Some info to get everyone started:
The game is a unity game, Assembly-CSharp can be found:
steamapps\common\Pathfinder Kingmaker\Kingmaker_Data\Managed
My own fun with the game, it seems editing saves is very easy, steam save location:
C:\Users\${YourUser}\AppData\LocalLow\Owlcat Games\Pathfinder Kingmaker\Saved Games
Extract Your latest save, edit party.json.
I changed all my core stats to 18 for starters, for example for dexterity I had to look up:
Code: Select all
"Dexterity": {
"$id": "44",
Code: Select all
"Type": "Dexterity",
"m_BaseValue": 18,
Code: Select all
"PermanentValue": 20,
Also, If You're adding skills, example, I added Knowledge(Arcana) that I did not have, all it took was to find:
Code: Select all
"Type": "SkillKnowledgeArcana",
"m_BaseValue": 0,
Hope it helps speed up some cheating guys.
I used 7zip and notepad++, I used jstool to format the linearized json, the game is not bothered by whitespaces it seems. After editing the extracted file I opened the original save file and just switched my party.json file. The game seems to be so keen as to update all bonuses accordingly so no need to do it by hand after editing!
Update: Found out how to remove fatigue at least in intro.
You get a certain char that is fatigued, You can remove fatigue by editing the save and changing the time
Find the following in party.json
Code: Select all
"SpellDescriptor": "Fatigue",
Code: Select all
"m_EndTime": "12:20:04.7700000",
Another protip, if You want some buffs to last longer You can:
1. buff Your party with a short-time buff.
2. open the party.json file
3. find for example
Code: Select all
"m_EndTime": "3.12:20:04.7700000",
4. and add a number of days in front, for example it's how I got my party permanent bless and mage armor just for giggles
Code: Select all
"m_EndTime": "30.12:20:04.7700000",
I'm also wondering that if the value is null does it make it a perm buff ?