What really bothers me is the fact, that you have access to your assigned Tasks in your player.json but can't alter the number it takes to resolve the matter since there is always already a '0' what makes no sense at all in my opinion. Stated pretty much in the middle of the code as
Code: Select all
"$id": "1851",
"Type": "General",
"LeaderSelection": "b3f29faef0a82b941af04f08ceb47fa2",
"FillIfAvailable": null,
"PossibleLeaders": ["b3f29faef0a82b941af04f08ceb47fa2", "b090918d7e9010a45b96465de7a104c3"],
"AssignedTask": {
"$id": "1852",
"$type": "Kingmaker.Kingdom.Tasks.KingdomTaskEvent, Assembly-CSharp",
"Event": {
"$id": "1853",
"EventBlueprint": "bf9e8630c8ff9b047bcc339ae724348a",
"Region": {
"$ref": "1743"
"m_LocationUniqueId": "57714d7a-60ad-4072-b201-49282c1f0dad",
"m_StartedOn": 18,
"m_IsPlanned": false,
"m_SuccessCount": 0,
"m_RecurrentChanges": [],
"m_TriggerChange": {
"$id": "1854",
"m_Changes": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
"BPPerTurn": 0,
"BPOneTime": -50
"m_HistoryEntry": {
"$id": "1855",
"Event": "bf9e8630c8ff9b047bcc339ae724348a",
"TriggeredOn": 18,
"Solver": null,
"SolverLeader": "Regent",
"SolutionCheck": 0,
"SolvedInDays": 0,
"Region": "caacbcf9f6d6561459f526e584ded703",
"IsShow": true,
"IsUserClick": false,
"SolveResults": [],
"SolveResultsFinal": [],
"TotalChanges": {
"$id": "1856",
"m_Changes": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
"BPPerTurn": 0,
"BPOneTime": -50
"Type": "FinishedEvent",
"WasIgnored": false
"SourceDeck": "544381be0963f1d4f9f444375128d24d",
"DCModifier": 0,
"IsFinished": false,
"ContinueRecurrentSolution": false,
"IgnoredOn": 0,
"CheckTriggerOnStart": false
"AssignedLeader": {
"$ref": "1851"
"StartedOn": 18,
"Name": "Banditenplage",
"Description": "Just the Mission Description in german.",
"Region": {
"$ref": "1743"
"IsStarted": true
"SpecificBonuses": []