I Know the "Tilde" virtual key code (VK_OEM3) is 0xC0.
This (Lua code) should work on a US keyboard: doKeyPress(VK_OEM3)
And this might work on non-US keyboards with koderkrazy's tip, if it's the right virtual key code: doKeyPress(96) (might be a Char code).
Is it possible to edit training time and experience for staff?
You can directly add qualifications to staff, without training:
E.g. select nurse and keep mouse pointer on nurse, then bring up console backquote.
Then type these: AssignQualification mechanics
AssignQualification emotional intelligence
Is it possible to edit training time and experience for staff?
You can directly add qualifications to staff, without training:
E.g. select nurse and keep mouse pointer on nurse, then bring up console backquote.
Then type these: AssignQualification mechanics
AssignQualification emotional intelligence
Is it listed somewhere of what all qualifications are called?
Is it possible to edit training time and experience for staff?
You can directly add qualifications to staff, without training:
E.g. select nurse and keep mouse pointer on nurse, then bring up console backquote.
Then type these: AssignQualification mechanics
AssignQualification emotional intelligence
Is it listed somewhere of what all qualifications are called?
If you type Help, you can scroll up and see the entire list. Otherwise, you can use the list on the Wikia ([Link]). Just remember that certain qualifications only have 1 level (that just allow the room to be utilized).
I found the best thing to do is buy someone, clear their traits and qualifications, then add what you want. Then make that person specific to the job you need them for.
To koderkrazy: Is it possible to make the console window smaller? At the moment, it takes up 70% of the screen. If it could just take up a few lines at the top or bottom, that'd be awesome.
A few interesting and useful console commands:
closehospital - Closes the hospital so you may build without patients arriving.
openhospital - Reopens hospital.
upgradeitem - Upgrades, by one level, the equipment your cursor is placed over.
setmaintenancelevelfull- Fully repairs the equipment your cursor is placed over.
spawnrequiredstaff - spawns a staff member for each room that has no staff in it. Spawns up to five nurses in wards or five doctors in research if extra slots have been opened.
clearqualifications - Removes all qualifications from the character your cursor is placed over.
setstaffrank 0/1/2/3/4 - Sets the rank of the character your cursor is placed over.
assignqualification - Assigns qualifications to a character.
Multiple rank qualifications. No number is the first rank:
customer service ii/iii/iv/v
diagnostics ii/iii/iv/v
general practice ii/iii/iv/v
maintenance ii/iii/iv/v
marketing ii/iii/iv/v
mechanics ii/iii/iv/v
pharmacy management ii/iii/iv/v
ward management ii/iii/iv/v
research ii/iii/iv/v
surgery ii/iii/iv/v
Single rank qualifications:
ghost capture
injection administration
bedside manner
emotional intelligence
stamina training
training masterclass
Last edited by Junkers80 on Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
dude this was an amazing experience! thx to your console help i've finished a level without effort. it took 4.5 hours but it was a clean hospital management!! arigato!!
I saw others commenting their cheat methods so i am going to do the same..
my comment is about staff!
you can pause the game with space before editing stuff out.
first i make my characters level 5 by using this command.
select char, type "SetStaffRank 4" and press enter. This is making our character best they can get! but you must select the char 2 times for a shty reason. Anyways! a level 5 staff will be in the latent skill cuz normally you promote them and they are gaining more skill.. so level 5 is always best and this is a must progress!
if you don't do it this way you can add xp and then promote them with command one by one but this is a terribly disgusting hassle!!
now its time to add traits!!
first we get rid of all traits cuz usually there is one or more negative...
we type "cleartraits" and type enter.. all traits are gone!
i just want to mention this.
when you are typing a command press tab and it'll quickly show you available commands...
this is especially useful when you want to list all qualifications so here for example.
type "as" and press tab it'll directly become "assign" then type "q" and press tab, voila! its "assignqualification"
now when you type "assignqualification" and press tab it'll direcly show all qualifications which is so useful!!
these traits were written in wiki and they are working! i've tested em all!!
A natural mentor - Teacher - Whizzes through any syllabus. +50% Teaching Speed in Training.
Charming - Charming - Makes people happier when interacting with them.
Class Clown - Entertainer - Entertains people with their sweet dance moves.
Funny - Funny - Makes people laugh.
Green Fingers - Green Fingers - Likes to water plants when idle.
Has magic healing hands - Healer - Increases the health of patients.
Has potential - Fast Learner - A quick learner that should develop quickly. +50% Learning Speed.
High Energy - Tireless - Works longer before needing a break.
Hygienic - Hygienic - Likes to stay clean and hygienic.
Inspiring - Inspiring - Inspires other people.
Likes to flirt -
Motivated - Motivated - Walks faster than normal speed. +20% Speed.
Positive - Positive - Happiness is higher than average. +10% Happiness.
Will work for peanuts - Cheap - Reduced salary expectations.
for example select character and type "assigntrait cheap" if it didnt work console will say it! "NoCharacterSelected"
so make sure you've selected the personel and it'll work!
the catch is you can add "tireless" "cheap" or all other traits many times and this is amazing!
you can give them many cheap traits and they wont ask a raise qucikly!! you can delay the raise and make them happy all you want.
next thing is qualifications!!
you can do the same for qualifications but dont forget you must create specialized personel!!
give some doctors full general practitioner's skill ! and spare them for only that room!!
i mean use "assignqualification general practice" command for doctors and put them to gp's office. make these doctors work for only gp's office! you can restrict their tasks from ingame settings. If you dont do it they'll go to irrelevant offices and fail at treatments!
now dont give irrelevant qualifications to other personel ok?
last thing is imo hire cheapest personel, make them level 5 and give them cheap trait for a basic salary.
its taking 6 or 7 "cheap" traits to make them happy with their starting salaries! dont give too many cheap trait or else it'll go red face!!
we must find a way to make these thing work with bind command.
anyone remembers bind command from other games? like counter strike or skyrim?
for example in skyrim we were able to run some custom text files like "bat xxx" and with this multiple commands were working with console. this was great for adding some items in one swoop!
the game says bindkey is available but don't know how this works "Bindkey d setdebugguienabled 1"
is anyone knows that? that'd be great to edit personel with specific bat or command lines.
maybe bind and bat are different stuff but anyways..
this was amazing man!
Last edited by pacifista on Tue Sep 04, 2018 5:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
dude this was an amazing experience! thx to your console help i've finished a level without effort. it took 4.5 hours but it was a clean hospital management!! arigato!!
the game says bindkey is available but don't know how this works "Bindkey d setdebugguienabled 1"
is anyone knows that? that'd be great to edit personel with specific bat or command lines.
maybe bind and bat are different stuff but anyways..
this was amazing man!
BindKey command just asigns a hot key to command, so you don't have to type again.
For example, run these in console:
then close the console and you can use Numpad +,-,* to control game speed easily.
Note: press 'spacebar'(pause/unpause) after you modify speeds. Also there is 'UnBindKey'.
All key names are listed here: [Link]