Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by Sturbs »

Thanks for the link HakariTenrai

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by HakariTenrai »

r3zn4v4ts wrote:
Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:38 am
But I have also noticed that it does not work if you run the game with fireundubh's mods.(I have tested this because I wanted to use the Zoom factor mod)
Oh man.... darn... fireundubh just added more camera controls to his latest patch of his mod... (so that you can control how far to zoom out during cut-scenes and scripted events, zooming out on the world map, and you can change how fast you scroll)... I wist is was possible to have those through cheatengine :(

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by Sturbs »

HakariTenrai wrote:
Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:03 am
Sturbs wrote:
Tue Oct 16, 2018 1:59 am
Is there a way to change the npcs portraits. ie linzi etc
You can find information on save editing to swap out NPC portraits here:

Do be warned though... some NPCs (like a certain girl who thinks she's too pretty for her own good) can experience events that change their portraits in the game (like having the character get a big ugly scar)... if you change the NPC portraits, this may effect your game later... and you may have to "fix", or "repair" your saves... or it's possible that your game may work fine, and you suffer no problems, or you might end up just having to swap out another portrait later... I'm not sure what will happen, so you've been warned.
Thanks for the link and I tried following this:
"For people wanting to edit portrait or add custom portrait to an existing file that didn't have a custom portrait or vice versa, you can convert like following:
In-game portrait example:
Code: Select all
"m_Portrait": "bbffc3a92dfb46e45b0a4fadf07d7e78",
"m_CustomPortrait": null
----I found nothing like the above in this file-------

Custom portrait example:

Code: Select all
"m_Portrait": null, <-- set to null since you want to use custom
"m_CustomPortrait": {
"$id": "430", < ----I changed this to 9999
"m_CustomPortraitId": "xxxxxxxxxx" <----My numbers <-- custom portrait folder Id" -------This is what I changed but no can do. game won't load, I really suck at this, unlike the patchwork mod, the how to install was like made for me.

So I was wondering if a mod could be made? Say list all the npc and just have us fill in the custom portrait folder numbers. The reason I ask is that I'm pretty good with the brush but I see all these, well...beautiful portraits coming in and when used the in game portraits look sort of cartoonish at least to me. Thanks again

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by neuronek »

Niedzielan wrote:
Fri Oct 12, 2018 9:24 pm

My 160 update has nothing to do with movement speed, it's literally game speed - like using Cheat Engine's speedhack, but directly modifying the game's speed modifier instead.

The map and kingdom movement speed modifiers are also in-game variables, not me doing any sort of fancy scripting. It may be that going back to the world map resets those modifiers, I haven't really taken a look at how they work.
Hmm I think that the cheat works on unclaimed territories, once You claim a certain area of the map suddenly all the "paths" that You've already uncovered go back to the default slow speed.

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by HakariTenrai »

Sturbs wrote:
Tue Oct 16, 2018 1:35 pm
HakariTenrai wrote:
Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:03 am
Sturbs wrote:
Tue Oct 16, 2018 1:59 am
Is there a way to change the npcs portraits. ie linzi etc
You can find information on save editing to swap out NPC portraits here:

Do be warned though... some NPCs (like a certain girl who thinks she's too pretty for her own good) can experience events that change their portraits in the game (like having the character get a big ugly scar)... if you change the NPC portraits, this may effect your game later... and you may have to "fix", or "repair" your saves... or it's possible that your game may work fine, and you suffer no problems, or you might end up just having to swap out another portrait later... I'm not sure what will happen, so you've been warned.
Thanks for the link and I tried following this:
"For people wanting to edit portrait or add custom portrait to an existing file that didn't have a custom portrait or vice versa, you can convert like following:
In-game portrait example:
Code: Select all
"m_Portrait": "bbffc3a92dfb46e45b0a4fadf07d7e78",
"m_CustomPortrait": null
----I found nothing like the above in this file-------

Custom portrait example:

Code: Select all
"m_Portrait": null, <-- set to null since you want to use custom
"m_CustomPortrait": {
"$id": "430", < ----I changed this to 9999
"m_CustomPortraitId": "xxxxxxxxxx" <----My numbers <-- custom portrait folder Id" -------This is what I changed but no can do. game won't load, I really suck at this, unlike the patchwork mod, the how to install was like made for me.

So I was wondering if a mod could be made? Say list all the npc and just have us fill in the custom portrait folder numbers. The reason I ask is that I'm pretty good with the brush but I see all these, well...beautiful portraits coming in and when used the in game portraits look sort of cartoonish at least to me. Thanks again
Hello... I agree with you that a program like that would be great... but, until then... if you still want to change your NPC portraits, try this: (if you try using a save where your character is by him/herself, it may not work, so use a save where you are in a party with the NPC)
The code that you were looking for in the party.json would look like this:
Example of NPC Code: wrote: "m_Portrait": null,
"m_CustomPortrait": null
The way to add custom NPC portraits was described here:
Make new portrait folders (eg. you have the 2992754781 for your character, make 299275482, ...83, ...84 and so on ). Put one set of custom portraits in each of them. if you are only changing the portrait for one character, then you only need to create one folder

In party.json, story companions has m_Portrait": null and m_CustomPortrait": null. <<<----- This is shown in the code above.

Find your own character,, copy tthe custom path part - eg. m_CustomPortrait": {"$id": "3939", "m_CustomPortraitId": "2992754781" - and paste it on the story companion's m_CustomPortrait": null. it easier if you just copy your character's entire code - I'll post an example after these instructions

Then rename the path (eg. 2992754781 -> 2992754782) and give a different $id
Example of player code: wrote: "m_Portrait": null,
"m_CustomPortrait": {
"$id": "10416", <--- these numbers are the unique identifier number for this section of script, otherwise called " $id "
"m_CustomPortraitId": "2077602026" <--- these numbers are the "name" of my custom portraits folder
In order to change the NPC's portrait, it is easiest to follow these instructions:

1. Scroll down to the very bottom of the party.json file, and starting from the bottom, read up until you find the very last instance of " $id " in the file... write that number down, you'll need to know it in a few moments.
2. Next, use "ctrl+f", and search for your character's portrait folder number or name - I am assuming that you know the number or name of your character's portrait folder, if you do not know it, ask me, and I can tell you how to get it. I am also assuming that you have already created a custom NPC portrait folder, you'll need the name or number of that folder in a few moments too.
3. Once you have found your character's portrait code (as shown in the "player code" example), highlight the part of the code that I have pasted in the example above, and copy it.
4. Use the search feature to search for { "m_CustomPortrait": null } exactly as it is between the brackets. This should take you to one of your NPC's portrait codes...
(Note: There will probably be several instances of this line of code in the folder, there should be one for each NPC - I cannot tell you which line goes to which NPC... you would have to find out through trial and error.)
5. Replace the code found in the NPC example, with the code you copied from your own character's code.
6. Change the numbers or name of the folder from your character's folder, to the custom NPC folder that you created.
7. Lastly... remember step one?... You need to change the $id from the one that your character is using, to exactly 1 number higher than the number that you wrote down in step one... if you wrote down 463, then you need to put down 464,... if you wrote down 15488, then you need to change the $id to 15489 (DO NOT MAKE THIS A RANDOM NUMBER, it will corrupt your save later in the game, or so I have been told)… oh... that's it... you're done. Save the file... close the programs,... make sure you exit to desktop, and restart the game if it is already running... or just start it if it is not.
Last edited by HakariTenrai on Wed Oct 17, 2018 5:42 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by EnderWiggin »

Is it possible to change character's color that used in the log? Animal companions use light grey which is hard to read.

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by ChaosDancer »

Hey guys i wanted to ask if anyone has any idea how to do this, i know there is a mod in Nexus to fully respec a character but i want to change a specific feat for Ekundayo only. He has animal companion dog and i want to change it to Smilodon.

Anyone knows how?

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by Rebelicious »

Has anyone been able to move given abilities?

I've been trying to find a way to move and get Range Spellstrike and Ranged Spell Combat to work, from an Eldritch Archer to an Eldritch Scion. Still no dice. It's the weirdest thing, because I can remove a Feature section on the Eldritch Archer save, and the character will lose Ranged Spell Combat, but even though the section is added to the Eldritch Scion save, it doesn't show up.

I'm at my wit's end.

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by wannabecheater »

Disclaimer: i haven't done any testing, just took a look at a lvl 1 eldritch archer and scion's code to compare.

Checking Eldritch Archer's ranged spell combat vs a Eldritch Scion's Spell combat i see that they basically add the same Spell combat code under ActivatableAbilities, but Eldritch Archer's feat code for Ranged Spell combat have a different $AddFacts entry and an extra $AddMagusMechanicPart under m_componentsData. I think if you just transfer this over to the Eldritch Scion the game does not parse it because you basically have 2 spell combat feats pointing to the same single ability under ActivatableAbilities. I can see the possibility of overwriting the default melee spell combat to ranged spell combat but if you want both, you could try to clone it, or just add both $AddFacts entry into a single feat but it's risky and highly likely to generate errors.

Edit: i am able to splice ranged spell combat to a wizard, icon shows up and ability can be activated. but attacks with ray of frost does not seem to generate the extra range attack from the crossbow. I think it may be because the ability expects a magus spell but i casted a wizard's? Eldricth archer and scion's cantrips have different blueprint IDs so i suspect this may be the case.

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by Althalus »

Has anyone else run into this problem when using the table from Niedzielan:

The event cards asking you to visit the throne room to deal with a visitor don't actually do anything? I'll go to the throne room, the screen will move like it's trying to follow someone's movement, but nothing happens and I just go back to being able to move around.

In addition, I'll occasionally get people showing up, walking up bowing, then walking away with no dialog?

And the cards won't leave, so I keep losing stats because the game things I'm ignoring them.

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by Rebelicious »

wannabecheater wrote:
Tue Oct 16, 2018 11:52 pm
Disclaimer: i haven't done any testing, just took a look at a lvl 1 eldritch archer and scion's code to compare.

Checking Eldritch Archer's ranged spell combat vs a Eldritch Scion's Spell combat i see that they basically add the same Spell combat code under ActivatableAbilities, but Eldritch Archer's feat code for Ranged Spell combat have a different $AddFacts entry and an extra $AddMagusMechanicPart under m_componentsData. I think if you just transfer this over to the Eldritch Scion the game does not parse it because you basically have 2 spell combat feats pointing to the same single ability under ActivatableAbilities. I can see the possibility of overwriting the default melee spell combat to ranged spell combat but if you want both, you could try to clone it, or just add both $AddFacts entry into a single feat but it's risky and highly likely to generate errors.

Edit: i am able to splice ranged spell combat to a wizard, icon shows up and ability can be activated. but attacks with ray of frost does not seem to generate the extra range attack from the crossbow. I think it may be because the ability expects a magus spell but i casted a wizard's? Eldricth archer and scion's cantrips have different blueprint IDs so i suspect this may be the case.
Do you happen to have the Blueprint ID:s for the Features and the ActivatableAbilities, so I can easily find the right entries again? Because I could've sworn that I tore out the Ranged Spell Combat Feature entry from the Eldritch Archer and compared it to the Spell Combat Feature of the Eldritch Scion (each found through trial-and-error), and compared them next to each other without seeing any differences.

I might've just goofed somehow.

Also, if you check the Eldritch Archer in-game, it actually does have both Spell Combat and Ranged Spell Combat.

As for it not working properly, did you also copy Ranged Spellstrike? Because again, the Eldritch Archer actually gets both Spellstrike and Ranged Spellstrike (and hilariously, both work, making a basic Magus completely redundant). All Spell Combat/Ranged Spell Combat should do is allow you to both cast a spell and attack; it is Spellstrike and Ranged Spellstrike that allows you to get an extra attack out of it as well.

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by HakariTenrai »

Althalus wrote:
Wed Oct 17, 2018 5:36 am
Has anyone else run into this problem when using the table from Niedzielan:

The event cards asking you to visit the throne room to deal with a visitor don't actually do anything? I'll go to the throne room, the screen will move like it's trying to follow someone's movement, but nothing happens and I just go back to being able to move around.

In addition, I'll occasionally get people showing up, walking up bowing, then walking away with no dialog?

And the cards won't leave, so I keep losing stats because the game things I'm ignoring them.
I had this happen to me while I was using a mod... I had to remove the mod, and play without it, going back to a save before I got the first screwed up throne room card. ... now the throne room cards work fine.

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by Lyvewyrez »

Is there a generous soul out there who has the ghost armor and can link the Asset GUID (or has a link to a list of all the GUIDs?), I've already completed the area where you are supposed to get it, but didn't choose the right option that allows access to this item. No saves to go back and redo it either.

Would be greatly appreciated anyone who can assist, thank you!

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by BoehserOnkel »

HakariTenrai wrote:
Wed Oct 17, 2018 10:56 am
Althalus wrote:
Wed Oct 17, 2018 5:36 am
Has anyone else run into this problem when using the table from Niedzielan:

The event cards asking you to visit the throne room to deal with a visitor don't actually do anything? I'll go to the throne room, the screen will move like it's trying to follow someone's movement, but nothing happens and I just go back to being able to move around.

In addition, I'll occasionally get people showing up, walking up bowing, then walking away with no dialog?

And the cards won't leave, so I keep losing stats because the game things I'm ignoring them.
I had this happen to me while I was using a mod... I had to remove the mod, and play without it, going back to a save before I got the first screwed up throne room card. ... now the throne room cards work fine.
its a known bug from game - not from table use ;)

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by BoehserOnkel »

Althalus wrote:
Wed Oct 17, 2018 5:36 am
Has anyone else run into this problem when using the table from Niedzielan:

The event cards asking you to visit the throne room to deal with a visitor don't actually do anything? I'll go to the throne room, the screen will move like it's trying to follow someone's movement, but nothing happens and I just go back to being able to move around.

In addition, I'll occasionally get people showing up, walking up bowing, then walking away with no dialog?

And the cards won't leave, so I keep losing stats because the game things I'm ignoring them.
to avoid this bug - always go to throneroom to see , make sure the advisor etc is NOT on a task at this time (this causes this bug)
have fun

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