Hello Lads, just a quick Question.
I dunno why but i wont get max items (+investigations) anymore. Yesterday in the morning it worked everything fine.
Maybe i'm just stupid or i dunno ^^
Inf Stamina
Inf Item Use
Inf Slinger Ammo
Max Sharphness
Easily Break Monster Parts
All Monsters Shown on Map
Maxed Slots
HR Exp Multiplier
Weapon Buffs
(pox911's) - Inf Gathering
(dec1337's) - Unlimited Barrel Placements
(seikur0's) - selected weapon
and (Marcus101RR's) - Set Item Box Quantity
Max Attemps (Investigations)
Get/Set Max Carry Item
Appreciate when some can tell me if i am completely stupid or just braindead
Thx Guys <3