Dead Cells (2021-04-26)

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Re: Dead Cells (2021-04-26)

Post by Angelisium »

StinVec wrote:
Tue Apr 26, 2022 6:12 am
Regarding the instant map reveal, I also tried save scumming with the cartographer item in the starting level to see if I can locate the address associated with revealing the map so it can be activated at will to instantly reveal a map, but I've not had any success yet.
I just thought of it, but there is an item in the game that allows you to reveals the full layout of the current biome. It's the [Link] !

One solution would be to reproduce the activation of the item's effect by activating a script?.. Or find a way to make it spawn at the player level.
Or more simply, make its use unlimited (now, it is consumed upon use and disappears from the player's inventory) :D

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Dead Cells (2021-04-26)

Post by divergence »

the scripts seem to start failing after a level of malaise increase with 5 god cells. Also when you go through doors to get to smaller pocket areas, the bonuses may fail.

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Re: Dead Cells (2021-04-26)

Post by cosmiclollipop »

The game got another update today; might we see an updated table?

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Re: Dead Cells (2021-04-26)

Post by StinVec »

Updated options for Steam v29.0 & GoG 1.19.0
Tested on 64-bit (loaded it on 32-bit exe and the options appeared to all work just fine still)
Tested GoG, but should also work for Steam as there didn't seem to be any differences between the two in the past.

- "Player Stats Base Address Scan Initialization (Activate This First)" address
- "Player Stats Base Address Scan (To Update: Play Level)" address and all offsets in the code
- "Player Stats > [Addresses and Pointers]" Offsets for almost every pointer in the table as almost everything needed updating

NOT Updated:
- "Player Stats > Character Stats > Inventory" (had some issues updating them and I don't know what these are even used for)
- "Player Stats Boss Base Address Scan (To Update: Play Level)"

So everything should be working again for main level play, but options are still not functional on boss levels on the x64 exe.

If anything seems broken still (like Sepulcher darkness, a run stat pointer, or a buff or something), please let me know.

It seems on the x64 exe that the Boss Level address and offsets for all of the pointers are not the same and not compatible with the Main Level options and offsets. On the x64 exe, the Boss Level option appears like it would need essentially its own table that is a duplicate of this one but has every option and pointer using the different offsets and base activation address.

So the x64 exe seems like it would need one table for options to be active on main levels, then another table or duplicated section of all options and pointers in the same table to activate options for during boss levels.

However, I've seen reports from some people that old tables still had the boss base address and offsets working fine on the x32 exe for the game (at least before this update) and it seemed that it is only on the x64 exe where the offsets are all different for the Boss Level areas and not compatible with the table's main level pointers.

(I am also still very inexperienced on pointer and base address scanning. If anyone can do what I have not been able to with finding the Boss Level address that would work with the main level pointers in the table like it used to be able to before the Queen and the Sea update that changed everything, it is welcome!)
Dead Cells x64 - v1.19.0 (GoG) - v29.0 (Steam) - non-boss levels.CT
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Re: Dead Cells (2021-04-26)

Post by senseijamesx »

StinVec wrote:
Thu Jul 07, 2022 2:40 pm
Updated options for Steam v29.0 & GoG 1.19.0
Tested on 64-bit (loaded it on 32-bit exe and the options appeared to all work just fine still)
Tested GoG, but should also work for Steam as there didn't seem to be any differences between the two in the past.

- "Player Stats Base Address Scan Initialization (Activate This First)" address
- "Player Stats Base Address Scan (To Update: Play Level)" address and all offsets in the code
- "Player Stats > [Addresses and Pointers]" Offsets for almost every pointer in the table as almost everything needed updating

NOT Updated:
- "Player Stats > Character Stats > Inventory" (had some issues updating them and I don't know what these are even used for)
- "Player Stats Boss Base Address Scan (To Update: Play Level)"

So everything should be working again for main level play, but options are still not functional on boss levels on the x64 exe.

If anything seems broken still (like Sepulcher darkness, a run stat pointer, or a buff or something), please let me know.

It seems on the x64 exe that the Boss Level address and offsets for all of the pointers are not the same and not compatible with the Main Level options and offsets. On the x64 exe, the Boss Level option appears like it would need essentially its own table that is a duplicate of this one but has every option and pointer using the different offsets and base activation address.

So the x64 exe seems like it would need one table for options to be active on main levels, then another table or duplicated section of all options and pointers in the same table to activate options for during boss levels.

However, I've seen reports from some people that old tables still had the boss base address and offsets working fine on the x32 exe for the game (at least before this update) and it seemed that it is only on the x64 exe where the offsets are all different for the Boss Level areas and not compatible with the table's main level pointers.

(I am also still very inexperienced on pointer and base address scanning. If anyone can do what I have not been able to with finding the Boss Level address that would work with the main level pointers in the table like it used to be able to before the Queen and the Sea update that changed everything, it is welcome!)
This table will randomly deactivate throughout the run, boss or not. A bit frustrating.

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Re: Dead Cells (2021-04-26)

Post by IcemanUK »

StinVec wrote:
Thu Jul 07, 2022 2:40 pm
Updated options for Steam v29.0 & GoG 1.19.0
Tested on 64-bit (loaded it on 32-bit exe and the options appeared to all work just fine still)
Tested GoG, but should also work for Steam as there didn't seem to be any differences between the two in the past.

- "Player Stats Base Address Scan Initialization (Activate This First)" address
- "Player Stats Base Address Scan (To Update: Play Level)" address and all offsets in the code
- "Player Stats > [Addresses and Pointers]" Offsets for almost every pointer in the table as almost everything needed updating

NOT Updated:
- "Player Stats > Character Stats > Inventory" (had some issues updating them and I don't know what these are even used for)
- "Player Stats Boss Base Address Scan (To Update: Play Level)"

So everything should be working again for main level play, but options are still not functional on boss levels on the x64 exe.

If anything seems broken still (like Sepulcher darkness, a run stat pointer, or a buff or something), please let me know.

It seems on the x64 exe that the Boss Level address and offsets for all of the pointers are not the same and not compatible with the Main Level options and offsets. On the x64 exe, the Boss Level option appears like it would need essentially its own table that is a duplicate of this one but has every option and pointer using the different offsets and base activation address.

So the x64 exe seems like it would need one table for options to be active on main levels, then another table or duplicated section of all options and pointers in the same table to activate options for during boss levels.

However, I've seen reports from some people that old tables still had the boss base address and offsets working fine on the x32 exe for the game (at least before this update) and it seemed that it is only on the x64 exe where the offsets are all different for the Boss Level areas and not compatible with the table's main level pointers.

(I am also still very inexperienced on pointer and base address scanning. If anyone can do what I have not been able to with finding the Boss Level address that would work with the main level pointers in the table like it used to be able to before the Queen and the Sea update that changed everything, it is welcome!)
This was working great for me until the latest update for boss rush. Any chance for an update? I would try myself however I don't really understand how the scripts work.


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Re: Dead Cells (2021-04-26)

Post by StinVec »

IcemanUK wrote:
Thu Oct 13, 2022 11:21 am
StinVec wrote:
Thu Jul 07, 2022 2:40 pm
Updated options for Steam v29.0 & GoG 1.19.0
Tested on 64-bit (loaded it on 32-bit exe and the options appeared to all work just fine still)
Tested GoG, but should also work for Steam as there didn't seem to be any differences between the two in the past.

- "Player Stats Base Address Scan Initialization (Activate This First)" address
- "Player Stats Base Address Scan (To Update: Play Level)" address and all offsets in the code
- "Player Stats > [Addresses and Pointers]" Offsets for almost every pointer in the table as almost everything needed updating

NOT Updated:
- "Player Stats > Character Stats > Inventory" (had some issues updating them and I don't know what these are even used for)
- "Player Stats Boss Base Address Scan (To Update: Play Level)"

So everything should be working again for main level play, but options are still not functional on boss levels on the x64 exe.

If anything seems broken still (like Sepulcher darkness, a run stat pointer, or a buff or something), please let me know.

It seems on the x64 exe that the Boss Level address and offsets for all of the pointers are not the same and not compatible with the Main Level options and offsets. On the x64 exe, the Boss Level option appears like it would need essentially its own table that is a duplicate of this one but has every option and pointer using the different offsets and base activation address.

So the x64 exe seems like it would need one table for options to be active on main levels, then another table or duplicated section of all options and pointers in the same table to activate options for during boss levels.

However, I've seen reports from some people that old tables still had the boss base address and offsets working fine on the x32 exe for the game (at least before this update) and it seemed that it is only on the x64 exe where the offsets are all different for the Boss Level areas and not compatible with the table's main level pointers.

(I am also still very inexperienced on pointer and base address scanning. If anyone can do what I have not been able to with finding the Boss Level address that would work with the main level pointers in the table like it used to be able to before the Queen and the Sea update that changed everything, it is welcome!)
This was working great for me until the latest update for boss rush. Any chance for an update? I would try myself however I don't really understand how the scripts work.

Hey. I haven't played Dead Cells for some time, but I'll try to get some time soon to revisit the table again to try to get it to work like it used to, or at least try to update what I can for the new game update so at least some of it works.

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Re: Dead Cells (2021-04-26)

Post by IcemanUK »

StinVec wrote:
Fri Oct 14, 2022 8:52 pm
Hey. I haven't played Dead Cells for some time, but I'll try to get some time soon to revisit the table again to try to get it to work like it used to, or at least try to update what I can for the new game update so at least some of it works.
Much appreciated!

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Re: Dead Cells (2021-04-26)

Post by StinVec »

IcemanUK wrote:
Mon Oct 17, 2022 1:42 pm
StinVec wrote:
Fri Oct 14, 2022 8:52 pm
Hey. I haven't played Dead Cells for some time, but I'll try to get some time soon to revisit the table again to try to get it to work like it used to, or at least try to update what I can for the new game update so at least some of it works.
Much appreciated!
I spent many hours since I last responded working on this. I went through every line of everything to see what the problem was, learned a lot about pointers and how this table functions. Even ran old game versions to compare what changed over the game updates.

I now have the table fully updated for v31.3, including the boss address. Everything should work fine now.


Fully Updated table for v31.3 - Boss Rush
Tested on 64-bit

Updated all offsets and base addresses for normal and boss areas.
All fully functional and should not cease working randomly during levels while both are activated.

Originally I believe the game had one address active during normal map areas and another active for during special/boss areas. After the Queen and the Sea update, it seemed to become random of which one was active at any given time. It would switch even mid-level and cause active options to cease being active just by moving a little ways through a level.

This is no longer a problem as both options are now working properly. Activate primary entry and then enable both player and boss options and all enabled options will remain active at all times.


If something isn't working properly (sepulcher darkness, curse count to 1), please let me know.

Some things are also not included in the table primarily as I absentmindedly made all of the extensive updating on a version of the table that I had trimmed a few options from that I never used. (player position, useless elements like 'inventory').

If anything is missing that anyone normally uses, please let me know and I'll work to add it back in with its updated address.


EDIT: v3
- Properly updated "Forgotten Sepulcher Darkness Set to 0" option and pointer offset (was 360, now 364)

EDIT: v2
- Properly updated "Curse Enemies To Kill" option/pointer offset to function properly.
- Added back in "Horizontal Position" and "Vertical Position" pointers (without hotkey preset) and a few other missing pointers from original table and updated offsets
Dead Cells v31.3 - v3.CT
Fully Updated table for v31.3 - Boss Rush - V3 (see edit)
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Last edited by StinVec on Wed Nov 09, 2022 8:22 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Dead Cells (2021-04-26)

Post by Messy6666 »

very nice work tyvm +1

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Re: Dead Cells (2021-04-26)

Post by AlexS »

(Google translation)

To all. Please tell me what the timer in the lower right corner of the screen affects? Does the game process depend on his readings or only the statistics of passing game levels? I'm new to the game, so I don't know its features.

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Re: Dead Cells (2021-04-26)

Post by omgwut »

AlexS wrote:
Sat Nov 12, 2022 1:04 pm
(Google translation)

To all. Please tell me what the timer in the lower right corner of the screen affects? Does the game process depend on his readings or only the statistics of passing game levels? I'm new to the game, so I don't know its features.
It's to show how long your current run is, basically. The most notable thing it affects in the game are the Time Doors.

Explanation of Time Doors that I copy and pasted from the fan wiki:
"Time Doors appear in transition levels (levels that are in-between two biomes) and require the player to reach them before the timer has reached a specific benchmark, varying depending on which transition level the door is in. If a Time Door is not reached and opened within a set amount of time in a run, it will be locked and can't be opened, displayed by the door being chained & red in colour, with the Beheaded trying to kick down the door upon interacting with it. (If the Default Timer is enabled in the [Custom Mode] settings, then the time spent in the beginning area of The Prisoners' Cell, transition areas, shops, treasure rooms and lore rooms will not count towards Time Doors.)

Every Time Door will contain money (in form of gems and jewels), 20 cells, as well as a 3-choice item altar that consists of either 3 items or 2 items & 1 amulet. Some Timed Doors also contain a blueprint."

Other than that, I'm not sure if the timer directly affects anything else in the game.

TL;DR It's a speedrunner's timer (that freezes in certain areas). If you're fast enough, you can open a special door in-between levels for rewards.

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Re: Dead Cells (2021-04-26)

Post by AlexS »

(Google translation)

Thanks for the detailed answer, I understand. I need this information to test the timer script.

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Re: Dead Cells (2021-04-26)

Post by davontej333 »

hey can you update this table for update 32.1 like literally nothing works for it right now

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Re: Dead Cells (2021-04-26)

Post by AlexS »

Last edited by AlexS on Sat Jul 22, 2023 12:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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