Thanks to everyone for getting things working with the latest update. Does anyone know if it's possible to add the Dragon Soul Kinsect to the Character Editor list so we can add it to our inventory? It's originally only given as a one-time quest reward. It doesn't show up in the Kinsect list currently.
Ah, I misread your post. Well there is an issue with it anyways when switching mantles while having one already equipped will cause removability issues.
im following you guys on how tos .. but now im lost ... mines is working fine .. there are some issues with some of the scripts not activating but over all .. im happy with the results ... if all fails .. and u want luna new armor sets or behemoth .. just go and grab the mods for the weapons 2x buffs and the armor all dec 3x buffs and just run high stats on ur character .. along with the 5min limit mantle mod and equip the temporal mantle and beat behemonth ..a few times then use the "give item quanity" cheat and get 5k items .. save game .. quit... then take mods off .. go back into game ..and make all the armor sets u want .. .lol thats my get around if anyones having the same issues as me.
Ah, I misread your post. Well there is an issue with it anyways when switching mantles while having one already equipped will cause removability issues.
In a future update would it be possible to work your target health overlay into the table please? Just so that I don't have to mess around with stealthedit and merging tables
All future updates will be done on this post, so Squall doesn't have to update the link every time I update the damn thing.
Busy with other games stuff, so updates won't exactly be punctual.
Dec 25, 2018
Dropdown lists updated to include all current items (and some of the upcoming stuff such as the Bristly Crake Hammers)
Added Behemoth to Monster Stats.
Added Small Monster Kills to Monster Stats.
Added Endemic Life entries.
Nov 30, 2018
The problem with the Character Editor failing to initialize properly has been identified, and has been fixed.
Lunastra has been added to Monster Stats.
[Link] by vosszaa
Thank you for this amazing table!
Out of curiosity however, I'd like to ask how come there is no azure starlord armors in the list?
What should i change for the code in Marcus's script (set item box quantity) from 450 to 15
cause preset will chg box item to 450 , but i just want to set to to 15 or smt else