pathfinder kingmaker save edit

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Re: pathfinder kingmaker save edit

Post by neuronek »

Adding moar feats :)
Added all Aasimar heritages :)
(40.13 KiB) Downloaded 111 times

Necrosx wrote:
Thu Oct 25, 2018 5:34 pm
Oops, silly mistake on my part. I thought I fixed that. Anyways, I fixed that now, but Im still getting the endless loading. See anything else wrong with it?
This feat is very complex, I don't see any errors in the edited json file.
I wonder if it'd be possible to just add 1 of these internal feats to Your character instead of trying to transplant the whole core Jaethal feat.

Here's the undying feat, seems to work on that save:

Code: Select all

  "$id": "6539",
  "$type": "Kingmaker.UnitLogic.Feature, Assembly-CSharp",
  "m_Context": {
    "$id": "6540",
    "m_OwnerDescriptor": {
      "$ref": "5"
    "m_CasterReference": {
      "m_UniqueId": "25cdb546-5dd5-4a4d-bffb-2bde875b76cc"
    "m_Ranks": [
    "m_SharedValues": [
    "m_Params": null,
    "AssociatedBlueprint": "1ed5fac73a4dc054d8411f24cf09d703",
    "ParentContext": null,
    "m_MainTarget": null,
    "Params": {},
    "SpellDescriptor": "None",
    "SpellSchool": "None",
    "SpellLevel": 0,
    "Direction": {
      "$type": "UnityEngine.Vector3, UnityEngine.CoreModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
      "x": 0,
      "y": 0,
      "z": 0
  "Blueprint": "1ed5fac73a4dc054d8411f24cf09d703",
  "m_ComponentsData": [
      "$id": "6541",
      "ComponentName": "$AddImmortality$be58f378-0d60-4fe4-a867-0fa55dc92519"
      "$id": "6542",
      "ComponentName": "$AreaDidLoadTrigger$b8a55a98-6fd1-4b0a-9c32-a522eb088095"
  "Rank": 1,
  "Source": null,
  "Param": null,
  "IgnorePrerequisites": true,
  "Owner": {
    "$ref": "5"
  "Initialized": true,
  "Active": true,
  "SourceItem": null,
  "SourceCutscene": null

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Re: pathfinder kingmaker save edit

Post by Necrosx »

The one Im specifically trying to add is the undead part of it, rather than the undying. I'll give it a shot with just the undying though and see if it will load up, and try and go from there. Thanks for all your help.

Edit - Odd, I seem to get the endless loading with just the undying as well. I'll have to start from scratch with the backup and hopefully that fixes things.

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Re: pathfinder kingmaker save edit

Post by tseblade »

neuronek wrote:
Thu Oct 25, 2018 5:06 pm
Hi, tseblade so starting from the top, I think that the guy over at github might have an idea,

Take a look here:

1. The blueprint is 5b72dd2ca2cb73b49903806ee8986325 which corresponds to: BasicFeatsProgression whatever it means :)

2. The blueprint is 0aeba56961779e54a8a0f6dedef081ee which corresponds to: StormBuff

3. The blueprint is 33bc1b86b3a2fa5489cc0a5bdcf3f6f8 which corresponds to: DifficultyAdvancementBaseFeature

Some features require "Descriptors" in order to function, maybe this is their function. I guess 2. means that the character has some stat bonus during bad weather :D
Hey Neuronek,

Thanks for the link, it will help a lot. I never heard of a stat bonus during weather so i have an idea that this might be the feat that slows you in bad weather like storms. As seen from other feats, description of stat debuffs also show as stat bonus.

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Re: pathfinder kingmaker save edit

Post by Madworld808 »

neuronek wrote:
Wed Oct 24, 2018 6:46 pm
Necrosx wrote:
Mon Oct 22, 2018 7:27 pm
Im a little lost on how to add feats/features via save editing. Im looking to add the undead trait from Jaethal to my main character, since someone found it in the other thread, but Im really not sure how to do that. Would someone be willing to walk me through it, or make the changes if I provided my party file? Obviously I'd prefer to learn how to do it myself, but so far everything seems to make it out to be really complicated. Thanks ahead of time.
* 7-zip ([Link])
* Notepad++ ([Link])
* Notepad++ JSTool Plugin ([Link])
* GitBash ([Link])

1. Locate Your saves Directory, in case of Steam the game likes to save to:
C:\Users\${YOUR_WINDOWS_USER_ACCOUNT}\AppData\LocalLow\Owlcat Games\Pathfinder Kingmaker\Saved Games
2. Use 7zip to open the save You wish to edit, and extract the party.json file (step1.png)
3. Open party.json in Notepad++, use the JSFormat option provided by JSTool Plugin (Ctrl+Alt+M), save the file
4. Find the highest $id value in the file, to do this open a git bash console and execute the following unix command: (step2.png)

Code: Select all

$ grep -P '\"\$id.*' party.json | grep -oP '\d+' | sort -n | tail -n 1
* You now know that You should start adding items with the Id 29235 or higher to avoid conflicts :)
5. Go back to Notepad++, use the JSON Viewer functionality provided by JSTool (Ctrl+Alt+J) (step3.png)
6. Locate the character You're interested in editing, let's say Your main character. My char's nickname is Sarnum: (step4.png)
* Feats are located under Progression/Features
* Abilities are located under Abilities
* Activatable Abilities are located under ActivatableAbilities
I don't know what You're trying to add so I took a look here:
And I see lot of Jaethal features, which would be feats :)

Code: Select all

"1ed5fac73a4dc054d8411f24cf09d703": "JaethalImmortality",
I went and found this UUID in my own save:

Code: Select all

  "$id": "14031",
  "$type": "Kingmaker.UnitLogic.Feature, Assembly-CSharp",
    "$id": "14032",
      "$ref": "13417"
      "m_UniqueId": "c4b4f290-507b-42f2-bea2-cff91fb7e5fa"
    "m_Ranks": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    "m_SharedValues": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    "m_Params": null,
    "AssociatedBlueprint": "1ed5fac73a4dc054d8411f24cf09d703",
    "ParentContext": null,
    "m_MainTarget": null,
    "Params": {},
    "SpellDescriptor": "None",
    "SpellSchool": "None",
    "SpellLevel": 0,
      "$type": "UnityEngine.Vector3, UnityEngine.CoreModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
      "x": 0.0,
      "y": 0.0,
      "z": 0.0
  "Blueprint": "1ed5fac73a4dc054d8411f24cf09d703",
  "m_ComponentsData": [
      "$id": "14033",
      "ComponentName": "$AddImmortality$be58f378-0d60-4fe4-a867-0fa55dc92519"
      "$id": "14034",
      "ComponentName": "$AreaDidLoadTrigger$b8a55a98-6fd1-4b0a-9c32-a522eb088095"
  "Rank": 1,
  "Source": null,
  "Param": null,
  "IgnorePrerequisites": true,
    "$ref": "13417"
  "Initialized": true,
  "Active": true,
  "SourceItem": null,
  "SourceCutscene": null
7. Prepare the Feat to be added to Your character.
* m_Context.m_OwnerDescriptor and Owner.$ref need to point to root of the object of the character You want this feat to belong to. In case of my character the root $id of "Sarnum" is "5".
* m_Context.m_CasterReference needs to be changed to the UUID of the character that You wish to add the feat to. For example in case of "Sarnum" Her UUID is "f043e0f3-124e-49aa-82bb-3796247937f6"
* all $id need to have values higher than the highest id In Your file , so let's start from 29235
* make sure that You set Source to "null" and IgnorePrerequisites to "true", in case of this feat the game was so kind to set it for us, the feats gained through levelups are linked to a specific level so that they can be shown in Your character level up screen, it seems that You can't have more than 4 "progressions" per level so please be wary of it.
* If the feat seems deactivated when loading the game, make sure that You've set "Initialized" and "Active" to true.

Code: Select all

  "$id": "29235",
  "$type": "Kingmaker.UnitLogic.Feature, Assembly-CSharp",
    "$id": "29236",
      "$ref": "5"
      "m_UniqueId": "f043e0f3-124e-49aa-82bb-3796247937f6"
    "m_Ranks": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    "m_SharedValues": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    "m_Params": null,
    "AssociatedBlueprint": "1ed5fac73a4dc054d8411f24cf09d703",
    "ParentContext": null,
    "m_MainTarget": null,
    "Params": {},
    "SpellDescriptor": "None",
    "SpellSchool": "None",
    "SpellLevel": 0,
      "$type": "UnityEngine.Vector3, UnityEngine.CoreModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
      "x": 0.0,
      "y": 0.0,
      "z": 0.0
  "Blueprint": "1ed5fac73a4dc054d8411f24cf09d703",
  "m_ComponentsData": [
      "$id": "29237",
      "ComponentName": "$AddImmortality$be58f378-0d60-4fe4-a867-0fa55dc92519"
      "$id": "29238",
      "ComponentName": "$AreaDidLoadTrigger$b8a55a98-6fd1-4b0a-9c32-a522eb088095"
  "Rank": 1,
  "Source": null,
  "Param": null,
  "IgnorePrerequisites": true,
    "$ref": "5"
  "Initialized": true,
  "Active": true,
  "SourceItem": null,
  "SourceCutscene": null
8. Add the new "feat" to Your character, at the bottom of Features JSON Array, please make sure that all array objects are separated by commas, example

Code: Select all

"m_Facts": [
{ "feat1":"bunch of stuff"
{ "feat1":"bunch of stuff"
* Usually I just add a comma and insert my generated bunch of feats below.

This should be quite easy , as long as the feat You're adding does not require a linked Ability/Activatable Ability :)
9. Save party.json, drag it over to the opened save file, close the 7zip window once You've saved the changes and then try loading Your save.

* If You want to double-check if Your JSON syntax is correct You can use: [Link]
I do this via IntelliJ IDEA but I'm just a java guy ;)

Hope this helps
I was just wondering where you get your UUID because if I'm following the same path as you then my UUID is "Null". I'm a level 20 Paladin btw, so I was wondering if that has to be taken into account.

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Re: pathfinder kingmaker save edit

Post by neuronek »

Madworld808 wrote:
Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:28 pm
I was just wondering where you get your UUID because if I'm following the same path as you then my UUID is "Null". I'm a level 20 Paladin btw, so I was wondering if that has to be taken into account.
Open up the save
Find Your character by name
View Your feats, I think that this should stay true to most/all game saves. Your main char should be located under
Going down from there, the feats should be here:
And some feats should have the reference to the character that the feat belongs to:
This UUID is the identifier that should stay with Your character for this specific game.
If You're lv 20 then for sure You must have more than 1 feat,so the identifier should be there, just take a look at a few feats.

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Re: pathfinder kingmaker save edit

Post by Madworld808 »

neuronek wrote:
Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:47 pm
Madworld808 wrote:
Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:28 pm
I was just wondering where you get your UUID because if I'm following the same path as you then my UUID is "Null". I'm a level 20 Paladin btw, so I was wondering if that has to be taken into account.
Open up the save
Find Your character by name
View Your feats, I think that this should stay true to most/all game saves. Your main char should be located under
Going down from there, the feats should be here:
And some feats should have the reference to the character that the feat belongs to:
This UUID is the identifier that should stay with Your character for this specific game.
If You're lv 20 then for sure You must have more than 1 feat,so the identifier should be there, just take a look at a few feats.
ahh I see it now, thanks for the quick reply!

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Re: pathfinder kingmaker save edit

Post by rlurking »

FYI, Sword Saint chosen weapon stuff.

This is the feat - like the other weapon choice stuff, change WeaponCategory as wanted. However, it seems like the game only gives you the other bonuses for Sword Saint (e.g. AC bonus) for the first entry, so you can't become a Saint of all Swords by duplicating the feat multiple times.

Code: Select all

	"$id": "313",
	"$type": "Kingmaker.UnitLogic.Feature, Assembly-CSharp",
		"$id": "314",
			"$ref": "5"
			"m_UniqueId": "b501f835-539c-41bb-b70a-7076e7adf6c1"
		"m_Ranks": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
		"m_SharedValues": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
		"m_Params": null,
		"AssociatedBlueprint": "c0b4ec0175e3ff940a45fc21f318a39a",
		"ParentContext": null,
		"m_MainTarget": null,
		"Params": {},
		"SpellDescriptor": "None",
		"SpellSchool": "None",
		"SpellLevel": 0,
			"$type": "UnityEngine.Vector3, UnityEngine.CoreModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
			"x": 0.0,
			"y": 0.0,
			"z": 0.0
	"Blueprint": "c0b4ec0175e3ff940a45fc21f318a39a",
	"m_ComponentsData": [
			"$id": "315",
			"ComponentName": "$KensaiChosenWeapon$73f91877-c43f-4302-a488-8b96212e80bc"
			"$id": "316",
			"ComponentName": "$AddStartingEquipment$68b60792-7227-4540-9e71-45e096b897c6"
	"Rank": 1,
	"Source": "1b912721a7e075d4f9cfe8dafa39414c",
		"$id": "317",
		"$type": "System.Nullable`1[[Kingmaker.Blueprints.Classes.Selection.FeatureParam, Assembly-CSharp]], mscorlib",
		"Blueprint": null,
		"WeaponCategory": "Estoc",
		"SpellSchool": null,
		"StatType": null
	"IgnorePrerequisites": false,
		"$ref": "5"
	"Initialized": true,
	"Active": true,
	"SourceItem": null,
	"SourceCutscene": null
However, this still does not give weapon proficiency, which you need to add manually under ...Descriptor.Proficiencies.m_WeaponProficiencies.m_Data (or give yourself a feat)

Also Sword Saint gets a free Weapon Focus feat, so add that too.

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Re: pathfinder kingmaker save edit

Post by Madworld808 »

neuronek wrote:
Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:47 pm
Madworld808 wrote:
Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:28 pm
I was just wondering where you get your UUID because if I'm following the same path as you then my UUID is "Null". I'm a level 20 Paladin btw, so I was wondering if that has to be taken into account.
Open up the save
Find Your character by name
View Your feats, I think that this should stay true to most/all game saves. Your main char should be located under
Going down from there, the feats should be here:
And some feats should have the reference to the character that the feat belongs to:
This UUID is the identifier that should stay with Your character for this specific game.
If You're lv 20 then for sure You must have more than 1 feat,so the identifier should be there, just take a look at a few feats.
Oh I was also wondering if there's a number where you can change your attributes... so for me I just want to set all my abilities to 100. Where would I find that?

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Re: pathfinder kingmaker save edit

Post by neuronek »

Madworld808 wrote:
Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:30 am
Oh I was also wondering if there's a number where you can change your attributes... so for me I just want to set all my abilities to 100. Where would I find that?
Visit Niedzielan's cheat table:
Edit the attributes of the character, save/quicksave and then load the game up... voila ;)

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Re: pathfinder kingmaker save edit

Post by ReshinX »

Hey everybody, I have read everything I can find with no-luck. Has anyone found a way to change what model is called for your doll?
For instance making an Aasimar that looks like a half elf? Or an Elf that uses the half-elf body type? Poking around the json files so far with no luck, figured I'd ask. Thanks,

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Re: pathfinder kingmaker save edit

Post by neuronek »

Hi folks, maybe some modder will be interested in my lazy scripts... I got frustrated by the game because for some gamplays inserting feats is easy while for others I happen to have issues loading saves and the exceptions thrown by the game are not helpful :)

Anyways, I wrote myself a very simple groovy maven project in IntelliJ IDEA, it's more of a script than a super complex editor, it works on lots of assumptions but gets the job done. This might be helpful if You want to add a few simple feats to Your character, however please keep in mind that there might be issues with it once Your char abilities/feats/activatables and spellbook grow very large as I've found.

I'll try to come back to the game once it's been stabilized a bit by these incoming patches since I remember not having stability issues in 1.00 and now I sometimes can't load the saves properly.. the devs just need to stabilize their product.

With that in mind, here Ya go:
First draft of automated feat/ability/activatable script to speed up save editing
(235.26 KiB) Downloaded 122 times
What's required:
A decent IDE

What's suggested:
IntelliJ, Notepad++ or some other good text editor ;)

How it works:
a) You select the feats You'd like to use on Your character, for example Dirty Trick:
* Place the "Dirty Trick" feat object into the Json Table in src/main/resources/feats
* Place all 3 "Dirty Trick" ability feat objects into the Json Table in src/main/resources/abilities
* To make it simply have a actiavableability file with an empty json array in src/main/resources/activatableabilities

Make sure that all file paths are correct with regards to SaveEdit.groovy main class :)

Code: Select all

        def level = "lv3"
        def featFile = "combat_feats_" + level + ".json"
        def activatableFile = "activatable_abilities_" + level + ".json"
        def abilityFile = "abilities_" + level + ".json"
        def spellFile = "spells_" + level + ".json"
In this case I'm expecting:
* combat_feats_lv3.json to be in root feats dir
* activatable_abilities_lv3.json to be in root activatableabilities dir
* abilities_lv3.json to be in root abilties dir
* spells_lv3.json to be in root spells dir

How configure this thing to read from the save You wish to add feats to:

Code: Select all

        String saveFilePath = "C:\\Users\\NEuRO\\AppData\\LocalLow\\Owlcat Games\\Pathfinder Kingmaker\\Saved Games\\"
        Character character = partyMembersCharacterMap.get(PartyMembers.PROTAGONIST)
        String saveFile = "Manual_10_before_levelup.zks"
* Change Your saveFilePath to Your windows uer ;)
* Change the character to the one You wish to edit (It supports some party members, but the Enum allows You to add all Companions from the game if You know their prefabs, in this case it's my PROTAGONIST so the script will look for the Custom character name within the script (You can extend this to support Your custom characters ;) )
* Change the name of Your save file to the save You wish to edit.

What the script does for You:
a) Opens the .zks save and ONLY extracts party.json (IF You have a large save You'll notice the difference)
b) Backs up the party.json file in src/main/resources/unzippedSaves as party.json.bak
c) Loads up party json as JSON Object ( I had to use Gson, sadly the save nesting is a bit crazy for me) and searches recursively through all "$id" keys to find the highest one (we need it)
d) Works on the party.json to find the character that You wish to edit, based on custom name or prefab (10 standard companions), if the character is found this character's block of data is saved in memory
e) Thanks to knowing the character object we can get two important things:
* Caster Reference (Needed if You want to be able to view Your feats, use them on a character, see them on character sheet)
* Spellbook owner identifier (Needed if You want to be able to add spells to a particular character's spellbook)

Whoo that took a while... I'm a novice code monkey so maybe I'm overcomplicating things.

After all of these things are done we can start making new feats that should not collide with the game data... (SHOULD ;) )
I start by incrementing the highest ID by a lot , I add 2000 to the number just to be safe, then I create feats, abilities, activatable abilities, as well as displaying the ID of two-weapon fighting base feat that all characters have in case You'd like to edit that.
Once I have these object prepared I modify the character object that was extracted from party.json and add the new objects - feats under the Progressions ... stuff :) and activatable/abilities in their corresponding spots.

Once that is done I display some extra info, so all the character data that was found, as well as replace the old player object with the new one that I just made, ...with String.replace ... might be inefficient but I'm a little bit tired of fighting with recursion.

Once all changes are done, the orginal party.json is overwritten by modified party.json... literally all You have to do is replace the party.json file within the save (yes this can be easily automated if You really want to)

a) Fast and convenient for me,
b) Less human error,
c) Does not beautify the whole json file, the game loads the modified save quite fast... or it crashes quite fast :D

a) Modified file is still linearized so to compare it with the .bak You should beautify both,
b) I've found no visual bugs but sometimes the saves don't load properly for me so there has to be some mistakes I made

I'm sharing this crap project in case any interested modder would like to use some of my stuff/approach in order to make save editing easier ;)

I'll be back to the game once Owlcat slows down the progress of crazy patches and issues related to them (for example the game refuses to start for some people with 1.0.13 or stuff that's ... sad)

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Re: pathfinder kingmaker save edit

Post by Madworld808 »

neuronek wrote:
Sat Oct 27, 2018 5:44 pm
Madworld808 wrote:
Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:30 am
Oh I was also wondering if there's a number where you can change your attributes... so for me I just want to set all my abilities to 100. Where would I find that?
Visit Niedzielan's cheat table:
Edit the attributes of the character, save/quicksave and then load the game up... voila ;)
ahh coolies, thanks for the link Neuro!

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Re: pathfinder kingmaker save edit

Post by tseblade »

Added more feats
- Starting skills (Charge, Fighting Defensively, Acrobatics, Demoralize, Treat Affliction)
- Racial Feats (Races which let you choose an ability to add +2 doesnt have a feat for it)
- Some Lv1 Sorcerer Bloodline Feats
- Lv1 Monk Feats (Flurry of Blows, Unarmed Strike, AC Bonus)

Did some testing with the Class Progression feats. Just adding the feats dont do anything alone. You need to use the m_Progressions right before the feats section to add the progression Blueprint. Another class or subclass didnt work (Tried adding Fighter subclass progression to Base Fighter didnt work).

However the Base Sorcerer Bloodlines could be added to the m_Progressions and you would get the level up abilities and spells. You still need to manually add the Lv1 abilities. Havent tried with Sorcerer subclasses.

PS. Neuronek, I didnt notice your post with the version 10 so this update is based on you v9.
(48.48 KiB) Downloaded 122 times

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Re: pathfinder kingmaker save edit

Post by Carrnage »

tseblade wrote:
Tue Oct 30, 2018 2:30 pm
Added more feats
- Starting skills (Charge, Fighting Defensively, Acrobatics, Demoralize, Treat Affliction)
- Racial Feats (Races which let you choose an ability to add +2 doesnt have a feat for it)
- Some Lv1 Sorcerer Bloodline Feats
- Lv1 Monk Feats (Flurry of Blows, Unarmed Strike, AC Bonus)

Did some testing with the Class Progression feats. Just adding the feats dont do anything alone. You need to use the m_Progressions right before the feats section to add the progression Blueprint. Another class or subclass didnt work (Tried adding Fighter subclass progression to Base Fighter didnt work).

However the Base Sorcerer Bloodlines could be added to the m_Progressions and you would get the level up abilities and spells. You still need to manually add the Lv1 abilities. Havent tried with Sorcerer subclasses.

PS. Neuronek, I didnt notice your post with the version 10 so this update is based on you v9.
so if you add the level one class progression feat and m_progressions you'll get the rest of the feats as you level up?

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Re: pathfinder kingmaker save edit

Post by tseblade »

Carrnage wrote:
Sun Nov 04, 2018 12:35 am
so if you add the level one class progression feat and m_progressions you'll get the rest of the feats as you level up?
Yes, but only for Sorcerer bloodlines for now
I dont think you even need the class progression feat, just the m_Progressions.

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