Here's another contribution:
Unlimited Survival Instinct. Kept on bugging me I can't freakin' use it while running around for more than X seconds. Well, used x64dbg, looked for string references and found this:
The function itself is here:
Gets triggered only on disabling (pressing Q a second time) or starting to walk/run (via W key). So what I did was to set a breakpoint at its prologue and get out of it when triggered (Ctrl+G > [rsp]). Which landed me here:
Then I noticed that there's a timer that gets set from 0 to some value (different than 0) at offset 0x34. Then there's a byte at offset 0x30 that, from testing, controls enabling of Q key (on a multiple press); you probably noticed there's a cooldown timer not allowing you to press Q immediately. From testing, this delay is 3.0f (so, 3 seconds). And so on.. So I started playing around with the code below the JB.
Code: Select all
SOTTR.exe+9EB9D83 - 72 10 - jb SOTTR.exe+9EB9D95 // [1]
SOTTR.exe+9EB9D85 - 45 31 C0 - xor r8d,r8d
SOTTR.exe+9EB9D88 - 48 89 F2 - mov rdx,rsi
SOTTR.exe+9EB9D8B - 48 89 F9 - mov rcx,rdi
SOTTR.exe+9EB9D8E - E8 6D0880F6 - call SOTTR.exe+6BA600
SOTTR.exe+9EB9D93 - EB 11 - jmp SOTTR.exe+9EB9DA6
SOTTR.exe+9EB9D95 - 83 F9 01 - cmp ecx,01
SOTTR.exe+9EB9D98 - 75 0C - jne SOTTR.exe+9EB9DA6 // [2]
SOTTR.exe+9EB9D9A - 84 C0 - test al,al
SOTTR.exe+9EB9D9C - 74 08 - je SOTTR.exe+9EB9DA6 // [3]
SOTTR.exe+9EB9D9E - 48 89 F9 - mov rcx,rdi
SOTTR.exe+9EB9DA1 - E8 0AC984F6 - call SOTTR.exe+7066B0
SOTTR.exe+9EB9DA6 - E8 E5ED09F7 - call SOTTR.exe+F58B90
If I set that JB at [1] to JMP, then it doesn't turn off when you start running. Problem is there's a certain radius in which the objects are highlighted; so, as I move, the GUI doesn't update any *NEW* found objects as I transition. So I continued tracing, reaching [2]. If you check the above, [2] and [3] land on the same function, SOTTR.exe+9EB9DA6. Considering the JB from earlier was set to JMP, either of the two would land there and no update happens
So.. there can be only one explanation to why there's no updating: call SOTTR.exe+7066B0 needs to be run. So what I did next was to NOP [3].
So there you go - -
Unlimited Survival Instinct:
Code: Select all
SOTTR.exe+9EB9D83 - EB 10 - jmp SOTTR.exe+9EB9D95
SOTTR.exe+9EB9D9C - 90 - nop
SOTTR.exe+9EB9D9D - 90 - nop
You can turn it off by pressing Q again
Turned it from "engine auto-forced off" to "at user disposal"
If you want to disable other crap while this is active, dig inside that big function I posted: you can disable the gray-like overlay making the orange look more visible; the background humming sound; etc. I'll post more when I play with it, for now should suffice as is.
L.E.#1: Found that right inside the function with
Default value is
1.5f. Change that to a high value and watch it not deactivate when you start running around
No need for the two patches above if you plan on using this one; else: a) either patch the 2 spots I mentioned above; b) hook the location above and make it so timer's always set to a high value on enable (update timer to your value in [RAX+0x16A4] first; then let original code run).
L.E.#2: The cooldown/deactivation timer (3.0f or 3 seconds) is in the same structure as the above one, though the offset is
L.E.#3: Some more explanations and patching:
1) this block is in charge with enabling the markers (main objective, secondary objective(s)):
Code: Select all
SOTTR.exe+6BDC50 - 80 BF F6000000 00 - cmp byte ptr [rdi+000000F6],00
SOTTR.exe+6BDC57 - 74 1C - je SOTTR.exe+6BDC75
SOTTR.exe+6BDC59 - 48 8B 57 08 - mov rdx,[rdi+08]
SOTTR.exe+6BDC5D - 48 8B CF - mov rcx,rdi
SOTTR.exe+6BDC60 - E8 4BC8FFFF - call SOTTR.exe+6BA4B0
SOTTR.exe+6BDC65 - 84 C0 - test al,al
SOTTR.exe+6BDC67 - 75 0C - jne SOTTR.exe+6BDC75
SOTTR.exe+6BDC69 - 48 8B 0D A03ED500 - mov rcx,[SOTTR.exe+1411B10] { [94B974A0] }
SOTTR.exe+6BDC70 - E8 FB673200 - call SOTTR.exe+9E4470
If you don't want them visible, patch the JE to JMP @ SOTTR.exe+6BDC57.
2) this block will enable the gray overlay and the background sound along with it:
Code: Select all
SOTTR.exe+6BDC77 - 38 9F F4000000 - cmp [rdi+000000F4],bl
SOTTR.exe+6BDC7D - 75 24 - jne SOTTR.exe+6BDCA3
SOTTR.exe+6BDC7F - 4C 8B 47 08 - mov r8,[rdi+08]
SOTTR.exe+6BDC83 - 48 8D 15 96109B00 - lea rdx,[SOTTR.exe+106ED20] { ["evVisionEffectsFadeIn"] }
SOTTR.exe+6BDC8A - 48 8B 0D 0751F402 - mov rcx,[SOTTR.exe+3602D98] { [88BD28F0] }
SOTTR.exe+6BDC91 - 45 33 C9 - xor r9d,r9d
SOTTR.exe+6BDC94 - 48 89 5C 24 28 - mov [rsp+28],rbx
SOTTR.exe+6BDC99 - 48 89 5C 24 20 - mov [rsp+20],rbx
SOTTR.exe+6BDC9E - E8 AD752000 - call SOTTR.exe+8C5250
Want no gray overlay and background heartbeat sounds? Patch the JNE @ SOTTR.exe+6BDC7D to a JMP