Squall8 wrote: ↑Fri Jan 10, 2020 2:04 am
Also, I have started noticing some imperfections with stealthedit. It seems some checks still get through, but they are very few inbetween. And there is a disable issue with at least one of my injection points for invul, and I'm not sure what's causing it. Not to mention its just a damn hassle to work with.
It might be best to wait for Cal's bypass. I'll keep updating some stuff with stealthedit and see if I notice any of the same behavior, but it just doesn't seem like the best option right now.
As of right now, nothing in my old table will work. Whatever Marcus101RR said he updated in his table is the only thing working. I'll probably post whatever I got at the end of the night.
Game still has the hard-coded CRC checks. There are 58 of them. What was added in this version was resetting of VEH bp's to destroy any breakpoint, which people have already posted the SetThreadContext calls the game is doing which is essential part of VEH breakpoint process:
This is the second title I've come across lately that is doing this or similar to either detect VEH and crash game or to affect breakpointing.
At any rate, the second thing they added was 24 threads that are actively scanning at all times various sections of code. They run one after the next and then repeat, each one suspend then unsuspend the next one every 5 seconds or so.
MonsterHunterWorld.exe!Ordinal299+0x18f25c0 <--- this is example, but they are all similar
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+18F25C0 - E9 2BD7231D - jmp MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FCF0 <-- thread starts here but jumps to code
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FCF0 - 48 8D 64 24 F8 - lea rsp,[rsp-08]
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FCF5 - 48 89 2C 24 - mov [rsp],rbp
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FCF9 - 48 83 EC 08 - sub rsp,08 { 8 }
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FCFD - 48 89 1C 24 - mov [rsp],rbx
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD01 - 48 8D AC 24 B8F0FFFF - lea rbp,[rsp-00000F48]
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD09 - 41 53 - push r11
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD0B - 44 89 D8 - mov eax,r11d
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD0E - 67 45 8D 9B B8EFFFFF - lea r11d,[r11-00001048]
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD16 - 44 29 D8 - sub eax,r11d
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD19 - 4C 8B 1C 24 - mov r11,[rsp]
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD1D - 48 89 04 24 - mov [rsp],rax
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD21 - 48 8D 05 37BEE703 - lea rax,[MonsterHunterWorld.exe+229ABB5F] { (72) }
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD28 - FF E0 - jmp rax
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD2A - 66 45 31 DB - xor r11w,r11w
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD2E - 66 44 0B 5D 9C - or r11w,[rbp-64]
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD33 - 41 53 - push r11
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD35 - 49 F7 D3 - not r11
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD38 - 49 81 CB 0000FFFF - or r11,FFFFFFFFFFFF0000 { (603232512) }
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD3F - 4C 21 1C 24 - and [rsp],r11
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD43 - 41 5B - pop r11
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD45 - 66 41 81 C3 6C2E - add r11w,2E6C { 11884 }
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD4B - F9 - stc
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD4C - 66 44 87 5D 9C - xchg [rbp-64],r11w
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD51 - 52 - push rdx
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD52 - 4C 8D 1D 232EA900 - lea r11,[MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1F5C2B7C] { (429850624) }
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD59 - 48 8D 64 24 F8 - lea rsp,[rsp-08]
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD5E - 4C 89 14 24 - mov [rsp],r10
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD62 - 49 FF CB - dec r11
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD65 - 49 81 D3 11AC7183 - adc r11,FFFFFFFF8371AC11 { (0) }
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD6C - 49 8D 93 EF538E7C - lea rdx,[r11+7C8E53EF]
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD73 - 49 F7 D2 - not r10
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD76 - 4C 21 14 24 - and [rsp],r10
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD7A - 4C 8B 14 24 - mov r10,[rsp]
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD7E - 48 83 C4 08 - add rsp,08 { 8 }
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD82 - 4D 89 D3 - mov r11,r10
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD85 - 4C 33 1A - xor r11,[rdx]
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD88 - 49 D1 DB - rcr r11,1
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD8B - 4C 13 12 - adc r10,[rdx]
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD8E - 49 D1 DA - rcr r10,1
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD91 - 48 8B 14 24 - mov rdx,[rsp]
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD95 - 4C 89 34 24 - mov [rsp],r14
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FD99 - 4C 8D 35 A6881B01 - lea r14,[MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1FCE8646] { (0) }
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FDA0 - 4D 01 DA - add r10,r11
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FDA3 - 41 56 - push r14
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FDA5 - 48 81 0C 24 7AE5A1CC - or qword ptr [rsp],FFFFFFFFCCA1E57A { (0) }
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FDAD - 49 81 E6 7AE5A1CC - and r14,FFFFFFFFCCA1E57A { (0) }
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FDB4 - 4C 03 34 24 - add r14,[rsp]
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FDB8 - 48 8D 64 24 08 - lea rsp,[rsp+08]
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FDBD - 4D 8B 9E 861A5E33 - mov r11,[r14+335E1A86]
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FDC4 - 4C 8B 34 24 - mov r14,[rsp]
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FDC8 - 48 89 0C 24 - mov [rsp],rcx
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FDCC - 49 8D 8B 90000000 - lea rcx,[r11+00000090]
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FDD3 - 56 - push rsi
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FDD4 - 48 8D 31 - lea rsi,[rcx]
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FDD7 - 48 81 EE 1A162FC5 - sub rsi,FFFFFFFFC52F161A { (0) }
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FDDE - 48 83 EC 08 - sub rsp,08 { 8 }
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FDE2 - 48 89 04 24 - mov [rsp],rax
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FDE6 - 48 8D 86 1E162FC5 - lea rax,[rsi-3AD0E9E2]
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FDED - 48 05 2C23B98E - add rax,FFFFFFFF8EB9232C { (0) }
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FDF3 - 8B 88 D4DC4671 - mov ecx,[rax+7146DCD4]
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1EB2FDF9 - 58 - pop rax
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+19C2260D - 49 81 EE E370A2AB - sub r14,FFFFFFFFABA270E3 { (0) }
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+19C22614 - 49 8B 96 E370A2AB - mov rdx,[r14-545D8F1D]
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+19C2261B - 4C 8B 34 24 - mov r14,[rsp]
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+19C2261F - 48 83 EC F8 - sub rsp,-08 { 248 }
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+19C22623 - 48 83 C4 08 - add rsp,08 { 8 }
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+19C22627 - E9 FF4DAF06 - jmp MonsterHunterWorld.exe+2071742B
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+19C2262C - 41 56 - push r14
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+19C2262E - 48 01 D0 - add rax,rdx
MonsterHunterWorld.exe+19C22631 - C3 - ret
So this is 24 scanners, only one of which is working at any time, that are scanning the .exe over and over. Seems to be about 1.2-3.5 % of the total CPU usage of the game, so it definitely adds CPU processing cost to be scanning like this, but that's the nature of today's games, I guess. Throw a thread or three that are chewing up CPU cycles to scan the .exe constantly.
58 hard coded scanners, 24 thread scanners. Twice the work each patch, and differing code necessary.
At any rate, I've updated the bypass and will post momentarily.
You still need to manually bypass SetThreadContext to be able to breakpoint if you are reversing the game, but this allows you to write onto the game .exe in live memory without scanners/CRC crashing the game, like before.
Posting in a few mins.