Monster Hunter World (SeiKur0)

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Re: Monster Hunter World (SeiKur0)

Post by IcyPurpose99 »

seikur0 wrote:
Thu Aug 30, 2018 3:57 pm
Marcus101RR wrote:
Wed Aug 29, 2018 5:27 pm
Based on the testing I have done, Tempered Status is stored somewhere else and not in the monster itself. Here are the patters I was able to dissect so far (T) being Tempered, but yet they have the same values as a non tempered monster. So another offset must be storing the tempered status.

30 2E 1D 52 DB DA EA 2C 73 BB 73 4F 6B 1F DA 0D 99 1C 0A A4 E9 6E 00 EA - Barroth T
30 2E 1D 52 DB DA EA 2C 73 BB 73 4F 6B 1F DA 0D 99 1C 0A A4 E9 6E 00 EA - Barroth T
30 2E 1D 52 DB DA EA 2C 73 BB 73 4F 6B 1F DA 0D 99 1C 0A A4 E9 6E 00 EA - Barroth
9F 71 E7 FB D2 2E F0 8C 73 BB 73 4F 6B 1F DA 0D 94 1C 0A A4 E9 6E 00 EA - Ratholos T
EC 3B 46 F9 B9 2A 00 AD 73 BB 73 4F 6B 1F DA 0D 95 1C 0A A4 E9 6E 00 EA - Rathian
F5 13 CE 9D 7F 76 25 4D 73 BB 73 4F 6B 1F DA 0D 8E 1C 0A A4 E9 6E 00 EA - Anjanath T
EC 3B 46 F9 B9 2A 00 AD 73 BB 73 4F 6B 1F DA 0D 95 1C 0A A4 E9 6E 00 EA - Rathian T
39 06 A5 F6 A0 26 10 CD 73 BB 73 4F 6B 1F DA 0D 92 1C 0A A4 E9 6E 00 EA - Diablos

39 06 A5 F6 A0 26 10 CD 70 D3 F3 36 0C 8E FD C9 6C 8C 0A B8 60 1F B6 E2 - Diablos
9F 71 E7 FB D2 2E F0 8C 70 D3 F3 36 0C 8E FD C9 6A 8C 0A B8 60 1F B6 E2 - Ratholos
Two things, while the values are random between runs, you can still use any of them and they keep their meaning, the random key, which the game uses is contained in the part that I called "obfuscation calc values". I just tested that. So you can make a list for yourself. I'm working on deciphering these now.

And another thing for the rewards, instead of making it harder on yourself and lowering the allowed faints or something, you can always increase the reward value instead and reach the same maximum rewards that way. So if you have all the best conditions for your mission, maximum money etc. you can always set your rewards higher and still get 5 gold rewards. So it's not money vs rewards, as nearly all things affect the reward (but never the maximum reward level).
If you set those too high just to get 5 gold/5 purple you get "You have not met the requirements for this quest". You need to use a proper combination of faints, difficulty, targets, time, etc to get a good 5 gold/5 purple.

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Re: Monster Hunter World (SeiKur0)

Post by terry4756 »

Gragka wrote:
Wed Aug 29, 2018 5:36 pm
Hi seiku0, thanks for making this great table.
I've been testing the selected investigations, I tried to maximize the rewards.
From what I've found by playing with the mission modifiers 1-5 ?, I got the following:

I used a regular Kirin investigation (2 players max) to try to get 5 gold reward boxes:
- Only 2 players = Value 1
- Mission variation/time = Value 2 (= 15 min.)
- Faint reduction = Value 3 (= 1 faint)
- Rewards = Value 2 ( 2 seems to be the max value you can put here, 3+ seems to change it by either lowering or the rewards simply dissapearing)
- Money vs rewards = Value 0 (max Value is 4)

- Mission modifier 1 ? = 5 (6+ lowers the reward to 4 gold boxes and also invalidates the investigation, it will grey out the investigation in mission select and will prompt: "You have not met the requirements for this quest")
- Mission modifier 2 ? = 5 (6+ ... same as above)
- Mission modifier 3 ? = 4 or 5 (By changing this value to 4 or 5 I was able to add the fifth gold box to my rewards, 6+ ... same as above)
- Mission modifier 4 ? = 0 - 2 (no idea what this does but going 3+ invalidates the investigation)
- Mission modifier 5 ? = 0 - 2 (same here, no idea what this does but going 3+ invalidates the investigation)

Another finding with modifier 1 and 2 is that they seem to depend on each other? When I tried to maximize the rewards for a 4 player investigation, it seems that I can only get 4 gold rewards.
I got the 4 gold rewards from 2 silver and 2 gold by changing modifier 1 and 2 to the values 4 and 5 respectively (or 5 and 4 respectively).

EDIT: I've completed some of my modified investigations and found out that there is a threshold for remaining attempts that you can assign, 10 attempts seems to be the max amount. If you go higher than 10 and complete the investigation, afterwards the investigation will be gone.

I hope that my findings have some use.

Keep up the good work!
Mission modifier 1 to 5 is the monster attack defences and HP. setting on 5 is almost like Tempered monster

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Re: Monster Hunter World (SeiKur0)

Post by seikur0 »

Marcus101RR wrote:
Thu Aug 30, 2018 4:41 pm
If you set those too high just to get 5 gold/5 purple you get "You have not met the requirements for this quest". You need to use a proper combination of faints, difficulty, targets, time, etc to get a good 5 gold/5 purple.
terry4756 wrote:
Thu Aug 30, 2018 5:26 pm
Gragka wrote:
Wed Aug 29, 2018 5:36 pm
Mission modifier 1 to 5 is the monster attack defences and HP. setting on 5 is almost like Tempered monster
Okay, so here's the theory, you probably require a certain hunter rank for certain things. Want to fight stronger monsters? Get better rewards? Become a better hunter. So I don't think the missions get invalidated, but rather you push their hunter rank requirement too high. The next update will have dropdowns for monsters and tempered/not tempered btw :)

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Re: Monster Hunter World (SeiKur0)

Post by D00IVI »

Afaik the investigation hunter req in the game is based on tempered tier, with t1 (weak mobs) at 13 and t2 at 30 (strong mobs) and t3 at 50 (elder dragons)

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Re: Monster Hunter World (SeiKur0)

Post by Gragka »

seikur0 wrote:
Thu Aug 30, 2018 5:33 pm
Marcus101RR wrote:
Thu Aug 30, 2018 4:41 pm
If you set those too high just to get 5 gold/5 purple you get "You have not met the requirements for this quest". You need to use a proper combination of faints, difficulty, targets, time, etc to get a good 5 gold/5 purple.
terry4756 wrote:
Thu Aug 30, 2018 5:26 pm
Gragka wrote:
Wed Aug 29, 2018 5:36 pm
Mission modifier 1 to 5 is the monster attack defences and HP. setting on 5 is almost like Tempered monster
Okay, so here's the theory, you probably require a certain hunter rank for certain things. Want to fight stronger monsters? Get better rewards? Become a better hunter. So I don't think the missions get invalidated, but rather you push their hunter rank requirement too high. The next update will have dropdowns for monsters and tempered/not tempered btw :)
On console Arch tempered and extreme Behemoth are the hardest monsters you can face, which have a mission requirement of HR 50, the same requirement as any tempered investigation.
And I am HR 150+ while I was testing the modifications and getting invalid investigations with that prompt "You have not met the requirements for this quest"

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Re: Monster Hunter World (SeiKur0)

Post by Sauce »

seikur0 wrote:
Thu Aug 30, 2018 9:01 am
It would help if you could narrow it down to the exact script that is causing crashs.
Also keep in mind, that if you're using Squall's table as well and you close the main script on of them while the other one's already activated it'll undo the aa-tamper and lead to crashs.
I'll play with it some more, I'd been trying some low level events (kill low level monsters), expeditions, and optional quests. Haven't tried any investigations or anything with elder dragons since I started having crash issues.

I haven't been using squall's table. If I had to guess which script it was, I'd guess it was the unlimited tracks one.

One of the crashes was an anti-tamper crash, but only one.

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Re: Monster Hunter World (SeiKur0)

Post by IcyPurpose99 »

terry4756 wrote:
Thu Aug 30, 2018 5:26 pm
Gragka wrote:
Wed Aug 29, 2018 5:36 pm
Hi seiku0, thanks for making this great table.
I've been testing the selected investigations, I tried to maximize the rewards.
From what I've found by playing with the mission modifiers 1-5 ?, I got the following:

I used a regular Kirin investigation (2 players max) to try to get 5 gold reward boxes:
- Only 2 players = Value 1
- Mission variation/time = Value 2 (= 15 min.)
- Faint reduction = Value 3 (= 1 faint)
- Rewards = Value 2 ( 2 seems to be the max value you can put here, 3+ seems to change it by either lowering or the rewards simply dissapearing)
- Money vs rewards = Value 0 (max Value is 4)

- Mission modifier 1 ? = 5 (6+ lowers the reward to 4 gold boxes and also invalidates the investigation, it will grey out the investigation in mission select and will prompt: "You have not met the requirements for this quest")
- Mission modifier 2 ? = 5 (6+ ... same as above)
- Mission modifier 3 ? = 4 or 5 (By changing this value to 4 or 5 I was able to add the fifth gold box to my rewards, 6+ ... same as above)
- Mission modifier 4 ? = 0 - 2 (no idea what this does but going 3+ invalidates the investigation)
- Mission modifier 5 ? = 0 - 2 (same here, no idea what this does but going 3+ invalidates the investigation)

Another finding with modifier 1 and 2 is that they seem to depend on each other? When I tried to maximize the rewards for a 4 player investigation, it seems that I can only get 4 gold rewards.
I got the 4 gold rewards from 2 silver and 2 gold by changing modifier 1 and 2 to the values 4 and 5 respectively (or 5 and 4 respectively).

EDIT: I've completed some of my modified investigations and found out that there is a threshold for remaining attempts that you can assign, 10 attempts seems to be the max amount. If you go higher than 10 and complete the investigation, afterwards the investigation will be gone.

I hope that my findings have some use.

Keep up the good work!
Mission modifier 1 to 5 is the monster attack defences and HP. setting on 5 is almost like Tempered monster
But which one is which? That is what we are trying to figure out, also those are 3 attributes, but you said 1-5 which makes no sense...

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Re: Monster Hunter World (SeiKur0)

Post by seikur0 »

Marcus101RR wrote:
Thu Aug 30, 2018 7:16 pm
terry4756 wrote:
Thu Aug 30, 2018 5:26 pm
Gragka wrote:
Wed Aug 29, 2018 5:36 pm
Mission modifier 1 to 5 is the monster attack defences and HP. setting on 5 is almost like Tempered monster
But which one is which? That is what we are trying to figure out, also those are 3 attributes, but you said 1-5 which makes no sense...
I'd like to know too, please test this more, it's helping a lot! The mission modifiers are the only missing thing now.

Also I've done it: x-thing 1 was the map and x-thing 2 the mission rank (high/low)

-"selected investigation" editor now has many more things, like dropdowns for monster/map selection and mission parameters

Just select what you want from the dropdown list. (It won't recognize your current value, that's normal.)

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Re: Monster Hunter World (SeiKur0)

Post by Sauce »

Ok, I have some maybe more helpful information. I went out on an exhibition and didn't leave the camp. I alt-tabbed to windows started CE turned on infinite tracks, so far so good, alt-tabbed back to the game, no problem. Went back to CE, turned on capture/kill small monsters, the game instantly crashed (note neither of the sub options were turned on as I set the DB to 0 0) and it didn't even give me a chance to enable either one.

The two capture/kill options work fine without the infinite tracks option it seems, at least in my recent testing in exhibition mode.

No other tables or trainers were active.

I'm on Win 7 x64 using the latest CE.

They all used to work together, don't know if it was a game or table update that changed it.

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Re: Monster Hunter World (SeiKur0)

Post by Gragka »

seikur0 wrote:
Thu Aug 30, 2018 7:26 pm
Marcus101RR wrote:
Thu Aug 30, 2018 7:16 pm
terry4756 wrote:
Thu Aug 30, 2018 5:26 pm

Mission modifier 1 to 5 is the monster attack defences and HP. setting on 5 is almost like Tempered monster
But which one is which? That is what we are trying to figure out, also those are 3 attributes, but you said 1-5 which makes no sense...
I'd like to know too, please test this more, it's helping a lot! The mission modifiers are the only missing thing now.

Also I've done it: x-thing 1 was the map and x-thing 2 the mission rank (high/low)

-"selected investigation" editor now has many more things, like dropdowns for monster/map selection and mission parameters

Just select what you want from the dropdown list. (It won't recognize your current value, that's normal.)
So I found out that modifier 3 changes the defense of the monster, I tested this on a regular high rank teostra investigation.
In my image i've recorded my damage on hit with HBG cluster 3 and sticky 3 ammo (they deal the same damage regardless of which body part is hit).


As a sidenote, when the monster is enraged (half-circle eye icon on minimap on the monster turns red) my damage increased by around 20%. Not sure if this is a normal game mechanic and I didn't have the agitator skill on me which increases damage and affinity when the monster is enraged.
EDIT 1: Checked the MH wikia for enraged monster stats, in the older games it seems that some monsters have their defense reduced and some increased.

So I assume modifier 1 and 2 might be HP and attack? Their value range is also 0-5, unlike modifier 4 and 5 which have 0-2 (still no idea what mod 4 and 5 might be)

EDIT 2: So I've done a quick test for modifier 1 with the values 0 and 4. I did this test with Nergigante this time because unlike Teostra, his defense doesn't drop when he's enraged. So I've hit him with my sticky 3 ammo 53 damage per hit the whole time.
For value 0 it took around 125 shots to kill, and value 4 around 150 shots to kill. (Not exact amount of shots, because stickies deal damage after a delay and that's why I might be off by a couple of shots when counting)
So that's about 1300-1500 difference in HP from modifier 1 value: 0 -> 4
I'll test some more later if no one else has done it yet.

EDIT 3: Did a quick retest of modifier 3 on Nergigante, the monster's defense is the highest with value 0 and lowest with value 5. Which is kinda weird, because in my previous post I noted that the rewards increased when I've put this to 4 or 5.
So we deal more damage and get better rewards? Perhaps the monsters attack damage also increases, so there's a tradeoff, high risk high reward?

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Re: Monster Hunter World (SeiKur0)

Post by IcyPurpose99 »

Modifier 1 is definitely an HP modifer. valid numbers 0-5, 6+ causes invalid quest. Working out the Percentage now.

So It appears Modifier 1 is confirmed, HP modifer, Monsters with lower HP have a higher increase, while those with higher HP have a lower increase. Tested this with Broth/Diablos/BDiablos investigation in wildspire.
HP Modifier
Barroth HP (M1)
0 2670.5 0%
1 2817.5 6%
2 2891 8%
3 3038 14%
4 3111.5 17%
5 3258.5 22%
0 4030 0%
1 4225 5%
2 4322.5 7%
3 4517.5 12%
4 4615 15%
5 -100%
B Diablos
0 6658.5 0%
1 6865.5 3%
2 6969 5%
3 7176 8%
4 7279.5 9%
5 -100%
Money Rewards Analysis:

Proof of Concept: [Link]

So lets talk about the money rewards because percentage is a fubar thing right? Wrong. The game uses a base value of 180z, as your payout, in addition to that the values are then incremented, but why what exactly? 1/4 of the value to be exact., on the second level that 1/4 value is doubled. Sounds familair? Most rpg games use the 1/4 buy/sell concept. once you buy an item for full price, you usually can sell it back for only 1/4 of its original value.

Too math I know, sue me, im a guy who nailed math but failed english. in any case. The correct percentage indicators are as follows if you look at the button result, still don't believe me? Set modifier to 5, send cookies.

EG: 0% 25% 50% 100% 250% payout for each level. 0 being 0% and 4 being 250% payout.

180 180
16020 0.80 3960 8820 2160
19980 1.00 3960 10980 2160
23940 1.20 7920 13140 4320
31860 1.59 7920 17460 4320
39780 1.99 21780

15840 1.25
19800 1.50
23760 2.00
31680 2.50
39600 0.00

Modifier 2: Can't figure it out yet.
Modifier 3: Do more damage to monster, oddly enough, my bow did 6/8 damage normal/critical on 0, when I set it to 4 however, I did 7/12 Damage by hitting the Barroth on the back of its neck and only there. Yet the rewards went up to, I did not notice the damage output change or anything else. I am not sure what the trade off is here. Seem to do more damage, and get more rewards, but not seeing what it exchanges it for.
Last edited by IcyPurpose99 on Fri Aug 31, 2018 1:59 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Monster Hunter World (SeiKur0)

Post by gweentee »

Hey if possible could there be a script to unlock all mantles and boosters? i cant get the rumble quest for the afinity booster for some reason and i really want it (and the other mantles)

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Re: Monster Hunter World (SeiKur0)

Post by TheSquarePear »

Please help me, I tampered with the HR stuff without knowing about the warnings and stuff, and I looked online for a fix and I found this thread, but I was 174 and changed it to 207 and not the HR progress bar won't progress how do I revert this?

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Re: Monster Hunter World (SeiKur0)

Post by rt41600 »

Mission Modifier 1 is HP
it works something like this, each monster have a base hp
they can be found here: [Link]
then possible hp rolls of normal invest:
0 = 193% of base hp
1 = 199% of base hp
2 = 202% of base hp
3 = 208% of base hp
4 = 211% of base hp
5 = 217% of base hp
for tempered, 5 = 232%, didnt bother checking others
in comparison, optional quest have 196%, 199%, 202%, 205%, 208% for hr 30+ monsters, single target. if 2 or more it goes down to 127%, 130%, 133%, 136%, 139%
this true on hr 30 and 50 monsters, if same with optionals, hr 13 monsters have lower multiplier
Modifier 2 and 3 seems to be atk and def
hope this helps

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Re: Monster Hunter World (SeiKur0)

Post by rt41600 »

maybe you can help finding the real hitzone values (hzv) and move values (mv) of the game.

example: long sword MVs: [Link] (these are inaccurate estimate, we are looking for the real ones)

example HZV: here's teostra hit zone data: [Link] (again, estimate/base from older games)

and other calculations like how blast, poison.

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