Far Cry 3 - table v: 2.0.4 CT

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Re: Far Cry 3 - table v: 1.0.7 CT

Post by TimFun13 »

Table Update:
  • v 1.0.7:
    • Added: "Stealth Mode" (Thanks to some helpful advise from l0wb1t)

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Far Cry 3 - table v: 1.0.7 CT

Post by TimFun13 »

Here's one that will be on the next table update.
No Hitbox
No more getting knocked down, but animals can still attack it seems.

Code: Select all

	Process			: farcry3_d3d11.exe  -  (x32)
	Module			: FC3_d3d11.dll
	Game Title		: Far Cry 3
	Game Version	:
	CE Version		: 6.81
	Script Version	: 0.0.1
	Date			: 09/12/18
	Author			: ShyTwig16
	Name			: HitboxHook

	Hitbox Hook


define(address, FC3_d3d11.dll+8C8097)
define(bytes, 55 8B EC)

//// ------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
aobScanModule(aobHitboxHook, FC3_d3d11.dll, 5x8Bxxxxxxxx8Bxxxxxx8BxxE8xxxxxxxxxxC6xxxxxxxxxxxxE8xxxxxxxxxx85xx74xx80)
//i2aobScanModule(aobHitboxHook, FC3_d3d11.dll, 5x8Bxxxxxxxx8Bxxxxxx8BxxE8xxxxxxxxxxC6xxxxxxxxxxxxE8xxxxxxxxxx85xx74xx80)
define(injHitboxHook, aobHitboxHook)
assert(injHitboxHook, bytes)
//i2assert(injHitboxHook, bytes)

//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	ret 0004

//// ------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	db bytes


//// Injection Point: FC3_d3d11.dll+8C8097  -  553E8097
//// AOB address: 553E8097  -  FC3_d3d11.dll+8C8097
//// Process: farcry3_d3d11.exe  -  013B0000
//// Module: FC3_d3d11.dll  -  54B20000
//// Module Size: 023CA000
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C8057:  51                          -  push ecx                           
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C8058:  8D 8E DD010000              -  lea ecx,[esi+000001DD]             
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C805E:  51                          -  push ecx                           
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C805F:  68 04142356                 -  push 56231404                      [1FDDE782]
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C8064:  8B C8                       -  mov ecx,eax                        
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C8066:  E8 A200A3FF                 -  call 54E1810D                      
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C806B:  8B 46 04                    -  mov eax,[esi+04]                   
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C806E:  8B 48 0C                    -  mov ecx,[eax+0C]                   
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C8071:  8D 45 F0                    -  lea eax,[ebp-10]                   
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C8074:  50                          -  push eax                           
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C8075:  E8 F05988FF                 -  call 54C6DA6A                      
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C807A:  D9 00                       -  fld dword ptr [eax]                
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C807C:  D9 9E B4020000              -  fstp dword ptr [esi+000002B4]      
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C8082:  D9 40 04                    -  fld dword ptr [eax+04]             
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C8085:  D9 9E B8020000              -  fstp dword ptr [esi+000002B8]      
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C808B:  D9 40 08                    -  fld dword ptr [eax+08]             
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C808E:  D9 9E BC020000              -  fstp dword ptr [esi+000002BC]      
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C8094:  5E                          -  pop esi                            
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C8095:  C9                          -  leave                              
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C8096:  C3                          -  ret                                
////  INJECTING START  ----------------------------------------------------------
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C8097:  55                          -  push ebp                           <<<--- AOB Starts Here
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C8098:  8B EC                       -  mov ebp,esp                        
////  INJECTING END  ----------------------------------------------------------
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C809A:  53                          -  push ebx                           
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C809B:  56                          -  push esi                           
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C809C:  57                          -  push edi                           
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C809D:  8B 7D 08                    -  mov edi,[ebp+08]                   
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C80A0:  57                          -  push edi                           
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C80A1:  8B F1                       -  mov esi,ecx                        
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C80A3:  E8 EE330700                 -  call 5545B496                      [FC3_d3d11.dll+23A8B55]
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C80A8:  57                          -  push edi                           
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C80A9:  C6 86 AF010000 00           -  mov byte ptr [esi+000001AF],00     
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C80B0:  E8 F96D85FF                 -  call 54C3EEAE                      
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C80B5:  59                          -  pop ecx                            
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C80B6:  85 C0                       -  test eax,eax                       
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C80B8:  74 3D                       -  je 553E80F7                        
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C80BA:  80 B8 EC000000 00           -  cmp byte ptr [eax+000000EC],00     
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C80C1:  0F85 54010000               -  jne 553E821B                       
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C80C7:  8B 58 24                    -  mov ebx,[eax+24]                   
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C80CA:  33 C9                       -  xor ecx,ecx                        
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C80CC:  8D 43 08                    -  lea eax,[ebx+08]                   
FC3_d3d11.dll+8C80CF:  41                          -  inc ecx                            
//// Template: I2CEA_AOBInjection
//// Generated with: I2 Cheat Engine Auto Assembler Script Template Generator
//// Code Happy, Code Freely, Be Awesome.

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Re: Far Cry 3 - table v: 1.0.8 CT

Post by TimFun13 »

Table Update:
  • v 1.0.8:
    • Added: "No Hitbox"
    • Added: Teleporter saves for "South Island".

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Re: Far Cry 3 - table v: 1.0.8 CT

Post by Frequency »

Alright, first things first, this table is awesome and I absolutely love it. however, there are some instances where I am unable to open the main hooks (the cheat options) and it has some lag (How?) as there is delay in the clicking of buttons to the point where it is near impossible to close the auto assemble edit. The main cause(?) is that when I write click the Main Hooks there is, what appears to be, a lua error, stating

<<Lua error in the script at line 1:[string syntaxcheck,memrec-....."]:7: attempt to index a nil error (global 'I2CETableCEA')>>

it only happens sometimes. Other times, it works flawlessly. I would really like a fix or a troubleshoot on the issue. I attempted on providing as much information as possible. I will try to find more information.


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Re: Far Cry 3 - table v: 1.0.8 CT

Post by TimFun13 »

Frequency wrote:
Sat Oct 12, 2019 11:33 am
Alright, first things first, this table is awesome and I absolutely love it. however, there are some instances where I am unable to open the main hooks (the cheat options) and it has some lag (How?) as there is delay in the clicking of buttons to the point where it is near impossible to close the auto assemble edit. The main cause(?) is that when I write click the Main Hooks there is, what appears to be, a lua error, stating

<<Lua error in the script at line 1:[string syntaxcheck,memrec-....."]:7: attempt to index a nil error (global 'I2CETableCEA')>>

it only happens sometimes. Other times, it works flawlessly. I would really like a fix or a troubleshoot on the issue. I attempted on providing as much information as possible. I will try to find more information.

Sounds like you're not letting the lua script run and so the module isn't loaded. That or something is reloading the lua state.

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Re: Far Cry 3 - table v: 2.0.1 CT

Post by TimFun13 »

Table Updated:
  • v 2.0.1:
    • Throwable Base Cap. Multiplier
    • Vehicle Repair Hook
    • Infinite Health -> Health Dec. Hook (with infinite and decrease multiplier options)
    • Infinite Body Armor -> Body Armor Dec. Hook (with infinite and decrease multiplier options)
    • Infinite Stamina -> Stamina Hook (with infinite and decrease multiplier options)
    • Infinite Oxygen -> Oxygen Dec. Hook (with infinite and decrease multiplier options)
    • One Hit Kills -> Combatant Health Dec. Hook (with one hit kills and decrease multiplier options)
    • Animal One Hit Kills -> Animal Health Dec. Hook (with one hit kills and decrease multiplier options)
    • Vehicle Health Wrt. Hook -> Vehicle Health Dec. Hook

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Re: Far Cry 3 - table v: 2.0.1 CT

Post by smashbro596 »

man, i'd love the no hitbox and stealth mode be implemented in blood dragon.

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Re: Far Cry 3 - table v: 2.0.1 CT

Post by deadpool11898 »

Process Module: farcry3_d3d11.exe (x32)
Path to File: D:\Far Cry 3 Complete Collection\Far Cry 3\bin\farcry3_d3d11.exe
Module Address: 0000000000360000
File Version:

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: autoAssembleFile:
Start: Auto Assemble File: "_Main.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: getFileStr:
Loading CEA file: "_Main.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - INFO: getFileStr:
Returning table file string; "_Main.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: autoAssembleFile:
Assembling File: "_Main.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - INFO: autoAssembleFile:

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: autoAssembleFile:
Start: Auto Assemble File: "CoordHook.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: getFileStr:
Loading CEA file: "CoordHook.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - INFO: getFileStr:
Returning table file string; "CoordHook.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: autoAssembleFile:
Assembling File: "CoordHook.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - INFO: autoAssembleFile:

I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: aobScan:
Error with "CoordHook.CEA", AOB pattern not found: "0F28xxxxxxxxxx0F28xxxxxxxxxx0F28xxxxxxxxxx0F95xx0F29xxxxxxxxxx0F29xxxxxxxxxx0F29xxxxxxxxxx0F29"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: clearGlobals:
clearGlobals: All I2CETableCEA globals cleared

I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: autoAssembleFile:
Error assembling file: "CoordHook.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: autoAssembleFile:
Error assembling file: "_Main.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: autoAssembleFile:
Start: Auto Assemble File: "_Main.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: getFileStr:
Loading CEA file: "_Main.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - INFO: getFileStr:
Returning table file string; "_Main.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: autoAssembleFile:
Assembling File: "_Main.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - INFO: autoAssembleFile:

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: autoAssembleFile:
Start: Auto Assemble File: "CoordHook.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: getFileStr:
Loading CEA file: "CoordHook.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - INFO: getFileStr:
Returning table file string; "CoordHook.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: autoAssembleFile:
Assembling File: "CoordHook.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - INFO: autoAssembleFile:

I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: aobScan:
Error with "CoordHook.CEA", AOB pattern not found: "0F28xxxxxxxxxx0F28xxxxxxxxxx0F28xxxxxxxxxx0F95xx0F29xxxxxxxxxx0F29xxxxxxxxxx0F29xxxxxxxxxx0F29"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: clearGlobals:
clearGlobals: All I2CETableCEA globals cleared

I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: autoAssembleFile:
Error assembling file: "CoordHook.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: autoAssembleFile:
Error assembling file: "_Main.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: autoAssembleFile:
Start: Auto Assemble File: "_Main.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: getFileStr:
Loading CEA file: "_Main.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - INFO: getFileStr:
Returning table file string; "_Main.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: autoAssembleFile:
Assembling File: "_Main.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - INFO: autoAssembleFile:

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: autoAssembleFile:
Start: Auto Assemble File: "CoordHook.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: getFileStr:
Loading CEA file: "CoordHook.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - INFO: getFileStr:
Returning table file string; "CoordHook.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: autoAssembleFile:
Assembling File: "CoordHook.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - INFO: autoAssembleFile:

I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: aobScan:
Error with "CoordHook.CEA", AOB pattern not found: "0F28xxxxxxxxxx0F28xxxxxxxxxx0F28xxxxxxxxxx0F95xx0F29xxxxxxxxxx0F29xxxxxxxxxx0F29xxxxxxxxxx0F29"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: clearGlobals:
clearGlobals: All I2CETableCEA globals cleared

I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: autoAssembleFile:
Error assembling file: "CoordHook.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: autoAssembleFile:
Error assembling file: "_Main.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: autoAssembleFile:
Start: Auto Assemble File: "_Main.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: getFileStr:
Loading CEA file: "_Main.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - INFO: getFileStr:
Returning table file string; "_Main.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: autoAssembleFile:
Assembling File: "_Main.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - INFO: autoAssembleFile:

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: autoAssembleFile:
Start: Auto Assemble File: "CoordHook.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: getFileStr:
Loading CEA file: "CoordHook.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - INFO: getFileStr:
Returning table file string; "CoordHook.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: autoAssembleFile:
Assembling File: "CoordHook.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - INFO: autoAssembleFile:

I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: aobScan:
Error with "CoordHook.CEA", AOB pattern not found: "0F28xxxxxxxxxx0F28xxxxxxxxxx0F28xxxxxxxxxx0F95xx0F29xxxxxxxxxx0F29xxxxxxxxxx0F29xxxxxxxxxx0F29"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - DEBUG: clearGlobals:
clearGlobals: All I2CETableCEA globals cleared

I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: autoAssembleFile:
Error assembling file: "CoordHook.CEA"

I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: autoAssembleFile:
Error assembling file: "_Main.CEA"

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Re: Far Cry 3 - table v: 2.0.1 CT

Post by hangryduck »

When I run it I get the following error! Any help will be appreciated (complete noob)

Code: Select all

Process Module: farcry3.exe (x32)
Path to File: F:\FarCry 3\bin\farcry3.exe
Module Address: 0000000000E30000
File Version:

I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: aobScan:
Error with "CoordHook.CEA", AOB pattern not found: "0F28xxxxxxxxxx0F28xxxxxxxxxx0F28xxxxxxxxxx0F95xx0F29xxxxxxxxxx0F29xxxxxxxxxx0F29xxxxxxxxxx0F29"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: autoAssembleFile:
Error assembling file: "CoordHook.CEA"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: autoAssembleFile:
Error assembling file: "_Main.CEA"

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Re: Far Cry 3 - table v: 2.0.1 CT

Post by TimFun13 »

smashbro596 wrote:
Tue Feb 18, 2020 5:43 pm
man, i'd love the no hitbox and stealth mode be implemented in blood dragon.

deadpool11898 wrote:
Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:24 pm
Process Module: farcry3_d3d11.exe (x32)
Path to File: D:\Far Cry 3 Complete Collection\Far Cry 3\bin\farcry3_d3d11.exe
Module Address: 0000000000360000
File Version:
hangryduck wrote:
Sun Apr 19, 2020 5:01 pm
When I run it I get the following error! Any help will be appreciated (complete noob)

Code: Select all

Process Module: farcry3.exe (x32)
Path to File: F:\FarCry 3\bin\farcry3.exe
Module Address: 0000000000E30000
File Version:

I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: aobScan:
Error with "CoordHook.CEA", AOB pattern not found: "0F28xxxxxxxxxx0F28xxxxxxxxxx0F28xxxxxxxxxx0F95xx0F29xxxxxxxxxx0F29xxxxxxxxxx0F29xxxxxxxxxx0F29"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: autoAssembleFile:
Error assembling file: "CoordHook.CEA"
I2CETLogger::CETlog - ERROR: autoAssembleFile:
Error assembling file: "_Main.CEA"
Looks like it's a different assembly of the game. Is this the steam version? Are you useing any mods?

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Far Cry 3 - table v: 2.0.1 CT

Post by sakib532550 »

buddy..when i try to open this ct it shows this "error executing this tables lua script:Undefined lua error"

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Far Cry 3 - table v: 2.0.1 CT

Post by TimFun13 »

[QUOTE="sakib532550, post: 137768, member: 42403"]

buddy..when i try to open this ct it shows this "error executing this tables lua script:Undefined lua error"


Update the CE version to the latest one.

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Re: Far Cry 3 - table v: 2.0.1 CT

Post by KAWA »

Big thanks for making it. Crazy number of features. Last time I saw something like that it was I think MGSV. Awesome job! :)

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Re: Far Cry 3 - table v: 2.0.1 CT

Post by silver001 »

Yes, thank you very much for making this table.
Its feature list is most impressive ! :D

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Re: Far Cry 3 - table v: 2.0.1 CT

Post by SpoiledFuck55 »

Probably not worth asking, but does this work with cracked versions?

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