Cannot update Shinkansen's table due to my lack ability..
But this table might be "sufficient" enough for playing this game..
(hope so..)
Preview Table
Thanks for the table, works good on 1.2.1. With one exception: shield in combat is 24 (plus enhancements from items), but in character menu it 999.
And you forgot MaxScan option (it can be activated only by editing script).
Thank you for the excellent table @aanpcx, works perfectly!!
How to use that table? Can't activate it.
you mean that you can't activate the table at all or just the tables' features?
I have a similar problem - enabling the AOB script does nothing. It doesn't open up to offer any options, it just shows itself as enabled. And the mono script doesn't activate at all.
Got it working (obvious solution that the mono group doesn't need to have the top option enabled to open it up, and with the AOB scan the values populate regardless), but I've got another problem - whenever I activate the AOB script, my money is always set to 9.9 mil credits, even though I haven't used the Max Credits script. Is there a way to cancel that?
So used the AOB enable, it worked but now my save is stuck at max credits lol anyone know a way to fix it? I thought I could just find the cash location, and I did, but it just returns to max every time, even if I buy stuff, it drops temporarily but then returns to max.
Can you update table, I tried it on Steam and it does not activate, I should point out that I don't own DLC.
I just need a way to get more ability points, primarily. Energy is 4byte, HP and Shields are Float, exp is 4 bytes, they update once you are out of battle and back in PDA (not when it shows on screen...).
Ok, i use dnSpy to modify Assembly-CSharp.dll:
1. search GenerateUnique, delete "if (!GameManager.HasInstance || !GameManager.State.GeneratedUniqueItemIds.Contains(item))" to remove uniqueitem limit, now you can use the table changing "uniqueEquipmentPercentage" to whatever you like, but I recommend between 20 to 30, since some kinds of equipment do not have unique version;
2. search RollItemLevel, change "num = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100);" to "num = 99" or "return lootLevel + (num2 - 2);" to "return lootLevel + 2;" so that player always find highest level possible equipments(2 above ship level);
3. search WeightedChoice, change and merge "num2 = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 99.999f);" "num2 = Mathf.Min(num2 + (float)bonus, 99.999f);" into "num2 = 99.999f;", so that most equipments found (include non-unique) have high number of prefixs.
Do you still playing The Game? Could you please teach me how to do the equipment modification you described above to me?
Thanks in advance!