I've created a script to speed up level-up of the guiding place, just simply do anything that can increase the level of place and you will get the highest level you can get now.
How to use this cheat table?
Install Cheat Engine
Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
Keep the list.
Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
ok because monster hunter world devs decided to be jerks and scan the game so much and eat my cpu I'm releasing my bullet spoofer to the public please break the game with this
Works on LBG and HBG and as long as the bullet id exists you can use it enjoy and please break the game
WyvernHeart gun and wyvernsnipe bullet are my favorite combo but can lead to a disconnect from other players because you can do a lot of damage with this but might not matter if you have the CRC bypass on which is required now because they are being jerks
also this should be patch proof for a while as long as CRC bypass gets updated
Sharing is Caring.CT
Excuse me, what?! Break the game?! You should NOT be allowed to do any kind of modding if thats what your main intentions are for playing this game modified especially online. Listen buddy, most of us here are using these cheats and tables to basically gain back all of our stuff from console so we wouldnt have to grind for another 2000 hours, so if you are going to break your own game by all means, im not against that but do it OFFLINE!! Dont use these cheats online just because you have a grudge against the devs and Capcom! Monster Hunter World is one of the best games out there right now that has very little monitization and still gives content and updates without a cost to players! Respect that! cuz most of these other game devs need to take note that this is how a game is developed and done! Seems like you’re doing it for all the wrong reasons and will end up making Capcom implement even more anti-cheat measures so tread carefully my friend! Those of you who are looking to do it offline, the fearlessrevolution trainer is GREAT!! Only problem is the decos which i hope i can get from the tables on this forum!
Last edited by zerocoolrox on Mon Jan 13, 2020 11:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
ok because monster hunter world devs decided to be jerks and scan the game so much and eat my cpu I'm releasing my bullet spoofer to the public please break the game with this
Works on LBG and HBG and as long as the bullet id exists you can use it enjoy and please break the game
WyvernHeart gun and wyvernsnipe bullet are my favorite combo but can lead to a disconnect from other players because you can do a lot of damage with this but might not matter if you have the CRC bypass on which is required now because they are being jerks
also this should be patch proof for a while as long as CRC bypass gets updated
Sharing is Caring.CT
Excuse me, what?! Break the game?! You should NOT be allowed to do any kind of modding if thats what your main intentions are for playing this game modified especially online. Listen buddy, most of us here are using these cheats and tables to basically gain back all of our stuff from console so we wouldnt have to grind for another 2000 hours, so if you are going to break your own game by all means, im not against that but do it OFFLINE!! Dont use these cheats online just because you have a grudge against the devs and Capcom! Monster Hunter World is one of the best games out there right now that has very little monitization and still gives content and updates without a cost to players! Respect that! cuz most of these other game devs need to take note that this is how a game is developed and done! Seems like you’re doing it for all the wrong reasons and will end up making Capcom implement even more anti-cheat measures so tread carefully my friend! Those of you who are looking to do it offline, the fearlessrevolution trainer is GREAT!! Only problem is the decos which i hope i can get from the tables on this forum!
a quick description of what a bullet spoofer is say you have a normal shot then you change it to something else like say cluster ammo that's basically what it does use it how you see fit and idc if they add more anti cheat stuff to this game because if they do it will stop all these closet cheaters who think adding items into a game on a different platform isn't cheating call it what you like but at the end of the day they did this to a mostly single player game with out a lot of heavy hackers on the game and they pushed up the cpu requirements by doing so, so people who could barley run the game now cannot without modification like the CRC bypass to help regain some of the loss
Ok i agree that the Crc bypass is essential but your words seems to indicate that you wanted to “break the game” which can be interpreted a different way and i am highly against that. But i do understand now what you mean now!
Hey, I tried to use the CRC disabler from cal. Start up .exe > go start menu ingame, press ok and dont close the "Success" window. My goal was to reduce my CPU load from 100 to normal. Sadly it doesnt change anything, my load in task manager is still 100% regardless of zone. Also i disabled DX12
Specs are: Win 10, 9700k @5ghz 1,275V
Heavy Bowgun Full Mod Effect - your heavy bowgun will has all mod/attachment effect like recoil suppressor, shield, etc.
Full Augment Effect - any weapon you equip will be effected even though that weapon don't have any augmentation.
Augment Atk & Def - your weapon need atk & def augmentation or you can just activate Full Augment Effect script for this script to work.
Stamina Thief - give you stamina thief skill effect & enhanced that effect.
Part Breaker - give you part breaker skill effect & enhanced that effect.
Critical Boost - give you critical boost skill effect & enhanced that effect. I set the value to 990, if you feel that's too high for you, just edit the script.
All Elemental/Status Atk/Effect (Sequential) - I thought that I want to make a script that make your atk have all elemental/status effect but after looking at the game code, it's not feasible so instead, I just make the effect sequentially (one by one).I set the value to 5000, if you feel that's too high for you, just edit the script.
Slugger - give you slugger skill effect & enhanced that effect.
Tested on latest steam version...
All script take effect immediately after activation & vice versa...
Feels free to merge the table, enjoy
If you're still active, I humbly request an update to these, or maybe a tiny guide on how to update them.
I'm really not digging the across-the-board damage nerfs done to my favorite weapon, and this can balance it out a bit.
Hey, I tried to use the CRC disabler from cal. Start up .exe > go start menu ingame, press ok and dont close the "Success" window. My goal was to reduce my CPU load from 100 to normal. Sadly it doesnt change anything, my load in task manager is still 100% regardless of zone. Also i disabled DX12
Specs are: Win 10, 9700k @5ghz 1,275V
Is there some other prerequisite for it to work?
The crcdisabler kills 24 running threads and resets the CRC that the game is checking to report everything A-ok. It can't magically increase your CPU ability to run the game. You might gain some increase due to the threads being killed and the CRC is scanning smaller area, but that's not going to help your CPU if the game has increased the graphics load or other things.
If you can run trainers or scripts and the game doesn't crash, then the CRCBypass is "working" and doing what it's intended for.
I've created a script to speed up level-up of the guiding place, just simply do anything that can increase the level of place and you will get the highest level you can get now.
Where is the Guiding Place rank shown?
I have not played this game 200 hours, so likely I am nowhere near Master Rank or guided Place missions, or whatever..
I assume I cannot even try these missions out.
Is this shown somewhere, even on low level characters?
Heya Cal, just made an account to thank you for that CRC bypass, it dropped my ryzen 7 3700x temperatures by ten degrees. I was hovering between 75 and 80, now I'm between 65 and 70 degrees. That's actually quite incredible. Great work, really appreciate it!