So far I've managed to update a few options that I found needed offset updates if they were not working for others also.
Updated options for Steam v28.2 & GoG 1.18.2 (using Bakra's
v1013 updated table as its base)
EDIT - v3
- Updated "Stats Set to Massive?" offsets
Offset had been updated by a previous updater but only those in the player>character stats section, not in the scripts. Script now properly sets all three stats to 99.
- Updated "Stats Set to Min?" offsets
Offset had been updated by a previous updater but only those in the player>character stats section, not in the scripts. Script now properly sets all three stats to 1.
- ADDED "Max Health Set to Massive?" option
Health Massive option merely sets your current health to whatever your max health is. This option sets your max health to 999999. If both are enabled then your max health will be 999999 and your current health will match it.
- All previous update offsets still apply for the Steam 28.2 version as well as the GoG equivalent. Addresses/offsets seem to be the same in both.
- "Player Stats Boss Base Address Scan" is also still not updated. The difficulty in updating it was not due to my using GoG and it is still evading me in Steam. I suspect something changed with it due to the DLC updates. I have no experience with pointer finding so I'm still working on it.
- Also made notes for what each offset entry is in the "Beneficial Timers Set to Massive?" script (just notes, did not need to update anything)
EDIT - v2
- Updated "Skills Cooldown Set to 0?" offsets
The Boss Base Address I had updated was working, but I just entered into a challenge room and my active options stopped working. I finished the room and returned to the main level and they were active again. Challenge rooms seem to be affected by the boss address also.
I then got to a boss level and the options stopped working again for me. It would seem the Boss Base Address I had updated was incorrect or something else is at play that caused it to stop working for me. I'll try to see what is wrong and try to update it again.
- Updated "Invisibility Set to Massive?" offsets
- Updated "Cells Set to Massive?" offsets
- Updated "Forgotten Sepulcher Darkness Set to 0?" offsets (could use a retest to make sure I got the right offset as I was in and out of falling asleep in my chair when I was doing this one)
- Updated "Ammo & Health Flask Set to Massive?" offsets
- Included Angelisium's updated offsets for the two kills without being hit stats
There are still many options I haven't had time to check.
If anyone notices an option that does not work still, please note the option (and your game version too if possible) so that someone can try to update the option.