - 5F                    - pop rdi
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B332 - 48 FF E0              - jmp rax
The function above breaks when you open the Ship menu. If you check RCX, you will see that:

Code: Select all

IStruct:  0x1F9C5D7C0
IName:    0x14527CFF0
ObjStr:   ShipStatsViewModel
ObjHash:  0x7E46CF7C
These are my ship's attributes:


Let's trace:


Remember that 0.65 I mentioned? (you will have to check above link for that). Well.. Turns out it applies for all ship damage types; doesn't affect Health and Armor. So that's our damage multiplier. Let's study the code inside the function here:

Code: Select all

ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B212 - B9 01000000           - mov ecx,00000001
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B217 - 45 33 C0              - xor r8d,r8d
ACOdyssey.exe+2F0B21A - E8 41E0F3FF           - call ACOdyssey.exe+2E49260
We see that:



That's about it for the analysis. Will let you know where to patch optimally.


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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.5)

Post by yoloswaggins »

I only want a trainer for;
Gold &
Helix, is there any way to get free unlimited Helix Credits?

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.5)

Post by lordkain »

budabum wrote:
Fri Nov 02, 2018 9:53 pm
stop changing and touching HashId. and please remove this from your instruction.

work only with pItem and pPerk1..4, maybe a day after you'll see the magic

Is it possible to add the armor value to the table, so we can edit it? I'm able to replace everything without any problem, both the pItem and the pPerks. But the resulting gear, sometimes has LESS ARMOR than original item.


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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.5)

Post by Bowzerpapa »

lordkain wrote:
Sat Nov 03, 2018 3:44 am
Is it possible to add the armor value to the table, so we can edit it? I'm able to replace everything without any problem, both the pItem and the pPerks. But the resulting gear, sometimes has LESS ARMOR than original item.
Yea but you will continue to loose item perks :(

Actually I did all a long ago :)))) Have all from items table stable :)

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.5)

Post by yoloswaggins »

Ignore resources doesn't work with Oikos of the Olympians, or am i doing it wrong?

-In same game session script works with other resources eg weapons etc

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.5)

Post by Bowzerpapa »

Well, some patience and you can get this for example ^)
Helix set for free + I rebuild it in my way

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.5)

Post by Cielos »

Mexyn wrote:
Sat Nov 03, 2018 12:09 am
For some strange reasons the undead script does not work for me for snakes in temples...tested it several times...they just can kill me. But undead works for every other damage source so far....weird...
it's not weird, it's an known reported issue that I've been avoiding to update...
anyway, uploaded a simple script "healing snake", as title suggests, all snake bite should heal you to full health instead of 1/3 health damage. test away~

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +17 (table Update12)

Post by 2sw1ft »

guys! what's this?
can sameone check and make same screen?

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +17 (table Update12)

Post by budabum »

that is what ubi advertised in 1.0.6 patch notes.

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