for latest updates refer to this thread
latest table update
- added Ship Editor
- added pItem/pPerk extractor under [Debug] section. E.g. go to Oikos shop and hover over gold item which is being traded today. Grab its pItem/pPerk values and copy over an item you are swapping.
- Quests x/y booster. Applicable for the quests like "Sink 0/15 Triremes" or "Kill 0/30 Spartans". Each kill counts as 20.
- Damage Multiplier by SubBeam for Player and Adresia.
for detailed instruction how to swap items, refer to this post
some of you noticed if you go to blacksmith and upgrade swapped item it may get pPerk1 of original item you used as donor.
to avoid this, choose donor item which possesses pPerk1 the same as your new item. and it does not matter level of that perk. %10 or %15. After upgrade you will get actual one.
- select value type 'Grouped'
- paste into search string the following pattern "BA:1 1:0 2:0x8000 w:4 8:0xHASH"
- instead of HASH, paste yours
- once value is found. grab it and subtract by 9. Use windows calc in HEX mode or any other online hex calculator
- example for Odysseus Lieutenant is attached
for hash tables:
to unlock transmog after swapping:
drop a gear into the Adrestia storage and retrieve it back, it'll be unlocked in transmog
Special Items which are not lootable in 1.0.6(CPY release) but can be obtained by HashId or through gameplay in legit version since 1.0.7:
Code: Select all
0000017814A6B1C6 Bare Chested Torso Legendary
00000177AB94EB78 Bare-Chested and Oiled Torso Legendary
00000176B383A2F8 Cultist's Disguise Head Common
Dear friends. i'm posting first version of pre-alfa Inventory Editor/Swapper.
With first version you may start collecting hash values for the different type of gears. Go to inventory menu and equip your hero. Whenever you click an inventory item, the CE table is populated.
Later i'll probably add actual swapper and add more editable parameters. Looks like this time ubisoft ciphered inventory items even more and reversing may take more time.
Well, ACO users may start using ACOd swapper even with pre-alpha version, you know how: replace pItem value with the one you may find by hash id.