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Re: Parkasaurus

Post by fantomas »

sidduu wrote:
Wed Oct 23, 2019 12:23 pm
did as per your vid, my scan results came empty.
Then try to replace a byte by ?? (start from the end) then retry - Do it 'til you have a match. You also can check that array of byte (0F B6 80 9D 04 00 00) - It will probably show up more than one match. The right one is at "GameCore:Update+4852" in my system, in yours it could be the same or close.
Once you get the right address, check the whole array of bytes in the script with that one in your system and edit it on your convenience.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Parkasaurus

Post by Kaedus »

Hi. The game is leaving Early Access today with version 1.0. Maybe you should update the table, what if something doesn't work?

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Re: Parkasaurus

Post by fantomas »

Leaving early access does not necessarily mean the game got a big code change and by definition this does not mean that the table needs to be updated. But if something doesn't work just report it and I'll try to fix it.

Ok, I just checked it quickly and the table needs some fixes, indeed.

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Re: Parkasaurus

Post by AnahNeemus »

I think the "Easy Species Unlock" cheat isn't working. When I activate this cheat and go to the egg shop, the dino species are still locked. And when I try to click the unlock button, the game still charges me the science and hearts required.

"Easy Exp LVL Up" doesn't seem to work too.

I'm playing the latest version of the game: 1.08b.

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Re: Parkasaurus

Post by fantomas »

AnahNeemus wrote:
Sun Jan 03, 2021 3:13 am
I think the "Easy Species Unlock" cheat isn't working. When I activate this cheat and go to the egg shop, the dino species are still locked. And when I try to click the unlock button, the game still charges me the science and hearts required.

"Easy Exp LVL Up" doesn't seem to work too.

I'm playing the latest version of the game: 1.08b.
'Easy Species Unlock' for v1.08b

Code: Select all

//Game: Parkasaurus
//Version: 1.08b

//0x29C - m_science
//0x2A0 - m_heart

  db 7C //jl
  db 7C //jl
  db 7D //jnl
  db 7D //jnl

/* m_science */
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: <BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+27b

<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+246: 48 B8 68 3D 4F 90 CA 01 00 00  - mov rax,000001CA904F3D68
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+250: 48 8B 00                       - mov rax,[rax]
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+253: 48 8B 80 E0 03 00 00           - mov rax,[rax+000003E0]
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+25a: 48 63 40 18                    - movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rax+18]
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+25e: 44 3B F0                       - cmp r14d,eax
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+261: 0F 8C 39 FF FF FF              - jl <BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+1a0
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+267: 48 8B 45 B8                    - mov rax,[rbp-48]
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+26b: 48 8B 80 F0 02 00 00           - mov rax,[rax+000002F0]
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+272: 48 63 80 9C 02 00 00           - movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rax+0000029C]
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+279: 3B C7                          - cmp eax,edi
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+27b: 7D 23                          - jnl <BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+2a0
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+27d: 48 8B 4D B8                    - mov rcx,[rbp-48]
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+281: 48 BA C0 60 C0 5C CC 01 00 00  - mov rdx,000001CC5CC060C0
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+28b: 66 66 90                       - nop 3
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+28e: 49 BB B0 05 73 27 CC 01 00 00  - mov r11,GameCore:ErrorMoney
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+298: 41 FF D3                       - call r11
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+29b: E9 1B 02 00 00                 - jmp <BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+4bb
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+2a0: 48 8B 45 B8                    - mov rax,[rbp-48]
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+2a4: 48 8B 80 F0 02 00 00           - mov rax,[rax+000002F0]
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+2ab: 48 63 80 A0 02 00 00           - movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rax+000002A0]
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+2b2: 41 3B C7                       - cmp eax,r15d

/* m_heart */
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: <BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+2b5

<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+27d: 48 8B 4D B8                    - mov rcx,[rbp-48]
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+281: 48 BA C0 60 C0 5C CC 01 00 00  - mov rdx,000001CC5CC060C0
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+28b: 66 66 90                       - nop 3
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+28e: 49 BB B0 05 73 27 CC 01 00 00  - mov r11,GameCore:ErrorMoney
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+298: 41 FF D3                       - call r11
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+29b: E9 1B 02 00 00                 - jmp <BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+4bb
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+2a0: 48 8B 45 B8                    - mov rax,[rbp-48]
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+2a4: 48 8B 80 F0 02 00 00           - mov rax,[rax+000002F0]
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+2ab: 48 63 80 A0 02 00 00           - movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rax+000002A0]
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+2b2: 41 3B C7                       - cmp eax,r15d
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+2b5: 7D 21                          - jnl <BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+2d8
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+2b7: 48 8B 4D B8                    - mov rcx,[rbp-48]
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+2bb: 48 BA F0 00 45 A4 CB 01 00 00  - mov rdx,000001CBA44500F0
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+2c5: 90                             - nop
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+2c6: 49 BB B0 05 73 27 CC 01 00 00  - mov r11,GameCore:ErrorMoney
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+2d0: 41 FF D3                       - call r11
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+2d3: E9 E3 01 00 00                 - jmp <BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+4bb
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+2d8: 48 B8 E0 3E 51 90 CA 01 00 00  - mov rax,000001CA90513EE0
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+2e2: 48 8B 00                       - mov rax,[rax]
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+2e5: 48 89 45 B0                    - mov [rbp-50],rax
<BuyDino>d__514:MoveNext+2e9: 48 85 F6                       - test rsi,rsi
'Easy Exp LVL Up' for v1.08b

Code: Select all

//Game: Parkasaurus
//Version: 1.08b

//0x12C - m_expBoost { defaultValue = 1 (float) }


  mov [rax+0000012C],(float)50000

  movss xmm1,[rax+0000012C]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 3

  db F3 0F 10 88 2C 01 00 00



Employee:EarnExp+71: F2 0F 5A E8                    - cvtsd2ss xmm5,xmm0
Employee:EarnExp+75: F3 0F 11 6D E8                 - movss [rbp-18],xmm5
Employee:EarnExp+7a: 48 8B 46 18                    - mov rax,[rsi+18]
Employee:EarnExp+7e: 48 85 C0                       - test rax,rax
Employee:EarnExp+81: 0F 84 A6 00 00 00              - je Employee:EarnExp+12d
Employee:EarnExp+87: 48 05 20 01 00 00              - add rax,00000120
Employee:EarnExp+8d: 48 89 45 E0                    - mov [rbp-20],rax
Employee:EarnExp+91: F3 0F 10 45 E8                 - movss xmm0,[rbp-18]
Employee:EarnExp+96: F3 0F 5A C0                    - cvtss2sd xmm0,xmm0
Employee:EarnExp+9a: 48 8B 46 18                    - mov rax,[rsi+18]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
Employee:EarnExp+9e: F3 0F 10 88 2C 01 00 00        - movss xmm1,[rax+0000012C]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
Employee:EarnExp+a6: F3 0F 5A C9                    - cvtss2sd xmm1,xmm1
Employee:EarnExp+aa: F2 0F 59 C1                    - mulsd xmm0,xmm1
Employee:EarnExp+ae: F2 0F 11 45 D8                 - movsd [rbp-28],xmm0
Employee:EarnExp+b3: F3 0F 10 05 A5 00 00 00        - movss xmm0,[Employee:EarnExp+160]
Employee:EarnExp+bb: F3 0F 5A C0                    - cvtss2sd xmm0,xmm0
Employee:EarnExp+bf: F2 0F 11 45 D0                 - movsd [rbp-30],xmm0
Employee:EarnExp+c4: 66 90                          - nop 2
Employee:EarnExp+c6: 49 BB C0 AD B2 28 CC 01 00 00  - mov r11,UnityEngine:Random:get_value
Employee:EarnExp+d0: 41 FF D3                       - call r11
Employee:EarnExp+d3: F3 0F 5A D0                    - cvtss2sd xmm2,xmm0

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Re: Parkasaurus

Post by AnahNeemus »

Thank you so much, fantomas! They're working.

By the way, I just have questions. The 'Easy Species Unlock' script that you posted makes it so that it's possible to unlock a specie even if you don't have the required science and hearts. But the game still forcibly charges you the amount, which can lead to you having negative science and hearts. [Link] to show you an example. Is that really how it works? It would be a bit better if the cheat also makes it so that the game doesn't charge you anything to unlock a specie.

The 'Easy Exp LVL Up' script you provided works well. I just want to ask whether it's normal that the [Link] Maybe I just don't know that that is the max level that the game itself allows. If that's the case, then I am sorry and just ignore this.

EDIT: I did a test and it seems 32 is the level cap that this game placed for employees.

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Re: Parkasaurus

Post by fantomas »

AnahNeemus wrote:
Mon Jan 04, 2021 3:47 am
By the way, I just have questions. The 'Easy Species Unlock' script that you posted makes it so that it's possible to unlock a specie even if you don't have the required science and hearts. But the game still forcibly charges you the amount, which can lead to you having negative science and hearts. [Link] to show you an example. Is that really how it works? It would be a bit better if the cheat also makes it so that the game doesn't charge you anything to unlock a specie.
Yeah, I have to admit, it's not very sexy as a script but at least it works... apparently. :D The previous script worked better but it seems the devs made some changes in the code. And for my part, I couldn't investigate better because I have no longer a suitable pc to play with, just one with a directx 10 gpu while the game requires a directx 11 gpu at least, so I had to use dxcpl-directx-11-emulator to launch the game but got huge lags :cry: ).

Otherwise, do not bother with, just use 'DebugMode' script and it will be enough. ;)
AnahNeemus wrote:
Mon Jan 04, 2021 3:47 am
The 'Easy Exp LVL Up' script you provided works well. I just want to ask whether it's normal that the employee stops levelling at level 32? Maybe I just don't know that that is the max level that the game itself allows. If that's the case, then I am sorry and just ignore this.

EDIT: I did a test and it seems 32 is the level cap that this game placed for employees.
Yes, level 32 seems to be the top level cap for employees. ;)

PS: Just as a precaution ... always make a copy of your save before using a cheat table. :)



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Re: Parkasaurus

Post by AnahNeemus »

fantomas wrote:
Mon Jan 04, 2021 6:57 am
Yeah, I have to admit, it's not very sexy as a script but at least it works... apparently. :D The previous script worked better but it seems the devs made some changes in the code. And for my part, I couldn't investigate better because I have no longer a suitable pc to play with, just one with a directx 10 gpu while the game requires a directx 11 gpu at least, so I had to use dxcpl-directx-11-emulator to launch the game but got huge lags :cry: ).

Otherwise, do not bother with, just use 'DebugMode' script and it will be enough. ;)
I see. I am sorry to hear that. But still, I am grateful for what you did. And yeah, the DebugMode is enough and working well for me.

Thank you again!

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