jonasbeckman wrote: ↑Sun Oct 21, 2018 1:02 pm
In Cheat Engine first go to Edit -> Settings -> Debugger Options
And switch from Windows to VEH if it's not used already and then try and see how that works to begin with.
(Leave the other settings alone and just the debugger method option being flipped to VEH Debugger if it's not used already.)
Thank for your advise. In VEH, I have found the base address of Flaming Attack. Now I'm trying to mod it infinite last time and let it to be a positive ability
This is Flaming Attack Code:
Code: Select all
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A00 - 48 85 C9 - test rcx,rcx
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A03 - 0F84 DB000000 - je ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316AE4
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A09 - 53 - push rbx
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A0A - 48 83 EC 20 - sub rsp,20 { 32 }
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A0E - 48 8B D9 - mov rbx,rcx
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A11 - 48 89 7C 24 30 - mov [rsp+30],rdi
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A16 - 48 8D 0D B3CA6E03 - lea rcx,[ACOdyssey.g_LEngineDefaultPoolId+11593C] { [FFFFFFFF] }
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A1D - E8 CE11B4FE - call ACOdyssey.Ordinal268+7A0DC0
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A22 - 8B 05 90CD6E03 - mov eax,[ACOdyssey.g_LEngineDefaultPoolId+115C24] { [00000001] }
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A28 - 48 8D 14 40 - lea rdx,[rax+rax*2]
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A2C - 48 8D 05 6DCA6E03 - lea rax,[ACOdyssey.g_LEngineDefaultPoolId+11590C] { [08675F28] }
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A33 - 48 8D 0C D0 - lea rcx,[rax+rdx*8]
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A37 - E8 F498FCFF - call ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+2E0330
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A3C - 48 8D 0D 8DCA6E03 - lea rcx,[ACOdyssey.g_LEngineDefaultPoolId+11593C] { [FFFFFFFF] }
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A43 - 48 8B F8 - mov rdi,rax
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A46 - E8 25BCE801 - call ACOdyssey.AK::WriteBytesMem::Bytes+505EF0
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A4B - 48 8B 43 70 - mov rax,[rbx+70]
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A4F - 48 85 C0 - test rax,rax
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A52 - 74 10 - je ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A64
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A54 - 8B 48 2C - mov ecx,[rax+2C]
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A57 - 89 4F 18 - mov [rdi+18],ecx
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A5A - 48 8B 4B 70 - mov rcx,[rbx+70]
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A5E - 8B 51 28 - mov edx,[rcx+28]
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A61 - 89 57 1C - mov [rdi+1C],edx
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A64 - 48 8B 4B 20 - mov rcx,[rbx+20]
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A68 - 48 8D 05 F18F6E03 - lea rax,[ACOdyssey.g_LEngineDefaultPoolId+111ECC] { [00000000] }
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A6F - 48 3B C8 - cmp rcx,rax
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A72 - 74 0B - je ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A7F
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A74 - B8 01000000 - mov eax,00000001 { 1 }
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A79 - F0 48 0FC1 41 08 - lock xadd [rcx+08],rax
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A7F - 48 87 4F 10 - xchg [rdi+10],rcx
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A83 - E8 0815D0FE - call ACOdyssey.Ordinal268+961160
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A88 - 48 8D 53 28 - lea rdx,[rbx+28]
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A8C - 48 8D 4F 38 - lea rcx,[rdi+38]
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A90 - E8 1B32BCFF - call ACOdyssey.AK::MusicEngine::Term+14D4A0
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A95 - 8B 43 78 - mov eax,[rbx+78]
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A98 - 48 8B CB - mov rcx,rbx
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A9B - 89 47 24 - mov [rdi+24],eax
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316A9E - 8B 83 D0000000 - mov eax,[rbx+000000D0]
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316AA4 - 89 47 28 - mov [rdi+28],eax
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316AA7 - 8B 83 D4000000 - mov eax,[rbx+000000D4]
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316AAD - 89 47 2C - mov [rdi+2C],eax
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316AB0 - E8 1BF72B00 - call ACOdyssey.AK::WriteBytesMem::Count+1D1E80
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316AB5 - 48 8D 8B 80000000 - lea rcx,[rbx+00000080]
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316ABC - F3 0F11 47 30 - movss [rdi+30],xmm0
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316AC1 - E8 5A659AFF - call ACOdyssey.Ordinal268+16061F0
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316AC6 - 48 8D 15 4B2DA003 - lea rdx,[ACOdyssey.g_LEngineDefaultPoolId+42BC84] { [00000000] }
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316ACD - F3 0F11 47 34 - movss [rdi+34],xmm0
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316AD2 - 48 8B CF - mov rcx,rdi
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316AD5 - E8 36EEDAFE - call ACOdyssey.Ordinal268+A0EAE0
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316ADA - 48 8B 7C 24 30 - mov rdi,[rsp+30]
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316ADF - 48 83 C4 20 - add rsp,20 { 32 }
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316AE3 - 5B - pop rbx
ACOdyssey.scimitar::GfxRainBlockerHeightMap::Shutdown+316AE4 - C3 - ret