Assassin's Creed Odyssey v1.3.0/v1.5.1 +21 (table Update18.3)

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.2)

Post by AkashiGamer »

budabum wrote:
Fri Oct 26, 2018 10:16 pm
louanbastos wrote:
Fri Oct 26, 2018 9:15 pm
is there any way to add items instead to replace it? But if don't, how can i replace it?
replace items which you own (look at STORE->OWNED). ubisoft restores OWNED items if they are missing :)

however, you still need to restore original PERKS, i'll post v3 table soon and instructions how to do this ...

Spartan Renegade Pack 2 of 5
Weight of War (H) Waist Legendary 000001844B09F54B
Warrior's Restraints (H) Arms Legendary 000001844B09F571
this time ids can be grabbed directly from estore page, as i do this manually, i grabbed 2 only.
As soon as possible)

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.2)

Post by elnene732 »

Ítems Hash for lion outfit:

1844B0A2F31 (Hood)
1844B0A2F1E (Arms)
1844B0A2F0B (Chest)
1844B0A2EF8 (Pants)
1844B0A2EE51 (Boots)

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.2)

Post by louanbastos »

budabum wrote:
Fri Oct 26, 2018 10:16 pm
louanbastos wrote:
Fri Oct 26, 2018 9:15 pm
is there any way to add items instead to replace it? But if don't, how can i replace it?
replace items which you own (look at STORE->OWNED). ubisoft restores OWNED items if they are missing :)

however, you still need to restore original PERKS, i'll post v3 table soon and instructions how to do this ...

Spartan Renegade Pack 2 of 5
Weight of War (H) Waist Legendary 000001844B09F54B
Warrior's Restraints (H) Arms Legendary 000001844B09F571
this time ids can be grabbed directly from estore page, as i do this manually, i grabbed 2 only.
how can i grab directly from estore? please help.

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.2)

Post by elnene732 »


Anyone can post some legendary item hash numbers please?

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.2)

Post by SunBeam »

So this thread has turned into a full-blown item swap discussion :D Guess you won't be needing the below..

Code: Select all

ACOdyssey.exe+24537BD - 48 8B 8F 00010000     - mov rcx,[rdi+00000100]
ACOdyssey.exe+24537C4 - 48 85 C9              - test rcx,rcx
ACOdyssey.exe+24537C7 - 74 0E                 - je ACOdyssey.exe+24537D7
ACOdyssey.exe+24537C9 - FF 87 F0000000        - inc [rdi+000000F0] // increase quest kill counter
ACOdyssey.exe+24537CF - 48 8B D3              - mov rdx,rbx
ACOdyssey.exe+24537D2 - 48 8B 01              - mov rax,[rcx]
ACOdyssey.exe+24537D5 - FF 10                 - call qword ptr [rax] <-- leaps to ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50A0
ACOdyssey.exe+24537D7 - 48 8B 5C 24 30        - mov rbx,[rsp+30]
ACOdyssey.exe+24537DC - 48 8B 74 24 38        - mov rsi,[rsp+38]
ACOdyssey.exe+24537E1 - 48 83 C4 20           - add rsp,20 { 32 }
ACOdyssey.exe+24537E5 - 5F                    - pop rdi
ACOdyssey.exe+24537E6 - C3                    - ret 

ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50A0 - 48 89 5C 24 08        - mov [rsp+08],rbx
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50A5 - 57                    - push rdi
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50A6 - 48 83 EC 20           - sub rsp,20 { 32 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50AA - 48 8B 81 C0000000     - mov rax,[rcx+000000C0] // rax <- GameObjectDeathHandler

	IStruct:  0x92D2DE780
	IName:    0x144FAD670
	ObjStr:   GameObjectDeathHandler
	ObjHash:  0xA94BC647

ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50B1 - 48 8D 99 68FEFFFF     - lea rbx,[rcx-00000198] // rbx <-- QuestKillObjectiveData

	IStruct:  0x92D2DDF20
	IName:    0x145105FD0
	ObjStr:   QuestKillObjectiveData
	ObjHash:  0xE1420C3D

ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50B8 - 8B 89 B4010000        - mov ecx,[rcx+000001B4]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50BE - 48 8B FA              - mov rdi,rdx
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50C1 - 44 8B 93 58030000     - mov r10d,[rbx+00000358]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50C8 - 44 8B 8B 3C030000     - mov r9d,[rbx+0000033C] // max to achieve in the challenge
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50CF - 44 8B 80 F4000000     - mov r8d,[rax+000000F4] // ?
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50D6 - 44 03 80 F0000000     - add r8d,[rax+000000F0] // current counter
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50DD - 41 C1 EA 11           - shr r10d,11 { 17 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50E1 - 44 03 C1              - add r8d,ecx
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50E4 - 83 BB C0020000 00     - cmp dword ptr [rbx+000002C0],00 { 0 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50EB - 46 8D 1C 11           - lea r11d,[rcx+r10]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50EF - 75 10                 - jne ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5101
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50F1 - 33 C0                 - xor eax,eax
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50F3 - 45 85 C9              - test r9d,r9d
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50F6 - 44 0F44 C8            - cmove r9d,eax
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50FA - 45 3B D1              - cmp r10d,r9d
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50FD - 45 0F46 CA            - cmovbe r9d,r10d
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5101 - 8B 8B 38030000        - mov ecx,[rbx+00000338] // 2
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5107 - 85 C9                 - test ecx,ecx
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5109 - 74 17                 - je ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5122
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB510B - 83 E9 01              - sub ecx,01 { 1 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB510E - 74 0A                 - je ACOdyssey.exe+2AB511A
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5110 - 83 F9 01              - cmp ecx,01 { 1 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5113 - 75 19                 - jne ACOdyssey.exe+2AB512E
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5115 - 45 3B C1              - cmp r8d,r9d // check if current == max
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5118 - EB 0B                 - jmp ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5125
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB511A - 45 85 C0              - test r8d,r8d
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB511D - 0F95 C0               - setne al
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5120 - EB 06                 - jmp ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5128
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5122 - 45 3B C3              - cmp r8d,r11d
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5125 - 0F93 C0               - setae al // set flag (if above or equal; current >= max?) -- (al==0 if not equal; al==1 if equal)
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5128 - 88 83 99030000        - mov [rbx+00000399],al // flag
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB512E - 48 8B CB              - mov rcx,rbx // QuestKillObjectiveData
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5131 - E8 7AD8F4FE           - call ACOdyssey.exe+1A029B0 // set state? [1] continue down
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5136 - 48 8B D7              - mov rdx,rdi
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5139 - 48 8B CB              - mov rcx,rbx
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB513C - 48 8B 5C 24 30        - mov rbx,[rsp+30]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5141 - 48 83 C4 20           - add rsp,20 { 32 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5145 - 5F                    - pop rdi
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5146 - E9 E57F0100           - jmp ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD130 [4] continue down

ACOdyssey.exe+1A029B0 - 48 89 5C 24 08        - mov [rsp+08],rbx
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029B5 - 57                    - push rdi
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029B6 - 48 83 EC 20           - sub rsp,20 { 32 }
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029BA - 48 8B 01              - mov rax,[rcx]
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029BD - 48 8B F9              - mov rdi,rcx
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029C0 - FF 90 C0000000        - call qword ptr [rax+000000C0] [2] continue down
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029C6 - 48 8B 17              - mov rdx,[rdi]
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029C9 - 48 8B CF              - mov rcx,rdi
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029CC - 8B D8                 - mov ebx,eax
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029CE - FF 92 B8000000        - call qword ptr [rdx+000000B8] [3] continue down
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029D4 - 48 8D 8F 98000000     - lea rcx,[rdi+00000098]
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029DB - 44 8B C3              - mov r8d,ebx
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029DE - 8B D0                 - mov edx,eax
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029E0 - 48 8B 5C 24 30        - mov rbx,[rsp+30]
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029E5 - 48 83 C4 20           - add rsp,20 { 32 }
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029E9 - 5F                    - pop rdi
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029EA - E9 F122D9FF           - jmp ACOdyssey.exe+1794CE0

ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9310 - 8B 81 38030000        - mov eax,[rcx+00000338]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9316 - 85 C0                 - test eax,eax
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9318 - 75 10                 - jne ACOdyssey.exe+2AA932A
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA931A - 8B 81 58030000        - mov eax,[rcx+00000358]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9320 - C1 E8 11              - shr eax,11 { 17 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9323 - 03 81 4C030000        - add eax,[rcx+0000034C]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9329 - C3                    - ret 
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA932A - 83 F8 02              - cmp eax,02 { 2 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA932D - 75 25                 - jne ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9354
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA932F - 83 B9 C0020000 00     - cmp dword ptr [rcx+000002C0],00 { 0 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9336 - 8B 81 3C030000        - mov eax,[rcx+0000033C]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA933C - 75 1B                 - jne ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9359
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA933E - 8B 89 58030000        - mov ecx,[rcx+00000358]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9344 - 33 D2                 - xor edx,edx
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9346 - 85 C0                 - test eax,eax
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9348 - 0F44 C2               - cmove eax,edx
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA934B - C1 E9 11              - shr ecx,11 { 17 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA934E - 3B C8                 - cmp ecx,eax
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9350 - 0F46 C1               - cmovbe eax,ecx
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9353 - C3                    - ret 
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9354 - B8 01000000           - mov eax,00000001 { 1 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9359 - C3                    - ret 

ACOdyssey.exe+2AA5EF0 - 83 B9 C0020000 01     - cmp dword ptr [rcx+000002C0],01 { 1 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA5EF7 - 48 8B D1              - mov rdx,rcx
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA5EFA - 48 8B 89 58020000     - mov rcx,[rcx+00000258]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA5F01 - 8B 81 F4000000        - mov eax,[rcx+000000F4]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA5F07 - 75 07                 - jne ACOdyssey.exe+2AA5F10
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA5F09 - 03 81 F0000000        - add eax,[rcx+000000F0]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA5F0F - C3                    - ret 
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA5F10 - 03 81 F0000000        - add eax,[rcx+000000F0]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA5F16 - 03 82 4C030000        - add eax,[rdx+0000034C]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA5F1C - C3                    - ret 

ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD130 - 48 89 5C 24 08        - mov [rsp+08],rbx
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD135 - 57                    - push rdi
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD136 - 48 83 EC 20           - sub rsp,20 { 32 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD13A - 80 B9 99030000 00     - cmp byte ptr [rcx+00000399],00 { 0 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD141 - 48 8B FA              - mov rdi,rdx
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD144 - 48 8B D9              - mov rbx,rcx
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD147 - 74 34                 - je ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD17D
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD149 - 48 8D 05 B8DD8602     - lea rax,[ACOdyssey.exe+533AF08] { [00000000] }
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD150 - 48 39 81 68030000     - cmp [rcx+00000368],rax
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD157 - 75 24                 - jne ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD17D
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD159 - 48 8B 0A              - mov rcx,[rdx]
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD15C - 48 3B C8              - cmp rcx,rax
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD15F - 74 10                 - je ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD171
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD161 - 48 B8 0000000001000000 - mov rax,0000000100000000 { [00000000] }
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD16B - F0 48 0FC1 41 08      - lock xadd [rcx+08],rax
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD171 - 48 87 8B 68030000     - xchg [rbx+00000368],rcx
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD178 - E8 536FEAFD           - call ACOdyssey.exe+9740D0
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD17D - 48 8B D7              - mov rdx,rdi
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD180 - 48 8B CB              - mov rcx,rbx
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD183 - E8 78FEFFFF           - call ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD000
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD188 - 48 8B 8B 80000000     - mov rcx,[rbx+00000080]
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD18F - E8 CC65ACFE           - call ACOdyssey.exe+1593760
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD194 - 48 8D 8B 60020000     - lea rcx,[rbx+00000260]
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD19B - 45 33 C9              - xor r9d,r9d
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD19E - 48 8B D7              - mov rdx,rdi
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD1A1 - 4C 8D 80 602F0000     - lea r8,[rax+00002F60]
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD1A8 - 48 8B 5C 24 30        - mov rbx,[rsp+30]
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD1AD - 48 83 C4 20           - add rsp,20 { 32 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD1B1 - 5F                    - pop rdi
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD1B2 - E9 E9BA79FF           - jmp ACOdyssey.exe+2268CA0
Am doing this at the moment:


Want to finish-up quests fast?

Code: Select all

ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5125 - 0F93 C0               - setae al
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5128 - 88 83 99030000        - mov [rbx+00000399],al


ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5125 - B0 01                 - mov al,01 { 1 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5127 - 90                    - nop 
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5128 - 88 83 99030000        - mov [rbx+00000399],al
Last edited by SunBeam on Sat Oct 27, 2018 12:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.2)

Post by louanbastos »

i have a suggestion for you @budabum, In Final Fantasy XV there was a cheat that the item swap was by the seller, the person bought the item but when it went to the inventory would the desired item and not the bought, for example, in the seller's store have a common item, let's call of Common Swordn when the player bought the Common Sword, on the Table of the Cheat Engine was selected the Helmet of Pegasus, so when finalizing the purchase, instead of going to the Common Sword, would go to the inventory the Helmet of Pegasus. It's possible to create this?

Posts: 48
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Reputation: 15

Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.2)

Post by louanbastos »

SunBeam wrote:
Sat Oct 27, 2018 12:16 am
So this thread has turned into a full-blown item swap discussion :D Guess you won't be needing the below..

Code: Select all

ACOdyssey.exe+24537BD - 48 8B 8F 00010000     - mov rcx,[rdi+00000100]
ACOdyssey.exe+24537C4 - 48 85 C9              - test rcx,rcx
ACOdyssey.exe+24537C7 - 74 0E                 - je ACOdyssey.exe+24537D7
ACOdyssey.exe+24537C9 - FF 87 F0000000        - inc [rdi+000000F0] // increase quest kill counter
ACOdyssey.exe+24537CF - 48 8B D3              - mov rdx,rbx
ACOdyssey.exe+24537D2 - 48 8B 01              - mov rax,[rcx]
ACOdyssey.exe+24537D5 - FF 10                 - call qword ptr [rax] <-- leaps to ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50A0
ACOdyssey.exe+24537D7 - 48 8B 5C 24 30        - mov rbx,[rsp+30]
ACOdyssey.exe+24537DC - 48 8B 74 24 38        - mov rsi,[rsp+38]
ACOdyssey.exe+24537E1 - 48 83 C4 20           - add rsp,20 { 32 }
ACOdyssey.exe+24537E5 - 5F                    - pop rdi
ACOdyssey.exe+24537E6 - C3                    - ret 

ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50A0 - 48 89 5C 24 08        - mov [rsp+08],rbx
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50A5 - 57                    - push rdi
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50A6 - 48 83 EC 20           - sub rsp,20 { 32 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50AA - 48 8B 81 C0000000     - mov rax,[rcx+000000C0] // rax <- GameObjectDeathHandler

	IStruct:  0x92D2DE780
	IName:    0x144FAD670
	ObjStr:   GameObjectDeathHandler
	ObjHash:  0xA94BC647

ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50B1 - 48 8D 99 68FEFFFF     - lea rbx,[rcx-00000198] // rbx <-- QuestKillObjectiveData

	IStruct:  0x92D2DDF20
	IName:    0x145105FD0
	ObjStr:   QuestKillObjectiveData
	ObjHash:  0xE1420C3D

ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50B8 - 8B 89 B4010000        - mov ecx,[rcx+000001B4]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50BE - 48 8B FA              - mov rdi,rdx
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50C1 - 44 8B 93 58030000     - mov r10d,[rbx+00000358]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50C8 - 44 8B 8B 3C030000     - mov r9d,[rbx+0000033C] // max to achieve in the challenge
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50CF - 44 8B 80 F4000000     - mov r8d,[rax+000000F4] // ?
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50D6 - 44 03 80 F0000000     - add r8d,[rax+000000F0] // current counter
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50DD - 41 C1 EA 11           - shr r10d,11 { 17 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50E1 - 44 03 C1              - add r8d,ecx
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50E4 - 83 BB C0020000 00     - cmp dword ptr [rbx+000002C0],00 { 0 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50EB - 46 8D 1C 11           - lea r11d,[rcx+r10]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50EF - 75 10                 - jne ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5101
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50F1 - 33 C0                 - xor eax,eax
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50F3 - 45 85 C9              - test r9d,r9d
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50F6 - 44 0F44 C8            - cmove r9d,eax
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50FA - 45 3B D1              - cmp r10d,r9d
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB50FD - 45 0F46 CA            - cmovbe r9d,r10d
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5101 - 8B 8B 38030000        - mov ecx,[rbx+00000338] // 2
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5107 - 85 C9                 - test ecx,ecx
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5109 - 74 17                 - je ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5122
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB510B - 83 E9 01              - sub ecx,01 { 1 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB510E - 74 0A                 - je ACOdyssey.exe+2AB511A
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5110 - 83 F9 01              - cmp ecx,01 { 1 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5113 - 75 19                 - jne ACOdyssey.exe+2AB512E
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5115 - 45 3B C1              - cmp r8d,r9d // check if current == max
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5118 - EB 0B                 - jmp ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5125
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB511A - 45 85 C0              - test r8d,r8d
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB511D - 0F95 C0               - setne al
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5120 - EB 06                 - jmp ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5128
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5122 - 45 3B C3              - cmp r8d,r11d
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5125 - 0F93 C0               - setae al // set flag (if above or equal; current >= max?) -- (al==0 if not equal; al==1 if equal)
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5128 - 88 83 99030000        - mov [rbx+00000399],al // flag
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB512E - 48 8B CB              - mov rcx,rbx // QuestKillObjectiveData
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5131 - E8 7AD8F4FE           - call ACOdyssey.exe+1A029B0 // set state? [1] continue down
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5136 - 48 8B D7              - mov rdx,rdi
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5139 - 48 8B CB              - mov rcx,rbx
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB513C - 48 8B 5C 24 30        - mov rbx,[rsp+30]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5141 - 48 83 C4 20           - add rsp,20 { 32 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5145 - 5F                    - pop rdi
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5146 - E9 E57F0100           - jmp ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD130 [4] continue down

ACOdyssey.exe+1A029B0 - 48 89 5C 24 08        - mov [rsp+08],rbx
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029B5 - 57                    - push rdi
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029B6 - 48 83 EC 20           - sub rsp,20 { 32 }
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029BA - 48 8B 01              - mov rax,[rcx]
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029BD - 48 8B F9              - mov rdi,rcx
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029C0 - FF 90 C0000000        - call qword ptr [rax+000000C0] [2] continue down
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029C6 - 48 8B 17              - mov rdx,[rdi]
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029C9 - 48 8B CF              - mov rcx,rdi
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029CC - 8B D8                 - mov ebx,eax
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029CE - FF 92 B8000000        - call qword ptr [rdx+000000B8] [3] continue down
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029D4 - 48 8D 8F 98000000     - lea rcx,[rdi+00000098]
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029DB - 44 8B C3              - mov r8d,ebx
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029DE - 8B D0                 - mov edx,eax
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029E0 - 48 8B 5C 24 30        - mov rbx,[rsp+30]
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029E5 - 48 83 C4 20           - add rsp,20 { 32 }
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029E9 - 5F                    - pop rdi
ACOdyssey.exe+1A029EA - E9 F122D9FF           - jmp ACOdyssey.exe+1794CE0

ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9310 - 8B 81 38030000        - mov eax,[rcx+00000338]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9316 - 85 C0                 - test eax,eax
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9318 - 75 10                 - jne ACOdyssey.exe+2AA932A
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA931A - 8B 81 58030000        - mov eax,[rcx+00000358]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9320 - C1 E8 11              - shr eax,11 { 17 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9323 - 03 81 4C030000        - add eax,[rcx+0000034C]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9329 - C3                    - ret 
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA932A - 83 F8 02              - cmp eax,02 { 2 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA932D - 75 25                 - jne ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9354
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA932F - 83 B9 C0020000 00     - cmp dword ptr [rcx+000002C0],00 { 0 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9336 - 8B 81 3C030000        - mov eax,[rcx+0000033C]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA933C - 75 1B                 - jne ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9359
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA933E - 8B 89 58030000        - mov ecx,[rcx+00000358]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9344 - 33 D2                 - xor edx,edx
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9346 - 85 C0                 - test eax,eax
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9348 - 0F44 C2               - cmove eax,edx
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA934B - C1 E9 11              - shr ecx,11 { 17 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA934E - 3B C8                 - cmp ecx,eax
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9350 - 0F46 C1               - cmovbe eax,ecx
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9353 - C3                    - ret 
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9354 - B8 01000000           - mov eax,00000001 { 1 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA9359 - C3                    - ret 

ACOdyssey.exe+2AA5EF0 - 83 B9 C0020000 01     - cmp dword ptr [rcx+000002C0],01 { 1 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA5EF7 - 48 8B D1              - mov rdx,rcx
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA5EFA - 48 8B 89 58020000     - mov rcx,[rcx+00000258]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA5F01 - 8B 81 F4000000        - mov eax,[rcx+000000F4]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA5F07 - 75 07                 - jne ACOdyssey.exe+2AA5F10
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA5F09 - 03 81 F0000000        - add eax,[rcx+000000F0]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA5F0F - C3                    - ret 
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA5F10 - 03 81 F0000000        - add eax,[rcx+000000F0]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA5F16 - 03 82 4C030000        - add eax,[rdx+0000034C]
ACOdyssey.exe+2AA5F1C - C3                    - ret 

ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD130 - 48 89 5C 24 08        - mov [rsp+08],rbx
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD135 - 57                    - push rdi
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD136 - 48 83 EC 20           - sub rsp,20 { 32 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD13A - 80 B9 99030000 00     - cmp byte ptr [rcx+00000399],00 { 0 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD141 - 48 8B FA              - mov rdi,rdx
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD144 - 48 8B D9              - mov rbx,rcx
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD147 - 74 34                 - je ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD17D
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD149 - 48 8D 05 B8DD8602     - lea rax,[ACOdyssey.exe+533AF08] { [00000000] }
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD150 - 48 39 81 68030000     - cmp [rcx+00000368],rax
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD157 - 75 24                 - jne ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD17D
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD159 - 48 8B 0A              - mov rcx,[rdx]
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD15C - 48 3B C8              - cmp rcx,rax
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD15F - 74 10                 - je ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD171
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD161 - 48 B8 0000000001000000 - mov rax,0000000100000000 { [00000000] }
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD16B - F0 48 0FC1 41 08      - lock xadd [rcx+08],rax
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD171 - 48 87 8B 68030000     - xchg [rbx+00000368],rcx
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD178 - E8 536FEAFD           - call ACOdyssey.exe+9740D0
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD17D - 48 8B D7              - mov rdx,rdi
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD180 - 48 8B CB              - mov rcx,rbx
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD183 - E8 78FEFFFF           - call ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD000
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD188 - 48 8B 8B 80000000     - mov rcx,[rbx+00000080]
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD18F - E8 CC65ACFE           - call ACOdyssey.exe+1593760
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD194 - 48 8D 8B 60020000     - lea rcx,[rbx+00000260]
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD19B - 45 33 C9              - xor r9d,r9d
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD19E - 48 8B D7              - mov rdx,rdi
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD1A1 - 4C 8D 80 602F0000     - lea r8,[rax+00002F60]
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD1A8 - 48 8B 5C 24 30        - mov rbx,[rsp+30]
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD1AD - 48 83 C4 20           - add rsp,20 { 32 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD1B1 - 5F                    - pop rdi
ACOdyssey.exe+2ACD1B2 - E9 E9BA79FF           - jmp ACOdyssey.exe+2268CA0
Am doing this at the moment:


Want to finish-up quests fast?

Code: Select all

ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5125 - 0F93 C0               - setae al
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5128 - 88 83 99030000        - mov [rbx+00000399],al


ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5125 - B0 01                 - mov al,01 { 1 }
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5127 - 90                    - nop 
ACOdyssey.exe+2AB5128 - 88 83 99030000        - mov [rbx+00000399],al
how can i use this too codes? i'm still learning. thanks by the way

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.2)

Post by leseho »

budabum wrote:
Fri Oct 26, 2018 5:42 pm
example of dirty way for item replacement, i intentionally do not post this as part of the table:
- equip any owned item you have, e.g. "Timeless Greaves" / hash 00000181F8611C39 (Inventory->Store(T)->Owned)
- search 8 bytes hex value 000001844B09F571 ("Warrior's Restraints Arms Legendary")
- you'll find single (i hope) address. pick that address and substruct it by 10h. e.g. you found 155A6D990, then you need 155A6D980
- paste your calculated value into pItem->Value column
- save game
- load game
you'll get your "Warrior's Restraints" but... it'll be EPIC instead of LEGENDARY. that is fixable by Edidor. and second but, set of perks will be inherited from previous item. because of these two buts and save/load, i do not like this way of replacement.

Thank you.
However, when you save, the game stops.

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.2)

Post by leseho »

elnene732 wrote:
Fri Oct 26, 2018 11:14 pm
Ítems Hash for lion outfit:

1844B0A2F31 (Hood)
1844B0A2F1E (Arms)
1844B0A2F0B (Chest)
1844B0A2EF8 (Pants)
1844B0A2EE51 (Boots)
Thank you.
However, putting this value in pltem will stop the game.

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.2)

Post by elnene732 »

Put it in ItemHashId

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.2)

Post by AkashiGamer »

I managed to make a lion's hood, but the basic perks he has with a replaceable object

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.2)

Post by leseho »

elnene732 wrote:
Sat Oct 27, 2018 1:30 am
Put it in ItemHashId

I also get a game error.
That's too bad. The UPLAY version.

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.2)

Post by AkashiGamer »

AkashiGamer wrote:
Sat Oct 27, 2018 2:04 am
I managed to make a lion's hood, but the basic perks he has with a replaceable object

I do not know how to make original perks

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.2)

Post by AkashiGamer »

ImageIf budabum makes possible the preservation of the original perks, then we will no longer need the e-store. In general, the objects quietly change, the perfect job.Sorry that the screenshot in Russian, well, I think that is clear
Last edited by AkashiGamer on Sat Oct 27, 2018 2:44 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +16 (table Update11.2)

Post by fireundubh »

Put together tables of legendary armor and weapons with hash IDs. Not exhaustive; just the items I've collected so far.


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